Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 08 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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way on Jul y 20, suffering spi nal damage tha t ha s left him p aral yzed from th e ches t down. Sandoz' friends have created a home page where frie nd s and fellow racer s can offer su p port. The site can be fou nd at the follo wi ng ad dress: http:/ / uz. A fund -rai sin g au ctio n and party will be held for the Wegman Ben efit Fun d on Saturday, Sept ember 20 at Grattan Raceway in Gra tta n, Mich igan, in co njunction wi th the GLRRA road races. Fo r more informati on , call 414/871-5682. FM F will offer su pport at the Lor etta Lynn 's Amateur MX Nationa l. In addition to ha ving a full staff of eng ine and sus pe ns ion techn icia ns, FMF w ill also have a full lin e of prod ucts a vaila ble. Fo r more in for ma ti o n , call 3 10/ 5396884. J eff Emig, Rya n H ughes , Budd y Ant unez and Phil Law rence will snowboard with snowboard ca m p e rs i n Mou nt H ood , Oregon, on July 29 , thanks to a promo tion put toget her by Innovation Snowboards. The mo tocross sta rs w ill snowboard with the campers and then attend a n a u tog ra ph session . For mo re information, call 714 / 859 4407. AMA Grand Na tional Promot er Chris Agajanian has released information pertaining to the offici al hotels for his 1997 West Coast GNC events. The race hotel for th e Sacram en to M ile will be Th e Executive Inn, 9 16/929- 5600 . The Orleans Hot el & Casino (888/365-7111) will be th e hos t hot el for the ne w Las Veg as Half M ile . There are tw o choices fo r th e Del Mar Mile, th e De l Mar H il ton (6 19/792- 5200) a n d the Bes t Western 's Stra tford Inn (616/755-1501). . Agajanian also said th at tickets for Del Mar are schedu led to go on sale at the end of Jul y. Bikers who haun t Los Angeles' fam ou s Sunse t Strip were mourning the loss of th e Thund e r Ro adhou se, a tre n dy show -biz biker hangout w hich wa s gu tted by fire on Wedn""day, Jul y 24. The bla ze did more than $500,000 in damage to th e ea te ry , destroyin g m an y m otor cycl e co llec ti b les, in cludin g a 1920 India n th at se rved as th e res tauran t's cen terp iece . The Thu nder Road house is co-owned by Mi chael Eise nbe rg, actors Dennis Hopper and Peter Fo n da , a nd co u n try s i nge r DWi ght Yoaka m. Accord ing to a press release issued. by Vicky jackscn- Bell . the NASB 125 cc Gra nd Prix racer is no longer raci ng for Sil v er man Museum Ra cing . "Vi cky would like to thank ex-SMR crew chief Jere my Daniel for his su ppo rt over the past I 0 months," the release sa id . "Jeremy returned to England this last weekend . Vicky ,,;11 race the rest of the '9 7 season u nder her fam ilia r 74 number. Tony Bell, Vicky's hu sban d, will continue to look after her bike. Vicky will be at Elkha rt Lake for round five of the HRC In ternat ion a l GP by ld emi tsu w ith a d esire to imp rov e o n her ' 97 results, now tha t it is possible to focu s on her goals." Silverman Museum Racing a lso fie lds 125cc G P Champion Masahiro Iizuka. A journa list Legend s ca r ra ce will be held on Frid ay, Au gu st I, to kick off th e Ch rysler Tust in Thunder races at th e Marine Co rp base in Tus tin, Californ ia. Amu ng those d riving in the race is freelance journali st and former AMA 250cc Gra nd Prix race r N ick Ienatsch . Th e wee kend ' s r acin g s che d u le features IRRA ca rs , Ca n-Am vintage ca rs a nd Legends. BO RN : Mich ael Thomas, to long tim e Cycle NI!WS contributors An ne and Tom Van Bevere n, in Van Nu ys, California , on Jul y 23. BOR N: Ra vce Willia m , to . fo rme r OMRRA president Janice Loga n and her husband, N orm Rindal , o n Jul y 16 in Aloha, Oregon . CO RRECTION: The Ho nda CR750 tha t Dick Mann demonstrated at the AMA Vin tage Mo torcycle Day' in O h iu o n July 12-13 was pro vided by th e Barber Vintage Mo tors po rts Museum in Birmingham, Alabama, and not by Heri tage Ho nda Racin g, as we reported in last week's issue . O PEN ED: Vict ory Mo torcycl es' home pa ge on th e World Wide Web. The site can be fou nd at th e followin g add ress: http:/ / wWw.victory-u m. CO R RECTIO N : T he Rije ka circu it where Ducati tested pri o r to the Laguna Se ca ro und of th e Wo rld Su p e rb i ke Champion ship is located in the Republic of Croatia, a nd not in Yugoslavia, as we reported. Rijeka last played host to the Yugoslavian G rand Prix in 1990. NA ME D : Mu Z of North Ame rica Inc., Honda signs FMF for .125cc race team A merican Ho nda signed a contract with FMF Racing o n Jul y 25 tha t will see the Harbor Cit v-based aftermarket compa ny run the facto ry's 125cc Easte rn a nd Western Supercross teams as well as the uut door Motocr oss effort for the 1998 seaso n. Th e team, to be managed by fo rmer Na tio na l a n d Wo r ld C ha m p io n Dan ny LaPorte (a id ed by a support staff of so me 10 people), will cons ist of four rid ers - two for each region of the Su pe rcross series, wh ile all fuu r will contest the outdoor Nationals: The FMF 12Scc team ,,; 11 be traveling to all rounds in its own semi -trailer tru ck, though still working closely wi th Honda itself. Ride rs for the team have yet to be announced, although Scott Sheak is a likely cand idat e. "We have talked with so me rid ers, but we just signed the contract and we will be announcing the field soon," FMf's Donnie Emler said . And wha t kind of support wi ll Honda be offering the new tea m ? 'The tea m is basically the 12Scc factory team," Emler sa id . "Ho nda will be offering factory parts a nd will be working with our engi ne a nd suspension departments to develop se ttings for each rid er . The bikes will be completely tuned and built by FMF, but Honda will have an influ ence in the project. " a s th e officia l impo rt e r of Laverda m o torcycles . Mu Z of Nor th A m erica is located in Ormond Beach, Flo rid a . For mo re info rma ti o n , ca ll 904 / 6761056. R ES CH ED UL ED: The Wa sh ouga l, Washing ton, round of the Works / Evolution of Motocross Series sched uled for Au gu st 16 w ill no w be held in Mamm oth Mountai n, California, on Augu s t 10. For more informa tion, call 619/669- the vin tage Del Ma r M il e . Fo r m ore informa tion, call 619/ 299-9222. OPEN ED : The Alex Criville Su pport Page on the Wo rld Wide Web. The site can be found at the followi ng address: http:/ / /Criville /Han g l.html. Fa ns ca n u se the s ite to co rrespond wi th Criville, who is reco ve ring from a serious hand inju ry suffe red d uring qua lifying for the Dutch Grand Prix on Jun e 27. 6845 . CO RRECDON: The correct ad d ress for J&K Raceway' s home page on the World Wide Web is as follo ws: http:/ / members .t ripod .corrr/ - JRies enberg / tru esdale.htm OPENED: Duke Video's ho me page on the World Wide Web . The site can be fo u nd at th e fo llowi ng a d dres s: http:/ / CANCELED: The October 10 running of O PENED: Int ern at io nal Mot orcycle XCha nge's hom e page on the Wo rld Wid e Web. The site can be found at the following add ress: http:/ / BORN: Samant ha Daniel le, to FMF's . Kare n Cristy and her hu sband, Skip , on June 23 in Ha rbor Cit y, Californ ia. O P EN HO US E: At Co ro na H o n d a Kawa saki in Co ro na , Ca li fo r n ia, on Au gus t 9. For m o re inf or ma tio n, ca ll 909/ 735-2030. 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