Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Left) Chris Cooley dom inated the 250cc Interm ediate aetion at carlsbad Racewa y MX. (Abo ve, left to right) Mike Faria, Bobby SChwartz, Steve Lucero and Andy Northrup mix It up at th e inaugu ral The Track At Victorville Speedw ay, at th e former Speedway USA f acili ty. Sch wartz won It. Wei..·"iblin gs Rya n a nd Chris Cooley dominated the race acti on at th e Racing Enterprisesp ro m o te d mo tocros s ra c!;'s a t the legend ar y Carls bad Rac eway . Ryan. on s u m m er break from Ari zona Stat e University aboa rd his FMF Yama ha YZl 25, wrapped up his vaC'a ti on in sty le by s w ee pin g both motos in t he 12Scc Bt>oginntT C' la ~~ aboard his FMF Yama ha VZl25. " I ha ve to go back to summer school on Mon day," Ryan said. '1bis is a pretty tangy wa y to wra p up my vaca tio n.... Big br other Chris, me an while, sh owed the 250cc Int ermediate class th e ba ck side of hi s FMF Kawa saki KX250 with a pair of resounding win 5. "I wa~ hoping that we would get matched. up with the Pr o classes today," Chris said. "I wanted to set" how I'd match up again st Willy Musgrave." But there would be no such luck, as the 250cc Intermediates started on the seco nd gate beh ind " the Pro classes . As Coo ley ran away with bot h mota wins w ith rela ti ve ease , th e re was litt le dou bt tha t he had the speed to ru n with Vet Proc1 a~~ wi n ne r Musg rave .. Coole y s n a red t h e holeshor in each moto a nd outdis ta nced Suzuki rider Bob Zingg Jr. in both motes. Each time ou t, Coo ley dosed the ga p on the first-g ate Pros" and served no tice that his time is comi ng. Ryan Coo ley, meanwhile, had his way with th e 12Scc Beg in n er cla ss . Ev en t ho u gh h e d wa rfed his borrowed. YZl25, Cooley made it look like chi ld 's pla yas he trounced th e en tire field o( Beginner'S- 250cc riders included. Suzuki rider Kevi n Jennings was a dista nt second in both mut us. Tea m Hon da' s Johnny Ca m pbell pro ved that he's as fast on a motocros s course as he is in the open desert. Mount ed aboard a Honda XR400R. Campbell thumped his way to both 500cc Pro moto w ins, ah ead o ( Ka wasaki Tea m G reen rider Pau l Kra use, yet anoth er o ff-roa d hero . An other Ca m pbell, Jami e, nabbed thir d aboa rd another XR400R. Results IIOBF.C,; I.K.::ony Sr:ivrnCY.amI; 2. Tiff... y HoltmAn ~aml.3. C rt150 ry ' o no (5)lz ); 4. Ad ...m Sho ldct (V..m); S. C he r Nl.I.!um un. tsuz.J. !IO JR: 1. Dumy !l.4nhr (Hon l. iy ..n Cool.." ev. m); 2. kt'Yi n J....niT ev.t.m J; 3 r . Kl a ev..m ); Ii. Srotl St..... m ; 2. Moll< c.lbgar CHon); 3. ~br" H.., 0' .11'; . IUd... S!tow.. (5uzJ ; S Rub R.nwtt (K.wl U ) 4(}+ MSTR.. I. Rich Ei...ted l ty.. m); 2. c.ry 'onn (l lon l; 3. Alan 0I»0n (YII"'); 4. P...uJ VOK ,.", (Y.t. ); S. ~e KohJn d m (k..t. l. w 50+ l''T·I . Oftua loaombftg ( (]i~~(k.t.wl: 3. SU-V.. 0.__ < ..I; • . Ot.,- C.I~ (Suz); S. Oo.d P..... (!CAw ). Ho MST1t 1. 8mcl ~ (Y.t.mJ; 2. Jody OJon); 3. HonI: Lntrw:r~; 4. UtI')' Popp (5uz); 5. TIIJI, Dhly(Yam). VET BIiC: 1. RUMdl StraW-wI (k..t. ); 2. DDnc.yo Qion); l . w so.. ~Con.m (lUw l; Ii c.rt FoI..y (K.l w); IIj DDn Mohr' ( Hon) VEt' JR: 1. Jeff Gra y (lion); 2. M.-ty rrmo !K.t.w); 3. VIctor Padilla (Koiw) ; 4. Marir. McKdIop (Honl; S. Tom MeIIoIl'(Hon). VET lfI,;'T l nan Sdmoudl.. (lion); 2. Jtm Henn OCTM). 3. : Bryan Danid (Suz);4 . Roa.La_ (Hon);S. Man: Croaby (k.t.w l. VETI"RO: 1. Willy M~", Ginnl. Victorvi lle c10S4..'CI. its gates to join the tracks at GteI\ Helen an d Perris as a pp aren t memo ries . But und er the guidance of a new own er, former motocross legend Goat Brek er, Speedway USA now called 'The Track At Victorvill e"- mad e a triu mpha nt comeback as a pa cked. house tu rned ou t on the Fourt h of July tl? see fireworks both on and off the track as speedway made its return to the high desert. Bobby "Boog aloc" Schw artz mad e his return count as he won the scra tch main even t in an exciti ng ba tt le with his arch rt v al, cu rre nt National Cha m pion St eve "Bad Boy " Lu_ cero. The pair carne ou t of th e starting gate side by side, wi th Lucero on the insid e and Schw artz on the out side, and the pair stayed tha t way for most of the race. Finally, Sch wartz wa s able to gnin sdm e ground as they carne ou t of the tinal com er , and. he ou td ragged Lucero to the finis h lin e . "Flyi n' Mike" Fa ria fi n ish ed thi rd , and And y No rthru p was fou rth . Pau l Binnquist took th e ea rly lead in his first Handicap main event, onl y to hav e the red flag fly w hen a bobble by Jim Estes forced Faria into the infield . Binnquist go t th e jump agai n on the restart, bu t his mor e experienced competition soo n reeled him in. with Rick Pearce taking th e lead a nd. holding on to take the win o ve r Faria , Estes, "Rad Brad " Ox ley , Binnquist and "Fast Eddie" Castro , who apparen tly forgot to tu m his gas on a nd dropped too far b ack to reco ver . In th e Side ca r main event, Duane Carmont a~d Richard Tatting raced sid e by side with Rand y McIntyre and Jeff Medberry, until Mcln tyr e /Medberry sp u n and co llected Ca rmont/ Tarling and Jeffery Ca rr / Mike Moreno. On the res ta rt, Mcintyr e a nd Medberry look the lead but. two laps tat er, Carmont and Tarling spun and 5to1lll;'(l on th e tra ck, bringing ou t the red . Cannont and Tarting were forced. to restart from th e pena lty li ne as Mcintyre a nd Medbe rry again took th e lead, wi th Ca rr ilnd Moreno cha.1. Im ging. Ca rmo nt and Tarling had just worked their way int o thi rd whe n, on the fina l com er . th ey spu n o ut and C Olle<:tL I. Chr is Jon es and G len 'C McCl e llan . Mci nt yre a nd Med berry won tht" race, with Ca rr and Mor eno seco nd. Jon es and McCl ellan t h ir d , and Carmont a nd Tarl in g droppCOred victo·rieo on both the short track and TI. AnSt"lmi timed the ~tarter in la....

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