Winsett wins Trail-Way ST
Cobbs conquer CRC MX
By Len Breech
By Greg Robertson
Making his fmot start at Tra il-Way Speedway in
almo st a yea r, Tod d W in sett ' s wins in t he
Sportsman and 600cc Pro final s led a group of
riders who posted double wins. Roy Miller wo n
the 250 and 600cc A finals for the second ma-t in
a row. w hitt" Frankie Locke took the 50cc OilInjected and SOcc (7-8) classes.
After Winsett loo ked a little rus ty in the heat
races, his tuners, Uncles Jt..'S.~ and Rick. went to
wo rk an d corrected .a few thin gs. Winsett then
jum ped in front of Ken Yoder. Georgi e Pri ce and
Brothers will be broth ers. They walk alike, they
talk alike, they ride the same brand of bike - and
so m et im es th ey even use identica l scores to
claim overall wins , M demonstra ted by Bob and
Tim Cobb. who each wen t 2·1 for the 60cc and
&lee Beginner wins, respectively, at Los Angeles
Co u nty Ra cew ay durin g Califo rnia Racing
O ub's Sctturday night motocross.
Whe n th e gat e d ropped in the fir st 60cc
Beg inn e r race, it was Bub Cobb pu lli ng the
ho lesho t ove r BradJ y Hatchitt and Jesse Little.
(Lell) Roy Miller
(81A) topped Bob
Sweeten (82) and
J im Hollister (1) In
the 600cc A class at
Ihe Trail-Way
Speedway In
(Above) TImmy
Ritzier won I he Pee
Wee Su per Si oc k
class at the CRC
Saturday night
motocross in
Palmdale, California.
Joh n Winsett Jr. at th e star t of the Sportsman
final and held on to the lead, while his cou sin
john ba ttled Yoder for seco nd. joh n Winsett Jr.
took the position from Yode r on the thi rd lap.
with Price following him by Yoder a s well. After
ho lding off the semiretired ationa1 competitor
for several laps, John Winsett Jr. succumbed to
the charges of Pri ce o n the o u tsid e of tum one
on the fift h la p . But Pri ce ran out of th e laps
needed to ca tch Todd Wins ett. an d settled fo r
Bu oyed by his co nfidence-b uild ing w in,
Todd WinM"tt again jumped ou t in front of the
pa ck in th e 600cc Pro final Price followed. wi th
Yoder lead ing John W i n.~ Jr. and Sr. The posi tions nev er cha ng ed to the checkers. as Todd
Winsett was able to p ull abo ut half a stra igh taway' s lead by the finish.
RUlity Evt.'s bri ... fly h...ld tht' 250cc A lead, but
Roy MiUer, this tim e riding the injured Donnie
Mulltm's Honda. took th e lead do wn th... back
stra ight. wi th JOt' Zyd in.'lky. Rich Mellinger and
Jim Haa s fightin g Eves for second . Zydinsky
took second on the third lap. with Mellinger and
Haas getti ng around Eves for third an d fourth.
n'Spt>Ctively, at the halfway po int. In the dosing
laps . Mellin ger ..ppli t.'d pressure to Zyd insky for
seco nd. but came up shor t.
Bob SWlX c n gra bbed the bOOcc A class from
th e ABBA ~r v i ces /Mill er C y c1 es- s po nso r~
Rot ax of Mill er, with Dall as Baer and Over 30
win ner Jim Hollis ter cI ~ behind . Afte r a few
laps, Baer dropped back several lengths. On the
s ixth la p, MifIer went und er SWf;.'\;'te n for the
lead as they enterOO th p first tum . and hel d on to
th e checkers .
50 (4-6): I. Brandon ~ (Am: 2. Cad", Wil'l~ (KTM);
3. I"f fUldt-m..n (A ct); . flnan ~Muro OCTM); s. R.ilyStiIlWf'{( m
so (7·8): 1. Frankk l.odc.e (Lfln ); 2. John Lc-wia V (Lnn); ).
Chl'1lI ShAnkn (lion); -t. Bryan~'" (Yam); S. K.&y LHd CHon).
2SO A' 1 Rtoy ~hlltor (Han ); 2. Ja. Zydinooky (Hon); 3 . RJdl
M eD.inKcr (YAm); • . Jim 1lA.Aa oc.w l; 50 Ru..l:y E,," (Y..,").
~ S o I . Conoy Hormn (H OII'll; 2. Ken GodWIn (Y..m ); J .
AMon HumpluYy (}ion); . David Smith (1Yw); S. &n- M~
600 A ; 1. Roy Miller r,); 2. C~'Urp
IXTM>; 3.
)(om Yod", ' RbI. ; • . JohnWinKtll,. (Ktx); S. John Wi.....-tt Sr . (Rbd.
7SO: 1. Todd StIth (Tn); 2. JIm C h.&p"""n ITn);3. BriAn Eddw1
30...; 1. JimI loIIiMrr (RbI. ; 2. Bub SwI"'rtn1I Rbi); 3. John IInJ. .
dcnon (Rbi);" , JimCN pmIln (Rtx): S. Ed
Ilyd~ {Rtx).
Sl'TSM N: 1. Todd Wi.....'" (Rl'1l); 2.
john WI~ Jr. (RbI:); 4 J(ftI Vodll!'l" (RbI: ).
Price (Kl'M); 3.
Co bb' s r eign la sted a cou p le of laps before
Ha tch itt mo tored. past. Cobb ke p t Hatch itt in
sigh t-for the rema ind er of the race. for a secondpla ce finish ahead of Little.
Cobb got the jump on the field agai n as moto
two began. Little ran second , followed by Bobby
Hesse, Scott DeCoste and Riley Harper. Hatchitt
d idn 't hav e a good opening lap an d would ha ve
to figh t hi ~ wa y up fro m last p lace . Cobb was
ab le to string together eight good laps in a row
on his KX60 to gr ee t the ch ec ke rs first Little
crossed the line'in second a comfortable distance
a head of H e s ~ fo r the sf!umd -place tro p hy .
Hatchitt charged all mot a to finish fourth and a
credible third overall
Suzuki~mounted Mike Epst ein was untouch·
able in the first 80cc &>ginnt!'r moto. going wire
to w ire for th e win. Tim Cobb s tay ed withi n
stri king ran ge of Epl'itein for the first haJf of th e
race, until Epl'itein up ped the pa ce an d pu llPd.
aw ay . Mitchell Alsobrook ran a consis tent third
throughout th e m o ta to finish in tha t pos ition.
ah ead of Chris Eppe r and n Zamrzla.
Eps tein got a nother good star t to lead Cob b
and Alsobrook in round two. Cobb was an over
Epstein. but had to wa it Wltil lap lO U: to fma lly
gct arou nd him for the lCild. Cobb kept Eps tein
at ba y for th e har d-fought win. Alsobrook finished thi rd again over Eppe r.
Timmy Ritz Ier rud e his RR / Sla mi n
Mo~orsports-backed Lem to a two- mo ta l'wCE'P
of the Pee Wee Superst ock (7·9 ) class . A.Co Jolley
finished: secn nd in moto one but did not finish
round two, hand ing the second -p lace tro phy to
Pres ton Lund in with ~2 finis. e5.
Team Gr een's Sean Co llier ran away with
both 80cc (7 - 11) moto wins . Anthony Barbdcovi
held off Dave Carter for second in both races.
Scott Ho we wa s equall y im pres sive in the
80cc 0 2-13) class, dominating bo th mot os over
Shan. Smith and Riley Il; 2. Shy ~ I5u.t}; J.
LaV~~ (l(,w).
JR VET N(N ; I . A..f AluM ( Iirw'o)
VET BEG; 1. M.n !Je-, 0' ....); 2. BrioIn MnriII ( lion); J .
fnnlr. Ar.. ~ki ( K..a ); • . Ray RitzkT (Yam); S. ~y ICopC'cky
VET NOV · 1. JoM knight" (Hon ); 2. ~
S.and- (V .l.rn); 3
j,l.;- Milln (Yam).
VET INT: 1. en- Trilo (Hon); 2. Edw.anto Trippo Qion): J.
jftry Aahn' Qion); • . Karl AllaI (Hon).
2SO BEC , 1. Du.ty N.. bor (Y.. m ); 2. ,,.on C.
W~ (Kawl; 3 .
CoIhn B.UITLfoUd O'.w.
2SO NOV: , . Ryall W~ C5u%); 2. Brian
.l. Mid\ad HuB (Suz).
~ tNT: I . Nk\ M..m-- (Y.. m ) .
500 BEG; 1 . JUI\I1i~ ullk-lSuLl.
SR AM: 1. Mi~ Mc:C.«ac.....);2. Rae Bnw.Jn(Hun).
SRU: 1 . lW.ndy~ tY"II1';2.JadtGi1I (HonJ:J, Norm
SdU.l. ( HorI); • . learl AlJo.on (Han); S. ~ a...n. (Sou).
NOV : 1. ""nk n..+.y (linn )
OtT AM; 1. Rir.:hoord n.... (Y.. ml.
OIT EX: 1. H~fb AlIMl (K......); 2. Qa ry Will oon ( ; J .
ChArln How ell (
O/T MSTR A: , . learl AiWn ( Han); 2. Sc.- Cbrk lSuz>
O IT MSTK e o 1. 5<'ull Frrrm.. n (H un); 2. Mib Ch .."bro
(Hon); 3. Bob OUn ....m (Yam) ; " . Nunn Schiel Oicm).
tIU (7· 1I): J. Br..ndon Layton (Y", ); 2. j Ull n Keeney tK.iwl;J.
(Su ,d .
(y . m); • . A; • . Kdvyn CoJ,r (K.iw ); 5. Tun ~ Qion).
250 C: 1. J......... Alk-n ( ); 2. J"''O(>I1 CroM IK. w ); 3. Tod d
Wolf kln); • . MidI.d Daugbrrty a-ton>; 5. Ron WJl1i5 lon).
250 0: 1. c...~ s.tur (Y.. m ); 2. 8oI.ny So"IIcn (; 3.
CJwWy (1iorV; • • Cun. 1.N (lion); 5. Jun SWNJ..n-Oion.l.
:zs. AlB : , . Terry H.aInr-. OYw); 2. M,k~ H_
( I(." w);
J. ,.,. J.acUon (Y.. m); • . Tim £'hillia CSuz); S. Brad Ftnnn cs..z).
2S+ C: 1. Todd WoU Q--Ion.); :z. Eric AblMrom (SuL) :). CNdWIdr. W..~(Y,ml: 4. tlna n ~pft ••• Diovid ~ (J-b,); S. Rir:h.anI: (J-b,).
40. A: 1. Michad PaT)' lSuz); 2. Jury Ebm: ( K.r.w ); 3. Crq
Rodgers (Hon); " Cut a-twd< OCIM); 5. Teny l. t-larn..- Sr.
40+ 8. 1. Lon TruI.up (Y....,) ;2.
fugAte (K,w); J. joImn
f>t'tenon ()(.awl: 4 Jcny MilIez- (l<.&w ); JohnMeuaIin&: (lC.I ) .
.w... C: I. DllV1dOW'rKkr (Y.. m); 2. ~ McAI~ tHonJ;3.
Bill OmJgtwny m on); • j~f~ I(jq,lnR~r IICTM); 5. Mi<" -I
8TH : 1. Iwtin lJom,a,n (Bon); 2. Wade Prtcn (Y.. m); J. )df CHonJ; • • GarTrtt SoIlur (Y.aml: 5. Keath Ford (K.i....).
OrEN BIC: 1. Mlr:NeI Smith (I(TM); 2. J.IrI'IrS Milk!' CHonI: J,
Krn P..lf.... l .... (; . DIIyid Schmid U k",); 5. uri Clwdwrl
Resu lts
50 /4-6) 0 I. J.-,ri, ~ UC
ThO; 2. '\I"'II:ln Milk rt..m).
.50(7-8): 1.SNn AtlpnId QCTMl;2. TyWrViIlopok.(Knf}; ).
Mik1.u Hecht (Cob ); • . Jriffty ~ (10M): 5. Cory CMtk
60 17-&1: 1. C u y Tow (l<.1I w); 2. 5tul wn Haborlod: (K.lIw 3.
o..nill'1 lrvy (IC
......); . Bry ..n Pl'fTy ( K...... ; 5 Ry ",n Villopol o
60 (Q.l n J. Ju,rtn ICHorwy IK.iw) ; 2. Todd N~!IOn (Suz ); 3 .
JU.. lulu...., (K.owl; • . Kyk- Pachm.oyr (K.l w); s. M.....m W..t... m
nd. Wei senberg an d la Rue
kept th t"ir po . ition to the chec kers , as a lot of
shake-ups occu rred behind th em; With Aaron
t laa by sneaking into third and Marty McGovern
finishing fou rth. ahead of Jus tin Miller .