Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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:i AHRMA Speed &Sport Vintage M XSeries, Round 13: Carls By Donald J. McGregor CARLSBAD, CA, jULYU . intage motocross fans from as far away as England converged on Ca rlsbad raceway to witness the annual AHRMA National and the much-anticipated hal ftim e "Legend s of Motocross " race, Iea turing som e of the top names fr om the gold e n age of motocross. And with so many for mer pro racers on hand , you had to figur e a few of them wouldn't be able to resist the temptation of ju m p ing in to a few "extra " classes. Excitement cam e early, thanks to the blasts-from-the-pa st "Rocket" Rex Staten and former Harley factory pilot Jim Beauchamp as the pa ir took on all comers in the Ov er 40 Expert clas s. In moto one, Ma ico -m ounted Sta ten mad e his compe titors loo k like they were tied to the starting gate as he jum ped ou t to a huge lead, leaving Beau champ to fight off the hard-chargin g Ed Zornes . Th e pair continued to do battle u nti l Zornes pushe d his bea u tiful Ya ma ha to th e b rea k ing p o int , leaving Sta te n and Beau cham p to cross the line 1-2, with the Kaw asaki of th ird -p lace Ga ry Ne ff well off the pace. In mot o two, it w a s Beauc ha m p ' s turn to ju m p out fro nt, in the process pulling Neff al ong for so me ex citing high- sp ee d pu r su it. Whil e th e pair pushed each other to some incred ible lap tim es, Rick Humphr eys had his ha nds fu ll wit h the BSA of Robert Poo le. The pair continued to fight ove r third place, each shadowi ng the oth er' s every move. At the checkers, it wa s Beauchamp, Neff an d Poole, with Beaucha mp's 2-1 finish giving him the overall. . With the interna tional nags wav in g overhead, the 125cc Classic Expe rt class next pre pa red to do battl e below . Local h ot s h oe Ma r k A rse na u lt go t th e holesh ot awa rd on his sa nita ry Husq va r na, but it was s ho r t-Jived as '70s SoCal phenom Bru ce McDouga l, st ill rid ing the sa me mod el Pen to n that mad e him the terror of Sad d leback Park in the 19705, bega n reeling him in from his mid pack start. As Arsenaul t cres ted th e fin is h-line jump at the end of lap o ne, the g ree n- tanked Pen ton of Mc Dougal new past , ma kin g a gu tsy midair pass for the lead . Before Arsena ult could respond, the Pe nton was gone and a ne w problem was nipping a t his heels. Robert Borg w ho, a fte r ge tt ing off to a slow s ta r t, was now cha rging throu gh the pack like a mad man - was not abou t to let Ar sen ault sta nd in h is way. Th e d ogfight tha t ensued will .n ot soo n be forgo tte n, and as the pair began picking off lapped (Above)Sportsman 125cc Novices Steve Adams (551)and Steve Ottinger (690)air U out at the long and last Carlsbad track. Ad ams took the overall; Ott inger was th ird. (Left) Malco-mounted Aex Staten (6) leads Wayne Boyer (87) and race winner Rick Burgett (197)dur ing the AHAMA Legends race at Carlsbad Raceway. rid ers, all bets were off as to who would come ou t on top . "I knew I had him until we go t in to lapped traf fic," Arsenault said. Sure enough , as Arsenault slowed for a ba ckmarker, Borg se t h im u p fo r a courageo us inside pass at the finish line to steal second place. Things were no less exciting in moto two. Thi s time, McDou gal jum ped to the early lead , leavin g Ar senault to try to reel him in. As the pair battled for the lead , Intermed iate-class speedster Kevin Blaty was busy hold ing off all threa ts in third. But before long, McDougal once agai n shoo k the pesk y Ar senault and had a command ing lead tha t even a few missed shifts from his old Sachs gearbox wou ld not di mi nish. With his back-toback wi ns, McDougal wou ld receive the top podium spot, wi th Ar senault runner~u p . Th e "Legend s of Mot ocross" ev ent came next, assembled by Sou thern Californi a AHRMA mains tay Gail Arsenault each yea r. It looked to be ano the r su ccess as some of America' s favo rite racers walked out into the noonday sun. Linin g up next to McDouga l, Staten and Beau champ w er e no ne ot he r than former factory Yamaha ride r Rick Burgett, 1973 Trans-Am winner Rich Eiersta d t, Cene Fetty, Wayne Boyer, former Ll.S. GP winner Marty Moa tes, form er Yama ha fact ory rid ers DeWayne a nd Gary Jones, 1970 Baja 1000 w inner Doug Dou glas, and Bill Silverthorne. As the gate dropped and the Legends gassed it, it beca me evident tha t Oregon nativ e Burgett, in hi s first r ace si nce Mammoth 1979, would be unable to ride in "exh ibitio n mod e," pow er-sliding his CZ through comers and clearing d oubl e jum ps like an AMA title was on the line. With a pacesetter like Burgett, everyone soon had the wick turned up and was ban gin g bars. Boyer , no t abou t to be left out of the fun, bega n reeling in Burgett, locking onto his back fender. As the pair fought for first place, Eierstadt - w ho had just finished ra ci n g 10 mi nu tes befo re on Carlsbad's GP track aboard a bran d -new Yama ha - quietly began his move to wa rd th e fro n t on a clean '73 Maico. In spite of the obvious difficulty of racing - in the spa n of 10 minutes two mot orcycles that were built decades apart Eierstadt was impressive, movin g u p to thi rd by the fina l lap. With Rex Beau champ and the eighth-liter Penton of McDougal continuing to press him to the very end, Eierstadt never flinched , fin ishing third behind Burge tt and Boyer, with Beauchamp and McDougal rounding out the top five. Round nine of the AHRMA Speed & Spo rt Trials Series wa s als o held over the Fourth of July weekend, near the GP track pit area. Trialmaste r Matt Parsons laid ou t eight sections, each ridden three times. Loose sand combin ed with large rocks and even the "Aspha lt Jungle," a section throug h piles of broken asphalt, kept all th e riders in th e double-d igit scores. The Mod ern Classic Novice class had th e la rgest e n tr y, a nd Honda TL125mounted Jeff Latime r took a convincing win, tallying 20 points for the da y - well clea r of ru nner-u p Randy Rossell' s 37. Yama ha TY25D-mounted Kevin Kelley was just one. poin t ba ck wi th 38. • David Boyd st un ha d a g reat ri de aboard a Yamaha TY175 in the Modern Classic Intermed iate class, d ropping just 11 p oints to th e 24-d ab total of Jared Bates. Thi rd went to Alfred o Rod il, wi th 42, making it an all-Ari zon a sw eep of the class. In the Premier Ligh tweig ht No vice class, Greeves riders Roger Brophy and Don Kell ey con ti nued th eir ye a r-long c ha m pions hi p ba t tl e , w it h Broph y ge tt ing th e nod th is time by just tw o 1'X poin ts. Carlsbad Aaceway Carls bad, Calltomla Aesults : JUly4-6.1 997 (Aound 13 01 20) Motocroso S PST MN 125 EX: 1. Joe Cri p pen (Ho n): 2. Alb n Woods (Hard ; 3. 'arm Bigelow ve Ottin g" (Pen); 4. Jdmi.. H dn"'On ~t>,,1 (Hon ); oIon); 5. JettTul ini u.'1 (Bul) . SrSTMN 250 EX; 1. Randy Le wis (Ric); 2. Don Lewis IHc n): Joe Crippen (Hon); 4. Benny Durrou gh (Ma il; 5. Allan Woods (Yam). SPSTMS 2SO INT: 1. Cha rhe Richardson (CZ) ; 2. Kirk B.1mctt (Ho n); 3. Chu ck Cureto n (Hus): 4. Steve Sagely (Suz); 5. Don Ad.1m... (H on ). SPSThtN 250 NOV: 1. w rv to wer (M.ti ); 2. Jason Pisc hke (Bul) ; 3. David Benn~ (CZ); 4. Co lie Port er (CZ>: 5. M.irk Pape (Mai). SPSTMN 500 EX: 1. Creg Ca rt er (Ma i); 2. Kevin (H u!O):.3. 1.OC' (Bul>; 4 . Bennt Durrough (Mdi ); 5. Chdrhe ~k (Mal). SPSTM N 500 (NT : I. C h uc k Peavy (H Wi); 2. Ed T" ..hji.ln (CZ);:1. Rkh Y~llin (Hu!ol; 4. Andrew Hardin G-Iu."ii); 5. Brad K.. nrwrd (Pm ). SPSTM N 500 NOV: 1. Reger Ko~ (CZ); 2. Co lit' Petter (CZ); 3. Mi kt' Neal lHu~); 4. Alfredo Rodil (CZ); 5. Dwayne 5crivnor (Hu'l ). S PTS M. OPEN 1W EX: 1. Rick lJo uShty (Ricl; 2. ~ Tim H...·nry ITn ). Kru ~h SPTSMN OPEN TW INT: 1. Da vid Keith (BSA); 2. Rod Whitcher (Tri); 3. verne Elmore (Ric). SPTSMN OPEN TW NOV: 1. C li ff McCa u gh ey (Yam) . CLSSC i l l EX: 1. Bruce McDo uga l (Pen): 2. Mar k Arsenault (Husl; 3. Robert Borg (CD; 4. Norm Bise10w (Bul). CLSSC 125 INT: 1. Krvin BL1ty (MaD; 2. Lawrence Lucia «(2); 3. Ron Renzulli ((2); 4. jdf Snyder (Hus); 5. joe Lorenzen (Am. Eag .l. C LSSC 125 NOV: 1. Tom Me lancon (Hus); 2. li.e Winchdl (Mon); 3. Janet Borg (CD; 4. LaFa yrlte Young (H us). C LS SC 250 EX: 1. Rebert Poole (BSA ); 2. Jo hn Lc~ (Hus). C LSS C 2S(J tNT: 1. Kirk Freema n (Oss); 2. Keith Lynas (em); 3. Kmny ~ (G re). CLS SC 2S(J NOV; 1. Eugene C ra wford (A' S); 2. John GulWord (D-I); 3. Jnry Stermt (Bun. CL SSC SOO EX: 1. John Lejevee o-tU'l). CLSSC SOO tNT: I . John (Tri); 2. ~vid Light (Bul); 3. c..ry Cuehdl (AJS). C LSSC .500 NO V: 1. Bud Hotchki~.. (Bun; 2. Ik.. Wind wll (Mull t) . PREM OPEN TW EX: 1. Danny D-dvit;"!; rr-o PREM O PEN TW INT : Vn'!W ElrlllJr'l' (l'ri). PRE. lIER. SOD EX: 1. John Hu..-gel Cl'TI). V PREMIER 500 INT: 1. TI!rT}' Pratt (BSA); 2. David Bretwor (BSA); 3. Gilles VailL1ncourt (RSA). PREM IER SOO NOV: 1. D,lvid Chrone (Due) . P REM lJW EX: 1. Matt Hilg enbt>rg (BSA). P REM UW INT : t. Da ve jantec (BSA); 2. Dave Duane (Cot): 3. Wade Quick (Due) . P REM UW NOV: 1. Phil Bt n edict (BSA). .. 30+ EX: I. Greg Carter (Mai); 2. Don Lewis (Hon): 3. Rick Humphreys (Hus) ; 4. Joe Light (Bu)) ; 5. Kevin Krugh (Yam ). 30. INT: 1. Do n Adams (Hon): 2. Ed Tashjia n (CZ ); 3. Don Ha rtley (Hus ); 4. Steve Sagely (Suz ): 5. Rich Yellin {Hu s]. 30+ NOV: I. Jam ie Fetty (Hu s); 2. Dwayne Scriv ne r (H U5) 3. Robert Groves (H o n); 4. Chris Obercndcr : (yam ): 5. Eug ...-ne Cra w ford (A'S) . 40+ EX: 1. Gary Neff IKcwh 2. Benny Du rrough (Moli); 3. Robert Poole (BSA): 4. Rick H um ph reys (H us); 5. Ch.l rhc Beck (Mai). 40+ INT : 1. C ha rlie Richard:oon (CZ ); 2. Vic Curti (05,a); 3. A ndrew Hard in (H us) ; 4. David M ayreis (Mail. 5. Rick Nicholson (CZ). 40. NOV: 1. St ve Ottinger tte Young (Hu"ii ); 4. Ed Nebch (yAm). 60+ INT : 1. Richard McConnid. (H on). 60. NOV: 1. Dou g A rch ibal d (H u s) ; 2. N orm BI.u·lnwr ( K.t w); 3 Bill St,l lt>y (C Z); 4, Jim C..meeon s.. (BS A) WMN INT: 1. J"n.-t Burg (C Z); 2. D..-b...rah POQIt" (CZ). P REM UW S OY: 1. Rog~r Brophy (G re ); 2. Don JU.Uey (Gno). PREM UW II\T: 1. Evan Wikol( (BSAI_ P REM UW EX: 1. TI!rT)' Slt."rT't'tt (Tn). P REM HIW N OV: 1. Dan Wilson (BSA). PREM HIW EX: 1. Matt Hil genbt:rg (Arl). elSe NOV: 1. K~in Blaty (Sar); 2. Da ve Duane (W as ): 3. Rog er Brophy (Bu I). CLSe tNT: 1. Robert Borg (Sa rI: 2. Wendell CLuk (Bul). M ORN ClSSe N OV : 1. Jeff Latimer (Hon) : 2. Rand y g essett (Ya m); 3: Kevin Kell ey (Y3m )i 4. Rick wheel...·r (Suz); 5. Richard Yamane ( M O RN CLSS C INT : 1. David Boydstun (yi1m); 2. Jared Bates (Mon); 3. Alfredo Roche (Ya m) ; 4. Simon Yeatm.1 n (BuD; S. Norm Bigelow (BuU. MORN e LSSC EX.: 1. Michael Kelley (Yam) . 43

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