Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS .'AH M R ASpeed &Sport MXflrials series, Rods 12/8 &Classic Bike D Track Series,Rod 8 irt By Matt Hilgenberg Photos by Steve Cline and Dale Cramer PEORIA, IL, JUl\'E2S-29 ne of the nation 's oldest motorcycle racing facilities played host last weekend to 42 th e Am erican Historic Racing Motorcycle Association (AHRMA) and its national motocross, tria ls and dirt track series. The me ticulously manicured BO-acre clubgrounds of the Peoria Motorcycle Club was the site for three vintage events held over a two-d ay period, wit h a total of approximately 250 entries. Saturday featu red round 12 of the Speed & Sport Vintage MX Series. The motocross circuit had a rubber-band start gate inside the IT track's tum two; then competitors immediately climbed u p a hill into the woods that lined the IT back s traight. Snaking through the trees, with plenty of off-camber, riders made five laps of the sometimes-dusty ci rcuit. Ind ia n a ' s Daniel Be her we nt hom e wi th a big stack of trophies after ta king wins in Premier Lightweight, Cl assic 125 a nd Pre m ie r O pe n Tw in Intermed iate racing. Dale Sanders and Craig Bran d t had some good races, splitting overall wins in the Over 40 and 500cc Expert classes, with Sanders winning three of the four motos. Tom Heger was third in the 500s and ended u p fourth in the Over 40s, behind the Kawasaki 'of Michael Zimmerman. The Willoughby gang also made its presence felt , with Larry Willoughby taking a I-I ove rall victory in the Over 50 Novice class, and Corey Willoughby earn ing th e 125cc In te r media te win be fore finis hi ng seco nd to local rider Mike Lenz in th e 250cc Intermediate di vision . Jeff Willou ghby carded a thirdplace finish in the 125cc Novice class. Don an d Da le Sch m utzler laid ou t eight beautiful and challenging sections in the hills around the c1ubgrounds for round eight of the Speed & Spo rt Vintage Trials Series o n Su nday mornin g. There was surp rising ly good traction on the leaf-covered off-camber turns, with a num ber of log crossings a nd a lillie water to test the rid er s. Every section could be cleaned, but the slig htest mista ke would instan tly gra b poin ts wi thou t putting the bikes or riders in da nger • just as a vintage tria l should be. Low score of the day came from B&J Racing' s Bob Ginder, w ho glided h is Greeves Anglian to a single-poin t tally, taking the Pre m ier Lightweight Expert win over Rand y Lusk an d his EI Dora do Cycles-backed Triumph 500 twin. Also riding " Line 2" was Modern Classic Intermediate victor Tim Swain, who ma naged his BuItaco to just nine points, taking the win ahead of Suzuki rider Gary Highfill's 12-point score. Modem Classic Novice winner Ken Eftink carded a three, edging Duwayne Co nnolly, Ka rl Ballinger and Ja mes Thom pson, all closely bu nched on scores . Round eig ht of the Classic Bike Magazine Dirt Track Series was held Sunday afte rnoon, immediat ely foll owing the (Right) Bob Ginder won the Premier lightweight Expert c lass in the AHRUA trials. (Below) In the AHRMA motocross events , Craig Brandt wo n th e 500cc Expert class. (Bott om) The senior class co mmences battle In the Classic Bike TT division at Peoria. us INT: 1. Corry Willou ghby (Ho n): 2. Don.Baker (Ho n ); 3. C hristophe r Arc he r (Hod); 4. Rick Mercer ; S. Brad Kenna rd (Pen). 500 EX: 1. C raig Brandl (Mai); 2. D.. ll" Sot ndl" r" (Ma i); 3. Tum Heger (H u s): 4 . Michat>1 Zimmrrma n (Kaw). O rEN rw EX; 1. Mik ~ Atkins (Tri· BSA); 2. Bob G indrr (Ric-Tri) . JO+ NOV: 1. Davi d Williams (Yam); 2. Jeff Saenger (Hon); 3. Roger Tate (K.iJ, w }; ". !datt Lilly (Hus). JO+ L"-'T: I. Jim ~kC ulloch (Hon); 2. John Lambrick (BSA); 3. Bl'3d Kenn.1rd (Pen) ; 4. ~dvin Blight ( Hon); 5. ' -y (2). Neal Rilt. « 30+ EX: t . jaees Smith (C·A) . 40+ NOV: 1. Rick McComas ,"us); 2. Ton y G1Ut"'Ck (Bul); 3. Ma rk Raybon (Hu~); 4 . Bob Lovel l (Hud); 5 . JdrJltOS 'Thomf'!'On (Ka w). 40. INT: 1. Aiel!. Kri..h t>r (C- A); 2. Jim W~bber (M" i); 3. Tnry 1101.1"" «(k\); 4. Mike Youn gberg (HU5); 5. JimMcCulloch IHon) . 40+ EX: 1. D~ I~ Sa nders (Mal); 2. Craig Brandt (Mai) ; 3. Micha el Z im merman (Kaw) ; -t. Tom He ger tHus): S. Jean R;affiS,ly (M.l i). 5O-t NOV: 1. Larry Willou ghby (Moo); 2. Kay Mann (BSA); 3. Marvin Long (Ho n); 4. Edd Kubik (Pen) ; 5. Jim Ca mero n (BSA). 50+ t NT: t . Jerry Rewerts (CCI\tf) ; 2. Dennis Spt-no-r (Bu!); 3. John Ma nford (Hun ); 4. Fores t Sld hl Ofu!I 5. ); Bill Ndu glc Ol u!';). . 50+ EX: 1. Dick M.... nn (BSA); 2. John Hu egel (Ya m); 3. Jetr Smi th (C~A) ; 4. Jean Ramsay (Ma il ; 5. Rob4ert Ta~tt(H~) . 60+ NO V: 1. Jim Ca m e ron (BSA): 2. Harry Higgin!o (!!SA) . bO+ INT: 1. R.O. O ld (Milj); 2. Roy Maley (Mol j). T ri~ L trial. Th e fu ll cou rse of th e legendary Peoria IT track was used , with its highs peed s traigh ts a n d tight t u rns. The d a y' s o n ly d ouble -cl as s winner w a s David Allen, w ho topped the Mod ern Vintage 600 class (over Gary Brennan 's Triump h single and Ron Melto n's Bultaco EI Bandido) and then won the Modem Vintage 250 despite being seriously undergeared . New York's Ronald Hall looked very impressive winning the Modern Vintage 750 division aboard his Triumph, skid ding high into the turns with 'the engine cases d r ag g in g, b u t not p ut ting to o much time on runner-up Yamaha rid er Arnie Mahare, who was riding low in a mo re traditional blue-groove fashion. California resident Ken Corpe grew up in the Peoria area and returned home to romp away with the Classic Openclass victory , nearly half a lap ahead of his closes t competitor. Jerry Rewerts had an excellent ride in the Sen ior d ivision . After being mired mid pack at the start, the Iowan picked off rid ers one by one, finally racing handl ebar to handlebar wi th Bren nan befo re secu ring second place behind the flying Steve Boggs, who com manded the race from the sta rt. '" Results Motocrou PREM UW NOV: 1. Harry Higgzns (BSA). P REM uw INT: 1. Daniel Seher (Duc): 2. [ames McCabe (Mai). PREM 1M EX: 1. Man Hilgenberg (BSA). PREM 500 NOV: I. Denn is MlJOf'\" (BSA); 2 Harry Hi l¢MCBSA>. PREM 500 INT: t . Jerry Rt-wt"l'b (BSA). PR EM SOD EX: 1. Cldudt" McElvain (BSA>; 2. Joh n HlWf:~1 (Ind); 3. Brian O'Connor (Due). rREM OPEN nv INT: 1. Dantd Behe-r (BSAI. PREM O PEN rw EX: 1. Mik AtkiN ITri-BSA); 2. Ken Corpe IBSAl. CLSC 125 NOV: 1. Bob Lovell (H od); 2. Richard Ca rpen ter (Hod) . cisc 125 INT: 1. Dan ie l ~her (OKW); 2. Da l~ Schm utzl er (Hon ); J . Don Baker (Mrk); 4. Wayne- Rantz (Han). CLSC 125 EX: 1. Dan Johzur, (M rlU. 150 NOV: 1 Chri~ Mak yne n (8SA); 2. Jim ctsc unwnm (BSA). eLSC 250 tST: 1. Tom Moon (AJS); 2. De nnis Brown (HU5); 3. Qurntin Schmutzler (Bun . . CLS e 150 EX: 1. Dan Johns lAJS) . cisc sao NOV : 1. Dennis Moore (BSA) ; 2. Kay Mann (B5A). soo tNT: 1. Joh n Easton (Tri); 2. TIm Swain eLSe 500 EX: 1. Ron Melton (BuI); 2. Da n [o hn s (AJS>; 3. ClaudE' McElvain (BSA); 4. JolIlll'S Smith (85A) ; CLSC (Bul l. 5. BrianO'Connor ([}uc). 11.5 N O V: 1. Jt.ff SaengE'r (H o n) ; 2. Stll"phrn Sumrllt'n (K.. w ); 3. Jt'ff Willou ghby (Ka w). PREM UW NOV: 1. Rand olp h Sroike (BSA): 2. Pau l Crant (Gre); 3. Tom Moors (e re); 4. Billy Decker ; J. Mike H ~k>p (Bun; 4. Tom Boyd (G re); S. Jim McD~ (MAil. asc 5IXIn5O: 1. Ken Ccepe (BSA); 2. D.mid Bt-ht-s- (BSA) ; 3 . To m Buyd (BSA); 4. Dt-nni.. Moore (BSA); S. Ron Melt on (Bu l). • MORN VINT 250: 1. David AII~n (Hon) ; 2. Anthony De r kse n (Ya m ); 3 . Te rry .A d a ms (Bul); 4. Darryl Jalobolski (Hon); S. Moltt Payne- (Bul). MDRN VINT 600: 1. David Allen (Yam ); 2. G.\ry Brenn.ul !'(Yam) . MOR N VINT 150 : 1. Runald Hall (T n ); 2. Amiii!' Mahan;- (Yam); 3 . Ken Corp- (BSA); 4. Ron Mt>lton (Tri ); 5. Dan Schmilt (Tri). SR: 1. Stev.. Elogg.- (Yam); 2. In-ry Rt'"Wt"J'bI

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