Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Lell) Win ner Thad Wotlt (37) prepares to pass Don Canet at the Return of the Superblkers race at Willow Spr ings. (Right) Erne sto Fonseca dominated the Loretta Lynn' s qualifier held at the Devils Ridge MX Park in sanford, North Carolina, winning t he 125 and 2SOCc Stock and Modified classes. (Below) Kevin Helms (780) held oil Matt Whiteside (22) t o w in the Unlimited div is ion at the Dixie Classic Fairgrounds in Winston· Salem. New York.. than-perfect form on the short tra ck, and soo n found himself behind Cha rlie Simas going int o 'the firs t turn . Per sist e nce pa ld off, as Anse lmi passed Sima s on the o u tsid e and took the lead on the b ack stretch to snare the victory . "I wan ted to go real fast: ' said Anselmi following the race. '1 was n't su re if it wa s be tter to pass him on the ou tside or the inside. I chose the outside bt.'CDU SC it wa s the easiest; then I kep t . p ushing so I could win the race." The Pee Wee Stock class was a vir tual runaway for Anselmi, who off ere d the following stra teg y: "Go fas t, put your foot down in the tu rns , and go full-throttle." Matt Gomez Sr. and Matt Gom ez Jr. won four races collec ti vely, with the junior Go mez acing wins in the 80 an d 250cc Short Track, an d 250ccIT class. Go mez Sr. won the Vet IT afte r a dogfigh t with local favorite Eric Weisler. "We were just ha ving fun ," sai d Go mez of W~ler. "After he beat me o f{ the line, I'd yell at him aro und the tree turn. to break his concentration. Finally, I got him on the infield ." "It w as t he first time bac k on the Rotax in a whil e," reflected. Weisler. '1 knew I' d have to 1'), work my butt off to beet him (Go mt" but hE' beat me fair and square." Results (4)- ): 1. o.nny MdMl'IId; 2. Cody LunboIt S f'on5 (YAm). P/ W 'fTl(; 1. Cooy A.....lmi (K'l').I); .2.OwrliP 5;....... (Ya ml . prw MOD; 1 . ~ I Inn.ndon (tnn ). 60: 1. Ryan KIlIttt l K,ww ); Z. Drrridr. f'l;w,too lK,ww). Ill); 1. MoIrt Jr. (Horl); 2. ~ 1.. .. (Suzl. 230 B, I . Ma tt Cornn Jr. (Y.aml ; 2. J."""'" MA ht-t ( ICT'M); 3. Billy I Wn (Y.un l. K..'IOlIBY: 1. &It,' Gny (lb\). VINT2-ST1l.K.: 1. Bally HIJ- (Yun). P/ W ~TK (YamJ: J . AnIhony c.orr- vn-.,'T"'5TKK:1. s.- tun CHon). VEI'; 1. Mo." Gun.-1. 51-. (RId . 2. J~ Maher (ltt. l; 3. au. foRi H~1ms ( Han). rRQ.AM NOV: I. Robftt Gnnt t K-R); 2. Mati GomC'z Sr. (WR); 3. Ftic Wnud (Rn l; 4 Rru brn Mat.K\Wnn (Rn l; 5. Shrldnn Wauz IRD) . IT F/W STX ((l.S): 1. Ja",," t..mbott (YA 2. o.nn y McOarueI m); (Ya m) ; 3. An lhu ny Fong (ya m) . r /w STK: 1. Cc..Jy Anwlmi (KTMl ;.2. CNrlW: Simas CUm)•• P/ W MOD:1.'« t! {Lem,. 60: 1. Ky.n Kun ll. (Kl w); 2. 0Prndc. Ponton (Klw ); J. J»On Cnowt' (Kl w) . IlOA,; 1. M..II Gu m. '.! Ir. II tem l; 2. ]'l.,un G rt'~ a L. ); 3. IJtc.r. m rid POf\lon (lion). 250: 1. Mol l Gc m..z It , IV.m). l KNO BBY: 1. Billy Gra y (Ha n). Vf.T , 1. M..n C.........! Sr ~ .2. f'rl c Wt'i.Io.r (Rbl. · OrEN B: 1. Jam n M.oht"f( KTM ). Wolff wins Return of the Superbikers Photo by Bill McMillan ROSAMOND CA. )l!JI,'E29 , For mer AMA For m u la O n(l road racer Th ad Wolff pruvt.'d h", cou ld alw do it in th", dirt by takin g top honors in the Cycle World ma gazinesponsor~ , CMRRA-sanctiom.od Ret urn o f the Su pe r biken a t Willow Sp ri ngs Int ernational Racewa y. Crea ted in homage" to the ABC-1V t"Vnlt hE'ld at Carlsbad Raceway th rou gh th e 19705 a nd early '80s, the Return of the Su~rbi ken was run on a l .5-mile. 16--tu m , half-dirt /haU-street course . tha t u tilizt'd th", Stn't'b of Willow Springs road roUTSoe and the !iourrounding hillside5. Nineteen riders entered the run -what-ya-b rung event on a vaTi E-ty of ma ch in ery ranging fTom 125cc motoer055ers to 600cc dirt-trackers - though the latlfor"~ short-travel . u. J"t""-""ion wasn 't up to the rigOTS of the rocky, ru tt ed. d irt section of th e course. has pro ven willin~ to work with the p romot er s, ho wev er, so fu ture such ~venb should ~ improved track co ndi tiom. Rid ing a relatively stock Hond a XR600 !ihod with Pirelli Mf60 dual sport tires, Wolff pos ted ~1 finishes in the two-moto forma t to claim the ovf'lC\ll win. Moto ont' ~ w 15-year-old mad racin g sensatio n John Hopkins grab the holeshot on his Suzuki RMl 25, bu t Wolff rockE-ted from his 1Z5 B ~ O~ 1. Ettlt',10 Fon5t'Ca (Yam'; 2. Clw t l<:, Duffy (Y.uni; 3. llwtlt.")' ~linlt" (V.un ); 4. J.uonFIIIk ( KuZ) ; 2. J.:lll'lt'l' Wt'b b (Yam) ; 3. M"'lth..w l oh l\llOn (Hon); 4 _ M.t1 Hu n l~'1' (Va m ); S. Thom.. ~metI (Yam ). 12!! C MO D: 1. JAme- W. b b (Yam ); 2. C._y 8 u ll in g lnn (Va m ); 3 . Rube," C"h. m t.-,.. (Heml; 4 , T rav!" Rl"a g.n (J(d W); S. Tht>lT\ll~ Epp" (SuJ:l. 2SOA STK: 1. 51101111. B..ntlt·y (K.iw l; 2, A!.onAndll:" t:her all t~ of rid ",rs from different disci pli nes," said Wolff, the only competitor who had als(.) participa ted in the original ABC-TV event. Wolff will have ample opportunity to prove himself again in th", futuJ"e, as p lans are un derwa y for ad d itiona lSuperbikers ev enb\ at Butto nwillow Rarewa y Park, as well as at tht" Streets of Willow Springs . Results : evnc.nn S / BJKERSo 1. TlYJ Wolff C n); Z. Ho a ltll\l.;3.-D ri.m Ca ttcnon (KlM); 4. FrAnk AtaK&lri ("-wi; S. Dllvid Dial: oc. w); 6.. A.Lan H riI""",n (Hon ); 7. Jo hn Hopkin. fSu); ll. P~ N~ (Yam); 9. MArk Von Aklmbrudr. tAn:>: 10. Tyler s..nden (K.1 l; w 11.)rny MrnWrt (Ya..,,); l.2..Idm Dry ..., (Y..m ); 13. FJli...I I W'r.IUIl (W-IU; 14. WAr - w~ lHon) ; 15. lad<& kr (Y.antl 16. Stu; art StnfU' (Hon,l. £l\,'DJt I . John o.y..... (Yam>; 2. C.arwt/Catm"JDn CJC'TM) 3. ; Jnry twIrndzn- (YAmI 4. Ch.u ·.... Cuny ; 5. S irkll\/Soondrfl ; (YamI; 6. Mar k Von AIdrnbnKl (Ana. By Jay and Sharon Hauser 5ANRJRD, NC,JUNE28 Qu alifyin g for the Lore lla Lyn n' S AMA Amateur Na tiona ls can be grueling on many of the. rid ers; the pr~...ur e is intense. Almos t more than in the case of the Pro rid ers, the competition is u su ally the m~t intense in the B ran b : One B rid er who can hand le the pn"'Ssure without any problems is BSY Yamaha team ace Emesto fonseca. Fonseca entered fou r different classes - the 125cc B Stock and Modified, and the 250cc Stock and Modified - 'a nd all races ended with the sam e ou tcome: total domination. After worki ng through the week, the track w as in perfect cond ition for the almost 4(X) riders who signed up to try and make the Amateur s how, but, as track p ro moter Ken Cameron explained: " All I had to do was top it off with a little water on Frida y and it would have been perfect, but a big old cloud came an d the bottom fell out. It was a mess on Saturday mornin g." Of Fonseca's eight-mote sweep, four of those mot es came on the rough and mu dd y race track on Satu rd ay - which p roves he can adjust to extre me co nditions wi th case. Whe n Su nd ay rolled arou nd, the track had again been prepped and was perfect. Fonseca answered the ca ll and wa lked off with over-a-minute leads aboard his BSY-backed Yamahas for the remainder o f the event. Although FonSt."'Ca may have been long gone, that was not to say the ba ttle for the res t of the eight qualifying positions wasn't fantas tic. At the end of a lon g wee ken d , it wou ld be Mega -Po we r rider Jaso n Fink securing a se t of strong runner-up fin ishes be h ind Fonseca in both the 250cc B Stock and Modified classes . The bo ys mad E' it a Florida s wee p o f the 250cc B ra nks , with Derrick Januszyk making up for a 15th in the first Stock mot o by comin g ba ck with a pair of seconds, giving him thi rd overall. Forrest Butler rode his Honda to third in the 250cc B Modified cia:'! with 2-7-2 mo to fini"lhE.'S, then he ca me back .to take th e Open BIC ti tle with a third in moto one and a ::oet of mot o wins in the last two mot as. Fonk"Ca aga in led a to ta l s w~ of Flori da riders for the top three in the 125cc B Stock class, with And rei Bolom taking a SE'COnd over Marcus Ped rero. Charley KE'pJinger w as th E' rid er to break the Aorida hold in B racing as he round ed out the top ~ in 12Sec B Modified action on his Geo rgia-based Yama ha, finishing just behind . Chari.,. Duffy. Ju st as j m p~"I i v e as Fon~a wa s top Pr o contend er Shae Ben tley. Bentley turned the same trick as Fon~ and took the 125cc A Stock and Modified wins, as well as both the 250cc A Stock an d Modified wins." BenUey aced eight molos aboard his Team Grec)).-backcd Kawasaki. Results us A STK: 1. ShAne- &nolle)' (K,ww ); 2. Ic.:m Bond! (5 lU'; J. DwaYM Bone (Mon); 4. Jelf C _ Ulon l; S. ,lame Joanc.f (Ya m l. 125 A MO~ 1 Sha n. Be n tl~ (KA W); Rcmm . Rennet" (Y .. m); 3. St."DCt PinIot... (Sud ; " ~ Til'l""S (SuI'); S.}arne'd run going..even lead ing at on... time , but would slip back to fourth by the end of tht" 1Z-lap main. That gave way for the Honda of Alex Uttle and Yamah.1 rid er Ada m Bryant to slip into second and third , respt."ctiwIy. Jason Sh,prrn,pr fo llowed Whiteside up with a close rid e for fifth . The al way~- fa s t Stephen Martin sto pped in and tri oo hi ~ hand at running down MaH MiIIE'r' in Junior Mini racing. but wound up the brid esmaid. Martin ga ve it his all to try to stay with Miller' s R..\180 but, aboa rd his Kawa saki KX6O , he was und erpowered. Min er may have still bee n untouchable as he put on a good show to ~re both th", heat and mairH.-vent wins, showing Martin he woul d hav e trouble even if on an 80cc bike. Sam Dixon filled. ou t the to p thre-e. ove r Jessie Pres,sIcy and another KX60-moun ted ridE'r', Robert Donnan. t :"li Results 65: 1. St.,n-n \tortm CXaw);.2. Rubrr1 Dumian (l(.aw). JR Mu-.1. 1. Mi t! Miller (Suz); 2. Sk-phn'l Ma rti n (K,ww l; J. s..n ~ a len); 4. JaM:rra.Jcy Qion); 5o Robnt Domian (""wi . SR MI,..I: 1. BriAnWhiteside CH onl. IlOD: I. fftddy Ro-o (Hon); 2. J".,c ~ Qion); J. Soalfl Duwn IHonJ; 4. J<-h til,.". U" w ). .. US C: 1. ~ liebN < HonJ;2. Min (Horll. 125 0: I . IUckey HoL.k-l" tSuz); 2. J.uon ~ ( Hor\) 250C : 1. " run lfto Ham-.. (Kl w) . 2SO 0: 1. A),." U lI'" (H.nll; 2. Bry..nt (; 3. J4'>UI'I Brow n CSu.z). U/L I. Knill IkIm. U Ion) ; .2. Ale. Utile (Hon); 3 . Ad.oIm BryAnI (Yam ' ; 4. MAli Whi tellide (Hon); S. JMCIII ~ ( lion). 2S+ C, 1. Bri.r.n Hatlnos ( Kl w); 2 . Kn th Carland (Kl w ); 3. Toauny Shi m protd (Su.zJ,. 30+ C: 1. Keith Carl.lNl ():.a w); 2. Tommy Shilflpack (Swo:) . 49

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