Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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and, ahead of Carter, Chase and a disappointed Hurst. (" (Left) Randy Wing (7) topped the Over 40 Pro class., wh ile Dan Filch (67) topped the Over 40 Amateur class both days at the CMC PacWest Series round at Yakima Meadows Motorplex In Washingto n. (Below) Corey Bauder (120) topped Saturday's 125cc Pro bo ut. By Don Schneider YAKL\IA, WA,JUNE28-29 fter two full days of racing, Dan Fitch rode his Suz u ki RM250 to three out of four mota wins to ga rner both days' ove ra lls in the Over 40 Ama teur class at the CMC Pac-W est MX Series, which made it s stop at Yakima Mead ows Motorplex. More than 500 rid ers turned out for rounds five a nd six of th e Pac -W est Series, but it was Fitch w ho was one of the more success ful riders of the weekend . In moto o ne o n Saturday, Fitch grabbed the ea rly lea d ahead of Tom Jesme r, Osca r Shee ts and Steve Mahre. However, Fitch' s lead di d not last long, as Jesmer ja m m e d into the lead halfway into lap two and held off Fitch to the chec kers. David Overacker battled up to third on lap two, motoring ahead of Ma hre and Sheets to the finish line. Mot o two was a ru n-a nd -h ide win for Fitch and, as a result, he was rewarded with the overall victory. Mean while, fir st -m ota wi nner Jesmer co u ld n ot repe at his first-moto ride but d id take second, crossing the finish line some 10 seconds back . He was all alone in the second -p lace p osit ion, as he fin ished w ell ahead of Overacker, Sheet s, Dean Biddle, J.R. Meuslin g and Dan Trammell, a group o f r ide rs that b a tt led fiercely throu ghout the mota . The Over 40 Master class wa s blitzed by Randy Wing. He went unscathed and took fou r ru naway mota wins on both days aboard his KX25O. On Saturday, Wing exited the turnone ro ll er a few feet ahea d of Mike Perry, Chet Malito, Gary Doggett, Tim Sullivan and Bob Meadows. Then Wing turned up the wick and completely d evas tated the field by cro ssing the checkers some 15 second s ahea d of the competition. Malito fought hard and passed Perry on lap two for second, which he held to the checke rs. The real figh t was fo r fo u rt h, bet ween Sullivan and Doggett. They waged war and passed each other four times durin g the five-lap race, with Sullivan prevailing. In moto two, it was a familiar sight as the pack exited tu rn one. Wing had h is bike raging ou t in front agai n , while Perry held second with Sulli van , Doggett an d Meadows in tow. Wing d id his disappearing ac t one mor e time and , by lap three and despite goin g off the track, no one could close the gap o n him - not ev en Perry . Th e moto drew to a close wi th riders fend ing off cha llenges to thei r res pective po sitions. Eri c Willia ms rod e hi s Kawasaki KX125 to the 12Sec Intermediate-class wins on both days after pu ttin g togeth er four perfect motos. Th e sta r t of mot o one belonged to Russell Chase. He was followed closely b y Mik e St orm, Derek Mah on ey , W ill iams a n d Micha el Lan kh a ar. Williams set his sights on the lead posilion and p icked off the fro nt-ru nners one by one; by the halfway point, he was leading the field . Travis Gage, who ha d sla rted ou t of the top 10, freight-trained it up to sec ond , and the spe ed ing d uo of Williams a n d Gage p ulled clear of the battles going on behind them. Jesse Hurst, who started in sixth, had moved up to challenge Storm for third and eventually passed him. Hurst made that pass stick on lap four and held it to the finish. At the checkers, it was Williams and Gage crossing the finis h line 1-2, followed by Hurst, Storm and Mike Corder. In mota tw o, Ch ase na iled a clea n h olesh ot. Williams tu ck ed in beh ind h im , foll ow ed by Corder, H u rst a nd Lankhaa r. Williams moved in for th e kill o n la p three and took the le ad fro m Hu rst , who th en fo llowed Williams. Chase, meanwhile, had a toug h time holdi ng off Ga rhett Ca r te r, w ho had moved in to fourth. Ca rter soo n got his wa y and claimed th ird all to hi mself, with Chase settling for fourth. Mahoney was also on the prowl and had worked up from an ei ghth-place start to hold fifth by the white-flag lap . On th e last la p, th ing s go t a little crazy for Hu rst, who was holding down second p lace. He had ma d e a bobble tha t caused a bottleneck and, as he sorte d h im self ou t, h e w atch ed Carter, Chase and Mahoney motor past. At the checkers, it was Williams all alone for the win. Mahoney made a last-lap, allor-nothing charge and moved int o sec- Yakima Meadows Motorplex Yakima, Wash ington Results: June 28-29 PIW (4-6) : 1. Ca m e ro n Smith (Cob); 2. Mich ..",,1 Schmeck (KTM); 3. Chri~ Ho lwrth ( KT M) ; ... Nid. Schmidt ( Lrm). PIW STK 17-8): 1. Ray Valdez Jr. (KTM I; Z. 8ftrie Tuller ; 4. Nik L Hecht n (Cob); 5. Tylcr Ftnney (KTM). PIW MO D (4-&): 1. Ca.meron Sm ith (Cob) ; 2. Nick Schmid t (Lern). PfW MOD (7-8): I. BmnieTuUar (KTM). 60 (4-8): 1. Kt'ith S.Uenon (Kaw); 2. Guy Tow II (KAw); 3. jordon Winkbot-th (Kaw); "'. Kirnb..-rk.>e .N:yb (l(.a w); 5. Kyk Baud er ( KJ, w ). 60 (~1U: 1. [u ..tin K~ (Ka w); 2. Ton y Bllughtt."ll (KAw l; 3. ~tW C-.t"I'"l.Ml (l(a w); 4. Randy P...... (l(.aw); k 5. Todd Nd:o.on (Kawl. 60 O PEN: 1. Ton y Boug hten (Ka w ); 2. Randy Pesek 2. Kenny Berch ; (tuIw); 3. Matt CNrron (Yam ); 4. Kyle HaI'T'is (Hon); S. Adam M(.Wer (Suz). 80 (U-16 ): 1. Gregory Blackwe ll (Yam); 2. Daniel Rl"Udt" (Ya m); 3. Rory Sullivan (}(a w); 4. Tim Robtort~-,n (Suz);5. A u!\ti n 5vimg n-n (Y a m) , 12.5 BEG : 1. Tim Kal re z (Suz); 2. Tra vis Rigert (Yam); 3. Andy Beatley (Yam); 4. Nic k wecn ter (Hoo); 5. Gam."tt DeVol (KAw l. 125 JR: 1. Steve Sul liva n (Yam); 2. Tim Zike (Yam); 3. Tyson Lindema n (Ho n); 4. jody Dietz ; 2. Cha un McAli ster (Suz); 3. Dan Moore (Suz); 4. Jeff Bailey (Suz); S. J. Wh ippk . O PE N A M : 1. Brett Bierek IHcn): 2 . Jo hn Beal (lion); 3. Tl"d r...VfOllto (Hun); 4. Bob M~adoW!l (Hun); 5. jOllhGra y (J Ion ). OrEN PRO: 1. Billy Binckky (KlMJ. UTH: 1. Jusbn Homan (Hon>;2. jesse Html (Suz); 3. Kev in Scbe ree (Hon); ... Casey Jo nes (}i on); 5. Mike Storm (Kaw). UTH AM: 1. Todd HindCf'$ (5m.): 2. Dave Silvcstry (Suz.); 3. Kurt Canno n ( Ka w) ; ... Cha d L ke (Yam); S. Todd Hoov « (Hon). lITH FRO: 1. Rick (Suz); 2. Ch.1.un McAlister (Suz); 3. Dan MoorI' CSuz); 4. J. Wh ipple (YamJ; S. Dou!; (l(a w); 3. Travis Milkr(Hon). VET BEC : 1. Ron B.ny (lU w); 2. Todd Trenqove (Sud; 3 . D .urll1'l1 Nicl ll1'r!IOn (Su z) ; ... G reg Ca rpino CHon>; 5. Scott Grant (Yam). V ET jR: 1. Scott Wll1iams

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