Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS (Lell) Toby Jorgenson won the Open Expert class at a short track event at the Ladl Cycle Bow l in Lodl, Calif o rn ia. (A bove) J im Chest er (18) slam s un der Marcus Hed ri ck (148) as Chuck Green (877) looks on In amazem ent at Greensboro MX In No rt h Caro li na. Che ster won three out of four Pro classes, and Hedrick won th e ot her one. Jorgensen triumphant at Lodi Short Track By Mike Law LODI, CA. JUNE 18 Too)' Jorgensen was all smil es as he easily won ro und three of the Coors Cutter Shoo tou t in the Open Expert Short Track ma in event at the Lodi Cycle Bowl. Also in the hunt was Mar k Key, the big winner of the sa me event for th e last tw o weeks. San Joa quin Bevera ge Distributo rs added $100 extra to the pu rse 01 the Open Expert main even t, So far this season, Stockton's Key and jorgensen have collected all the money, .....rith Key lead ing Jorgensen two wins to one, with seven ro unds remaining . "I got th e hol eshot a nd ha d a fee ling th at Mack was right behind me," jorgensen said after the race. 1 had probl ems in turns three and four and thought that Mark was going to go by me. I had a good race wi th Ton y So uza in the hea t ra ce, and that really prepared me for the main event. This was a real hard track to rid e toni gh t, as it was real slippery in th ree and four . I just blasted through the slippery parts and tha t really pumped me up! I knew he (Key ) w as back th ere because I co uld see his sh adow. Afte r about the hal fway po int, I stop ped seei ng shad ows . This was abo ut wh ere I kne w I could win the race." Cor ey Eaton celebrated his 10th birt hday in style wi th a surprise cake at the finish line, and vict ories in both th e short track and IT l OO ccclas s ma in ev ents. The likable youngst er from Pla ce rvi lle was tru ly moved b y t he s u rprise p arty a t halftime, but w as all bu siness as h e sco red the victory over Hond a-mou nted Ryan Kun tz in the l 00cc Short Track class . Local favorite Brand on Ind erbitz in demolished the competition in the 80cc A Short Track ma in event. Alt ho ugh Ind e rb it zin wa s n...ver seri ous ly ch.illcngcd, the ba ttle for seco nd place hea ted up between Danny Casey and Jared McWhirter, with Casey taking seco nd by a bout a wheel. Open 8 Sho rt Tra ck action saw last w eek' s winner . Marty Weisler, ace a beautiful holes hot o ve r proC essional nemesis Sco tt Wh itaker and then go all th e wa y to the checkered flag for the win. Ikspit... a less-than.perfect start, an honorable men tion had to go to a hard-charging Ton y Meiring w ho, despite rid ing a much sm aIIer bi k~. ran with the largE'T bike'S and placed well A Slip pery s po t on th e nort h turn crea ted havoc in th e Open C class, a three riders wen t d own. C.lusing a res tart. In a battle of the Yama ha thumpen, all three rid ers were up safely and mad c the restart. wit h Micha el Cordoza motor ~ to t~ win, followed by Joe Ct.>rro and Gary King . Results Short TrM'k : r / w ~TK «().S) 1. Anthony Fan8 (ya m); 2. Cody l..lmbott (Y.m);J. DarlllY M cDlnicl (Yam). 42 P/Wsn:: 1. A1 Y'- 1_-.n (Yam); 2. 1u~n lorg~('(.m). r /wSTKKThI A 1. Dobby Fang (Actl. P/ W ~ TK KTM C: 1. Cody ANll:1mi (Kl'MJ. P/ W MOD; I. 8obOyFonR (Act); 2. Jowph tumandn ( Lem). 60: 1.'OKph I IefT\llndcz (Kaw); 2. OIri:oBorj., (Kaw l. 100: 1. COf\'Y f.t,h", I H~; 2. Ryan Kuntz (Hon). 80 A:. I. Brandon lnderbll2Ul H ed r ick s a b oard h is A nswe r / Pro Ci rc u it backed RMs. Hedrich and Chester bangt."dba rs hard in Frid ay ni ght's 125cc Pro main · to the point that both riders were sa t down and. told to clean u p th eir act or to pack it up . Both Ches ter an d Hedricks would wo rk at cleaner racing for the rest of the wt"ekend. but th e pa ir still provided plen ty of fireworks of their own. Che. ter ca me ou t o n top o f th e 125cc Pr o cla ss on Fr id a y n ig ht , but a s t he 250cc Pr o Shlxnout ),hot uut of the gate the same e\·ening.. C he ster hit th e gr ou nd in the firs t turn and Hedricks was out front. With 10 rid e rs in his pa th, Ch ester charged by each one un til he was on Hcdricks' tail as they got the white flag. The cr o w d walt going cr az y . Hed ri cks he ld h is grou nd wit h honor a nd took th e ma in- event win, but it would be Ches ter's only defeat of the weekend . Chester was alm ost den ied Satu rday' s 250cc Pro main when he crashed again in the first corner and remounted near the back of th e pack. Sa t u rd ay would s ee t he m o st cha lle nging charge-thro ug h-t he- pac k o f th e weekend, with Chester movin g th rough the t s-r tder field . Chester was able to wor k past Hedrtcks , but there was still one more rid er to get by. Renegad e Sport fou nder Shan e Te mp leton has just begun rid in g agai n and looked as if he ha d never taken a break. Templ eton nailed. d own the start and was kee p ing th e fi el d at ba y until Chester reached him. and that wa s all she wrote. Chester took the top spot on the podium, wi th Tem pleton and Hedricks ro un d ing out the top thre-e. Hond a o f High-Point / Answer/ Dascobacked Sco tt Shi p ley an d Allen Alford closed ou t the top five with excellen t rid es. Resu tts !Mtu nby !!IO (4-6): 1. Drvon Pl.llWlgton (Act l; 2. T.yktJ Futft'il (Act); 3. M, 'Kinn " n Wrl bnm (Ccob); 4. t<.m.I.tpI-oT Willn ); J. C1iffi::aod P\l"mo(](a w l. 250 D. 1. Aan", Ha l'...... &uJ; 2. Bry an ~ (lea w ); 3. Robert Ullie' t Han); 4, su- CNmbrn ( lea w); S. ChriI r.1ffy a-wr t·.... ....,. 15. A:. 1. Sharw TnnrJeton (Suz); 2. s.:oa: ShIM (Hon); J. Allrn Alford C'l u:}; 4. Tim M.lnll-..h (Hun). 2S+ B/ C 1. Ndan Mo:Fart..nd Olon);2. atfont J"iroTn.C1C.Iw); KykSkwn (Y....,). :l). A". 1. Smtt ~ Qion); 2. 8uTy Mbon Uion.I; 3. Tam MaftlOOlhlHon.l. ~ B/ C: 1_s..- Slmp"'",; 4_Jimm y lSuL); .5. ~ 5a uth (K. w). 2SO/ OPEN A MOO: I . KeIl:y Sauth (5uz); 2. 1ltoInM &non (Suz); 3 Cba"," Duna way (Ka w l; 4. ~' Jr. (Kaow l; 5. M. A Bwlhart GIon ). 250 B STK: 1. c.ry5duoyet' O'am); 2. Matthn¥ M ycn &.z); 3. Ene P...ham (lCaw); 4. Cur bdzidti uc.w); 5. R,.. n a wu.. .. (5uV 2SO B MO D. 1. Rand y VaJ.d.. (Ka w ); 2. Jawm ~cDona ld CNz); 3. M ktLM:1 Mn'ttr (Su.z); 4. c.ry Itadzid.j (1C.a ); S. s.m w V.lnruWlli U-IonJ . 250 c: 1. J....1'h H,."k .. Jr. (Htln) ; 2. GrqI; Fo.tet- ( Kaw ); 3 By S. Bagger M. Bug,; ( Jc.. w ); 4. N.than Nkkoklpouloa Ulon); S. Ridy l)a~ tK. w). MIllINGTO. , MLJU!'r:21·22 O PIi N D/C : I . Muk Brad l. y ( K.a. ); 2. Do ug Fer~lIOn w (}ion>; 3. DorWd ~ (Honl; 4. John Bo..oll ( Hun); 5. 1 - B.lldet" u msing Cyde~-ba cked Kelly Smith and Team Green' s Nick Wey dom inated 125 and 250cc A Stock and Mod ified classes d urin g the Mideast Amateur Regional Loretta Lynn 's Qualifier at Baja Acr~ . Smi th won th e 12Sec A Stock and La w~ro<:(' (Hun). 25+; 1. Ootv I J. nd (l ion); 2. L.ury GoMtcT ( Kl'M ); 3. """ id I: g r lo w (KT M ), 4. To m lXogui K (Ho n) ; S. h.. w Ham . h (lYw l. VET A, 1. K"'li: Rigt'low (KTM ); 2. o.vid Ha nd tHan ); 3. Kip Bi8"lo w (Yam). 4. Rodllq Carrier (KTM); 3 . t..rry Witm,.,. (Suz).

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