Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Damon Huffman (99 1; 13. Sb:vc Lamson (93); 14. David Pingree (91) ; 15. Tony Loru 5S0 (84); IS. Ron Tichenor (811; 17. Brock Sellards (73); 18. Casey Lytic (70); 19. Robbi~ Skaggs (62); 20. Barry c.anten (58) ; 21. Jeff WiIloh (55); 21. SNun Perolio (54); 2J. N a t h.1n Ramsey (39); 24. BlUn OeqI;iln (29); 25 . JO!Oh Demuth (27); 26Scott Carter (24); 27. Pa ul C ur rie (23); 28. Charley ~ an; 29. Robbie H orton (16); 30 . C1'ub Whet*r US); 31. Mike Tl'\"adwt4.1 (13); 32. Ch. d Pt"lknon (11); 33. Rus ty Holland (8); 34. m E) Ja~ Povolny / Grrg Schndl (7); 36. mE) Tra ve Pno!Iton / David Kratz (6); 38. Wall y Sil va (4); 39. (TIEl Billy Sil varole/Jiri Do>tal/P Goazalez (I). Z50 MOTO 1: 1. Jeff Emig (1(aw) ; 2. John Dowd (Yarn); 3. Jeremy McGrath (Suz); 4. Larry Ward (Hon); S. Mike Lagcccc (Suz); 6. Ezra Lu:o>k (Yam) ; 7. Mike Kkodro wsld (Hon ); 8. Jimmy Button (Yam); 9. Anthony (Left) Jeremy McGrath was reun~ed w ith his former mechanic Sk ip Norfolk at Red Bud but stili CQuldn 1 pu ll off t he win. Instead , McGrath went 3-4 for th ird o verall . (Below) Ezra Lusk (11) pulls the ho les hot In the 250cc c lass ahead of Do wd ( 1 ~), McGrath (2), Em lg (1) and J im Neese (85). Lusk went 6-2. Amarild io ('fil m) ; 10. Swin k (Kaw); t 1. Ryan Huffman (; 12. Phil Lawrence (Ya m ); 13. Jason McConnid. ('(.am); 14. Budd y An tulle".t (Hon); 15. Ryan Tt'rlt"Ckj (Suz); 16 . Jim N~ (Su z); 17. Todd Dej-l oo p (Yilm) ; 18. Rich Ta ylor (5070); 19. H ea th Vmy McCrath l C; z); "(U ) u 5. Jeff Emig OGt w) ; 6. l.a ~ Wan! (l Inn); 7. Jimmy Button (Ya m); 8. Greg Albrrtyn (Sw'J ; 9. Ryan Hughes U{aw);. to. Mike Kiedrow ski (Honl; 11. j'hi l Lawre nce (Ya m); 12. Brian Swi nk ( Kawl , 13. Ryan Huffman ( Ka w); H . Jim NCCS<' (Suzl; 15. Ant hon y Ama r" d io (Ya m); 16. Buddy Antu nez (H on ); 17. [aso n McCor m ick (Ya m) ; 18. Todd DcH oop (Yam); 19, Heath VO!>S (l Io n); 20. RYoln Terlecki (Suz); 21. Brad Hagseth (Yam); 22. Bruce Stra tton (Suz); 23. K..-Uy Smith (Suz ); 24. JOM'Ph Oclt1hof (Kaw); 25. Jason Thomas (K.a.w); 26. Mike Katin (Ya m); 27. Brad Woolsey for good I've got some titles t~ win. The 1 ~ 9 0 0- P R O - R A C E Ho lesh o t 'A w a r d winners ' on Sunday were Ke vin Wind ham and B ri a n Deegan in the t 25cc class and J . H Em ig and Ezra Lusk in the 25 0cc division. Each rider earn ed 5250 for getting to th e first tum first. LaR occo (Suz); 6. Larry Ward (Hon); 7. Jimmy Button (Ya m>;8. Mike Kiedrowski ( Kaw ); 'J. Brian Swink (Hon); 10. Phil Lawrence (Ya m ); 11. Ryan Huffman (Ka w); 12. Anthony Ama radio (Yam); 13. G reg Alberryn (Su z); 14. Ryan HUShes ( Ka w); 15. Jim Neese (S uz ); 16. Buddy Antunez (Han); 17. Jason McConnid (Yam); 18. Todd lleHoop (Yam) ; 19. Ryan Terlecki Emi g .£( ("1!17 /2); 2. John Dowd <259/2); 3. JI"f1"DlY McGrath (247); 4 . (T IE ) Lu ry W,ud / Eua L u~ k (204/1); 6 . Mike LaRocco (193); 7. Ryan Hug",", (178); 8. Jim my Butt on (157); 9. Damon Brad5haw (157/1); 10. G~ Albntyn (133/n; tt. Phil La~ (105); 12. Doug Henry (102); 13. Buddy Antu~z (83); 14. Mike Kied rowski (77); IS. J.l!IOn M<:Cormick (68); 16. An thony Amaradio (66); 17. An tho ny Pocoroba (56); 18. Ryan Huffman (53); 19. Ray Sommo (43); 20. Jim Neese (4 l); 21. Brian Swink (38 ); 22. B~ Stratton (38); 23. Heath VOlIioS (37); 24. Ty Wallace (0); 25. Tak.e!l.hi KotL.o.Ja (29) ; 26. Cliff Palnwr (28 1 26; M ike Jont"S (21); "D. Bra. n Swi nk (18) ; 28 .. Todd DeHoop/Dou~ Dubach (15);. 30. AU~tiR Squ ire (13); 31. Ryan 1erleckl (12); 32. Ketth Bowen (l 1) ; 33 . LanC'~ S mail n O); 34 . Yo shitaka Atsuda (9); 35 . (TI E) Joel mE> Drngler/Mike Kalin (7); 37. (TIE) Keith johnson/Sean Hogan (6); 39. Jeff Yentzcr (5); 40. (TIE) Spud Walters / Ben AMff /Pat Bart on (4); 43. mE) Rich Ta ylor / Jason Conlon /Brad Hagseth/M.:1tt Shue (3) ; 47. Keith Trocroli (2); 48 . (T IE) Juo n Tho m as /jos~p h Oehlhof /jim Jorws /Pat FOtiter/Jaso n Frenette/Shawn Waring /Tom CIowmi/ Ty Bitd wd l (1 ). Upcomi ng Round s: Round 8 • New Be~ in. New Vorl<. July 20 Roun d 9 • Troy, Ohio, July 27 A speciaf vis it was 'paid to the Red Bud Nationals by seve n-tim e W orld . MX C hampion ' Joe l Rob ert and f o r me r 250 c c GP s t ar J im Pomeroy. The two legends of mot ocross' were invited to attend the event by wo rks bike collector Terry Goode. who put together an exhib it of rare wo rk s motorcycl es that he owns . The bi kes 'i ncl ud e' Ro be r t ' s '72 Su zuk i 250. the Honda.thet Pomeroyvsed t o w in a motoet Carlsbad in '78 , find race bike s belong ing to B ob Hannah, Jchnny O'Mara and others. The on-site muse um wa s open an weekend long and provided. a .lot of room for old- school be nch racers to ·get to geth er and enjoy the glory days of works , bikes . As fo r Robe rt , he seemed very intere sted in the action as he WatchEtd th-e race from atop the anoocncer's tower. When asked how he thouqht fellow Belg ian Stefan Everts . ight do at m !Jnadilla in tw~. weeks. Robert Said. - Very well. I saw him ,a few weeks : ago at the Belgian G P (at Kester) and he Is ~ding very · strong and fast The' Suz u ki pits were' crowded' on Sunday a s J ere u:.y ·McGra t h I think that he might s urprise the Americans here . " s how ed up wi\h a pai r of mechanics to help w ork on the #2 RM2SO . . . . Skip .N o rfo l k . M c G rath·s me chanic for s ix c hamp ions hip years on . The ,S k oal Racing Privateer Challenge Awards at Red Bud went Hondas. wa s called in by the team in an effort to . give th e slumping ' to Ronnie nchenor (ninth) and Robbie Skaggs (13th) in the 125cc McGrath a ' needed boost . Norfolk worked along side McGrath's regular class and Brian Swink (ninth) and Ryan HuHman <11 th) in the '25Occ ' mechanic Wyatt Seals ' and did aU the pit -board woik. - It was· actually clas s. The top-finishing privateer in each class earned $500 from Skoal Roger DeCoster"s idea for me to come back ; - said Norfolk. who retired Racing. while the second·highest finisher grabbed $200. . from wrenching after the '96 seas on to take a job a t No Fear in CaliforThere were no jerseys or gloves 'being thrown to the cro w d from Jeff nia. · W e' re trying to give J eremy a boost because right he's not rid· Emig at Red Bud. Due to a mix-up in shipping. Emig arriVed .at Red Bud ing ~ke his old self . ·Rog er thought that maybe the best thing for him to with one set of lime -green S hift riding gear to last him throUghout the day. · do was go back' to a combmati on that 'worked o ut well in the ·past. · -That' s why I got ·the holeshot and took off in the first moto' ~ beCause I · McGrath $8.Id o~ the arrangement. · Skip w~ _alwnys a goc;>d ~trvator didn 't want to get all dirty a'nd sweaty' fighting through.the pack : Em'g for me. and I felt Hkeit might be a good idea to have him come back for a little while. I jus\. want to start doing well 'aga in and rm ·trying a lot of Iater.~ . After crashing 'on the fir st lap of the second mot a'and racing through the pack from 37th to fift h, the mud-eovered Emig was more than things to figure out how to ·do. it.· It was obvious tha t the situation was a . · little awkvolard for both mechanics, but they seemed to 'get along fine · willing to leave the clothes with his adoring Red Bud fans. . working in tandem on the multitime champion's bike ..'tVhen asked how Here ·s a human interest st~ fo'r you : When he wOn the last 'two 125cc he felt abo ut the new working arrangements, Seals felt it best ·no t to comment until he 'saw how 'the race went. M cG rath ran 3-4 for third over· Nat ionals of 1996. Kevin Windham wo re a gold cross around his. ~. . . ttiat had been giVen to him by a fan. Bui the chain broke and .Windham · was 'u nab le to fin d 'an unbreakable chain to replace it . After suffering Ab s'e nt from 'S unday ' s Red Bud National w as Honda of Troy's Mike . through 'the first six Nationals of the year without even a mota·wi n. W ," dham borrOwed a chain from teammate Ezra Lusk so he cou ld start running Craig. According to boss Phil Alderton. Craig twisted his knee at M~m the I.ucky cross. again. The res.':Jlts speak for thems~lves , . moth M ountain last wee kend . a~d the leg was too stiff to ride. C mig is ·Briefl ... now neck' 19

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