Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, - - - - - - - - - ----..........--.."""= ,~~,~~-_. - -- --.-- MOTOCROSS AMA 1 251250cc N ATIONAL CHAMPIO SHIP M TOC O S R N O R SS E IES -- ._ ----- Round 7: Red Bud Track W' Trail entered into a short, fierce fight for the lead. The tw o ban ged a couple of tim es before the kid made a pass for the lead n ear the LaRocco Leap triple ju mp (w h ich the 125s were nut ju m p in g). Before Sheak could reta lia te, he went int o the mechanic's - area corner too (Lell) Ricky Cann ichael didn't get the stan he w ant ed in t he fi rst 125cc mo to and ended up fou rt h. He came back and won th e second m ot o for seco nd overall. (Below) Damon Huffman crashed out of t he fi rst , 25cc moto but came back to run a strong second in the second moto . 18 holeshot in a row in National competition . The Hondas of Sheak and Lamson b y Pro w ere n e xt , followe d Circuil /SplitFire /Kawa saki's Casey Johnson, Manchester Honda's Robbie Skaggs, Suzuki's Mickael Pic hon and Carmichael. Left la ying in the second turn was Damon Huffman, Splitfire's David Pingree a n d Canadian Do ug DeHaan. After a lap, Wind ha m he ld a th reese cond lead on Sheak, with Lamson a close th i rd . T he to p three positions would neve r cha n ge throu g hout the moto as Windham led with an event ual co mfor t zo ne of abo ut eight seconds. Lamson put some pressu re on Sh enk , but the New Yorker hung tou gh ahead of his elder teamma te and wo uld record a so lid second, with Lamso n third. As fur the puints leader, Carmic hael had a to u gh time gell ing around the Fren chman Pich o n once th e pai r di sp laced Johnson a nd Skaggs . It too k nearly half th e moto for Carmic hae l to finally make a move, by which time the fro nt three Went too fa r gont! to challenge. "I've been waiting for a moment like that for awhi le," said Windham, who concluded the race with a series of heelclickers, followed by a big no-hander at the checkered flag . "I finally got a few . breaks and put it all together. It' s been a long tim e coming. but it feels g reat." "Kevin was riding really well but so was Lamson, a nd I had to s pen d as much time w orrying a bou t S teve as I did w ith going after Kevin," Sheak sa id afterward . " I knuw tha t second is as good as first in a ational and I didn't want to risk that with Steve 50 close ." "It feels really, reall y good to be back, but I still have some things to work on," said Lamson , who h as been o ff the National tour since reinjuring his th umb a t Hangtown in early May. "I know that the title is pr etty much go ne, but I want to u se th e se las t few ra ce s to s ho w everyone what I can do." At the start of the second mo to, Deegan wa s again a factor, but this tim e it hard and endoed right in front of all of the mechanics. "I was just trying too hard and riding too fast, " sa id a frustrated Sheak after quitting the race with a bruised shou lder. '1 just need to relax and calm down a little and not try so hard." Once in the lead , Ca rmichael too k off building a lead of 10 seconds a nd then cruising th ruu g h th e rest uf th e race. With Sheak ou t and Wind ham still in the bac k, it appeared tha t the Flori d ia n would win h is six t h Natio na l in seven tries this yea r, but then Windham gu t it tugeth er. "I caught up to Lammy and started bat tling with him becau se I knew I wa s go ing to need to beat him if I wa s going to ge t that overall," Wind ham .sa id . "I kne w I was going to have my wor k cu t out for me or I was going to lose ano the r chance to win." ' Wind ham wo rked nn Lamson for 20 m inutes before finally fi ndi ng a way around the Ho nda rider. H uffm an wa s in sigh t as the second-place rid er , but Windham ran out of time, and Huffman wasn' t exactly going slow, either. '1 had a little talk wi th myself between motos and decided that three crashes was not the best I can do," Huffman said later. "The second time out, I got a good start a nd ru de th e way I' m supposed 10. Maybe now I'm back on track." Wi n d ha m finis he d r ight behi nd Huffma n fo r thi rd, w hile a satisfied Lamson was a solid fourth in the m o to for thir d overall. A poor-starling Robbie Reyn ard rounded uu t the tup five in the ", moto. ahea d of Pichon. Red Bud Track 'N' Trail Buchanan, Michigan Rosults: July 6,1997 (Round 8 of 13) 125 MOTO 1: Ke vin Windham (Ya m ); 2. Scott Sh eak (Han); 3 . Steve Lamson (Han ); 4 . Ricky Ca rm ichael (KOII w ); 5. Mickael Pichon (Suz]: 6. Ron Tichenor (Suz) ; 7. Casey Jo hnson (Ka w); '8. Stephan e Roncada (Ho n); 9. Rabbit! Reynard (Hon); 1jl. Mich.ld Br.tnJn (yAm); 11. Tim Ferry (Suz); 12. Rubb it' Sk.lgg. . . (Hon ]: l3. Jt."ff Willoh (Yam); 14. Brock Sella rd .. (Ktlw); 15 . Tony Lorusso (SU7.); 16. Ca se y Ly tl e (lion ); 17 . Charlea DO~iHd (Suz); lB. C rai g Decker (K.1W); 19. Shaun Perclio (Han); 20. Barry Carsten (Suz) ; 21. Brian Dee ga n (Suz); 22. Da mon H uffman (Kc w ): 23. JO!lh Demuth (Suz); 24. David Pingree (Ko1W); 25. Scott Ca rter rs (Suz) ; 26. To m Clow e (Suz); 27. Tho mas Barron (Suz); 1 28. Matt Shue (Suz); 29. Jaso n Fre ne tte (Han); 30. J. Y wcgner (Yam); 31. Cha d Kresge (Suz); 32. RYo1 n Cla rk (Suz); 33. DoUR De haa n (Suz); 34. Ryan Duff (Han); 35. Pau l Cu rr ie (Ka w ); 36.·Natha n Ramsey (5uz); 37. Eri c Reilly (Su:L); 38. Brett Sa I.mJer (K" w); 39. Billy Schl.'g (Hu n); 40. J.m_ Pov oln y (Suz). 125 MOTO 2: 1. Ric1 r Ca rmichael (Kitw); 2. Da mo n Huffman (Ka w) : 3 . Kevin Windham (Ya m ); 4. Steve La mso n (H a n); 5. Robbie Reynard (Ha n ); 6. Mich ael Pichon tSuz) ; 7. Tim ferry (Suz ); tI. Stcphanc Kon cada (Han); 9 . Casey Joh nson ( l<.1w ); 10. Michael Brandes (Yo1m); 11. Ca~'Y Lytle (Hon); 12. Ron Tichenor (Suz); w 13. Robb ie Skagg s (Han); 14. Broc k Sella rd s (l<.1 ); 15. Craig De cker (Ka w); 16. Cha r les Bo gard (S uz>; 17. David Ptn gree (J(.}w) ; 18. Barry Carsten (Su z ); 19. Nathan Ramsey (Su ;,d 20. Pa ul Currie (Kaw); 21. Josh ; Demuth (Suz); 22. [ am es Povolny (Suz); 23. Thomas Bar ron (Suz); 24 . MAtt Shue CSuz); 25. Tum Clu wt'r" (5..17 2b. Do ug IJ..h.-t"n (Suz) ; 27. Clwd Krpo;g.- (.1u7); .); ' 2E1. J""nn Frenette (Hon); 29. Tony Loru.....a (Suz); 30. . Eric Reiljv (Suz); 31. Ryan Duff (Han); 32. Brett Sland" (Ka w) ; 101y wagner (Yam ); 3-1. Billy Schlag (Han); 35. Rvan Cla r k (Su z) ; 36 . let t Will oh (Ya m) ; 37 . Brian u;.'cg.m tSuz); 3tI. Scott Shc41k (Han); 39. Sha un Pcrolio (Hon); -10. Sc:ott u rtC'r' (Suz). 12 5 O /A: t , Kevin Wind ham (Ya m); 2 . Rick y C<1nnkh.lel (K.lw); 3. Seeve Lamson (Hon) ; 4. Mid:.a~ Pichon (Suz); 5. Robbie Re ynard'-(H on ); 6. Stephane Roncad.l (Ho n); 7. Casey Johnson (Ka w); 8. Tim Ftmy (Suz); q. Run Tichenur (Su z ); 10 . Damon Huffman ( KdW); 11 . Mich.lf'1 Bra nde-, (Y"" ); 12. Scott S h PdJ.. m (l Ion) ; 13. Robblf' Sk.lW (Hon ); 14. Ca"if')' lytk- (lIon); 15. Broc k Sella rds 2. Kevin Windham (218/1); 3. Scott ; Sheak (206); 4 . Robbie Re yna rd (187) ; 5 . Stephane Ro ncada (179); 6. Ca se y Jo h nso n (177); 7. Tim Peery(173); 8. Michael Craig (171); 9. Mickael Pichon (162); 10-=, Mic hael Bra n d es (135); 11. Cra ig Decke r (106 ); 12. n. was an impressive holesh ot from the far imide gate on the track. Sheak lucked in righ t behind th e Suzuki and wou ld quickly m a ke a pass for t he lead ; Carmichael and Huffman were soo n to follow. La mson was ba ck in seven th, while Windham rode just o utside the top 10. "I was totall y asleep at the start of the second moto," Windha m said. " 1 though t, 'Whoa, I need to ge t into th is t hi ng !' I was a bou t 11t h pl a ce and 1 knew I was going to need to start moving up right away or it would be ano ther wasted chance." Carm ichael ca ug h t Sh eak and

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