Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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have bee n a cras h in th e sem i be fore ou rs, we ne ver would have bee n read v. With th e new shock it was lik e a new motorcycle." St eve Be at ti e wheeled h is Deeley Ha r ley-David son XR75 0 a r ound J.R. Schnabe l and took a so lid seco nd . Ceo Roeder II led the third semi off, wi th Jo e Ko p p , Dan Sta nley, C h ri s Eva ns , Mike Hacker an d Johnny Murphree in a tight battle o ver second . Evans moved up and took th e lea d on lap four as Roeder and Kopp d u e led over the last transfer. The A merican Harley-Davidso n lnc.-sponsored Evans se pa ra ted himself as Kopp sli p ped by Roed er. On the last lap, Roed er took a last d esperate run at the H arl ey-Da vid son o f Sa cramento-sponsored Kopp . Roed er almost high-sided in tum four , and had to settle for third. MARSHALL DISTRIBUTING GOOCC INVITATIONAL The 12 high-po int rid ers from I-96's regu lar 600ec class were invited to pa rticipat e in the Marshall Distributing Invitational. Dou g O'Boy le led Bryan Bigelow for a lap befor e Bigelow took over and started to pull away. Engine fail u re ended Bigelow's race an d turned the lead over to DRD Steel Sh oes / St auffer Mo torsspo nso red Jaso n Sentell. Sen tell pulled to a big lead over L.J. Schaidt, who had to wi ths tand the latera ce charge o f Greg Sims for second . Doug O'Bo yle held on to fo u r th over Pro-Am rider Chris Huss, GRAND NATIONAL Will Da vi s led the Grand Na tional field out to pick their starting posi tions. Da vis touk th e n umber-fi ve from th e inside slot. Parker looked to Davis' left, while Sprin gsteen m oved high to th e to p o f the tra ck . Bu tler, At herton an d Morehead lined up inside of Par ker. Row two held Pauley, Varnes, Da rling, Cool beth, Bigelow and G raham. The la s t row w a s m ad e up of King, Ca m li n, Kop p , Bea tti e, Morg a n a nd Evans. Morehead, Davis and Butler led the I S-r ider pack as it fil ed in to the fir s t tum. Atherton used one of his great outs id e blas ts to lead t he fi rs t la p . H e wou ld also lead the next 24. Butler held seco nd at the end of lap one, but it was short-lived . "I got p retty close with Kevin on the firs t lap, and I go t kind of up high, and it let a lot of gu ys get und er m e," Butler said. "I had a little tro ubl e getting my mi nd ba ck to gether. O nce I did ge t it back, we d id all righ t, but we just were not ge tting as much tracti o n as we needed to." • Spri ngst een took over second for o ne lap before he, too, s lid back i nt o th e pack. "I got a good s ta rt a nd was go ing fas t; those guys we re jus t going faster," Sp rings teen said. "I was going as fast as I cou ld go ." That q uickly, Da vis wa s up to sec, ond. "We jus t d idn't ge t a s tar t." Davis said . "I knew the first part of the ra ce, it would be Kevin 's kind of tra ck. I go t o ff the line in about sixth place. I tried to go so meplace d own on the bo tto m . It was to u g h . I d idn't kn ow if I co ul d cu t thro ugh them or not . I go t to the bo ttom before he d id , but I co u ld n' t do a nything. We had a rea lly fas t mot o rcycle all nig h t. I just d id n't d o my job off the starling line." One lap later, Parker too k con tro l of third, and the top three po sitions were set . But even t hou gh th e positions 1-96 Speedway Lake Ode ssa , Mic hi gan Results: Jul y 5,1997 (Round 80f 23) (Above) Seven--time and defending Grand National Champ ion'Scott Parke r finished third and now trails Davis by 21 points In the seri es title race. wou ld not cha ng e, Da vi s did a p p ly extreme pressure to his teammat e. "We ran him d own again, but co u ld n' t d o a ny thin g with him th is time," Davis said . "I'm g lad for Kev in - a win right here in hi s back yard , th at ' s g rea t. As ' Iong as we can kee p th at ora nge and ye llow o n th e bo x, b o t h o f u s, I'll be happy." "I was try ing to kee p an eye .on him to see w he re he was making time u p,' A therto n sa id . " I was watching where he was en tering the comer and coming off. I ha d my mind made up he wasn't go ing to beat me this time. It wa s a good race track. They finall y put so me moistu re in it. It could hav e ha d more." Rich King was one rider on the move, as he came from ninth place on lap one to fourth by lap seven tee n. " I knew I was fast in one and two," King said . ' 1 was goi ng in just above the groove, then cutting across th e middle be low the groove, then bringing it back across agai n. 1 was just looking for tra ction eve rywhe re." Moreh ead overcame his p rob lems to ru n a so lid fifth, w ith ano ther ve tera n, Springst een , in six th. "They did n' t put eno ug h water on it before the National," Moreh ead said . " It w as s o dry a nd dus ty the fi rs t lap in th ree and four. It jus t to ok o ff. I ca n' t believe it. They d id a perfect job on it all thro ugh the hea ts, then no thing after the semis an d th at 600 race." Springsteen was still happy with his finish an d his chu ice of sta rting spo ts. "Every bod y else took d own be cau se it was wet , tacky down there," Sp ring- stee n said . "Then, right next to wh ere I was going to start, it was real s lip pery. I s tarted out the yea r with a seco nd and a third, then I d ropped to a 10th, ninth, l Oth, 11th but now we're goi ng the o the r way." Coolbe th and Kopp ran steadily in the top 10. "T he tra ck cha nged," Coolbeth sai d . " In the beg inning, it was real we t u p top, but then it just chu nked up. I tried to find a line. I tried a cou p le, down low , up high ; I end ed up d own low and just put my head d own. We changed bik es toni ght; 1 rode my mi le bik e for the first time. It really ran great. We broke it in for next week. " "I got a reall y good start and picked u p a few po sitions, but it was a struggle all night: Kopp said . "I started catching Coolbe th at a bout ha lfw ay through. 1 sc a re d m yse lf a co u p le of ti m es; 1 could n' t go forwa rd . I tried u p top bu t tha t didn' t work. I just could n' t rid e up there." Butler dropped to ninth after his fast start. "The track changed a w hole bu nc h fro m what it was in the hea t ra ce: Butler said . "There ha d bee n a lot of riding on it sin ce I rod e o n it. Th ree and four got rutted up pretty go od, a nd then it go t dry a nd dusty. It ju st did n't seem like 1 could ge t a hold of the track like I was before wh en we were rid ing o n th e g roo ve. The bi ke wo rked rea ll y w ell there . All in all, it was p retty g ood . 1 went o u t of here la s t year horizon tal, and this year I'm vertical with a top-10 fi n is h a n d a boost in the points. I'm pumped.' Ca mlin ro u nd ed out the top 10, over Pau ley, Morg an, Gr aham, Bigelow and Eva ns . Da rling a nd Bea ttie finished a la p d o wn, w hil e Varnes drop p ed out aft er IS la ps. "It was a nat tir e, bu t th e bike was ru nning ~ l u w er and s lo wer as the race went o n anyway, " Varnes said . "I d on 't r" kno w w hat wa s wrong." Brieflv... Kevin Atherton was able to make his sho rt drive home $42 10 richer . Davis' share stood at $3125. white Par1; 7. Shaun (H·D); 8. DoUK O'80yle (H · D); 9. Joey Brock ( H-D~; 10 . Randy Shank II (H·D); 11. Ken Yodl.T(H -D). Tim lP:" 3 min ., 51.460 ""-"C. H EAT 1 (10 I.lps; 12 ri d c-n. top three tnruofed: 1. J.ty Sp ring!oteen (H·D ); 2. 8 ria n Big elow (H-O ); 3. C ha nce DarhnK (H o n); 4 _ Joe Ko p p (H -O); 5. Pa ul MOTpn ID (H·D); 6. J.R Sdu\olbd (H.D); 7. Chris Evan ' (H-O); 8. Mik e V.unt.~ (H -D); 9_ Ian Segl:."dy . (H· D); 9. Bren t Arm brust er (H· O); 10. JOl'Y Bnw:k (H-D); 11. [aso n Al-tchl't (H· D). Time-: 3 min., 04.360"R'C. SE M I 2 (8 loI pt;; 12 ride-no top two trillnsfe-rt: 1. Rich KinK {Hon) ; 2. Steve Beattie (H.O); 3. J-R. Schna be l (H. D); 4. PilltBcchenan (H· D); 5. Jon Cornwell (H·D); 6. Ian Scw--"dy (H-D); 7 . Paul Berg trom (H- D); 8. Paul lynm ... (H·O); 9. Doug O'Boylc (H-D) ; 10. Jim Mcnvt"Ild (H· O); II . Kl"n YOOl"T (H.D); 12. Eric O' Boyle (1--1-0). Time-: 3 min., 045 28 ' lOC . SEMI 3, (8 bJ"; 12 rid lP"", top two tr.n~ flPr); 1. Chri!O Evans (H -O); 2. Joe Kupp (H .D) ; 3. Ceo Rut-dl"T (H -O); 4. Joh nny Murph",,"" (H · D); 5 Mike- HdCkl'f (H -D); o. Jeff R..ndulph (H.O); 7. o..n St.n!...,. (1--1·0); 8_Rn'" Bt-yt"t" (fl. D ); /OJ , G~ 5im ,. (Hu n) , 10. Sh.tun Ru!O...n (H ·D ); 11. R..ndy Sh.1nk 11 (H ·D ); 12. And y T........-..-r (H.O) Ti me-:3 min .•06.182 sec . G KA ND NATIONAL (25 t.ap8; 18 rid.. ro;, : 1. K.,vm ) Atht-l'tu n (H.n~; 2. Will o..vt<.(l 1·D); 3. Scott f'.illrkl"f (l-l0); 4 . Rkh King atull); 5. SWvt'" \1owlwad (If-D); 6. JAY 5pring-.!t..-n (1-1-0); 7. Kt"Il C.., (11. 0); 8. J " Knpp OI' (H-O); 9. o.m n u ll.. r (l 1.D); 10. D.1.vp GI mlin (H ·D ); 11. Lonnie P.aul.. y ( H·D); 12. P.itul Morg.l" m (II-D); 13. RiCkY G raham (Ho n) ; 14 . BryAn Bigelow (f1.0); 15. Chri.. Evan.. (H ·D); 16. (' Dotrling (Han); 17. Srl'"vt" Iko"ni..(H-D); 18. Kevin V.m _ (}1-0). Timll"': Q m in ., 27.351 -ec . A M A C RAND NA T IO NAL C H A M P IO NS H IP r O I NT ST AN D I NGS ("" ft..r " of 2.3 l'Ve-nt,.,): 1. Will D.tvi.. (135 pt....!3 win ..); 2. St'tJtt P.itrlu-r (114/1 win ); 3. Ril'h King (111/1 win ); 4. Kl:"vin Alhl:'rtnll (94/2 win.,;); 5. J.ity Spring'ilt'l 'n (8t); 6. Dav e GI mli n (1iQ); 7. Siev e Ml'n..... ·.nJ (M); 8 ,,"It" Kupp (67); Q. Da n Rutlt'!" (61); 10. l Ru.'ky Gro Ken Cuu lht-th / M ilo... 1I.I<"Io...r (54) ; 14. Kevin V.-.m.... (:l6) ; 15. W ill i.. M('Cuy (. .';); 16. T.. rry Poo vey (33 / 1 win); 17. \ JR !ich n.l bo>l (Jll); 18. $tf"V,," Bt'attle / Dan Stanley (28); 20. n n-It L, mlt'" (24). MARSHA l.L OI STRID lITI N G 600cc INVITATIONAL 0 2 l.ap"; 12 rid.. r"): 1. JM,on Se n te ll (Rtx l; 2. Larry Sch'l id t TV (Rtx ); 3. G n-g Sim " (Rtx); 4. Dou g O'Boyie Hu. " (Rtx); 6. Eric O'Boyie (Rtx ); 7. Paul (Rtx); S. Kop r; (Rtx ); B. Da n K" uft moln (Rtx); 9. Brian H e w !IOn (Rtx); 10. C h ip \. Tl't' n (IUxl ; 11. Eu g e ne CopC'iand Jr. • (Rtx); 12. Bry"n Bigf'low (ATK). T i nlf": 4 m in ., 40.981 .... 'C . mE) Chn" starts . and a steady throttltf hand 'are all.importan t. The c~ndition s produ c ed a co uple o f surprise wi nners . Da n B u tl e r w on the fir st and fas test of the night with a four. lap time of 1:35.383. Ricky G raham , J ay Springsteen, Kevin Atherton and Will Da vis came away. with wins , but the surprises were youngsters Pau l B ergs trom and Bryan Bigelow, who both topped some heavy hitters to win their quaLFiers. Dan Butler was pumped after his fast time . "' The bik~s were awesome,"' Butler said. - I rode wha t we' had, and we had a great bike all day. (\/Ve're) Fast qualifier. We must have been doing so mething righ t . Stay consistent and stay in the top 10. We'll be there : we 're done with that not making it and playing cat ch -up all the time . Dir ect transfers · tha't co ming from the back suck s. "" Ric ky Gra ham said he had rod e his worst race ' i~ a Iqng time in the National. - I have no excuses. "" Graham said . -The bike was good, and I feel great. It just didn't happen tonight. "" Graham now lists USC Racing and Z Gallerie s as his sponsors. "" There are many people that co ntributed to my off-season training to whom I'm very grateful.. Hollister Hills, Ma tt ROOr. Ted Ponton, Chris and Gordon Rudy, Carl and Annett e Frey , Rob· bie long, Eric Barsta~ and L&M Machtne. Many small or httle thir:'9s 8dd up to make one big thing . "" M issing from thiS week's action·were Ros e Racing·s Willie McCoy and De~y Racing's Scott Stump. Bo th were involved in a violent accident , at last week's race in Um a, Ohio . Stump has been released to race , but was still too sore this wee k. McCoy fared a htt le wor se, w ith five br oken ribs and a bruised lung .:M cCoy says he hopes to be back for Eldora -in a .Q ualifying heat s we re run' under typ ical dayt ime co nditions, 'where good . cou ple o f weeks. . ~ ~ ~ t"- 0\ 0\ ,- -.D ,- .-.. >-. ;:l 15

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