Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MOTOCROSS AMA 125/25Occ NATIONAL C HAMPIONSH M T C O SERIES IP O O R SS Round 7: Red Bud Track 'N' Trail (Len) Yamaha 's John Dowd scored his second 2SOCc National win in a row at Red Bud . In Michigan. His win the previous week at his home tra ck In Southwick wasn't too surprising; his win at Red Bud was . Dowd Is mak in g 8 ru n at ser ies leader Jeff Emig . (Below) Kevin Wind ham returned to wi nning fo rm in the 125cc Nati onal, He wo n Ihe firsl moto and look I hlrd In Ihe sec ond, scoring hi s first overall Nat ional win of the year. By Davey Coombs Photos by Kinney Jones BUCHANAN, Ml.jULY6 a ma h a le a m m a tes Jo h n Do wd a nd Kevin Wind ha m turned the Fourt h of Ju ly weekend into a Blue Sunday a t Red Bud Track 'N' Trail when they won the 250 and 12Sec classes, respecti vely, at the seventh round of the AMA Nationa l Motocross Cha mpions h ip Ser ies . Dowd , fro m Ch ico pee, Ma ssa ch u se tt s, ra n 2- 1 10 clinch Ihe ove ra ll in the 250cc class, while Windham , from Baton Rouge, Louisian a, finished 1-3 in the high ly compe titive 125cc division. For 32-yea r-old Dowd, the Red Bud Y 16 win marked the second time in as many races that he has won the 250cc class, ha ving swep t both mot os at his hom etown Southwick race two w eeks " go. a Red Bud was also the third win in a row for Yamaha , going back to tea m ma te Ezra Lusk's fifth ro und win at Budds Cree k in ea rly June. BUI unlike Dowd's victory at the sandy Sou th wic k circuit, Su nday's wi n in Mich igan was q uite unexpected . "I' m as su rprised as everyone else is," said Dowd, the oldes t rider in the race. "T h is has never rea lly been one of my better tracks . In fact, I don't Ihink that I've ever really been on the podium here before. But I felt pr etty good in practice, had some good starts and a little bil of luck , and everyt hing just we nl my way. I felt like I was flowing around the track really well all da y long." Jeff Emig, a Red Bud crowd favorite after winning fou r Nationals in the last five yea rs going into this yea r' s race, was second on the da y with a I -5 tally after crashing on the first lap of the second mot o . Su z u ki's Jeremy McGr ath, with old mechan ic Skip Norfolk back in his corner (see Briefly...), wa s third overall w ith a 3-4 score. Rou nd ing ou t the top five overa ll on Su nday we re Lu sk (6-2) and local hero Mike Lalcocco (5-3).

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