Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 10 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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vicious-looking accidents that marred the evening's program. John Faulkner m led the pack as the field rumbled into turn one, and the Goreville, illinois, rider led the race for the first three laps before Pennsylvania's Robert Miller and Roeder's HarleyDavidson/KK/Wymer's Jess Roeder dropped him to third. Miller led on a higher line, but Roeder was running lower and cutting the margin between the two with each lap. Roeder dove under Miller on the sixth lap and slid up in front of him only to lose the lead once again as Miller dropped to the bottom of the track off tum two. Roeder then led it to the line, but the race was halted after Georgie Price IV highsided coming off the same tum and collected Marco Morello in the process. With the 600cc main event still on deck, (Right) Left to right: _SChnabel, Parker andCamlin celebrated on the podium. The festivities had to be cut short as there were still two full support-class programs to be run. (Below) Paul Morgan III was one of several riders to hit the Knoxville dirt. Morgan suffered a concussion in this Incident, which was the end result of his heat-race collision with Dave Camlin. D); 4. Georgie Price IV (H-D); 5. Ken Yod... Jr. (H-D); 6. Tommy Colson (H-D); 7. Kris' Armentrout (H-D); 8. Brent Armbruster (H-D); 9. Stephen Gill (H-D); 10. Kenten Longcor (Hon). Time: 3 min .• 16.n sec. SEMI 3 (8 Laps; 10 riders, top 2 transfer): 1. Brett Landes (Han); 2. Dan Stanley (H·D); 3. T~ Poovey (H-D); 4. Paul B..-gslrom (Han); 5. Pat Buchanan (H-D); 6. Jim Sumn... (H-D); 7. Dave Hebb (Hon); 8. Tommy Hayden (H-D); 9. Doug Scaggs (H-D); 10. Greg Sims (H-D). Time: 3 min., 15.62 sec. GRAND NATIONAL (25 bps; 18 riden); 1. Scott Parker (}-I-D); 2. Dave Camlin (H-D); 3. Will Davis af. D); 4. Kevin Atherton (H-D); S. Dale Jenneman (H-D); 6. Geo Roeder U (H-D); 7, Paul Lynch (H-D); 8. Joe Kopp (H-D); 9, Brett Landes (Han); 10. Dan BuUer (H-D); 11. Mike Hacker (R·D); 12. Willie McCoy (H-O); 13. Kenny Coolocth (H-D); 14. Jay Springsteen (H-D); 15. Bret Beyer (H-D); 16. Steve Morehead (H~O); 17. Dan Stanley (H-D); 18. J.R. Schnabel (H-D). Time: 10 min., 7,(17 sec. AMA GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES STANDINGS (After 19 of 21 rounds), 1. Scott Park..- (267 points/5 wins); 2. Kevin Atherton (252/4 ); 3. Will Davis (241/3); 4, Joe Kopp (221) 5. Rich King (210/1); 6. Steve Morehead (206); 7. Dave Camlin om; 8. Kevin Varnes (153); 9. Brett Landes (125); 10. Jay AMA officials called the race and backed it up one lap to determine the finishing order. Miller was determined to be the leader and thus earned his first National victory. "This is my first big win of any kind," Miller said. "We'll take it any way we can. That's racing. I wasn't worried about Jess anyway. I was going to get by him again. I was just kind of sleeping out there. It was mine: This is awesome." "All I can say is that I reeled him in, I passed him, and he didn't pass me back," a clearly disappointed Roeder said. "I'm not saying he wouldn't have beat me, but it was a just a horrible call. It was a typical AMA calI." CN Knoxville Raceway Knoxville, Iowa Results: 5epIember 21, 1996 (Round 19 of 21) HEAT 1 (10 laps; 11 riders, top 3 transfer):·l. Scott Parker (HoD); 2. Jay Springsteen (H-D); 3. J.R. Schnabel (H-D); 4. Willie McCoy (H-D); 5. Steve Beattie (H-D); 6, Pat Buchannn (H-D); 7. Troy Thames (H-D); 8. Kris Armentrout (H-D); 9, Greg Sims (H-O); 10. Chance Darling (Hon); 11. Ken Yoder Jr. (H-D). Time: 4 min., 1.59 sec. MEAT 2 (10 laps; 11 riders, top 3 transfa): 1. Kevin Atherton (H-D); 2. Paul Lynch (H-D); 3. Dan BuU... (H- 0); 4. Brett Landes (Hon); 5. Ronnie Jones (Hon); 6. Georgie Price IV (H-D); 7. Paul Bergstrom (Hon); 8. Mike Varnes (Hon); 9. Tommy Colson (H-D); to. Jim Sumner (H-D); 1L Gary Rogers (Han). Time: 4 min., 3.71 sec. HEAT 3 (to ups; 10 ridrrs. top 3 transfer); 1. Dave Camlin (H·D); 2. Will Davis (H·D); 3. Dale Jenneman (H-D); 4. Dan Stanley (H-D); S. Bret Bey... (A-D); 6. Ian Sejtedy (H-D); 7. Tommy Hayden (H-D); 8. Stephen Gill (H-D); 9. Paul Morgan III (H-D); 10. Dave Hebb (Han). Time: None due to red flag. HEAT 4 (10 l.aPSi 10 riders, top 3 transfer); 1. Joe Kopp (H·D); 2. Steve Morehead (H-D); 3. Kenny Coolbeth (Ii-D); 4. Goo Roeder 11 (H-D); 5. Mike Hacker (H-D); 6. Terry Poovey (H-D); 7. Brent Armbrust... (HD); 8. Lonnie Kopp (H-D); 9. Doug Scaggs (H-D); 10. Kenten Longcor (Hon). Time: 4 min., 1.60 sec. SEMI 1 (8 laps; 10 riders, top 2 transfer): 1. Mike Hacker (H-D); 2. Willie McCoy (H-D); 3. Chance Darling (Hon); 4. Mike Varnes (Hon); 5. Troy Thames (H-D); 6. Ian Segedy (H-D); 7. Ronnie Jones (Han); 8. Lonnie Kopp (H-D); 9. Gary Rogers (Hon); 10. Paul Morgan III (H-D). Time: 3 min.• 15.53 sec. SEMI 2 (8; 10 rideni, top 2 transfer>: 1. Ceo Roed... ll (H-D); 2. Bret Bey... (H-D); 3. Steve Beattie (H- .A pall wa~ cast over the l:J.S.. Motorcycie Nationals as'the pirt t(8ck.Qommqnily leaml!d of the death of .Dlck A"dr"e. 59. 01 Urbana, ~linois: .Andrae. who has awned 'Andrae's Harley-Davidson- in 'Urbana since the lale '60s; also served as ar.r,lIlinois District J 7 referee' as-well as a referee: ,.for' th'e Castle Rock 600cc National ITs and Sturgis bike week. He, had .. recently received a plaque:from, the illinOiS Motorcycle Dealers AssoQia·tion -at the Sprin~field Mile in- appreciation fa, his 'being one of the three original"charter members of-the grou~. Andr~e ·raced the Grand National circuil from 1956-65 and' carried National 89 i~ 1960. He is survived by' .his wife Sharon. a daughter linn, a son' Don. and five grandchildren, Andrae. was also a me.mber of the Shriners. and the familY. has requested that ~ny c.ards and letters be sent ·to the Shrin~rs Crippled C!'ildrens . Fund. ,Cards and letters can bl! sent to 1401 E. Main St.. Urbana. IL , 61802.' Springsteen (09); 11. Dan Butler (101); 12. Steve Beattie (95); 13. Dale Jenneman (90); 14. Kenny Coolbeth (65); 15. Terry Poovey (54); 16. Dan Stanley (53); 17. Ronnie Jones (49); lB. (TIE) j.R. Schnabel/Chance Darling (44); 20. Geo Roed... U (39). 600 SUP (10 laps; 15 riders),). Kenny Coolbeth (WR); 2. Paul Lynch (Rtx); 3. Bret Beyer (Rtx); 4. Marc Cifford (W-R); 5. Tim Mertens (ATK); 6. Charlie Orr (Rtx); 7. Ken Yod... Jr. (Rtx); 8. Dave Hebb (Rtx); 9. Joey Duvall (w-R>; 10. Billy Martin (Rtx); n. j.R. Schnabel (Rtx); 12. Steve Kasten (Yam); 13. josh BuU... (Rtx); 14. Lonnie Pauley (W-R); 15. Shaun Russell (Rtx). Ti,me 4 nUn., 9.82 sec. 883 NATIONAL (10 laps; 17 riders): 1". Robert Miller (H-D); 2. Jess Roed ... (H-D); 3. John FaulJcn... (HD); 4. Mike Hacker (H-D); s. J.R. Schnabel (H-D); 6. Eric Bostrom (H-D); 7. Shaun Russell (H-D); 8. Paul Bergstrom (H-D); 9. Gary Rogers (H-D); 10. Brent Armbruster (H~D); 11. Scott Stump (H-D); 12. Josh Butler (H-D); 13. Brian Thomas (1-1-0); 14. Rob Celte (HD); 15. Doug Scaggs (H-D); 16. Marco MoreUo (H-D); 17. Georgie Price IV (H-D). Time: None due to red flag. Upcoming Rounds: Round 20 - Sacramento, CA, September 28 Round 21 - Del Mar, CA, October 12 'Scott Parker's motorqycle prior to lhe m.iin event.' Parker',. win~i'ng machine was spOrting·tin foil. of all·thil1Qs. aroUnd the eXh.aust pipes on ·the left side of the bike near the shock absorber. "ft's.just recalling ~ome thing frbm. sCiencE'- class in school.: Werner said. "ifs a bUJ:npy track..arid so the shook might .'maybe ·heat up a Iijtle more than It normally. would. .The tin 'foil· should radiate som~ of the heat ~way from 'the .shock. " ,~vidently. tbe. foil did,its i"b. " ...' . ... . ',' . D~spite' riot. ha"ing a riger, to ';"ork, with: USC Racing's ..Johnny· ~o;.,d showl'd up at.·Knoxvilie and:unlQaded Vames' Honda from the truck. -We're. just going' through ,th~ motions." Goad .said. "Nobody. is goi"g t? This is:Kevi.n·s motorcycle. - Yet somebody eventually did. as Mike wound up on the machine after his White's Harley-Davidson XR expired prior to his heat face. Vames had never ridden an RS before. but he gave a Qood' account of himself anyway. 'placing eighth in his heat race and fourth in his semi abaord the unfamiliar bike. "It's fast." Varnes Said: "But' rd have to ge'r more, of'a, feel for- it. This was my first time on ~ Honda'. " Scott !"8i'kej.· suffered a tense moment in 'the main 'everit when Dan When Scott Parker scored his 75th win pt the U.S. Motorcycle NationStanley crash.ed in tun;,s one and tWo near the middle part of the' main als. it also pushed tuner Bill Wemer -past the 11 Q mark a's the 12-time ·Grand National'championship:winning tuner no.w has '111 wins io his 'cred- . event, bJJ!.'Stanfey got.up !,od the race 6Qntinued uninterrupted. "When it, 'Each win is special.~ Wemer:said. "But the.way he (Parker) did. it, he he fell ,off, I was saying.' Please. · flag. please.'" Parker said: "If ,they had tnrown one. that -would ba~e been the third time I ~as leading showed he can still ride a' mo\orcycl~ prettygood.." when th~y stopped a. race. r lost tHe other two. " . . . RI~h King .:vas stili· in 'the l~ten~iYe care ~nit at th~ Knoxville Area' Co.,;$everai G~and,N~tional insiders and, friends of the sport att";'ded. the l10t munily' Hospital as of Monday. September 23: The Iowan r~portedly ~uf. fered broken ribs and a· punctured lung in the violent,' .tum-two practice , Sh_s 'by Geot-iIe/Max', Leathers fan' apPreCi!ltion day paftY in Des Moines. Iowa. 'on the Friday' before .the U.S. Motorcy.cle Nationals.. crash which saw his R'&RITeam Saddlemen Honda launch higher th'an th.e 15-foot sprint ear catch fence: Which lines the race track'. before slamming . The annual gathe,ring ~rew nearly 100 people. to the chili feed and play cay. which takes place at a private quarter;mile:dirt track' on the fa'niily to the ground and ~xpioding in a ball·of fir-e. According to King·s·father. " . .. Richard Sr.. physicians found some leakage in each of King's lungS' but, fa,",. '. nothing' that would require' a yentilator. King Was expected to be trans"We've Qot.a champion' right now who is t?ad 'for 'Our sport," ,an a~gry 'ferred t,o a hospital near his Waterloo. leiwa, ilome.early'in the week.. '. Steve Month'ead s;oid in response to. Scott Parker's 'comments in 'Bal1ei~ Hailey:Davids~n's .Johnny Murph.... sufferE.d a' broken b100d .Cyc.le Ne.w$'coverage of thl' Eldora Hall Mile. "He bad-moLlthed my' race track: and' he shot us ~II in .the foot.. ~ve'Y. tim~ he runs hiS' mouth. vessel in his hand. after unloading on his. 683 .ip practice. "I·r.n really' bummed." Murphree said. sucn. a slow start to the year. and we' '.he sets the' sport· back about two years: I know that there were probshould have' won Hag·erstown. I really felt· like .1. was gOing well . lems with the race track. but 'we've already discussed whcit we 'can do tonight. '" . . . . . , to fix It for next year. We need to work with the 'promoters and owners . . .to fix our probfems. together.. Let's not run -peo.ple. off by engaging our .. .J.R: Schnabel was unders'tandably dis~pj:>oin.ted ,~ith his disqu~lifica-' ·mouths bef,ore we pJJt oJJr bt-a,in i~:to' gear Ii~e Parker: ,we've al.1 had ,to. .tion in the.Grand NationaL bul the' 17-year-old Wiscor'lsinite manag~d' to:. cowboy .it· "f these race track~ a time or two: If you can't do keeP a smile on bis face. "I guess What happened is -that we tightened the. t.hat th.en you ne,ed ,0 'pull it o.ff,and ,put it in the truck:.1 couldn ',t tonight, hose clamp on one of the air filters too tight,," Schnabel said. "It wouldn't' " so that's what I did. But we caf\'t afford to fose- any of"these greal.facili' let the AMA's tool there: We're sick abQut it, but I know that I can 'ties. You '')Iant to know'something? We.'ve got a' $50;000 purse for'\he rlJn with them now.. We were fifth at Springfield and seCond here. And I:' San Jose Mile. and Parker' called up Gary Stolieoburg, (the 'promoter) made all three mains tonight.. I'm pretty tired." . . and asked. hil)1 for $2500 show-up ·money when he knows that all that gate money is going into the'Peopte's point. fund. Now how's that fqr . :. 81U !'Ve~r performed a rather interesting bit of engineering work on greed?" -. .' .

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