SChoo I' s Ollt and thel'e's nevel' been a betWl' time to
"et a ne., SIIZIIJ(; m;n;, Becallse dlll';n" SIIZIIJ(;'S
SChool'S Ollt SlImmel' Blast ~oll'll "et tloo ;n f'I'ee
accessol' ;es "hen ~Oll bll~ a JRSo, a DS80 01' the I'aceI'ead~ RM8o, That'S 1'; "ht, choose an~ accessol'; es lip
IN AC'E~'ORIE~ to tloo, f'I'ee, 6et jel'se~s, "o""les, bootS, "loves
othel' hot "eal' ~Olll' J(;d .,; II love So hlll'I'~ to ~Olll' pal't;c;pat;n"
dea Iel' bef'Ol'e Septembel' jo, And blaSt ;nto Sllmmel' f'lIn,
Accessory olfer valid 6-1-96 through 9-30-96. See participating dealers for details. AI SUZUkI, we want every ride 10 be safe and enjoyable. So always wear 3 helmet, eye protection
and protective clothing. Never ride under the influence of alcohol or olher drugs. Study your owner's manual and always Inspect your Suzuki belore riding. Always supervise young riders.
Along with concerned conservationists everywhere, Suzuki urges you 10 MTREAD lIGHTlY- on public and private land. Preserve your future riding opportunities by showing respect
lor the environment, local laws and the rig his 01 olhers when you ride. The AM series motorcycles are lor closed-course competition use and related praclices only.