Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Cydoslf _ _ ...... Y_u 3&18W._ -,Jl85119 (H2l973·5111 11...-, 2353 Troil Will _ Boa, Fl 33405 (4171&13·1&42 CA~C;J:A --..,.m 2511 _ Y_efa-ta _.Jl85257 bIosto. &A 3IIIlIli I..N._ (711&1783-2338 (&12]971_ _oI.Y_ ~FOfUfJ:A 125 l 110 1llI. "'_,CA 92805 (7141563·1700 titive cregg-ceuntry he WR~;)G returng fer c~peff read riderg alike racerg and recreatienath: W;, g durability and ,. in 1997. 'I'e inCreag~ t and upper ceil -- prereliability, a ne\1 C~I ~minl; and legg feulinl; at viding impreved gparK d Frent brake perfermance lel\yer gpeedg -- \1ere ad~:i~l; the 1997 YZ~;)G frlllnt hag been enhanced by d fer increaged tractien, brake magter cylinder a~een added. other chanl;eg ne\1 Dunlep tireg haveh.andlebarg fer better ridin~ include: lGmm taller . d 11hite celerinl; and l;raph pegitien and ne\1 blue an . icg. Barts MIlIrCyCI. Mell HO Will _ I I ..... Izuse,CA 91702 (8181334-1281 Bet_, _IIlIDIts 10401 AI_ 8hrj. 801111..." CA 98708 (3101925·5097 Y_POW_1I 150 S. Filllo St Cell..... CA 93210 (2091935·5101 MelD_d Of EI Cejon &88 EI Cejon 8'd. EI Ceje•• CA 92020 (8191442·0941 Not1h Ceuoty V_be 1315 Las Villes W., Eseedille. CA 9202& (&191432·9501 Y_OI_ _Y- 215 bIlW..... St _,&A 31721 £11.1271-11211 Me-. 333 N. _ Pllwy. (Hwy. 41l &A 30012 (7701425.- nLX!foJ:~ Baozal M . . .rts . "11- Lorvnt" 811 N. Mllwllll,1O ..... Ullertyvlllo. Il &1048 [8471382-7110 FwIIl City Y_, I... 8801 H. Second Slnet MecMuey Pork, Illinois &1115 [815J&33·71&3 H.IzIIeuer', Pre MIlIr s,orts 1070 H. Mill H_UIe. Il 822&3 (8181327·4005 383 1I.s. na Buy any new '97 or prior year Y280, Y2/25, Y2250orW'R2S0 between August 1st and December 31st and get- V""""', IN 4&313 (2111477-4708 AnteI.,. V.1Iey y _ ",IIIY_ 395411iJ 1llI. Uocolo Pork, MI 41146 (313J382-1228 480 Will'"" I 93534 [805J94I·l019 Lo_. CA .y.... Murrieta MotorSperts 2&888 Jellersel MurTie", Cl 925&2 [909J&98·4123 MotePn 1425 South Cull Hlghwoy O ....sld•• Cl 921154 inferesl!I, 1997* t/ntil April poymenf! .......r- t/nfil April I, 1997* MJ:QtJ:C;AH y...he Of Medeste 1382 9IlI St Modeste. Cl 95354 (8OO1909·CYCU "' (21191527·5&83 Sunlyll. Reci.g 1305 Higbwoy & 1 Fostus. MIl &3028 {8001741·RIDE £7433] MO A A Hi·TedI Motenperts &548 S. F"llage Rd. 8i111.." MY 51101 1·800·735·935& 1&19J433·4333 M.ntciair Y be .... 11195·1 Ceolrel Ay.... Ontari•• Cl 917&2 1·800·RIOE·YAM Cepilol Y.mah. 4622 Auburn 8lyd. sacrom.nto, Cl 95841 (80017·YIMAH. Fun 81k. Cenlef 4&89 eo..., Sl sa. Oi.... Cl 92111 [&191278·&&35 y_.. . OltJ:O - s,ort Cydos I... 1&5 CIl.... RlI. . - . .. 45781 [I8IIJ592-4484 _"ol-.,.u 8IOMt._I,. CiiICiollli.1IIl 45245 [5131752-0088 Rose""" _ $jIorts 23&8 Di_ loki 81vd. Rollilurg. DR 97470 [5411872-4179 8e1Y_Yomau 1038CJ SW _ . Blvd. Tign. DR 97223 £503JI84·88OO PUfH~\'L"A J:A Cycl. City 2555 WesldIeste, Pie 8........ PA 19008 (&10J356·2862 &inenill Cycl. ee_ 4684 Rorte 8 & Ii•• P. 15044 ... £4121487·2803 _', "w.'ljIilts MiuieIY_ 25891 Crown Velie, Pertrny I0Io11 Ni..... CA 92177 (7141582-0351 Heres (J winning tledl Jl/ST FOR YOl/! 8eIIky J', 4724 _ I Blvd. H·E AlIIu~_, l1li 87118 (5051884-3813 ""me,MaID" 3333 S. &111 Av•. O ...h., HE &810& (442)551·130& 8&8 Selos& sarvice 791 Flory Mililld. loot, PA 17&01 17171569·57&4 Memn Melenports 1416 S.IIa_, St (HI. 1.] _wo.P.I9465 (&111323·0525 lctien Motors,orts 1881W_Rd. Y.rt<, P. 17402 (7171757·2888 ~~ii Gmt O~..r 51... 475 Highw., 51 8Yl11SS Dyersburg. TN 38024 (901l188·5584 &reot O~ .., Store 50N. M.di... Humb.ldt. TN 38343 (9011824·1000 Y.mah. Cyeleeelllll,.I.c. l4lJ5 E. Sto•• Dr. Ki.gsp.rt. TN 37&80 (4231247·8511 Perform.nce Plus V.mlU s,.rts West Ylm.h. 8545 W. saura Las V ..... NY 89101 £7021221·97&2 HiW ItAMP~ltmi Kelb. CycJt Sel.. 22123 V tun 81vd. .. Woodlend Hi... Cl 913&4 (8181348·7865 H ..... Cycle Ceo..... liIC. 2 R.._ . Drive Hu_. NH 03051 (&83J882·1573 Ceotral Sports I... ne... 12 Plaiofiold Pleiafield. CT 01374 (888J5&4-4223 ., FAX [88815&4·1283 Melle. ElIIIlrprius l I _ 5312 PI...... Vi.w M.mphi,. TN 38134 (9011385·819& U..JAIt South V.IIe, Motollll.rts 11553 S. SIIte Street Orap.,. lIT 84020 1801157&·1899 YmC;J:HrA J......, S,ortcycl.. '\\i'h ;O~I)m.~tl cr"d'l U~1lI1: lhr \ .. rnah~ crrdil eliI'd: 1'-.1I'l> \1'11: '"' h16hlO'-e.up 'uSf,.illlO: l~."'"' AI'W u" llw J)l .... li,1fI "r'h" hallllK"r "'''I' Sb,OIlO. i_W rniOimurn fin,.".... chllrl:f'. I nil mil.' 1M' pun·h"....... n.... frum d..:,l..r lo..'ntun. l'1ere are "0'.' .h]s 1:1 11"'e cJual t. t~e "ree-s;:lr1ted e~r1l1 lii.:1d experlc:1ce sf metercyclln. a.nd th .. t's ..' . . . 7 it's Impsrtll:1t "'.r all .... us t. dll ltur part liS rcsplt:131ble rlder3. 3J ".ll.~i:".~ l.~ieal csmmen-scn5C rUles, ~e can malntal:1 30aSilO Ii"'ter SClii.3lt':"l II" un~li.ralleled c:1.1eyment lit" lItur sp.rt. a.l".uq! remember ee reYie·.T Jeur Y~~~h~ v.etercJc1e O~~er'~ M~nual be~$re Jeu ride. Be~ere eac~ ride, take ti~e te clotec~ all yeu!" eauip~ent. "1'.Ta7~ ·.Te~r a:l appreycd helmet, eye j:retectlen, lllm~ treu~er~. ~1eytJ'~ and beet~. '.nd ~hY~J~ be ~ure Jeur bike i~ i:1 ~ir~t cla~~ cenditie:1 ridin:;. NeYer ride .Q YZ e:1 p~Yed ~urr~ce~ er public r.lil.d~; neyer e:"!,",lI.:;e in ~tunt rldjn~ and aYSlid exce~~iYe ~pecd. Prslyide p ....rcntlll ~uperYj~jSl:"! '.Tlooten liI. metercycle 1~ bei:l:; eperated by Ill. mi:"!er. Eyer] metercJcle rider ~~euld be 1Ii.'.yare .~ the limit~ &f hl~ .r her ~ki11~, experience and abi11t1 e~ a:ld ride accllrdin:;ly. Be;l:"lner~ ~h.uld be extremel,7 cautleue Iil.nd all&',l extra time and dl~ t~nce r&r mlmeuycrin.r;:; knd br",ld:1:;. 6,11 r1.der~ ~h.uld ride '.Tell '.llthl:i the Ilmit~ IIf their IiIblllt1ee, neyer be]&nd them. Oe nst drini<. lolnd ride. It i~ 111e~a1 and da:"l~ereu~, yam .... ~a and the Meterc,7cle ~afety P&undatJen enceurau,e ]$U t. ride ~a~e 1J IiInd re~pect the enyirenment. Per further In~ermatlen re:;ardin~ the M~P C$ur~e, pleaee call l-QGG-~~o-~~~I the rider" ueed durin;>; phetlll:jraphy are ~J:1;hly ,,'.<1l1ed, Yery t.Qlented pr.fe,,"I&~ ",1 racere. "11 sf he acti&:i '-'liS " en " c1s.!ed ceur"e, a:1d 1~ :'lilt l:"1tended t. be duplIcated 1:'l any ~ay. SpeCi~lcatle:"l~ ~ubJect te c~an~e ~itheut :"Istjce. *Y~" ~lth Ill. 3L-OaJ Limited t='acter7 \?arrant . LImited '.urriiLntJ dec" :"let app11 te unite i"'er racin-. ')ee ysur dealer ~er detlil.jl~. eelllrel $jIorts I .. 555 N.rwich Ay .. T .flvill., CT 08380 (8&0]88&·1487 8rowonl MoIDlIlIorl 4101 OlYi. IIoId Exle.,i... Hollywood. Fl 33024 [954J43&·!I9lI5 W .._ Motmycl.. 1851 Pi•• Ridge Rd. N.pia" Fl341 09 {941l594·5535 • RS Pewe"p.rts 4422 Highwa, 441 N.rth Ok_hob... Fl34971 [9411467·0900 Hiv. YIJI.h. 3801 N. Oilie HiOhw., Pompa. 8oodl, Fl 330&4 19541785-4820 2907 Fin! IIoId Egg Hethr Towoship. MJ 08234 (&09]&45·8181 Melio. ElIIIlrprisn Y.... he 829W1lileH.... PIk. llallm...... MJ 08037 (&09J5&1·8181 Stump,', TIuo y... he &ilInt 1207 Higbw., 35 N"",••, MJ 07753 (800]914-8371 "","II, Cycl. $jIorts 1141D1h SlIl.W. CI1erIottesvill•• VA 12903 [8041293-440& F"dericlcsburg Motor s,.rts 390 Kings "igbw., ..derickoburg. V. 214lJ5 F (5401899·9100 Colema. PoW.IIlI.rt 14105 T.lgrapb Woodbridg•. VA 22191 {703JI37-348lI Enumcl.w Vam.ha 915 Route 17 Seuth ""mil'. MJ 0744& (201l825·3333 488 Roos•••" E.umclaw. WA 98012 (3&OJ825-4502 Suss•• M.IDlIlIorlS 448 #23 MJ 074&1 (2011875·3840 longview MDtorspOrts Ki.g Cyela loc. &57 UIicI AVI. 8_1,., NY 11203 (718]173·2279 v....he Of Port Weshinglen 548 W. Grand A ..... Port Washi.gto., WI 53074 1414]284-5995 """Ie Susse'. 1113 V.ndertllilk W., Lo.gview, W. 98&31 (380183&·1220

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