Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 09 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS. (Left) Scotty Brown (1) leads the rest of the pack through the Bear Creek Speedway's turns In Canton, Ohio, on his way to his sixth consecutive U.S. Open Speedway title. (Below left) Jeff Moody (267) worked his way up to the overall win In the 250cc class at the Sterling Amateur National in Sterling, Kansas. Results O~'\l SPDWY: 1. Scott Brown. 2. Bogden Muszynski; 3. Blff Wascynslo.i; 4 Jeff Orosz; S. Sob@kMuszyn..k.i. FLT TRCK H/W: 1. Tom Hensler; 2. D",n Sullivan; 3. Bobby Peters; 4. Oalr Dunbar; 5. Roger o.V15. FLT TRCK L/W: 1. Tom Hensler; 2. Joel Brown, 3. Bobby Peters. YrH: I. Ridey Marshal; 2. Craig Schartz; 3. Jes,ie Swain; 4. Nicholas Manol; 5. Samanatha Marshal. Moody wins at Sterling Amateur MX Nationals By Scooter Bell Photo by Gary Hershberger MINISR: I. Oer@kSturgell (Kaw); 2. Trevor Moriva (Hon); 3. Dustin Cottrill (Suz); 4. Jon Nichols (Suz); 5. Steven Chapman (Kaw), 125 A: 1. Joe Oehlef (Suz); 2. Sieve Antineh (Suz); 3. Chris Berry (Hcm); 4. Brilln Post (Kaw); 5. Joe Bamey (Kaw). 250 A: 1. Joe Oehlof (Suz); 2. Chris Berry (Hon); 3. Brian POllt (Knw), 16-24: 1. Mark 8urkhart (Hon); 2. Chris Kuhn (Knw); a. J.e. Cravens (Yom); 4. c',. Leach (Yam); 5. DarelJ PitsinAer (Hon). WMN:l. Stacia Allison (Hon). 125 B: I. Kevin Perkins (5uz); 2. Ryan McHale (Hon); 3. Rob Cherry (Hon); 4. Darrell Plt.singcr (Hon); 5. Chris Smith (Suz). 250 B: 1. Mark Burkhart (Hon); 2;. Ryan McHale (Hon); 3. Chrt.5 Osbourne (Yam); 4. Troy Stanley (Suz); 5. Chris Kuhn (Kaw). OPEN B: I Brad Sells (KTM); 2. Donald Passavant (Hon); 3. Larry Shumaker (Hon); 4. Joe Collin!! (KTM); S./ohn Jacobs (Mai). Brown bags title at Canton Speedway By Kevin George ,OH, AUG. 17 Scotty Brown wheelied to his sixth consecutive U.s. Open Speedway title in an Olympic atmosphere Saturday night as race fans waved Polish, Canactian and American flags to cheer on their favorite riders as they battled for the title at the Bear Creek speedway. The race format consisted of 16 qualifiers racing round-robin through 20 heats to make the four-rider, four-race championship runoff. BrO\VD raced through th.e heats undefeated as his constant championship rivals Sobek and Bogden Muszynski each took three out of their four heats. . Biff Wasczinski and Jeff Orosz each matched that score, riding harder than the Bear Creek filns h,we ever seen them ride before. Tough racing left top area riders like Pat Reynolds, who managed three s~nd-place runs, watching from the stands. Another top rider, Mark Maurer, failed to make the show with two secondplace finishes and two thirds. Former SCCA Trans-Am racer Phil Kalusha scored one win, and local regulars Jon Massie and Rick Merry each scored their first championship series win. Massie was leading a tight battle with Bogden Muszynski, looking for win number two, when his rear tire blew off the rim with one lap to go. (A,'IITO 44 Brown, Muszynski and Wascynski scored enough points to go directly to the championship, but Sobek Muszynski and Orosz were forced to break their tie with a runoff. The two riders were putting on a super side-by-side battle until disaster struck for Muszynski with one lap to go. Coming out of tum two, Muszynski ran up hard on Orosz and had to lay it down to avoid taking out both riders. Despite Muszynski's protest, the race was not restarted, and the event became the first U.S. Open without Muszynski in the championship rounds. Even though 'Brown won the first three mains, Muszynski stayed in reach of the championship by l!'king second in each. Going into the final majn, Muszynski needed to win and had to hope for Brown to finish fourth to force a runoff for the challlpionship. It seemed unlikely until Brown was flagged for jumpinllthe final main and was penalized 10 yards for the restart. Brown went into tum one in fourth place, but soon worked past Orosz and Waczynski and set his sights on Muszynski and a perfect score for the event. Muszynski held off Brown to prevent the perfect score, and set up a challenge for next year's event. In broken English, Muszynski commented afterward that he didn't want Brown put back and that next year he wants to beat him "square fair:' Brown was clearly impressed with hjs competition as he commented, "1 don't know how much longer I can hold these guys off. I keep gelling older and they keep getting tougher:' Despite a full night of speedway, the flat trackers put on some good racing too. Tom Hensler managed four thirds and a second in speedway competition, but brought his flat track machine along to rebuild self-esteem by winning both Heavyweight and Lightweight features. Hensler rode under constant pressure from Joel Brown. In the Heavyweight feature, Hensler and Brown raced handlebar-to-handlebar until Brown went a long power slide out of tum two and went down in the back straight to bring out the red and then dleckered flag as the race was called. Dan Sullivan inherited second with Bobby Peters in third. In the Youth class, Ricky Marshal took the win with Craig Schwartz in second and Jessie Swain finishing third. STERLING, KS, AUG. 18 Jeff Moody came from behind in the second moto of the 250cc C class to take the overall win at the Sterling Amateur Nationals. In the first moto, Moody and Chris Kirk battled closely together with Jeremy Clark and Todd Washburn following behind. On the whiteflag lap, Moody and IGrk tangled, IGrk getting started up first and winning moto one. Moody held off Clark and Washburn as the rest of the class finished up, and the stage was set £or a great second moto as the 250cc C class lined up. First-mota winner Kirk did not make the second-mota start, changing the entire mota since all Moody needed was one good finish. But some of the other racers had other plans, Like Rod Becker, who took the lead around the lake to tire sand whoops. Darcy Sevart and Tim Collins followed him in second and third while Moody and Oark rode in midpack until Clark crashed hard in the whoops, taking himself out of the race. Moody and Washburn began working their way up through the pack. and by the end of the moto, Moody took over the first spot and, with 2-1 moto finishes, won the overall. Washburn, with a strong second-moto finish earned second ahead of Sevart, Todd Dicke and Tim Collins. 1n the Pee Wee class, Ryan Walton beat Dusty Herring Jr. in the second moto to win the overall. In the first moto, Herring ran away from the riders to score an easy win. Walton was in second with Bradley Carlson in third. The second moto started much like the first, but on lap two Herring crashed and Walton road a perfect race to win the overall. Herring held onto second with Carlson in third, Austin Smith fourth and Josh Gilman fifth. In both £he 12Scc and 250cc Pro classes, Jeff Hedden ran away with perfect 1-1 moto finishes. The only time Hedden was behind was in the second 250cc Pro mota, when a bad start put him back into fourth pLace. Marc Gifford ran strong 2-2 mota finishes, with Dennis Burnett riding hard to get in front of Mark Cyre to take the third spot. Results P/W· 1 Ryan Walton CLEM); 2. Dusty Hemng Jr. (Y~); 3. Bradley Carlson (KTM); 4. Auslln Smith (KTM); 5. Josh Gilman (KTM). 60: 1. GaVIn Moore (Kaw); 2. Dusty Hemng Jr. (Kaw); 3. Faron Cotten (Kaw); 4. Blake Dunn (Kaw); S. Todd Webb (}{aw). 80 (7-11): 1. Dusty Hemng Jr. (Suz); 2. Blake Dunn (Suz). ~ (lO·IS): 1. Josh Lu.lOstra (Kaw); 2. Jeremy Hltsc:hmann (!Caw); 3. Du!ihn Patterson (Hon); 4. Philip Williarm (Hon); 5. Brett Madey (Kaw). SCHBY' 1. Nick Metcalf (Suz); 2. Jonathan Pierce (Kaw) 3. Josh Luinstra (Kaw); 4. Jeremy Hiblchmann (Kaw); S. Jeff Walter (Kaw; 125 C NOV: 1. KelCey Omrm (Yam);,,2. Daryl Hall (Suz.); 3Ryan Collins (Suz);,c. Jason Rouse (Hon); 5. Scott Cram (Hon). 125 8 INT: 1. Nick Metcalf (Stu); 2. Bobby Bills (Su%); 3. Derrick Creech (Suz); 4. C.J. Regier (Hon). 125 A PRO: I.Ieff Hedden (Suz.); 2. Marc Gifford (Yam); 3. Dennis Bumett (Hon); 4. Mark Cyre (Hon). 250 C NOV: 1. Jeff Moody (Suz); 2. Todd Washburn (Hon); 3. Darcy Sevart (Kaw); 4. Todd Dicke (Hon); 5. Tlmm Collins (Kaw). 250 B INT: 1'. Carl Keough (Yam); 2. Todd Smith (Yam); 3. C. J. Regier (Hon). 250 A PRO: 1. Jeff Hedd(!f1 (Suz); 2. Marc Gifford (Yam); 3. Steve Hershell (Kaw) 4. Rick Cotten (Kaw); 5. Mark Cyre (Hon). VET 30: 1. John Pangle (Kaw); 2. Kenin Mans (Suz); 3. Shawn Kirby (Kaw); 4. Greg Gilman (Hon); 5. Eric Webb (Suz). VET 30 PRO: 1. Steve Hershell (Kaw); 2. Dave Hicks (Han); 3. Rick Cotten (Kaw). ' VET 40: 1. George Stout (Yam); 2. Daryl Wa!t(l:r (Kaw); 3. Harold Beavers (Hon); 4. Gary Hershberger (Yam); S. Bill Everett (Kaw). POST-VINT 5+: 1. Daryl Walter (Kaw); 2. Thn Wingfield (Han); 3. Andy Stout (Yam); 4. Dave Benson (Suz); 5. Willi... Guynn (Yam). PQST-VlNT to+: 1. Glen Bunon (Kaw); 2. Billy Calvin (Yam); 3. Phil Dunn (Yam). Vim: 1. Tom Bridgess (Mac); 2. Dave 8en1lOn (Suz); 3. Marlin HitiChmann (H-D) 4. James Higgins (Yam). OPEN WM.'J: 1. Shelly Robertson (Kaw); 2. Kay Church

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