1st -500cc Italian GP
st -500cc French GP
1st -500cc Dutch GP
2nd -500cc German GP
1st -500cc British GP
In moto tw';, Evans showed the way to the
first tum yet again. Ron Lee came through in
second, followed by Dave Majorsky in third and
Pirkle in fourth. Pirkle got by Majorsky and set
his sights on Lee while Smith began his attack
on Majorsky for fourth.
Pirkle put a pass on Lee for second, and
though he made the pass in the first set of doubles, Pirkle wasn't set up correctly for the second set of doubles and endoed into the face of
the second jump. Pirkle was able to crawl from
the track, but had to retire from the race. Up
toward the front, Evans maintained a brisk pace
and secured second. Abjorsky followed in third.
1st -500cc German GP
3rd -500cc Italian GP
1st - 125cc Budd's Creek w..
1st -125cc Southwick w..
1st - 125cc Red Bud w..
1st - 125cc Unadilla w..
1stOA -Gingerman WERA Narl Enduranc.
1stOA -GrattanWERA Narl Endurance
2nd -Lima Half Mile
1st -Lake Odessa Half Mile
1st -GNCC Starvation Point
1st -Berkshire Hare Scrambles
3rd -GNCC Brownsville
1st -GNCC Brownsville
1st - 1100 S/STK EX, WERA Grattan
1st -F-1, WERA Grattan
1st -125GP, WERA Gratton
His nrst 125GP Win! Move over, Dad
P/W: 1. NormajNn Jem (LEM); 2. Doug NesaJer (KTM); 3.
Tyler York (ICTM); 4.. Ronnie Schoff (ICTM); S. Tony Nesslrr
60: 1. funmy Hue!. (Kawl; 2. Kyle Rytter (1C.Jw); 3. Mark Hall
(l(aw); 4. Jerome lOeames (K.1w); S. Joel GrosSkopf (J);'. Em>1 !Cd"" (Suz), 5. Chriotophoo' Poasock (Su>);
OPEN: 1. Rid\ard Buker (Hon); 2. Marcus Centry' (lion); 3.
Donnie Bird (Hon); 4. Anthony Fagundes (Kaw); S. MArk Ivey
PRO: 1. David Batett (Yam); 2. Slwle Eapositio (Suz).
VFI' PRO: 1. Rod Cuinn (Hon); 2. Mark Na:Ion (Kiw); 3. Jon
Vam« (lion); 4. Scott Meyer (Hus); 5.Coopft~(lC.aw).
VFI' JR: 1. Oiff Walls (Suz); 2. Don Hudpna (lC.aw); 3. 0iH
T...-nd (KTM);" CIend 00'"" (Hon); S. Eddlo ...... (Hon).
VET INT: 1. Chester Martinm;ty (KTM); 2. John Makhaski
(Hon); 3. Jeff t.kCoUum (Hon); •. Alan 'IhooNoon jim); S. Dan
j1l; 1. IUd>anl Low;s (Hon); 2. 00"" 5hanIdin; J. K.c.
Moeer (Suz); 4. Kurt Neuffe'.
OfT INT, 1. jeff
(Hon); 2. Bob F_ (Han); 3. john
Oiridtt Su_ (Han);
OfT EX: 1. Pete Vandenberg (lion); 2. Larry Brown (Hon); 3Chn"" Martinmas (KTM);" Ruso _