Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 06 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 51 of 79

!'BE OT '>'. S LS : 2S+ EX DmyIWI!Is Motocross 24th annual Tem ~an1 Dallas, TX !NY MINI t.«)O Mi:booI ~T.1'dIIor !NYMINIsn: IlusIin ShowI JJt NOV Wfin& Cob LaI Y om Y IIIl !.EM ~~ IDl IDl Yom LaI Y am ~:r:: ~ K.ow K.ow K.ow K.ow K.ow Austin Miller )atboo Rom], MINI MINI MOO LG.T_ MINI MINI sn ~ kd.1s r::thonKtli ClIod Bcx:km.sIcr Justin ladson MINIj1t (7-lI) RobbySlUnn J""" MarshaII Mcf1ySd...! ~t:;er MINISR (Il-13) Ilerek Gmle AdamM""",,1I' OweRt..d Dustin CIlItreII J.:tii W ... SR(l1-16) Tl'iilvisElliott JaitJone DomonFlIIlOlis =~ 125 NO K.ow Suz K.ow K.ow IGlw IGlw IGlw Y.m Y am IGlw Suz Suz Hon K.ow ~It1'"Y IGlw jasonEdldl Suz Hon ~8pYSd...! Hon K.ow K.ow Suz Suz Hon Hon K.ow Y ... Suz i~t IGlw ~ Jacbon Do . Widmrr Mike Boliver Jody North IGlw J.... EcIchoff 25IlEX Da...Sh3deJr. O mylWills BiD AIm ~Ha .1.W':!'" 2S+ NOV )a5OIIN'omitt ~ThcmI"Oll v... Suz Suz Hon IGlw Kim Suz Y.m IGlw Yam IGlw K.ow Suz Y IIIl K.ow Hon Chris Pritdlrtt ~Brown Clm T W""'" JJtEX L8nyIWDIs Y ... K.ow I(,w ~HowanI t::l~ YIIIl Hon Ilivid EuNnl:s fl, BiDySmitb E1iHmis KThl 125 0PI:N SIuWII Smith Antonio CorlIo ~= Hon ~tbIlI~ K.ow K.ow ~ladson Do ' WMlmrr IGlw 25IlOPEN ~Nortb T Kyser Hon Kl\1 K.ow )ale Siinmons Yam MINI BEG lvnlonlledlall dvis2:l Justin IGlw K.ow Hon Hon Yam a-s.a. ~Arming IGlw JD.~ Hon Hon Yam Hon Tan MaiIIoox Dustin TIIlI\I KyIr ~Unds.I 25Il EG Y Scott M K.ow Hon K.ow &icMcUnn Hon Yam Suz IGlw IGlw IGlw IGlw IGlw f::~ Brad Oxlry Sl Suz Hon Hon 60 RV1ll O'Loughiin dviswagror K.ow IGJw CI.GBY ~Smitb Robbins I'd Ry'" v.13de I.... ar.n 125 B N'odloIas W ry =~ Motocross 85 (7 -11) ~~ Doyle ilwIton ~"' Ga" Thom.1s Ilmon justin 8ruosard JasonN'omitzz 125 EX U1rb1ntb Do...!NdeJr. ClIod P1umIee Ro.endo Gonzalez o..ronlana 25IlNOV Roger Thaver Jr. Suz K.ow Hon YIIIl K.ow Daiwin_ K.ow K.ow ~=' Antonio CorlIo ::=... K.ow I(,w I(,w K.ow ~ThaY" Jr. Na Halt SIuWIISmitb Yom Yom K.ow K.ow Suz ~~ Series CoI R ~rp ~~ 2S+1NT MnMmh TIl1I_ Gary Sieb

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