Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 06 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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P/W : 1. Jo~h Sorensen.; 2. Joshua Rolbiecld: 3. Ca rey Toltel 4. Bran don And erson ; 5. Da lla~ Huu !lt.'. MIN I JR (7-11): 1. Bobby Wilman; 2. Bill Krusmark; 3. Joshua Roibit"Cki; 4. Eric Mdkvahah; 5. Matt POWE'n. MINI JR (12-13): 1. Derek Osh· ro..r~ 2. Mikt> Hointyre; 3. [era d Sch mo ll,;4. Jake Holzem~ 5. Travis Pamow. MINI SR: 1. Eric Ctl:-'rbt-'r; 2. Pere Kilev ; 3. JU!ltin Kettner: 4 JC )!Ihu.:J flla n; 5. Do ug Bakken. • o r EN MINI SR (1Q.15): 1. Eric Qorbt-'r; 2. Bill Kru s ma rk : 3. Pete Kilt'Y: 4. Drek Osterbe rg, 5. Eric Mdkavhah. YTH : 1.Mibo Kann; 2.7..achDrry: 3.Jot-'A~4 . 5cott: Hogy. 16-24 A: 1. let> Theis. 16-- 4 B: 1. Eric Kow alik; 2. Jam i!lO Da y; 3. Ma tt t .o e 4. 2 n eer Tod d Doroft. 1&-2 4 C: 1. Ed w a r d Lejc hak; 2. JO!lh u a Bre h n; 3. An d y Mue lll'T 4. Ja.'lOn C.etKen; 5. Tom Nagy. ; 25+ A: 1. JeffSorm.o;m; 2. RU5ty Sornt.o;m; 3. Tod d Len tz, 25+ B: 1. Jero me Ha~en; 2. Tim BJOrnson; 3. SIl.'Vt' Caron. 25+ C; 1. Doug Bohn. VET A: 1. JeffSo rt>nsen; 2. Joh n Marti n; 3. Scott Steinle. VET B: 1. Mitch Wo lf. VET C: 1. Kelly Withem ; 2. C ra ig Hinzmann; 3. Darwin Lar!IOI\; 4. Mike Schwt>nker; 5. Bruce Erd ahl. SR (40+) A lB : I. Pat Da y; 2. Brian Brohem; 3. Ranger Cra fton ; 4. Mike-Qu inn : 5. John Ma rtin . WMN: 1. Shelly Kann. 125 A: 1. Mike Luo ma; 2. Lee This; 3. Mike Kan n . 125 B; 1. Eric Kowalik; 2. Todd Doroff: 3. Ron Riehle. 4. Derek l-ljelmen. 125 C: 1. Edward Ujchak; 2. [os hua Brehm; 3. Mik e Ketz eback: 4. J'1Sh Clement, 5. Jason Berg. lSO /O PEN A: 1. Mik t' Luo m a; 2. Sco ll Ste in le ; 3. Rusty Sorensen. 250/ OPEN B: 1. J(,ff Wam(' ldo rf; 2. Jam illf:m Day; 3. Jerome Hag en; 4. Steve Ca ron . lSO/OPEN C: 1. M i k~ Sc hmit; 2. K('Uy Wit hme; 3. Do ug Bohn; 4. Darwin Eri d('~; 5. Todd Einck. !lOJ\; McElroy heats up Birch Creek Motocross By Ja y and Shar on Hauser DANVILLE. VAMAY 19 Rou nd six of the U.S. Eas tern Pro -Am Motorcross Spring Series at Birch Creek was a scorcher as the temperature neared 100 and Brian McElroy bu rned up the course on his way to collect top honors in 250cc A and Over 25 A racing. McElroy fell short of a hat trick when a crash and broken clu tch lever set him back to a 10thplace fini sh in mo ta one of the 125cc A class. Altho ugh McElroy came back to gra b the sec- Brian McElroy (135) sets up Troy Brewer (393) for the moto-wlnnlng pass In 250cc A-class rac ing act ion at Birch Creek Motocross In Vir gi nia. an d-mota wi n, it was still not eno ug h to break him into the top five overall. The top three 12Scc A riders came in the form of Troy Brewer. Chad Newton and Terry Kennedy. Brewer was quick to jump ou t fron t in the 250cc A class. followed by Jam ie Frazier and Scott Shipley. McElroy gated in fourt h but d id not hang aroun d long. By lap three McElroy was pa st Fra zie r and knocking on Brew er ' s back do or. McElroy swu ng wide as the pair started at the uphill horseshoe jump and sail ed past for the lead and the mota win. Frazier was houn ding Brewer pretty hard when he encountered a major get-off, resulting in a DNF. The finish ing or de r of 250cc A mota one saw McElroy over Brewer and Sh ipley. Brew er ca me bac k in mo ta t w o w it h a holeshot to the first tum , but tha t wa s as long as h is lead would last. McElroy p u t it in gea r to jump away with a stro ng lead by the end of lap one, That was all she wrote. as McElroy proved to be untouch able. With the battle now for the runner-up spot Brewer had his hand s full with Shipl ey and Eastwood. Styron was on the ga s t ry ing to make up fo r a poor start and wa s working past Chri s Anstead and Kevin Must ain on lap three. Brewer soon felt the effects of the heat with bad cra mping and had to let off h is pace. By mota 's end McElroy wa s lon g go ne with Eastwood slipping past to take second over Shiple y. Styron recorde d a fourth over Brew er and Anstead . fN Results 50 (4-6) : 1. Devon Pilkington (KTM); 2. Beeet Qulm.l n (lEM): 3. C ha d M ule rspau gh (KT M); 4. Brad Haar (Ya m ); 5. Davin Hil ton (ya m) . 50 (7-8); 1. T yle r Shumate (Cob ): 2. David Mitdw ll (KTM); 3. Du !ti n Shi~ (J

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