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id-South Winter H Scramble Series
Round 9: Sugar Hill HS
(Left) As
us ual, a large
number of
riders came
out for the
Winter Hare
round, this
time in
Patterson (2)
and Doug
Blac kwell (9)
battled all race
Patterso n
Blackwell two
miles from the
finish to take '
the win.
By Paul Michels
ormer Mid-South Hare Scrambles
Champi on Robert Patterson,
aboard his Sarges Suzuki /MSR /
FMF/ Sunstar / Oakley-spo nsored Suzuki RMX250, m oved one step clos er to
regaining the championship as he took
the win in round nine of the Mid-South
Winter Hare Scrambles Series on a nearperfect day in southwest Tennessee.
As the AA class funneled into the
woods off the start, Mike Morris, the
current series points leader, held th e
point position until about two miles into
the race when Mike Sampson, on his
Team Green / Bloomington / PowerSports Kawasaki shot past. Doug Blackwell, last week' s winner, on his Sport
Cycl e Racing Yamaha, followed with
Patterson in tow . KTM rider John
Maschino hung close in fifth.
Sampson continu ed to lead until
right before the scorers section when he
overshot a tum and Blackwell was there
to capitalize on th e mistake and tak e
ove r as th ey fi n ishe d the fir st lap.
Sampson, however, rebou nd ed from his
mishap by qui ckly getting back up and
p as sin g Bla ck w e ll m oments late r.
Sampson led the entire second lap u ntil
abou t a mile from the scorers area when
he got stuck in a small ravine and, once
again, Blackwell, as we ll as Patte rson
this tim e, passed the struggling rider.
This ma d e the order after tw o la ps :
Blackwell, Patterson, Sampson, Morris
and Maschino.
A mile into the third of what would
be a six-lap race, Sampson, once agai n,
cha rged back to the front after passing
bot h Blackwell and Patterson in short
Sam pson continued in the lea d for
m ost of th is lap, but bad luck struck
once again. Sampson looked invinci ble
until he tangled up w ith a lapper, and
they both went down.
"I couldn't believe it," said Sampson.
"I thou gh t I finally go t in to a good
rhythm and all of a sudden he (the lappe r) was there when I came aroun d the
turn and w e co lli ded big time. After
that, I felt lucky just to be able to continue and finish the race."
Sampson recovered bu t not before
both Blackw ell a nd Patterson h ad
motored past.
Blackwell and Patt erson continued to
pull away as they completed the fourth
lap and pulled in for fuel. As they headed of for the pen ultimate lap, they were
all a lone out in fro n t, le ading thi rdpl ace Sampso n b y approxima tel y a
minute. Morris con tinue d in fou rth as
KTM-mounted Mike Cornett took control of fifth.
Blackwell and Patter son continued
th ere own race out front and came in
after lap five just a couple bike lengths
As they headed out for the sixth and
fin al lap, they enjoyed a comfortable
lead over the rest of the field by, now,
ab out a minute and a half. Blackwell
was only about two miles out from winning his second race in a row when he,
too , had a run-in with a lapped rider.
The slower rider reportedly moved over
in front of Blackwell slowing him down
just long enough for Patterson to take an
. inside line betw een two trees and take
the lead .
New leader Patterson poured it on
with Blackwell in close pursuit as they
ap proa ched the second of the two difficult creek crossings. Simply put, Patterso n made it across without an y p rob lems, but Blackwell did not. The rest is
h ist or y, as Patterson sprin te d th e last
mile to th e fin ish line taking a hardearned win .
Patterson said , "Th is one is long
overd ue. I' ve been real close th e last
co u p le o f races with Pl essing er and
Blackwell, bu t I finally pu t it all together
at the finish and pull ed it off."
As expected, Blackw ell wa sn 't qu ite
as elated. "I just took a bad line through
that last creek crossing and d idn't make
it," said a d ejected Blackwell. "I finally
pe rsuade d a specta tor to help me get
ou t and salvage second ."
In the series po ints chase, Blackwell
leads Patterson by just one point with
Morris close behind in third . Sampson
checked in shortly after Blackwell nursing a battered Kawasaki (from his earlier crash) to finish third in the race. A
consiste nt Co rnett moved pa st Morris
on the last lap, as did Jack Bailey on his
big-bore Honda . Form er National Hare
Scramble Ch ampion Tony Hendon, on a
Suzuki of Paris RMX, followed series
rival Scott Martin early in the race but
passed him on the second lap and went
on to finish sixth.
Steve Gordo n, on his Mid-Sta te sponsored Kaw asaki. moved into th e point
position on lap one and held on to the
end in th e 250cc A class. Jared Smith
earned a ha rd-fough t second; g ivi ng
himself a nice 21st birthday present.
Op en B points lead er Robert Lich pu t
his Kawasaki out front off the start an d
held it to the finish. Series rival and class
lead er goi ng i n to tod ay' s race Ch ri s
Beard was kn ocked out of contention
with mechanical problems , while KTM
rider Jer ry Hard in took seco nd for the
d ay.
Kevin C reekm ur w rapped u p the
series title in the 125cc B class with another win, and Paul Allen stayed close to
take second on the day and in the series.
Todd Boone, on his Honda , took top
hon ors in Open A class actio n, as John
Bingham gave him a run for second .
Yam ah a Su per Sen ior rider John
Giles wr apped up yet another title with
a wi n, while Greg An derson grabbed
runner-up honors.
Ka w asaki KD X-m ou n te d John
Sheadhom was on the gas all race long
and was rewarded with a first-place finish in the 200cc A class.
Ken Arnol d returned to his wi nning
ways on his XR to take first in the FourStroke action over second -place
Kawasaki KLX rider Cod y Maxwell.
Robert Atkins, aboard his Kawasaki,
came ou t on top afte r a race-lon g dogfigh t with Mike Stinson in Vet B action .
In the 250cc B class, Gary Hen dricks put
his Yamaha ou t front early and w ou ld
go on to outdistance series poin ts lead er
Greg Gillion.
Cli n t Robin son contin ue d h is w inning ways in th e 200cc B class, beating
out series rival Tod d Campbell.
Senior com petitor Gallie Wa rd and
Paul Michels where never separated by
more than five second all race long, and
it was Ward who hung on to take th e
class win.
Sugar Hill Hare Scrambles
Bolivar, Tennessee
Results: March 3, 1996
AA PR O : 1. Rbb er t Pa tte r so n (Su z ); 2. Doug
Blackw e ll. (Yam ); 3', Mike Sa m pso n (Ka w ); 4. Mike
Cornett. (KTM) ; 5. Jack Bailey (Han).
SIC 1. Ga llie Ward (Yam); 2. Paul Michel s (ATK); 3.
Mike Tay lor (Hon); 4. Ronnie Hackett (Suz ); 5. David
Scott ov (KTM) .
SlSIC 1. John Giles (Yam ); 2. Gu y And erson (!