Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 03 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Factory Pro Tu n ing has signed up as the title sponsor of the 1996 WERA 600cc ovice Production and 750cc Novice Production classes. The official titles of the classes will be Factory 600 Novice Production and Factory Dyna mo me ter 750 Novice Production. Factory Pro Tuning will post contingencies in these classes as well as in 1100, 750 and 600cc Superstock for th e WERA National Challenge Series, in addition to a WERA National End urance Series champi onship bo nus . Honda's new cruiser, the Valkyrie, will be on display in the South Hall of the Los Angeles Co nvention Cen ter in the Qu ality of Life Expo from February 29 to March 2, in conjunction with Honda's sponsorship of the L.A. Marathon. Teme cu la Cycl e in Te mec u la, California, will hold a raffle on Marc h 3, w ith the p roceeds going to he lp cover the m e d ica l costs of Chris Cameron, a seven-year-old boy who recentl y lost his right hand in a kitchen accident. The raffle will take pla ce pri or to the Te am Du al Do gs' Fifth Annu al Pal om ar Ad venture Rid e, wh ich s tarts at th e s ho p. Fo r m ore in fo rma t io n, ca ll 909/ 694-9299. Team Edd ie Muld er will hold a dirt track sw ap meet, w armup and pre-entry for the AHRMA ational IT and Half Mile, sched u led for Ap ril. Mu lder will h ost his da y at Willow Springs Raceway in Rosam ond, California, on March 17. For m ore in forma ti on, call 805/ 2518662. Round one of th e AMA Wes t e rn 4ยท S tr oke N ati onal MX Cham pio ns h ip will be held at Can yon Off-Road Park in Ph oeni x, Ar izona on Mar ch 24. Mike Young, Terry Fowler, Go rd on Wa rd, Destry Abbott and Drey Dir cks are a few of the con firmed en tries for the race. For m ore informat ion , ca ll 602/5198025. Former National MX Champion Donnie Ha nsen will conduct a two -da y school at the new Rocky Top USA MX facility in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on March 9-1 0. For more in fo rmatio n, call 916/ 755-2799. The site o f the fam ou s Chris Carter Rad io Sh ow ha s changed agai n for this yea r's Camel Motor cycle Week at Daytona . The b ig Brit ca n b e seen (and heard) in the Boardroom at the Ramad a In n Speedway (oppos ite th e Day tona In terna tional Speedway tunnel) from 5 to 7 p.m. beginning on March 4 and running until March 9. Carter's show ai rs on WNDB 1150 AM. sho rter-term goals is to try and take the Formu la USA Series and rai se it to anoth er leve l as far as what people perceive it to be. Right now the AMA series seems to be what everybody in America thinks is the premier series. I would like to see Formu la USA and ASB take over that role, and I think it's possible. They have all the ingred ients. The re' s no doubt about that. They just need a lot of different p layers invol ved and people that support it an d are able to help it grow. That's one of the things I want to accomplish this year; I wa nt to be ab le to go and set faster lap tim es than anybody in the AMA series is d oing at all those particular tracks. An d I' d like to start doing that at Daytona itself." Polen wi ll ride hi s The Peoples Ne twork-sponso red Suzuki GSXR750 in the Form ula USA race at Daytona on March 3. M ike Kidd Prom oti on s Inc. and PJ1 Racing O il s have announced th at th e top 10 riders at the conclusion of the PJ1 Super Arenacross Series will re cei ve a free ski trip to Winter Park. Colorado on Sunday, March 3 through Tu esda y, March 5. Early planning department: The 55th Int ernational Cycle and M o torcycl e Exh ibition (the Milan Show) will take place on September 16-21, 1997 in Milan, Italy. Fas t Fri days Speedway, the weekly Northern California class A speedway racin g p rogram a t th e Gcild Coun tr y Fairgro unds in Aub urn, Ca lifornia, has been so ld. "Du e to conflicting schedules th a t w o ul d h a ve prevented u s from devoting our full attention to speedway, we 've decided it is in the best inte rest of the sp ort to se ll Fast Fridays to tw o of our employees - Dave and Mark Joiner," said prom oter Ted Scru ggs, wh o along w ith p ar tner Rich Van d erMee den h as run the show at Auburn for the past six seasons. "The Joiners ....;11 carry on Fast Frid ays trad ition. We w ou ld like to wish them equal su ccess. Rich and I w ould a lso lik e to th ank everyone who h as helped make Fast Frid ays su ch a success over the past years." Scruggs an d Vand erMeeden form ed Fast Frid ays p rior to th e 1990 season to continue speedway racing at the Gold Country Fairgrou nd s after forme r prom oter John Hou ston Sr. elected to move his p rogram to the Cal Expo Fairgrounds in Sacramento, citing a lack of viability in Auburn. In the six years since Scruggs and VanderMeede n took over, attendance has ju mped from a p proxim ately 600 to more than 2000 spectato rs p er week. The Fast Fridays inform ation number ha s also be en changed to 916/818-RACE. Recreational Riders Association (RRA) filed a lawsuit in Federal Court in Benton, Illinois, to make the Forest Service live up to its agreement, signed in 1992, to lift an illegal court order p rohibiting ridi ng in the Sh awnee Nati onal Forest. The associat ion ca n use yo ur he lp by writing letters of suppo rt and Zor send ing donations to h elp cover th is legal b attle. Your letters w ill be sent to the p roper government officials. Send d onations and I or letters of su ppo rt to: RRA, P.O. Box 228, Metropolis, IL 62960 or co ntact Clyde Sch m idt, 71 H o spit al Drive, Metr opolis, IL 62960, 618/5242334 . On April 13, the new Ja wbone Visitor Center near Ridgecrest , Californ ia, will b e o fficia lly op ene d an d d edicat ed in honor of Mar k Anderson, the Motor cycle -In d us t ry Co u ncil's Off- H ig hway Veh icle Planner during the 1980s. Those wish ing to attend the dedic ation should plan on brin gin g thei r d irt b ikes, and prepare for some grea t riding. A lette r se nt from Suzuki to it s custom ers, d ate d February 19, ou tli ne d a cond ition that mandated th e return o f certain model GSXR750s. "Suzuk i Motor Corporation has determined that a condition relating to product durability and p erforman ce ma y exist in some 1996 model year Suzuki GSXR750-T motorcycles... You r m otorcycle re q ui re d th e installation of a new cylinde r head gasket. It has been determined that insu fficien t combustion chamber squish area may exist between the pistons and cylinde r h e a d in so me 1996 GSXR 750-T mo torcycles . This cond ition ma y afffect engine pe rfo rma nce, an d u n d er so me operating con d itons some motorcycles The Duc ati 916 recentl y received Moto rWeek's Drivers' Cho ice Award. MotorWeek , "telev ision's automoti ve magazine," has been a fixture on PBS for 15 ye a rs. After iesting th e Ducati 916, MotorWeek felt it necessary to ad d a catego ry to its choice awa rds - "coo lest" dream machine. In a copyrighted sto ry pen ned by Bill Edga r, tw o -t ime W orld Su p erbi ke Cha mpion Doug Polen had the following to say at th e recent Formula USA ra ce a t W ill ow Sp rings Raceway in Ros am o n d , Califo rnia: "One of m y ma y encounter piston to cylinder head contact." Authorized Su zuki dealers will replace the head gaskets, with part shipments scheduled to begin the week of Febru ary 26 and conclu ding the week of March 5. AUT OGRAPH Sl G ING: At Honda of Houst on in Houston, Texas, on Ma rch 15 starting at 6 p.m. Team Honda's Jerem v Mc Grath and Steve Lamson are scheduled to appear. For mor e info rmation , call 713/467-2426. AUTOGRAPH SIGNING: At Hon d a, Suzuki, Kawasaki of Ocala in Ocala, Flo rid a on Mrach 5 fro m 5 to 6 p.m. Me m bers of Team Suzuki's off-road team are scheduled to ap pear. For more info rmation, call 904/732-8531. CHANGED: The name of the Chevrolet Pik e s Pe a k Auto H ill C limb to the Chevrolet Pikes Peak Intern ational Hill Club. The event name was modified to include the broad nature of race vehicles wh ich run in the Ju ly 4 race. OP EN ED : ATK Ame rica's h om e pa ge on the World Wide Web. The add ress is as follows: http :/ /www . AUT OG RAPH SIGNING: At the Yamaha displ ay tent located in front of Daytona Int ern ation al Speedway along Vol usia Aven u e, in Da yt on a, Florida , Friday, on March 8, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Scheduled to appear are Team Yama ha MX members Dam on Brad shaw, John Dowd, Doug Henry and Bob Hann ah . Also scheduled to appear on Sat ur day, March 9, from 10 to 11:30 a.m ., will be Vance & Hines /Y amaha team mem bers Jami e Jam es an d Tom Kipp, as well as Wo rld Sup e rb ik e con te n der Co lin Edwards II. AUTOG RAPH SIG N IN G: At Honda, Su zuki, Kawasak i o f Oca la in Oc al a, Florid a, on M ar ch 1 fro m 7 to 8 p. m. Te am Kawasaki ' s Jeff Em ig , Damon Huffman an d Ryan Hughes are sched uled to appear. For mor e information, call 904 /732 -8531. A UTOGR APH S I GN ING: At Plan o H onda in Plan o, Texas, o n M ar ch 22 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Team Honda's Jerem y McGrath a nd Steve La mson a re scheduled to appear. For more info rm ation, call 214/ 422-4703. NAM ED: Tuc ker Rocky, as the titl e sponsor for the 1996 Wild West atio nals. For more info rmation, call 801/9721:5074. r-------- ----------------------- -- - ------------------------------, ([!ill ~ SUBSCRIPTION ORDE R FORM _ Name o Ad d ress City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Order Date State _ _ Zip _ Pleas e start my su bscri ption to Cycle N ews: o Every w eek for on e year (50 issues) for $38.00 (can be billed 3 m onthly p ayments) o o Every week for two years (l00 issues) for $70.00. Six months second class (25 issues) fo r $19.00 One yea r (50 issues), 2nd class Canada or Mexico and all otherforeign countries $78.00 (U.S. funds). First class and airmail rates available upon request. L _ This is a 0 New Sub scription o Renewal o Please bill me o Bill 3 p aym ents of $12.67 Enclosed is my check or money order Charge my 0 Visa 0 Ma stercar d ! VISA ! ~ Signa ture MC /Visa# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ Sen d to: Expira tion Date ~ ~ , Inc. P.O. 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