Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I··E E T · V NS from behind . Scott Minster slowly p icked off riders one at a time from his near -last-place start to make it all the way in to third p lace wh ere he would eventua lly finish . Riley, Neal and But ler argued over fourth for much of the second hal f of the race with Riley coming out on top in the en d . David Haller led most of the 250cc Beginne r race before W.G. Wilson made his wa y into the to p sp o t. Ha lle r sta ye d close to Wilson and retook the lead in the final st ages to earn the w in. Pash a Afa har, Todd Heagsted t an d Ron Gregg rou nde d ou t the top five. Results P/W B ().2: I. D,lVid Hou gh (LEM ); 2. A.c. Jolley (ya m ); 3. Cody Mil~ (Yam); 4. Bran d on Da vis (KTM); 5. Jake H u lett (K IM ). P /W B 0- 1: 1. Bryce Ter eten (KTM); 2. Mildlt'll Miles (.... IM); 3. Cody Lo ngeneck er (KT M ); 4. M ichael Pe rry (KTM ); S. Tye Ha m es (KTI. I). P /W A: 1. Ricky Ht'mme (LEM );2. Charles M("!Iser (LF ). .M ec 8EG: 1. Sea n Kranyak (Kaw ). 00 (0-8): 1. Rick y H emm e (Kaw) ; 2. Rya n Royba l (Ka w ); 3. Jared Tebo (Kaw); 4. Brett Mo unta in (Ka w). . ftC) (9-11): 1. A n dy Pi e rce (Ka w); 2. See n ColI ;",r ( Kaw) ; 3. Nichola s Burson (Kaw ); :I. Tro y Titt lemie r (Kaw) ; 5. Scott Kr.m ya k (Kaw ). so BEG: 1. Bre nt G (Ya m ); 2. Rob e rt Bland (H o n ); 3. Jason Beeucbesne (Ya m); 4. Kurt Ne lso n (Yam) ; 5. Jf'ff Vel'llt"pu t (5uz ). ij() (7. 11): I. Sha nl' Bi>q (StU:); 2 Shane Sm ith (Ho n ); 3. Sco tt Howe (Yam); 4. s,;.a n Collier (Kaw); 5. Ger a rd Pa lin Jr. (Yam). BO(12 -13): 1. Ch ristopher Gosselaar (Kaw ); 2. Ch ris Tocc o (Sw: l; 3. Shawn Scott (Stu); 4. Donnie Durrer (Hon); 5. Tyson Til · Hon). tlt'lTli.., C 80(14-16): 1. Devin Seeger (Yam) ; 2. Ryan Dud e k (y.m) . B/W: 1. Brad Hu th (Kaw); 2 Ben Stuelke (Kaw ). VIN T: 1. Ken Greene (CZ). DEC : 1. Toivo Kent (Bul). U 5 BEC: 1. Jerod Ped erson (H on ); 2. jeremy Ft'TI'O (H o n ); 3. Scott Minsn-r (Suz) ; 4. Da ve Riley (Suz); 5. Chad Neal (Hon). 125 NOV : 1. Mik e Gi bMln (Ho n); 2. Jeremy Cha u!lSL"f' (Ka w ); 3. Dan Eckma n (Hnn); 4, Eric An d .> rson (Kaw); 5. Kevm CYBrit:'tl (5uz. ). 125 lNT : I. Shaw n· O' Brien (Suz ); 2. Kerw Terra ccia no (Hon); 3. Chris Neitzel (Kaw ). • 125 PRO: 1. Sh ant' Esposito (Suz); 2. 'te rrance Mala n (Suz) . 250 BEG: 1. David Haller (Ho n ); 2. W.G. Wi lson (Suz); 3. Pa s ha A khar (Yam); 4. Tod d Heagsted t (Yam); 5. Ro n G ree g - (Yam). 250 NOV : I. Brya n Lambom (H on ); 2. Jason Trubt:-y (Kaw); 3. Shawne C h a m be rl in ( Ya m); 4. Brent G ree r (5 u%); 5. Cole Townsend (Han). 250 INT: 1. Robbie Dunham (yam); 2. Brad Sim("(Jll (Kaw ~ 250f'RO 1. Calif'}' Lytle (H on ); 2 Jeff Willoh (Hu n). 500 NOV : I. H u o ld Sm ith (KTM) ; 2. Ma rk Hooper (Kaw). SOO 1Io'T: 1. Lanny Tu m t·r (Suz). !' JR BEG: 1. Gr'1t Benton (Hon); 2. Greg Wilkin s (SU%). JR VET NOV : 1. Stev e Hill (Kawl; 2. Sean O ·K..... e (He n). i JR VETN T: I, Ma rty Estes (Kaw);2. Brad Sim co ll (Kaw ). JR VET EX: 1. Jon Za h rt (Yam). VET BEG: 1. Mig uel Sa n tos (Ya m ); 2. Rick Hu t h (Ya m) ; 3. Kyle Reurgen(Yam); 4. Ron Bishop; 5. Ch uck Sha nnun (H on ). VET NOV : 1. Da ve Simon (Ka w ); 2. Jo hn Kn i,;h t (Hon); 3. Adam EntickNp; ~ , Mikt> Carr (H im ); 5. Bruce Richa rd ' (Kaw). VET INT : 1. Frank Costanzo (He n) , 2. Randy Titt lemi e r (Hon); 3. Hamid Smi th (KTM); 4. Chris Leiker (Hon); S. Ra nd y Wilki ns (5uz). VET PRO 1. Drry Dircks ( Ho n); 2. Lee Sau l (Hon); 3. Kurt Preiffe (Yam ); 4. Rodney Morrison (Hon ). r SR BEG: 1. Wa yne Miller (Hon). SR NO V: I. Sco " Smi th (Kaw);2. Bud lewis (Yam) ; 3. Rand y Wli'!4~I!I (Hon); 4. Brun> B..iIM (Kaw ); 5. Bob Breach (Yam) SR EX: 1. Bob Du n ham (Yam). OT NO V: 1. Jo h n w ebb (Hon); 2. Robb y Bla nd (Hon ); 3. larry Kir!iCh (Hun ); 4. Bill Wt'ltm.ln (Hlm). OT AM : I. Stt'"ve Thompsll n (H un) ; 2. Bob Luca s (Ka w ); 3. Ch ar le!> Howell (Ya m ); 4. Ph il Black (H o n) ; 5. Richa rd Stu (ATK). OT EX: I. Don Dud l·k (Yam) ; 2. Bob Milln ..r (Hun); 3. Mike Ft'1TO (Hon); 4. SII'Vt> Bark low (yam); 5. Jeff Laf'1lOJ1 (Kaw). or MS B: 1. Gary Willbon (Hon ); 2. Vern Buwa ld a (Hon); 3. Di-nn;!l Mid d ll'ton (Ho n ); 4. Da vf' Jacobus (Hon~ OT MS A: 1. Jeroml' C ib!lon (H on); 2. Mib \oO<;"t'laar (H Im ); 3. TE'I'1)' Davi!l (Kaw ); 4 KM\ Rl'tlaU ll (Hon); 5. Ste ve Oark (Ka w). TEA M BEG : 1. Bo b Are ns /Cali n Kud o; 2. C had Nt>al/Shawnl' Cham~'r1~ 3, Sww Saul /Kyle Frazj e r. TEA M tNT: 1. u nn y Tu mt'rlJerf'my Chau!lSt'"e; 2. Chuck Shannon /Chri~ Neitz",!. TEAM VET: 1. Mik e GUlOst'laa r / Ru,",s.>lI Rielly; 2. Sco l Pem bmon /Tom Mill..,. 3. LooSau l / Lt-e Saul. ; fRON MAN 80: 1. Chris to ph t'l' Go~M'la ar; 2. Tod d CoI.",,';d.aar . IRO N M AN NOV -INT: 1. Me rle Ha mm er ; 2. Dea n CM rllnd<" r 3. Brad 5 imcoll; 4. RO);er Kaz. vcr Results (Top) Jerod Pederson walloped the 125cc Beginner class during the CRC Merry Christmas Grand Prix at Los Angeles County Raceway. (Above left) Marlo Painter (121) briefly led the second 125/250 Pro moto in round one of the Blockbuster Motocross Series In San Bernardino, California, but James Dobb won the moto and the overall. (Above right) Over the hills and through the snow, Kevin Brown rode to the Intermediate Expert win at SDR Raceway In Belden Hills, New York. class machines a jump on the faster 2505. Du Pree held the lead un til lap II. O n lap 12, M ar k Yon jo f on the Ba rr' s Kawasaki/ Concep t Tires Kawasaki KX 250 took over. Yonjof looked stro ng bu t made an illegal pass a nd the tea m was p enalized 30 seconds 50 after thei r p it stop. A large fuel tan k allowed Yonjo f to ride to lap 33 before pittin g. Gilk ey then too k over the controls and was held at the pit for the penalty. Duri ng that time the Gr eat Escape team took over the lead for seven lap s. The Gene ral Engin ee rin g tea m from Min n esot a passe d Grea t Escape on lap 40 and held it for 4 laps. . On lap 44 Gilkey was back ou t front and was ne ver head ed . The Bar r's Kawasak i team comp let ed 75 laps in thr ee hou rs over the l. 5-mile course. The 30-come r track wa s a definite challenge for everyone. Tre eve nt bro ught out dirt trackers. mo tocrossers and enduro riders . j u s t ove r $3600 was raised to h elp the Champine family. O /A : 1. M ik e G ilkey /Ma rk Yonlu f " Ka w); 2. M a r k G nJbf'T/ Erid C rubeT/Erik Graybea l (Kaw ); 3. Brian Kommy /Boyd Calvm /B n1 BeyM'/ Jim Swnmer . L/ W: 1. Dav e D u P rre / Ro b McGe e /M u o Pokorny; 2. Lon Allt"ll/Don A llen / Shane Kelly; 3. Josh G raham /Jason Bit>vt"l'. M / W : 1. M ik e G ilkey / Ma r k Yo njof ( Kaw ); 2. M a r k Grubtorl Erick G ru bl-rl Erik G raybt"al (Kaw) ; .3.Bri.m Komroy / Boyd Ca l\,t'l1/ Bm Beyer / Jim SummPT . OPEN: 1. Jim Eallll..e lJohn r "l erllo n {Tum Ma w n; 2. Ma rk KIi ~I(' r /Ku rt Kn i ll / Mik t· Be r tr a m ; 3 . S ieve Fore llt /Da n Mu rre I Stt>v Ca pt ain. e Brown blasts Belden Hills MX By Greg Robertson PALMDALE. CA, DEC17 In probably one of his last rides in the Beginne r class, Honda-mounted Jerod Ped erson smoked ,the rest of the 125ce Beginners during California Racing Club's Merry Chri stm as Grand Prix, held at Los Angeles County Raceway. jere my Ferro got off the line qu ickest from ' the dead -engine start to lead Chad Neal, Pederson, Dave Riley and Chaz Smith . Pederson wasted little time in getting around Neal for second and closing to Fer ro's back fen de r. Ped erson played with Ferro for a lap before making the easy pass for the lead . On ce out front, Pederson appea red to be in a class by himself as he pull ed ou t a 10-second lead ove r Ferro afte r ju st on e circu it on th e exte n de d G r an d Pr ix co ur se . Al t h o u g h he cou ld n ' t mat ch Ped erson ' s p ace. Fe r ro h ad pull ed wa y ahead o f a good battle for th ird between john Butler, Riley and Neal. By the halfway point of the 45-minu te race, it wa s a p p a ren t th a t Ped erso n had put it in a cru ise mod e and would easily collect the win. Ferro would continue to d rculate in the run~ ner-up position. well ahead of any competition By Kelv in L. Herrala B ELDDl HlLLS, NY, JAJ\J. 7 In te rmed ia te Expert Kev in Brow n sto le th e holeshot and first place at a very fast , snow-cov ~ ered track. Du e to a re co rd amo u nt of sno wfalt th e woo ds section had to be eliminated and a buJldozer plowed the track ou t in the open. Brown set a scorchi ng pac e, and the rest had all the y could do just to follow. Brown was followed by Russell Bau er, William Ervin and Mark Holt. The biggest class of the da y was the 101·200 Am at eu r class. and it lived up to all expec ta tions, providing intense racing thr oughout the en tire field . Con klin Cy cle Center -spon so red Der e k Fair ch ild grab be d th e ho les h o t w it h Sha ne Livingston , Jordan Jackson. Jason Wa rner and Chris Rondy in tow . By lap two Livingsto n wa s d rop ped to fifth and Ch ris Dek ay came from 12th to fourt h only to have a mecha nical failure take him ou t o f t he rac e. Livi ng ston wo rked his way up to the num ber-one position, Fairch ild took seco n d and jackson held th ird wit h C h r is Ha n co ck mo ving up to fo u r th . Fairchild pus hed his wa y back past Lh;ngston and held on to the front position to the end, with Jackson fin ishing second and Lh,i ngst on settling for third . Results SR B: 1. Gary L ock wood (KTM J; 2. Jeff Congden (KTM); 3. Mic ha el Sch u ltz e r (Yam); 4. Dave Dzenues (Hon); 5. Ra ym on d Roody (Ka w ). iJ S/ 5R: l , J~h Arre-i (Hon); 2. Chester RusilO!tk r. (KTM ). 201-250: 1. Juh n Hal fo rd (Ka w); 2. Micha e l Casali" (Y.lm) ; 3. Joseph Arcest (Hon); ~. Tim Jack son (Yam ); 5. Hei nri ch Siln d er [ r (!Caw). SR A : 1. Ke lvi n Herral a (Hon); 2. Bru ce M ill e r (Kaw); 3. William Erv in (Hom . . INT-EX: 1. Ke vin Bm w n (H on); 2. Ru sse ll Bau t'r (Ya m ); 3. W illiam Ervin (H on); 4. Mar k Hol t (Ka wr EX: 1. Cra i~ Estal l ( KT M); 2. Ter ry Kuhn (Suz ); 3. Ja mes Mitrowilz (KT M); 4. Bruce Mill er (Kaw ). NO V: 1. John Rc ys (Kaw ); 2. Da vid McN f'al (Ya m); 3 . larry Lu thern (H un ); 4. jeremiah De l.. fielo (Kaw ). 0-100 A M: 1. Jim Szyma nia k ( Ho n) ; 2. Mi chael W ill iams (Han); 3. Matt hew Qu ick (Hon), ~ . Dan Hadaway (Ka w); 5. Ju." h n Jackson (!Caw~ 101·200 : 1. INre k Fairchi ld (Suz) ; 2. Jo rd an Jacluion (H on).:.1 Sharw Livingston (Kaw); 4. Micha el Sw an (Sw:); 5. Chre H.mcod . (Soz). • 251-Q PE.""l: 1. Gary lockwood (ATK) ; 2. Tim jackson (Yam ). Dobb dials in Glen Helen MX By Robert Van Damme SAJ\J B ER.\JARDh\JO, CA. JAN. 14 jam es Dobb took the win in the 125 /250cc Pro cl as s at th e fi r st round o f th e Bloc kbu s te r Motocross Series at Glen Helen Raceway. Dobb had previously arranged w ith Su zuki to race the 125cc West Coas t Supercr oss Series. "I receive d a race- to-race d eal to rid e 1255 in place of the injur ed Craig Decker," Dobb said . "I hope to ride in the Out door Nationa ls, also." Ty Kady pu lled the first-mote holeshot, with Dobb in second. Kady led thr ough the first goaro und, but then Dobb took over. From there it was clear sailing as Dobb took the checkered in first, with Kady second, and E.j. Wright th ird . The second mote saw Marlo Painter get the holeshot , wit h Oobb aga in in secon d . Painter's lead was also sh ort-lived, as Dobb once more took the top spot within a few laps. Dobb took the win, with Pain ter second. followed by Kad y. jason Terry too k the 80cc Beginne r overall win. Terry start ed moto one with the lead, and Ty Rens haw was in second . By the end of the first lap, Brad Huth an d jorge Perez had go oe from sixth and seve nth place to third and fourth.v On the next lap, Huth tried to make a move on Rensha w, who was slowe d by a ba ck marker, bu t Rensh aw got away, forcing Huth to go w ide to get by the lapped rid er. Huth closed on Renshaw again, but had to go wide when Renshaw bobbled. Hu th tried aga in to pass, bu t this time he went w ide just before a jump and Perez was able to get by. Renshaw stalled at the finish line. Terry com pleted a near-per fect race for the wi n. with Perez and Huth following. Perez pulled the secon d -mo to holeshot. but Terry drove to the out side corner com ing in to the in field and ou tdrove Perez to the next COTner. Huth got by Perez on the next lap, and then Perez laid his bike d own, letting Renshaw by for third . Perez d id not give up and was able to get by Rensh aw . Kelly took first a t the chec kered, followed by Huth a nd Perez. . Results P /WBEG: 1. Bobbv Ht>SSt' (KTM); 2. Gores (KTM). P /W(7-8): 1. Da mit'fl Lo~ (Ya m ); 2 An d rew Ya rnell (Yam). 60 (0- 8): 1. Jared Mmo r (Kllw); 2. Robb ie Goolsby (Kaw). (,() (9-11): 1. Adam Benavid~ (Ka w ); 2. K)'I~ Furtt (Ka w); 3. Ca~Swi ft (N. w ); 4. David Joe Munm u (Kaw); S. Ryan Webt>r (Kaw) . 80 BEG: 1. Jaso n Te rry (Ya m); 2. Brad Buth (Ka w); 3. Jo rge Pe rt'Z (Yam); 4. Ty Ren . .ha ; (Kaw); 5. Ben Ram !>llra (Yam ). n 60 N.OV: 1. Matt Con d on (Yam ); 2. Ro~s Ga rcia (Ya m ); 3. Lan d em R()hbi n~ (Su z ); 4. Jasu n J~ffery (Ya m ); 5 . Da vid Su llin!! (Yam). 125 BEG: 1. W illiam Zeig ler (Ya m); 2. Cody Kna uss (Su7.) ; 3 Ga rth Tilr kl w (Suz) ; 4. Ca lt-b H llw kin!l(Yam); S. Da ve Rile y (Suz ). 125 :"JOV: 1. Ch li l' Tho mpson (Yam ); 2. Brian Barker (Suz l; 3. ' ost" Po laSt'k (Han); 4. Kris LaVoit>(Yam); 5. Rya n On (H o n). 125 INT : 1. Tyson Taylor (Hun) ; 2. Wes 'Carey (Hon). 125-250 PRO 1. James Dobb (Suz ); 2. Ty Kad y (Suz); 3. Marlo Pa int t" (H un ); 4, E.J. Wri gh t (Hun) ; 5 . Shay Fre tw e ll (Suz). 2SO BEG: 1. Emie Sanchez (Yam); 2. Juon Hea ~sledt (Yam) ; 3. Todd McNi tt (Hun~ 4. Ja.. m Rilt")' (H(m~ 5. Dan Hu tch i.'lOll (Hon) . 250 :'\/OV: 1. Jim Kun tz (Yam); 2. Vinet" Poff (Yam); 3. Brvan Lam bom (Ho n ); 4. Kl' vin Gu th rif' (Kaw). 250 1t\.T: 1. Mikt"Boltt st. IKaw) ; 2. J l.o7.a no (H on) . ' i O{' , R VET BEG : 1. Todd H ea g lltt"dt (Ya m ); 2. M ike Dan ie l!! (Ya m ); 3. Ga rt h Tarl uw (Suz ). JR VET NO V: 1. Gary H ar ad a (H( m ); 2. Je ff Vt"rs luy !l(H un); 3. Mo nd o Duran (Su z). JR VET INT : J. Joe Loza no (Ho n); 2. Roger Oreb (Ya m). VET BEG: 1. Bill Jack.lOI\ (H on ); 2. Isa ac Lopez (Hon); 3. Tim ' Willia m s (Ka w ); 4. Rick H Ulh {ya m);5. Mich ad Hubbar d (Ho n ). VET NOV: 1. Jim Ku n tz (Ya m) ; 2. Ra nd y RUlih (Hon ); 3. Da v id Bam es (H on); 4. Ga ry H ar ad a (H on ); 5. Jeff Eary (Suz). VET EXll m : 1. Bob Ma llwt"11 (Ho n ); 2. Otad BIou,;h (Hon); 3. Da n k hcraft (KTM) ; 4. Brian R~shaw (Kaw ); 5. M an: Joh n!lOO (Suzl. SR BEC: 1. Tim WiDi.lms (Ka w ); 2. Pt"h:'An drews (Kaw); 3 . Sh.>VE' Cobb (Suz); 4. Bill Kru ge r (Yam). 5 R 11\'1: 1. A la n K..n t ( Ya m ); 2. W a y n .. Carey (Ho n ); 3 . O..ment Ma rk Moo re (Sw: ); 4. Mlm te ~ (Yam). Riders appreciated at AVDRA Motocross By Mark Hayzlett CASA GRANDE. AI., DEC. 31 The largest turnout ever for the Arizona Vintage Dirt Racers' Association marked race five of the '95-'96 season.

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