Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS .Edited by Scott Rousseau Krasun got the ball rolling by clean ing the first two sections an d turning in a first loop score of nine, two points better than his closest rival, Brad McClellan. Loop two saw Krasun improve his score to seven, one better than McClelIan, who staye d hot on the leader's heels until the final lap. That's when Krasu n le t it all h ang out, finish ing the loop with six cleans and a mere four points. Obviously flustered by Kras un's su dde n burst of balance, McClellan faltered and returned to the pits with a lO-point loop card. Krasun's 20-point final tall y was more than enough to secure his first win of the year, as McClell an was a further ' nine points back with 29. Dave Whittle was a close third with 32, as wa s fourthpla ced Ken Melody at 33. " It' s all snowy arid mud d y b a ck home," said a Krasun. 'T d rath er be rid ing on the rocks ou t here in Califo rnia." Feet Up ! Editor Don Willi ams h ammered the In termedia te B cla ss in the same fashion in which Krasun dominated th e A di vision, sco rin g a cle ar-cut victory with a final score of 43. Like Krasun, William s com peted aboard a 1996 Beta Techno, and attribu ted much of h is s uccess to the new machine . Willi am s' closest compe tition came in the form of Gary Obo m , who had 54 points. Third wen t to Rick Cavat aio, who boa sted a 65-po int final tally. De fendin g ATA Champ ion Jared Malmquist was his usual self at the seaso n o pen e r, s co rin g th e w in in the Exper t class over two n ew to p-cla ss ' competitors, Steven Varn ell and Kent Grah am . M almq ui st was mas te rful aboa rd his OTP ! Axe -sponsored Beta , and his 41-point tota l was less than half of Varn ell's 84-point score. Results NOV A:. 1. Dennis Reamer (Bu l) 69 points/9 cleans; 2. AI Norian (Y am ) 72/1 0. NOV 0, 1. Rk h Thom as (!let) 25 points l18 cleans: 2. Tom Materna (Bet) 8417; 3. Iack VoIder (Bet ) 8614. SPTS~L'l A; 1. Robert Thornton (G-G) 12 poin ts l24 clean s; 2. Earl Vanderwall (G-G) 30/ 1-1; 3, Barret Deck (G-G) 31/12; 4. Spencer Park er (Bet) 35/ 16; 5. Jon athan Gr aham (Apr) 35/15. SPTSMN A, 1. Kell y Bellmer (G-G) 32 poin ts l1 3 cleans. 2. Brya n Benson (8E't) 33/ 11; 3. Tod d Moore (GG) 36/12; 4. Allan Ralls (Yam ) 44 /1 3; 5. Gerald Biggers (Bet) 4719. ' S PTSMN C: 1. Bre n t Ko lle (G· G) 40 po in ts / 9 cleans; 2. Ronn Waters (~t ) 42 /1 1; 3. Doug Fulto n (Bet) 4717; 4. Becky Ca rranza (G-G ) 5617. INT A: 1. Mike Krasun (Bt.>t) 20 points / 16 cleans ; 2. Bra d MeOella n (G·G) 29 /13; 3. Dav e Wh itt le (Fan ) 32111; 4. Ken Melod y (G-C) 33111; 5. John McGregor (G-G) 38 /12. INT B: 1. Don Williams (Bet) 43 points J9 deam;; 2. Gary Obom (Bet) 5416; 3. Rick Ca vaW o (G-G) 6517; 4. Rick Tenbroek (Fan) 6514; 5. Lowell Belus (Bet ) 6816. ADV A: 1. Oli Thordarson (Mo n ) 27 po ints /17 cleans; 2. Kevin Norton 32/14; 3. Rid Jenkm.. (Bet) 5616; 4. Jim Collin.. (G-G)S9/1O; 5. Robert Madd en (Bet) 6018. ADV B: ), Cli ve Hannon (Fan ) 66 points l5 clean s; 2. Larry Varnell (Yam) ;5 14; 3. Todd Ru msey (G-C ) 76 /4; 4. Tom Engelhardt (Bet) 77/6; 5. Jack Hem in way (G-G) 9113. EX: 1. Jared Malmquist (Bet) 41 po ints /12 cleans; 2. Steve Varnell (Bet) 84 /5; 3. Kent Grah am (Mon ) 88 / 3. Holland hammers Hollister Hills Motocross By Mark Hawkins A t3 Krasun clobbers ~ Kangaroo Rat Trial By Donn Maeda ROMOLAND, CA,JAN. 7. ired of the snow an d slee t th at is . currentl y making his home state of Connecticu t unfit for trials rid ing, Pa lamine Promoti ons' Mike Kr a sun hopped on a pl ane and headed for sunny Southern California to cont est the opening round of the 1996 ATA Series. A personal sponsor of tw o-time NA TC N ational Ch ampion Geoff Aaron, Kra - T 48 (Top) Mike Kras un topped all comers In the Intermediate A class at the ATA Kanga roo Rat Trial. (Above) Rusty Holland (71) grabbed the holes hot and led from . start to finish In the first 2SOcc Pro moto at the GR Northern California Winter Series open ing round in Hollister Hills, California. Holland ended up with overall wins In the 2S0 and SOOcc Pro classe s. sun showed flashes of brillian ce similar to Aaron's as he dec imated the com petition in the Intermediate A class aboard his Cosmopolitan Motors ! Elf-sp onsored Beta Techn o. Krasun, coinciden tally, will promote the United State s round of the 1996 World Championship Trials Series, to be held May 25-26 in Rhod e Island. HOLLISTER HILLS, CA, DEC 31 Rusty Holland rod e to victory in the 250cc Pro class at the GF I No rt hern Cali for n ia Win te r Sories opening rou nd presented by the California Motocross Associati on. James Weisne r and crew di d a great job of keeping the rain~soaked coarse ridable and safe for all who participated. Holland grabbed the mot a-one holeshot to lead more than 20 rivals, build ing a comfortable lead over Rodn ey Smith, Michael Brandes, and Tyson Vohland. On the third lap of the IO-lap mo to, Bran des wou ld make his move and out~ brake Smith on the rough and d ifficult downhill . Vohland d ropped Smith to fourth by the halfway point. As the race wo u nd d ow n to the d osin g laps, Ricky Ryan, who had gotten a terrible start, had somehow work ed his way in to the fou rth position, d ropping Smith to fifth. The checkered flag wo ul d come ou t for Hollan d, w ho had a comfortable four- to fi\'e-second lead over Brandes, who finished in second. Third went to Vohland, fourth to Ryan, and fifth to Smith. Grabbing the holeshot in mot o two was the wily vetera n Ryan, followed by Holland, Myers, Kv le Le w is a nd Vohland . Lewis cu t under Myers around the big, sweep ing left-ban der and moved himself into third. By the halfway point it was still Ryan out in front followed by Holla nd, w ho wa s now ge tting pressured by the third-p laced Lewis. Fourth place now belonged to Vohland , and Myers dro pped to fifth. On the next-to-last tap, Lew is was able to ge t by HoI· land, and Brandes passed Myers. Ryan captured the mo to victory w it h Lewis takin g second. Third wen t to Holland, fourt h to Vohland and fifth to Brandes. Holland's 1-3 finishes captured the overall. Ryan took second with a 4-1, and third went to Vohlan d with a 3-l score. Results 50 BEGSTK (0-8): 1. Ka)'b Olson (LEM ),:2. Kylto 5t.lm~ 3 Kols~ (KTM); 5. Bry ,OIr Perry (KTM). ): IM). 50 NOV STK (Q-R 1. ConoyPennington (.... [Nan so NOV MOD (9-11): 1. Aanm 8er):;lIntz (LEM~ 60 BEG (0-8) : 1. ja red Morriso n (Kaw); 2. Pa ul Lawren ce (!l Bra ndt'S (Suz ); 2. RU!ity H oi land (Suz) ; 3. TysonVuhl .m d (Hon ); t . Dto Matson (Suz ); 5. Rick Ryan (Suz~ an 250 BEG : 1. Brian Toltne (Suz); 2. Ma tt Silva (Hon); 3. Kt-i:th DiVirgi ho (Hon); 4. Tony Dia .. (Y..m ); 5. Morgan Bu rdette (Kaw ). 250 NOV: 1. Seeve Jm ltins (Hon); 2. Harold H agftnan (Hon); 3. Travi!O Ma r ks (Kaw l; 4. Ika u Ba ron (Hon ); 5 . Ja son t<-h tdwll (Hon~ 2.c;o 1:'\l : 1. Donovan Mitdwll; 2. Craig Humphrey (Suz); 3. 'T MiLo Hod ges (Suz) ; 4. Brian Sweaney (Suz); 5. Molrk Oe!.ch (Yam). 250 PRO: 1. RU!ity Holland (Suz); ~ Rick Ryan (Suz); 3. Tf500 Vohland ~ ); 4. Mkhad Brandes (Suz ); 5. Kyle M. Uwis (Ya m). 500 BEG : 1. Rod Krei ss (H on ); 2..Keith Finch (KTM ). 500 I:o.rr 1. Mike H nd ~f."!i (Hh'1" (Hun); 4. Jl"n!m Chi.wm (Hon); 5. John M.atalamalti (Hon). Y 500 PRO: 1. Rusty H olla nd (Ho n); 2. (Nan Ma tson (H on ); 3. Rick Ryan (Hon); 4. Scott Myt"f'!j (Hon) ; 5. Mark Klau ser ( Hon ~ BEG (25- 2Q): 1. Tony Dta s (Yam) ; 2. Ra y Feld man (Ho n).: 3. (Nan Ma y (Ho n).;4 , William Serpa (Yam) ; 5. JOM"fIh Ty lt> (H em). r NOV (2.5-29) : I . Sco tt C as ta n e da (Su z) ; 2, Je ff re y Mo lin a (Yam ) ; 3. M ichael St-~ndo (Hon ); 4. Se rg io Fernand ez (Suz) ; 5. Kervyn Co le. t:'IT (.25- 9): 1. Mikp Hod ges (Suz) ; 2..Brian Swe aney (Suz); 3. 2 John Ma ta la maki (5uz ); 4. Rud Richar&wm (Ya m ); 5 . Eri c Cssas (Yam) . by VET BEG: 1. Ke \'in W ilkin;;on (Kaw); 2. Bob Tolbag (Suz ); 3. Ken Porter (K.l w); 4_ Cardone (; 5. Robert Lepesh (Kaw ~ VET NOV ; 1. Da rin Pols ley (Han); 2. Swtt Cast.lned.a (Suz ); 3. Joe MaJ ison (Hun ); 4. Tom Conklin (Ya m); 5. Stu Pt'IT)' (Suz). VET INT : 1. Dtm Mt>ndenhall (Ya m); 2. Jo h n Ma ta la m ak i (Suz ); 3-. G~ Pennington (Hon ); 4. Rod Richardson (Yam); 5. JOt')' McCrum men (Yam ). VET PRO: I. Rodney Sm ith (Suzl; 2. Jon Nel.o;on (Suz); 3. Terry Fowlt"l' (Ka w) ; 4 , Bnort Cr-&..s (Suz ); 5. John Silhant'k (Hon). NOV: 1. Qoorgto G()lIin~ (Hoo); 2.. Brian Merman! (H on ); 3. Emit" Cabral (Suz ); 4. Pat Graham (Hon); 5. Robm: Ottammesian reb'!' or (Hon~ OT EXP: 1. John H andl'lin (Ya m) ; 2. Da vp E..k in (H o n) ; 3 . Craif; Sc h u lz (Ka w ) ~ . Juhn Cum min F:5 (Suz); 5 . Rubt-rt H a n.o;e n (Suz~ Fitzhugh, Hawk hot at Vancouver Short Track By Clay Light VA.\JCOUVER, WA,JA.\J.l Na tio na l num ber 49 Ch ris Fit zh u gh a nd last year's AMA District SOcc Champi on Kurt Hawk were am ong an all-star lineup of class winners for the New Vear's Day Indoor Short Track race at the Oark County Fairgr ound s. Fitzhu gh d isplayed his new number plates en ro ut e to a n im p ressi ve d emolitio n of the Op en Pr o clas s, begin ning with a win in the qu ali fier, w h ere h e beat George Pri n d ivill e. Fitzhugh sat the pole posit ion for th e IS-lap main an d pulled away from Prindi vill e, wh o la ter slid out . Tha t allow ed Pro- Am rid er Lee Jensen , Exp ert John Myer s, and Pr o-Am rider Brian Paul to fill the top slots behind Fitzhu gh. Hawk wa s equall y im press ive, d omin ating qua lifying in the SO and 125ee ranks. Hawk beat National SOee Champion Jake Holden to win the first of two 80cc qualifiers; Chris Wa ite won the second . In a su rp ris ing mov e, onl y five rid ers were tr an sferr ed to the 80 and 125cc A main events. Both Soan Light an'd Curt Claflin, leaders in the SO and 125eeclasses respectively, failed to mak e their finals.

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