Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ROUND 4 OF THE o en tra nts came to the relatively ew facility at Judd Raceway, where all partician ts receive d a recognitio n award from p rocket Specialists. Rationing actua lly went nto effect for the half-time lunch as 300 hamurgers, hot do gs and sod as disappeared into the larger-than-expect ed crowd. In additio n to a ree lunch, the A VDRA club offered a special lass for first- time racers to try th eir ha nd at otoc ross for the mere p rice of the ga te fee. is exhibition took place at half-time SO many reg ula r club members len t their mach ines to friends for the expe rience. Riders ranged from n ll-year-old on a 70 Hodaka to 50+ "pops " on Yamaha 360 MXs. . Results SPTS NOV : 1. Tim OW~lI (Mai) ; 2. Tom Rogert (H us); 3. Chris Ried (Suz ); 4. Dale Whelan (Ho n); 5. Mark H" yzktt (C·Z). SPTS INT: 1. Mike Halp in (Han); 2. G il Whitilkr (HUll); 3. OronRuffin (Y" ml; 4. Ryan Oicbon (CZ); 5. John Holton (CZ) . SPTS EX: I. Kevin Krugh (H us ); 2. Ted Mink (y"m); 3. John Sco tt (Mai). NO V (30+): 1. Tom RogCB (HWi); 2. Mike McGou gh (Ma i); 3. Da le Whelan (Hon ); 4. Chri, Live lli (Suz); 5. Ald hi ko Sl.Inami (Hco). INT (30+): 1. G.lry H.llpin (Ma i); 2. Gil WhiloJb 'r (Hus); 3. Ken l.w>k(CZ); 4. Ryan Oicbon (CZ) . EX (30+): I. Kevin Krugh (HWi); 2. Ted Mink (Ya m). NOV (40+): 1. Jim Ellis (Bul); 2. Te rry Me nd el (Su z); 3. C h ris Buchan an (ez); 4. Dave Chr one (D ue); S. Mike Haraco urt (Tri) . EX (40+): I. David Boyd stun (BSA); 2. John Soon (Mai). NOV (SO+) I. Sam Min k (Yam ); 2. l im Wilson (H uI ). : SPTS 125 NOV: I. Brad Jones (Hon ); 2. Chri s Reid (Suz); 3. Moa n Ha racourt lSuz ). 125 NO V: 1. Akihiko Sunarni (Hon ); 2. Hayzlett (Yam ). CLSC 125I NT: 1. Ken lullk (CZ ); 2. Ryan Dicbon. PREM NOV: 1. Mike Bower lOss) ; 2. Mike Ha r.KOUrt(Tri); 3) Deve Ch ronr; , . Jim Wihon (Hid). PREM EX; 1. Dave Boydstun (USA). Stoughton heads Hangover Rally By Rick Moo re INDIANAPOLIS,IN,46217 Eighty riders began the 15th ann ua l Hangover Rally sponsored by Mid-West Motorcycle Club , with a choice of rid ing a timed road ru n or a po ker run . The timed run led 19 ha rdy riders through 25 miles of we t, sl us hy streets in do wn tow n India napo lis. The course included a lap aro und Monum en t Ci rcle wi th a perfect view of the "World's Tallest Chris tmas Tree." The average speeds ran ged from 10 to 28 mph thro ugh five checkpo ints. At the end of a very cold and dreary day, the winner was Kenney Stough ton, with a loss of four points. The other 61 entrants elected to enjoy the ride by participating in the poker run. Rider ranged in age from 15 to 73 years . Fifteen-year-o ld Zac h Smith rode a longside his mothe r, Sandie Smith, who wa s p iloting a Ha rley-Davidson sidecar w ith her da ughter, Michelle Smith, as a passenger. This was a real family affair with 73-yea r-young Harry Grinstead par ticipating in his 13th Hangover Rally. Ever yone had a great time with plenty of hot stew and lots of d oor p rize s donated by area motorcycle shops . SEAT TLE KINGDOME February 3, 1996 • 7:30 P.M. Adults: $21 /18/10 (Supervalue Seats) All Kids Just $10 YAMAHA · Tickets On Sale Now! and THE KING DOME (206) 628-0888 SEL!CTPA YlESSDRUG STORE 1.OCAllOHS • T11! WHEfWtOUSE DlSCJOCKY · TOWER AECORDSMDEO· IWGETTAm , DISCS PLUS VAJOOUS INDEPfNDENT LOCATIONS AU. ntlCETS SUBJECT TOAGENCY CONVtHlENCI!CKAAGE BOX OFFICE wee k of show only SCO TT Resu lts 0 / A; 1. Kenney Stoughton; 2. T~ Stone; 3. Ron l .unas tus; , . HotrryCrinsh.-ad; S. Ch uck Co llins. POKERRUN: 1. Chuck r r aBon;2. D. H.,n low. Hachenberg hauls at Florence Trials By Robert Cli ne FLORENCE, AZ, JAN. 7 Mitch Hachenberg of Tucson led the way for the Novice class at the CAT Inc. Florence trials, for which David Dobb ins and Greg Jones crea ted so me challenging sections for more tha n 60 riders . A large field of Beginner-cla ss riders saw a close ride between Laine Streiff and Chris Level, with Chris taking the win. The Junior-class win went to Geoff Chain, and Derk Geshell followed with a close secondplace finish. The Jun ior class is w here we can help develop young trials riders who will keep the sport growing in the future . Central Arizona Trials Inc. and Wayne Myers earned the Governor's Pride in Arizona Award, for the graffiti and trash cleanup at the Florence trials site. 0" Results JR:1. Geoff Chain (Yam); 2. Derk Geshrll. BEC: 1. om. liwlle; 2. Laine Streiff (Yam ) NOV: 1. Mitch Hachtonbt-rg(C-C); 2. li m Hedgecock, SR NOV: 1. Erro l Montgome ry (Bet); 2. Ron Barton (Bet) . INT: 1. RobSran ley(Bet )1;2. TIDl Str ffen (Bet) . SR IN!: 1. Will Terriek (Bet) ; 2. Pat P~ (Man). EUTE: 1. lowell Mll~ 2. Mlbo Klatt. VINr: 1. David Boyslen (Bul); 2. Brad Taylor (OM). TW SHK: 1. Jared Batrs (Mon) ; 2. Rya n Dkbon (Mon) . ADV: 1. Tim HilIsamer (G-G); 2. Jl"f\"myPalrid:. (G-G ). For 2 free Cycle News stickers, send a self-addressed, stamped legal-sized envelope to: Cycle News • Free Stickers Offer P.O. Box 498 Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 51

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