Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 91 of 175

. . .th: 1-.17 FnInt.... lIIlIII: 11.2 In. ........ trM: 10.2 In. Front brIIIr. Dille RIIr brIIIr. DIsc FInII drIwr. ChaIn CIIIInId dIy WIIgIlt 3371bs. .r.1••UIh' Vulcan. _I. LIlt PrIce: $489lI CI .... 498cc I!lIIIII tp: I.Jquid-aloled p81J11e1 twil C.,. 8ln IIIlaIII: 74 x5llmm '-1liiio: 10.8:1 Caatw.... 12) 34mm Kelhin IgIIIan: EIecIIonIc I 11R.-ta:6 IIIIQIt.-ta:6 . . . . . "111 EIeQlc FuJI ~ 2.9 glII. . . . . . . . 61.2i11. RJIraIti. . 32"I142mm SIIt. . . . . .7iA. FftIM. . 100/II).18 . . . . . 1<40.'90-15 FnInt..... ftwI: 6.3111. ... IIaIJt 3.9 in. FnInt_ _ DlIc . . . .__ Dna .......BJII ClJllnlddly WJIIIII: 410118. Front ..... lrIIIII: 5.9 in. SlIrInI.,-a: EIecIric FuJI ClIPIIeltr: 2.9 gal. Tia. ........ trIWI: 3.9 In. Front bnIkI: DIsc RIIr bnIkI: Drum 11. " I ,..: 61.2 in. IJlIII'lt1IIl32.8"/l42mm FInII drift: Chain ClIIIlIId dIy WIIgIlt 410 Ills. SlIt IlIIFt 28.7 In. ....111: 10CWl).19 . . .III: 14Q1l!lG.15 .r.• ...ret E1IIniMtJJI 600 _1.e.... LIlt PrIce: $6199 1t 592cc EngIne typr.l.iquick:ooled, In-Ilne Iour-eylinder Bort x 1lnIka: 60 x 52.4mm ~Ion ndIo: 11.2:1 cawwlk,,,: (4) 30mm Keihln KaWJUld Vulcan 1SD TrInamIuIon ..... 5 LIlt PrIce. $6499 DiIpIacImInt: 74Scc EngIne typr.lJquick:ooIed V-twin Bort x IlIOIII: 84.9 x86.2mm COiiijli II 'on ndIo: 10.3:1 CIItIInlIan: (2) 34mm Keihin 19nItIan: EIecIronic SlBrtIng syslJm: Eleclric FuJI COIjIiICIly: 3.6 gal. . . . . . . . 62.2 In. FlIIlI/lnIII. 32"1127nVn SIll ~ 28.910. Front lIrw: 100190-19 RIIr tIrw: 150190-15 19nIIIon: TCBl el8clronic NI",-,,= 6 SIarIIIIg .,.eam: EIedric FuJI ~ 3.4 gal. WIIIIIIIaI. 61.0 in. R8IlIIlrd: 29"1105mm SIll hlIIghl: 28.1 in. Front lire: 10CWl).18 ....... ; I; RIIr tIrt: 150180-15 Front ..... lrnWI: 5.9 in. RIIr whIeIlrnWI: 3.9 in. Front brJIlr. Disc RIIr bnIkI: Drum FInII drIvI: Shaft CIIIInId dry WJIgIIt 434.4 Ills. FronI whIIIlrmII: 5.9 In. RIIr ..... travwI: 3.5 in. FronIllI'IIr8: Dual dsc RIIr InJlr. Drum FInII drMt: Shaft CI8imed dry weight: 484 Ills. K/IWIISII/d Vulcan BOO UIt PrIce: $7099 DIlIpl-.nent 805.3cc EAgIne type. Uquid-cooled V·twin Bort x . . . 88 x 66.2mm CompwaIon ndIo: 9.5:1 cartlInIIon: (2) 36mm Keihin 19I*Ion: EIeclronic T••••1iuIon apeedI: 5 SlIrtIng IJSfIm: EJectric FuJI ClIpICIty: 4.0 gal. Wll8IIbIIe. 64.0 in. RiIMIIIWI: 35'/148.5mm SIIIIlIIgbl: 28.0 in. Front tIrw: 80190-21 RIIr III: 1<40.'90-16 Fnlnt AeIr lrlMII: 5.9 In. 1mWI: 3.9 In. Fnlnt brJIlr. DIsc AeIr brIIrI: Drura FInII drIwr. Chain CIJIIIIId dIy wwIgIlI: 4851bll.

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