Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 90 of 175

• Ksrrl..1d KDX200 Ust PrIce: $4249 DlIpI8cInIInl: 198cc Engine type: Uquid-cooIed, single-cylinder two-stroke IlonIll stroIIe: 66 x58mm CompressIon liiio: NtA cartlunIlIon: 35mm Keihin Ign/llon: Eleclronic CD n..miIIlon speeds: 6 StIrlIng system: Kick Fuel CIIPICllY: 2.9 gal. "'-l1lI8: 56.5 in. AlIIo11n1I: NtA s.t hIigIIt: 362 in. Front tire: 801100-21 ~linI: 1001100-18 Front wIleIIlnIvll: 11.8 in. !lew "'-l tnMI: 11.8 in. Front brlIIrie: Disc ~ brlIIrie: Disc Final drive: Chain CI8Imed dry weIghl: 222.7 100. KsnsaJd KLX250R Ust PrIce: $4999 D1"1~" "'llIIIt: 249cc EngIne type: Uquid-cooled, single-cylinder four-stroke IlonIllslroke: 72 x61.2mm CompressIon liiio: 11.0:1 Carbun!tIon: 32mm Keihin Kswa6Id KLXISOR 19nIlIon: Di\jIal CD Ust PrIce: $5499 "-lalon 1jIIICII: 5 ~651CC EngIne type: Uquid-cooled, sin~ !otE-stroke IlonIllllrolla: 100 x83mm CclmpI-.aIon liiio: 10.5:1 c.bInlIon: 40mm Keihin StIrlIng .,-m: Kick Fuel CIpIClty: 3.1 gal. WIleIIbI8: 58.6 in. RIIr8IlnIIl: NtA SlIIIl h8IghI: 37.4 in. Front tire: 801100-21 " - ' whI!lIlr8WI: 10.7 in. Front InIca: Disc "-' brIke: Disc FiIIlII drive: Chain CIIImecI dry weIghl: 284 100. Ull Price: $1899 DIsplacenBll: 99cc engine type: Air-cooled. single-cylinder two-stroke IlonI xstrokll: 49.5 x51.8mm Comprellllion ratto: 6.9:1 C8rburetlon: 19mm Mikuni KarrssaId KLR250 Ust PrIce: $3899 llIspIlIc:emW: 249cc EngIne type: Liquid-cooled, single-cyllnder four-stroke IlonII stroke: 74 x58mm ComprlSSlon 1'liiio: 11.0:1 cartJunIlIon: 34mm Keihin ignition: Electronic CD T_1aIon speeds: 6 StII1Ing aystIm: Kick Fuel capeclty: 2.9 gal. WheeIbue: 55.8 in. RIk8IlnIIl: NtA Seat hIlght: 33.7 in. Front tire: 3.00-21 SlIrllng system: Kick Fuel ClIpICIty: 2.1 gal. WheeIbIse: 56.5 in. Rak8llr8ll: NtA s.t hIlght: 36.4 in. Front tire: 80/100-21 RlBrtlre: 1001100-18 Front wblIIllnMll: 112 in. ~ wblIIllmlll: 11.0 in. Front InIca: Disc Rw 1Ir8IlII: Disc FInal drIVe: Chain ClaImed dry weight: 2291bs. ~ linI: 1101100-18 Front wblIIllnMII: 11.8 in. KstIiIsMd KEIDO • 19nIlIon: DigItal CD TI'IIIlIIlIisIIa speeds: 6 IgnItlon: Magneto 1'nInImlseIon speeds: 5 StIrlIng syIlIlm: Kick Fuel capacity: 2.4 gal. WheeIbeM: SO.6 in. AlIkellrall: NtA s.t height: 31.7 in. Frontlinl: 2.75-19 ~tlre:3.00-17 Front wMIi lmlIl: 5.7 in. ~ "'-llr8Wl: 4.3 in. Front bralre: Drum Rw brakII: Drum FinII drive: Chain CI8lmed dry weight: 187.4 100.' RNrlinl: 4.60-17 Front wheel travel: 9.1 in. RNr wheel travel: 9.1 in. Front brakll: Disc Ra8r brakll: Drum FInal drive: Chain Claimed dry weIgtit: 259 Ibs. KswassId KLR65D Ust PrIce: $4749 D1sp18cemellt: 651cc Engine type: Liquid-cooled, singlKYIinder lour-stroke IlonIll stroke: 100 x 83mm CompreMlon 1'liiio: 9.5:1 CIrbursCIon: 40mm Keihin Ignlllon: Electronic CD Trlnemlalon speeds: 5 StIrtIng systllm: Beclrtc Fuel cepeclly: 6.1 WheIlbue: 58.9 in. R8kIfIIlraII: 28'/112nlm s.t beigIlt: 35.0 in. Front tire: 9Ql9(f.21 FleIr tire: 130180-17 Front wblIIl trawl: 9.1 in. fleer wheellnMII: 9.1 in. Front brake: Disc fleer brallr. Disc FiIIlII drIvr. Chain Cl8l1118d dry weight: 337.31bs.

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