Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOICES Letters to the editor No B-to-V, yet As the official mouthpiece of the Desert Vipers, I would like to set the record straight for your .readers. In response to Mr. Toering's letter to the editor, we at the Desert Vipers M/C want to make it clear that Barstow to Vegas '96 is not officially a done deal at this time. The Desert Vipers are spearheading the current effort to regain access to the event, but to date there has not been a permit issued. However, we are working very closely with the BLM and so far have had a remarkably favorable response from Mr. Henry Bisson and the others from the bureau. We would also like to make sure everyone underStands that this is a Desert Vipers M/C effort, and we very much appreciate the support and effort that has been directed towards Bar~tow to Vegas, both recently and in past years. Many prominent people and organizations have been involved in this battle, and we have been very supportive of their efforts, and currently are enjoying their support in ours. The bottom line is this: Barstow to Vegas is not officially an event. We have secured D-37 and AMA approval for an event on November 30, 1996. Much work has to be done to get us there, but with the support of Cycle News and its subscribers, our efforts will be made easier. Brad Stieg The Desert Vipers can be contacted through e-mail at the above Qddress... Editor. Helmets, et al While reading "In the Wind" in the December 6 issue of Cycle News, I thought I had been sent a newsletter from ABATE by mistake. You reported, " ... the bill... includes two hard-fought provisions that would benefit motorcyclists. It would appeal the federal government's attempts to mandate helmet laws in all states..." The AMA has spent a great deal of INSIDE fssue #50, January 3, 1996 , • time and members money nJy at the federal level but in vari dividual states fighting helmet laws. This effort is certainly supported by bikers, but it is not of benefit to motorcyclists. Head injuries cost all of us either through increased insurance costs, when these riders have insurance, or in longterm subsidized care. Cycle News is a competition-oriented newspaper that reaches many more youthful riders and racers who are learning our sport than Harley Owners Group followers wanting to maintain the outlaw image. The tangible conse-. quences of riding without a helmet are evident in riders such as Gary Busey and a recent AMA Grand .National Champion. What are the tangible benefits to motorcyclists you alluded to in issue #48? I trust any response would not include the vacuous "Right to Choose" sermon on the AMA's Vietnam domino theory of motorcycle legi lation issues. p.s. Your staff and contributors have been doing a great job in providing wide-ranging coverage. here and in Europe. The variety and depth are appreciated. Dan Cather Concord,CA Malcolm's apology There is an unfortunate error in the MSR '96 catalog. I must apologize for a photo caption error. The inside front cover shows my photo taken at the 1965 Cactus Derby Enduro. The caption states that I won the enduro and went on to become the Western National Enduro Champion that year - a regional title. The real National Champion that year was Bill Baird. My apologies to him. Malcolm Smith Riverside, CA Pridmore's thanks I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the phone calls, letters and overall concern for my well-being this year. As 1996 gets doser, it's stiU hard for me to come to grips with the fact that I missed an en tire year of racing. My accident in January was unfortu- nate, but I hav d my be t to tum a negative into a ·ve.' My current condition is very confident. I had very serious tibia plateau fracture, much like Mick Doohan. I have been in an external fixator device, also like Doohan, since my accident. My leg is now getting stronger every day and will be stronger than ever by Daytona. A special thank you to Dr. Kevin Louie and Dr. Art Tmg. Cal Pacifico was my title sponsor and had helped me purchase a Ducati 955. Honda was kind enough to give me a 600. We had just taken delivery of a new trailer and Avery Green Motors su pplied us with a truck for the year. I am also very fortunate to have Class Motorcycle Schools, Dunlop, Shoei, Helimot European Accessories, D&D, Factory, Fox Shox, Chickenhawk Racing, Motul, Tsubaki, Air Tech, Held, Indigo Sports, Bob's Krazy Brush, Erion Racing and RES. Thanks to all of you for your continued support. There are also some individuals who went above and beyond just helping. First, my wife, Susie, who also acted as head nurse. My friend and mechanic, Rich Doan, who has helped me get back in physical condition. Also, Marc Cummins, Sidney Kaufmann, Ted Holman, Rob Lewis, Thomas Wilson, Tony Lupo, Tom Kipp, Mike Smith, Vic Karshner, Bob Fleishner, Carl Munter, and last but not least, my Mom and Dad. Your words of experience, encouragement and sUPP9rt were all great. As for 1996, I should know in the next couple of weeks what my plans will be. I look forward to seeing you all at Daytona. Jason Pridmore Ventura,CA Pridmore was injured while racing in a local motocross event prior to the 1995 road racing season... Ediror. Letters to the editor shouJd be sent to Voices, Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 908060498, faxed to 3101427-6685 or e·mail, editor@cycle· Publish.ed letters do not necessarily refJect the position of Cycle News, lnc. Letters should not exceed' 200 words and aU letters 3re subject to editing. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. All letters should conbin the writer's name, address and daytime phone number ... Editor. Volume XXXII Sharon Gayton, President Michael Klinger, Publisher Editorial Paul Carruthers, Editor Kit Palmer, Associate Editor Donn Maeda, Associate Editor Scott Rousseau, Associate Editor Mark Hoyer, Managing Editor Keith Bush, Copy Editor Advertising Terry Pratt, Nationat AcaJunts Manager Mark Mitchell, Easterll Accounts Manager Mark Thome, Western Sales Manager Thomas Gonter, Western Sales Manager Forrest Hayashi, Western Sales ManQger Greg Mitchell. Eastern Sales Manager Rick Matheny, EQStern Sales Manager Rhonda Crawford, Western Ad Coordinator Carla Allen, Eastern Ad Coordingtor Laurie Snow, Assistant Marketing & Promotion Mark Thome, Manager New Media Development Mark Mitchell, Director .Rick Matheny, Operations cassified Ads Sharon Van Hazelen Graphics and Production Ree Johnson, Production Supervisor Mandy Loa, Production MQnQger Dennis Greene, LAb. T«h. Stacey Guest, GraphiC Artist Amy Faught, Graphic Artist Administration Judy Klinger, CoordinQtor Peggy Rivera, Secretary to the Publisher AccountinglData Processing Donna Bryan-Diamond, NR CoordillatO¥ Geneva Repass, Assistant Herlane Lewis, Credit Circulation Rheba Smith, Mangger Alma Anguiano, Processing Coordinator Pam Klein, Billing Coordinator Carol Begovic, Dealer Coordinator Service and Support Bridgett Bobrofsky, Receptionist Leonard Herring, Service atld Support National Headquarters 2201 Cherry Ave., Long Beach, CA 90806, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 (310) 427-7433; (213) 636-8844. FAX (310) 427-6685 Eastern Office 4188 First Ave., Tucker, GA, 30084; mailing address P.O. Box 805, Tucker, GA 30085-0805. (770) 934-7850. FAX (770) 934-3112 e-mail _ subscribe@cyclenews_com FEATURES INTERVIEWS Jeremy McGrath - Cycle News Rider of the Year Carl Fogarty - World Superbike Champion Miguel DuHamel- Superbike ational Champion Steve Lamson -l25cc National MX Champion Jay Springsteen - Former Grand National Dirt Track Champion Doug Chandler - Muzzy Kawasaki's newest Scott Summers - Hare Scrambles ational Champion : LONG-TERM TEST Triumph Trident. 4 12 22 56 COMPETITION Rockford Arenacross Fordville Mid-South HS Series Spanish Indoor Trials Laughlin Hare Scrambles 21 59 74 .78 Internet Cyde ews (USPS 141-340) is published weekly except the last two weeks of the calendar year for $50.00 per year by Cycle ews. Inc.. 2201 O>eny Avenue, Long Beach. CA 9OlI06. Second dass postage paid at Long Beach. CA and at addition· aI mailing offire. Canada Post International Publications Mail ;546615. POSTMASTER: Send addrftl changes 42 46 60 NEW BIKES 66 To drtmnine the expiration date of your subscription. chm the four numbers on the first line of yOUf addms label. The .50 Milan Show first two digits indic.1te the last issue number you'll receive and the last two characters indicate the year of the last issue. Subscription rates: Rates (or the United States and its posse5"" sions for one year( (50 issues), SSO.oo; two years (100 issues~ 595.00; six months, (25 issues). $26.00; trial sub (15 issues). 519.00. Canada and Foreign. one year (50 issues~ 590.00; two yeal'S (100 issues), 5175.00; six months (25 issues~ 545.00; trial sub (15 issues), 538.00. 70 DEPARTMENTS 10 34 RIDING IMPRESSIONS Kawasaki ZX750R Honda EXP-2 28 .32 RACER TEST 38 NEW PRODUCTS RESULTS LEADERBOARD EVENTS CALENDAR WANT ADS TEARDOWN LOOKING BACK Cycle News welcomes unsolidted editorial material including stories, cartoons, photos, etc. Such material, if published, becomes the exclusive property of Cycle News. Reprinting in whole or part only by permission of the publisher. Advertising rales and circulation information will be sent upon request. See S.R.OS. 76 : 84, 86 88 90 97 : '0 Cycle News. P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 908OHM98. TIME REMEMBERED U.s. vs. the EurosMX des Nations MXTESTS Kawasaki KX500 125cc MX Shootout Carl Fogarty's Ducati 955 Superbike America's weekly motorcycle newspaper :.100 116 116 ON THE FRONT COVER . WftP,8 Jeremy "Supermac" McGrath - Cycle News Rider of the Year. See page 4. Photo by Kinney Jones. Printed in U.S.A. ~~noN .Cot'J'rigb~ Cycle News, Inc. U95. T",dem.ork Cycle New registered U.S. P,lent Offire. All rights ....ryed. 3

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