Sweeten and Ingram double
at Trail-Way Short Track
by Len Breech
P!W (4-6): I. Mitchell Davis (KTM); 2. Joshua Mar inS
CJCThQ; 3, Ryan Wilson (Yam); 4. Bradley Gratuun (; 0; Jason
Wnght (Yam).
P/WOPEN: 1. Mathew Davis(LEM); 2. M&r\;Crllddy(UM).
3. TanMr ~ (JCTM): 4 Mdchdl DaVt5 (KTM); 5. K.C lUy
Henthorn (Yam),
P/W (NIl: 1. ~thew DaVld (LEM); 2. Mark Gradd)' (LEM);
3. Tanner Thergesen (ICTM); 4 Hunte!' Fostt!r OITM>; S. Km.neth
Payne (Yllm),
Brandes hot at District 11
Ohio State Fair Motocross
By Rupert F Pellell
125 A: 1. Travill Hodg~ CKaw); 2. Ryan Clark (Suz); 3. Isaiah
Johnson (Kaw); 4. Dax Kastrin (Suz); 5. Kyle Abney (Hord.
250 A: I. Isaiah JohntOn (Kaw); 2. Robby Clauss (Hom; 3.
Kyle Abney (Hon);4. Adam Land (Hon); S. Ryan Clan: (SuV.
OPEN A:. 1. Robby Oau. (Hon); 2. Isaiah JohNon (Kaw); 3.
Ryan Oark (Suz); 4.. TraVlJ Hodge (Kaw); S. Adam Land (Hon).
125 B: 1. Jon Stew_" (Yam); 2. Zach White (Yam); 3. Scott
Bums {Kaw); 4. Shayne Kendall (HorV; s. Jereny Blount (Suz).
250 B: 1. Jon
(Yam>; 2. Isaac Medina (Kaw); 3. o..Y1d
Tolunan (Hcn); 4. K.evtn Sharp (Suz); S. Jade. McMUJ'I"OUgh (Yam).
OPEN 8: I. ZIlch WhIte (Yam); 2. Isaac Medina (lCaw); 3.
Scott Burris (KAw); •• Jon Stewart (Y.un);5.J~yBlount (Suz).
30. A: 1. Mike Craham CHon); 2. Bear Hensley (Suz); 3.
Randy Nimrod (Kaw).
:JJ.o. B:. L Mike Cokrr (Hon); ~ Q\arIes 8ftckenridge (Hon); 3.
La")' CU!TIln (Yam); C. Lee s.nchrz (Han); s. Mike HatehJasl (Hon).
<&0+ A:. I. Mike CfilhI,m (Hon); 2. Billy Addington (Hon); 3.
Randy Wysoclu (Ka;w); 4. Mike Kun.
125 C: I. MAti McOft'mott oc.w); 2. Jerry ffitb ; 3. Steve
Daugherty (Yam); 4. ShaM R~e (5uz); 5. Mike~t CYMA>.
OPENC l.jemTly ~yt'S (Suz);2. MlttMcOrrmott (Xaw);3.
Paw Conklin (Yam); 4. MeLaan PraWltz ; 5. Mike Geil~feldt
125 BEG: I. Myles Cattelli (Kaw); 2. J,amt!'S WagneT (Kaw); 3.
Mkhacl Rodriguez (Yam); 4. Steve Hanison (Kaw): 5. Du5bn Jolly
250 BEG: I. Michat.1 Rodrigut.z (Yam); 2. Scott Rountree
(Kaw); 3. Stacey Bran (Hm,); 4. Mkhad Carey (Kaw); 5. Sun G0r-
don (Hon).
A massive throng of fair-going spectators and
over 300 racers turned out for the amual District
11 Ohio State Fair Motocross, The Nation's second-biggest fair hosted this Kawasaki KX
Bucks/EBC Brakes contingency race in lovely
Columbus. Californian Michael Brandes was the
man to beat in the Pro classes. as the Kawasakimounted racer won six of the eight motos he
competed in during the two-day event. Ninetyfive degree heat did nothing to slow the faststarting Bmndes as he banged his way through
the first tum and into the lead in the first 2SOcc
Pro moto, Team Green's J.D, Collins on another
Kawasaki sprang in behind Brandes, while
Brock Sellards. in his A-class debut, held down
the third spot. Brandes wailed around the tight
track and ran out front all mota, while newly
crowned 250 National Amateur Champion Sellards went to work on second-place CoUins, Sellards was not able to make the pass on Collins.
and fourth-place Chuck Reed took advantage of
Sellard's spill in the whoops to take over third,
At the checkers Brandes held a nice lead over
second-place Collins. with F&S Suzuki rider
Reed in third and SelIanIs in fourth. The second
mota was another Brandes benefit as he nailed
the holeshot and ran off with the win. Team
Green's Sellards ran extremely fast all moto to
take second ahead of Reed and the Kawasaki of
Vincent Karnow. In the 125 Pro class, James
Eickel used consistent 2-2 finishes to take the
overall. besting Brandes' 1-3 finishes and thirdplace-overall SelIanIs. During Sunday's action in
the 125 Pro class. Reed pushed his Suzuki to the
overall win with Collins finishing second and
Vincent Karnow third, after some of the frontrunners allegedly double-jumped through a yellow-flag area, which cost the offenders a lap, In
the 250 Pro motos. the Ukiah, California-based
Brandes jammed his way to two first-place finishes and the overall, followed by Ohio's Sellards, and Reed,
"I'm hanging around in Ohio before the
Binghamton and Steel City Nationals".
remarked Brandes, .. It is kind of different than
Califonia, but I'm enjoying myself.Re.ults
VlNT: I. Kent EVri (Yam): 2. Mike Hatdtkiss (Hon).
SIMINl ~1: 1. Joe S8nwkk (Kaw); 2. Adam Burris (Suz); 3.
GIO Tedesc:o (Kawl; 4, Ivan Tedesco (Kaw); 5. Steven Guinn
S!MINI 0·2: 1. Cuy 6in(g (Kaw); 2. Rlchnrd Sambe.rson
(Yam); 3. Kyle Roach (Kaw): 4. Eddie Martinez (Yam); S. Gilbert
Gorda (Hon),
80 A: 1. Clo Ted~o (Kaw); 2. Jonathan Shimp (5u7J; 3. Ivan
TedetCO (!