Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 09 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Bast blasts to Vallejo Speedway win By M.Sober VAUEjO, CA. AUG. 12 Longtime Northern California Speedway veteran Bart Bast survived to take the victory in an oddly played Scratch Mam event at the Vallejo Sports Arena. Low-yardage regular Rick Schambers continued his steady improvement, pulling the freight train to the checkered flag for the win in the Handicap Main. Retired Crand National Championship dirt track campaigner Ted Taylor took home the Second Division trophy, and Wes Englebretch won the third division trophy. Bast drew the pole fOT the Scratch maIO, with surprise participant Kelly Bennett drawing the SL-'Cond spot. In gate three was the ever-dangerous Bobby Hedden, and on the outside in Jane four was "The Jammer," Jimmy Sisemore. The red nag came out as soon as the starting tapes were launched when Hedden, over-anticipating the gate, caught the lower tape strip on the edge of his visor and was excluded. On the restart, Bennett failed to pull up even to the tapes and rolled the start. He, too, was dismissed to the pits. The Scratch main was now reduced to a match race between two of the North's top riders - Bast and Sisemore. Bast's inside starting advantage held as the two riders left the tapes and hit the first turn. Sisemore tried to glide around the outside of Bart coming out of tum two, but Instead found the little mogul that had developed midway through the night. The rut sent Jimmy into a brief "save mode" before he could continue the pursuit. Sisemore seemed to be a little quicker into the comers than Bast but was having no luck dislodging him from the lead. Sisemore let it all hang out after the white flag, but it went for naught as he high-sided in tum two, leaving Bast a II alone to cross the finish line. Results Chris Agajanian Presents U.S. MO~Q NA SCRATCH: 1. &.rt 8.lSI UilW); 2. Jimmy Si::.emo~ (Jaw); 3. Kcllv a....".-.-..n (Wl.'II);4. Bobby H4..'tldt.'n (lOIW) HOCP: I. Rid: 5c:hllmbcrs (1;1\00'): 2. Chad Fcliclo lWcs,: J. Robert Cuny (WI,.'S): 4. Bobby Ht'ddl,'n UilW); S. Jimmy ~ Uaw). First time on the lightning fast 1/2 mile. The home of the OUTLAWSI 1)..2. 1. T...betts, Missouri, round of the of the Missouri Hare Scrambles Series. Chris Caplinger got a good start and came through the scoring lane first on lap one. During the second lap, Steve Leivan slipped by Caplinger to lead until lap four. Leigh Letellier got by Leivan to lead until the final lap. Leivan crossed the fmish line for the wm with LeteUier right on his rear tire. Allen Haynes took third with Kevin Borts and Caplinger finishing fourth and fifth, respectively. In the Four-Stroke class, Kevin Boyle cruised to victory aboard his Husaberg. )unior<1ass winner Dustin Wisecup cranked to the finish line with a minute-and-a-half lead over Mike Guffey. Sheridan Collin flew in to grab third with Chris Miller in fourth and Chris Snidle in fifth. Everett Shinault endured five laps to finish first in the.Senior class. O/A: 1. ~w Lewan (Y;un), 2. l.t.'tgh u..'tIellirr(K'TM); 3. Allen H;lynes (Yam): 4. lCt"\'In 80rts (Y~): S. Chris Caplin~r (ATK). AA/EX: 1. Lrigh Letcllit.... tlCTM); 2. Al~ Haynes (Yam): J. ~vin 8ot'IS (Voim): -l Chris Caplingl,.>f IATK); 5, Jamie JrnnU'lg5 lVam). A/INT: 1. Kdly Cctz tK.1W); 2. Mikt' Ktugcr (KIM); 3. J~ff La~(Yoim); 4. JrifSchndckr(Yolm); 5. 5.lmCo5neIl (Yam). -Tickets & info contact the following- OPEN: I, Todd Raod (KTM);2. TlIl'VleI'Englund (Han);J. Mark Vmopcl (K.1w); 4. Bishop: 5. K..oich Jad.:.on (Hus). ,.1"'" 250 B: 1. Caw)' HaYnl!M; 2. ).:Iy WIII""ms (Yam); 3. Sid Turpin CV.m);4. AotI'Orl SNw (Yam); 5. Tim GIlliland (KTM). 250 C: l. Kt!\'in M.:Jlh's (Hon): 2. Donnie Mlthis (Han): J. DI.IoIr...- Rambo (1CTM);4. Eric: Brandl; 5. RU:ity k.l1lwr (KTMI. 200: I. Gary MiIMbl.'T'g (lC.lw); 2. Stew Cn.>ws (kaw); J. David Von Hol.....

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