Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 08 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I Race Mid Atlantic Mini RR Assoc. YSR C'ship Series Langley Speedway Hampton, VA July 2 ii:fFrank Ti~ ~ita ~rad~ rUll Ga ner SO PROD. Marty Lentz • jimGriflith Pfisler John esper I25C DanHowanl Sandt [)a\'e Y~ko\' ~ Da\'e ~\·tOdrene =\:'Y 50 MOD ~Lentz Bart uppm""l Bill ulis Bill Cole Ian M.lcLachlin BOOPEN Bart uppenlhal Mike Brook BiUUIis ~' D'lmperio K.w Y,m Vam Y,m Yam Race CMAIASM Narl Superbike 0shil Kawasaki Cana a Cup St·Eustache, Quebec, Canada July 8-9 PROS/BIKE IJoo Munroe jeffSoeyd M. Kowalski Michael T,ylor B, Piloa PRO OPEN SIS OonMuN'Oe F, Wilson Mike OesrNrais T. Samson jeffWiUiams PR0600S/S Martin Gaudreault linnIevCb... IJooMwvoe jeffWillia1l15 TIDlSamson S1D£CARS SIeI. Sunderland Aaron Bums Martin~ lOp Dan Bea Ma~Rancourt 1:lristiroWoddUs CatpeIer Rosemarie Wodn tim Da,id Graham Riduin Kenll:kes Kaw Hoa Yam Hoa Kaw K.w Yam Vam Hoa Y,m Yam Kaw Hon Han Y"" Y,m Y"" Suz CZ Motocross Holeshot Raceway Linesville, PA. June 30 By Mark Kromer P/Wll-O) Dustin Sefton Dustin CharcaUa Aaron Maxwell Brad Twining Garrett Knnunert P/W 17-3) George Baker W R. Kendal II Mattt-.w Doolittle Rand PIerpoint C»4yy60 Troy Gould Da"ill Maxwell m MallHe~, Jaie Moore JRt<&Massie jR I Brian Gerth JUSIen lelby . Billy FIShdier Troy Gould Abn MandeliUe SRMlNI jason Hermann Keith A. Ferry AI Emanuel Erik Springer CIi.'ImtShennan 51 jason Hermann ~thA.Ferry AlEman~ Erik Springer Shennan =I AlEman~ Brian Gerth Jerem'BeaIs Keith A, Ferry joe Malr"'k Jr. I25SC Y Freddy Hmderson Mall Kromer £.in EidlIcr JustinSabo )eff_eber 25+ Randy Ha~ lIbine Doerasoer Brent Doolittle Marler . Russ Chesbro RorvGeMeim ShalneLew" I25B Freddy Hmderson RidlJllie 125 A VincrKamow MikePir 2S+ VET ~tlammond MikeGrind~ TUll~ti~ Yam Yam Y"" Yam KIM ~GekIt lO+ VET Da'id 8o~'moln FraokMock 250 A Todd Hagman Joe Lenz Terry Akin 125 A Dan Adkins Beau Brown SI'l'e Akin BOA SroIter Vernon SroIt Houseman s..n ughl 50jR . Mal Houseman WesChud\ rx;Thompson SR _ ~ Joe Hordlier Dave Miller 3S.VET KenF,.....bery Da,id&._ Je~ er Ridlard Hopkins 40+ VET Ba'lJ'Mayo John Korte l1:/dHauenslein Ha Turner Howanl n 4S+ VET Ba'lJ'Mayo John Korte Dan Post Harold Butzin JohnWirid< VINT 'B9 )elf OuR""'" And~ T.J. ult)'Simpson SO MOD Eric Deboer jacob Plan! Maltl'ki KurtEC ~. ~~ Heather Bowman Michael Hoffman Brilon BeerboY.'er And CIemen~ SOSO PER Kyle Rothgob LWI\Murph, SIeI'OlI uinah.. DaI'Id E. Bacon Eric Pilat 60 Nicl.Adams K\'~~' Maltl' TylerSandeU Pett Ne!o>n RemaTIiliIl 600S/BK Shawn Roberti Rid Thompson Mike DurteII Ron Bousl 751JS/SPRT john Hilton Scot Borthwicl. Shawn Hart L/WlW BrvBailey oa.:cooper Bri.m BadUI1 SamSoioman PettNe!o>n OPENS/SPRT John Hilton SroIt_ Shawnllart joe F. CraigHanmpson Mike lJurrdlre 6OAUlO Eric Klinlaug J"'~ Brian F~Poatt 60 Lowell Ca""" Mike Alexander Shawn Colley Tom Newtli D''IJ'I Reese BO Srott Morrison Justin Velicl:y Cam=:! TOIll Mike Alexander 125 Dan Nolan SroIt Vandecar josh V~icky ManSlluzrt ShaneUlingstt>n 250 AM Curt Friend JarobReesr SlIaMon Rector Dick &lwanls Hariev Hadaway 250EJ( RogerDoM Jim McCi"enl Joe Demento lenAorin OPEN AM Bryon Seyfried Mul< Dickerls lowellc...oa Fred Ilrosj!it John Martino OPEN EX Duane Veeder Roger Dor'«< SleI" Longo jason Fuller Bob Mtmeyer SIeI. Longo JoeDemen1o Frank urpineUo Toay Martino ,SR Frank urpineUo T Martino oar John Martino Jim Miller Mulltv Trimble 125 «EG SIeI"" Boswell And\' BeamesderIer Mad< McDonald Kaw Suz Suz Y'1" !(all' Suz K.w Suz Suz Suz K.w Han Hoa Yam Han Han Kaw i:6 K.w K.w Suz K.w Han Y"" Suz Kaw K.w Kaw Kaw Yam K.w Kaw Suz Han Hoa Motocross Mosier Valley Mosier Valley, TX July? By Claudine Cordray EX ROOert Derl5ford INT Kt\'in Gra"itt uleb Leath Bill=", Mike SO c.T.Dickey Andrew~ Mimpson Mcfly Scheel Scony Trimllle 0aI'id IJickmon 125 BEG jason Crow Suz Suz Suz Kaw W~Milliom NicI. is Rob Beanl lJoj~ TU1dler 125 NOV CobyOwm ~Newlin y-~ScheeI ~idson K.w Kaw SuI Suz Hoa Yam Hoa K.w K.w K.w SuI ' K.w Suz Suz Hon Codyslr ShawnManlis Hunltr I.e in 25lIOPEN ChadAndmon Bry.. Peltoa ShawnManlis Curtis Gee< INT Bill Harington BenGal)' 25. Chris Boice Marl< Foley jBrianCbrl< DmiC\; Frazer Ben Sorenson lO+ SlevOll ChapPdl Rodney Wiglllton Danny l.urye WesMiUiom J~ o."idson 0.,' Hallmarl< 125 OPEN ~Newlin " HaUmari< Boy-Boy Scheel GregWeUi Aaron Gamer BOBEG Chad Da,is R,.. WeUs Chris Husac\; Gal)' Hardson ROOert Veal BOjR RobbySlliM SroItT~ ~~ . Dal'id Pa KIM KTM Y"" KIM Yam c.r.Didey ~'til Scheel nl BEG SroIt Robertson J"""Hm Chris Whitt Randy Malone Y"" K.w 25lIBEG ToddSla\'ik Billy Ray P'llenon Randy Malone ~Wrighl Chris While 25lINOV Cody Baker Jason Ridlardsoo Da"1d Papl Stacey Hunler Dwayne Rowan 25+ ChrisBoire John Mulder Derric\; Fr_ Brian Cbrl< BenSoremoo lO+Dannylurj. ~~ Brian Hays Billy HoIaxnbe Suz 5l!Z Hoa Hoa Y,m SOl Suz Suz Suz tloa Suz tloa Suz Suz Kaw Suz K.w tim K.w Th>mV~ LEM KIM KIM KIM KIM Kaw K.w K.w K.w K.w TOIlljanik Midlael Clendenin ~~ K.w Suz Suz K.w Ethan Conley Mall johnston Hoa Suz Yam Suz t1oa, __ 8SA Ben McCarthy Jerem Eanlley ~an Webster ~ConneII reg Ke\rtn Komosa 125 YOllTHC Mall Baker _Winchell Ghen laPoir!tt lO+B )esse Priore tlon Suz ROOert Heam Brian Bamabv Tra"isCasseIls RlJ"'ldCyr Dal'illllesrosiels 3S.B Marl< Hangos tloa Y,m Y"" Hoa Y,m T Urreiro onv BrolBonin Da,is :s.. 85B MikeMclnemey uri DeroIis tim tim 1':'t Motocross MX338 Southwick, MA June 18 SO Corey Sil," Ry.. IJesrosim ROOert MarshaU joshuz Menzone Alex Wadsworth 6S Michael Clendenin IJoo P"""" Shawn G ts'f:""'" SroIt Almedi' William Ga,-in Casey Bates SuI Yam Hon Yam Yam Han Yam Suz Han Yam K.w Suz Suz t100 Suz Hoa Hoa Hoa Motocross Possum Hollow MX Pm Springfield, MO July 16 By Jeny Sharp P/W ~Simmone~u SItphm Simmoneau runm~_ Earl thcod< Alyssa Shalp 60 TraciFowIer MissyCbrl< ~Albertson Jeremy Da,'is Joe Jarvis Mall Foresl Chris Muse ~1ll.ester CorvVoung DreW Cuhria KevinRix SCHLBY Aaron Slolev Mall Hucl:el.rry ConoYoung Kel1nRix 125 BEG Pltillip Wasson Jerem,Watkins SroIt Woad BiU SchIa.... o.~ Rector 125 NOV Aaron Jerem~ow er jerry ith CoryYoun,j ~nBra BEG Chris Goodall Chad Schellenberger' Buddy Sd>later Doug Adams Sto:r. ~Andmon Mike W~1iams Derric\; Porter jac\;joros MaUHudeIberry ~1:al' la"" joros Dustin T,ylor loa Kauffman ChrisSchellenberger lO+ , R.D. Peterson DougGere LA'IJ' Way! Dmnis Tomlin . MikeMills 3S+ Kari Fowler Ton)' len IJoo o...elier Rick Austin Mike un..rds ounAW Tra1isYoung Ron Turner Jon K.ulfman lance Jones IJ\lsIin T,j1or Han Y"" K.w Hoa !(all' Kaw K.w tloa Yam !(all' K.w tim Yam Han HIlS Hon Send results of races ASAP after the event to: Results, Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498. Results should be typewritten, and include the type of event, name of race track, city and state where located, date of event, name of person submitting the material, the top five finishers in each class, and the brand of bike each finisher rode. ~ ~ It') 0\ 0\ ..-l , N .... CIl ::s ::s 00 « 31

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