off the race course. VanRiper's shifted his Team
Green Kawasaki up a gear then roosted away
for the moto and overall victory. Schnell hagged
·the second spot while Josh Fmk, David Hughes
and Lunde rounded out the top five. Schnell,
however did rebound for the victory in the
250cc Intermediate class via a double-mota
This year's series was shortened to eight
races a,nd a new concept was introduced: A
longer race track was used for the first motos
while a loop was removed for the second motos,
which shortened the track considerably. Riders
will compete for a new truck while mini racers
wUl compete for new GT Dyao bicycles for overall winners in the 5Occ, 60cc and 80cc classes.
(Above) BrIIIn Otto (1) gr8bs the hoIeshot
at the at8rt or the Over 4lWSO-c1_ nice at
the IlIk1w11y FIecreetIon Park, holding off
AIIen StIIIge (40) 8nd Jerry 8urnglIrdner
(33). (L8ft) 250cc BegI",.--cIMa winner
Pellt IlIulno (21) chIIIIed down TodcIlIoonI
(5) at the opening round or the GR "Win 8
Truck" nIght Ill( 5erilIlI at PerrIs ~y_
Engstrom took the moto win and the overall
win, as Soreson took second place and Otto
cruised in for third.
The Over 40, Over SO, and Women's classes
were all grouped t~er, with Amy Groth and
James Kirkpatrick the lone riders in the Women
and Over SO class as Otto grabbed the hoIeshot
and cruised in for an easy win.
MICRO JR: t. Neil Ehrenbeg; 2. Brrlt Nage~ 3. John Heinlein;", Mike Shequen; 5. Marcus MaJIerft.
1. Scott EhlerWMit; 2. Justin Rwnpea; 3. Ralphlc
Allen; 4. Blake Rella'; 5. Jon Stadsvo&d.
P /W; I. jooh Smenoon; 2. looh CaNon; 3. Scolt Ehl.1._1Grl.
125 tNT: l. Dean VanRiper (Kaw); 2. Eric: Sc:hftC!U (Suz): 3.
Joshua FinJc (Suz); 4. David Hughes (Yam);.5. Dustin Lunde
125 PRO: 1. Ray ReMley (Hon); 2.
lie' Flippen (Yam).
£J. Wript (Hon); 3. Char-
250 BEG: 1. Pm: Marino (Yam); 2. Todd Moore (Hon); 3. Tun
Ryke' (Ka.w); 4.. Chris Turner (Yam.); S. Bob Arthur (Yam.).
2SO NOV: 1. Craig Williams (Hon); 2. David Quqm CHon);
3. 1m ""'"" (Yam), .. Ilu1IIn>s " - (}lon), 5. Scolt Marlow
2SO D'n': I. Eric SchndI (Suz); 2. Mark 0eKh (Yam); 4. o.vid
McCown (Hon); S. Harlan AI'MtI (Kaw).
250 PRO: I. Coftton Ward (Kaw); 2. Larry UnkogIe (Hon).
50(} BEG, 1.1_ Higgins (l(awl, 2. ....... Up< (Hon).
zs... BEG: 1. Pete Muino (Yam); 2. Tim Rykn- (lC.Iw); 3.
Robert Lagos (Yam); 4.. Bob Arthur (Yam); 5. Chru A1&manp
2S+ NOV' 1. Jon l..rvey (Yam); 2. Paul Wright (Yam); 3..
Kiehl (Yam); 4. Eric Hameister (Yam); 5. ~ Pierce (Yam).
2S+ INT: I. Randy Oanykt (Suz).
30+ 8EC: L Steve Berg (Yam): 2. Gre'S McCarthy n-ton); 3.
Chuck Manhud (Yam); •. Glenn Perry (Hon); 5. Tim WiUialN
30+ NOV: t. TlD\ Murphy (Suz.); 2. Ron Coleman CHon); 3.
Sendzlm~ (Yam); 4. Rick JUf1ldo (Hon); S. Lendon Smith
3O... 1NT: 1. Greg Coy (Hon); 2. Bobby Doty (Yam); 3. Cougan
McGruder (Hon); 4.. Greg MauJo (Yam); S. Jack Phiftn CHon).
30+ PRO: 1. Willie Phee (Hon); 2.l.oren PodUrowlIJd (Hon).
35+ NOV: I. Jdf Gianni (Sux); 2. Jim Felton (Yam); 3. Greg
Paga.n (Yam); 4. Lou Solo (Su.z); S. Scot Paul (tClM).
3.5+ tNT: I. Daniel Scharf (Kaw); 2. Jack Phinn (Hon); 3.
Cougan M~roder (Hon).
NOV: I. Robby Bland CHon).
40+ 1NT: 1. Dan McClintodc (Yam); 2. Wayne:Cafty (Hon): 3.
Mark Moore (Suz).
40+ EX: I. Vi.ncml Oark (Hon).
A.double dose at
Daniel Boone Motocross
By Kathy SmIlh
Motocross rans had a double dose of racing
competition on Saturday night and Sunday at
Daniel Boone Motocross Park. Saturday night
was the first night-race ever at Daniel Boone.
In the first moto of Saturday night's 80cc D
class, the qualifying heat, a new rider, Jared
Hall, got the holeshot. Nevertheless, it was
Trevor Norina who jumped into the lead. The
battle in this mota was for second position
between Nick Cobb, Melvin Shultz and Dustin
Smith. Throughout the first moto, Cobb, Shultz,
and Smith ran a close race. It was on the last lap
that Shultz gained the advantage and moved
into second position. This didn't last long as
Cobb passed Shultz in the whoops, racing on to
claim second place, while Shultz finished third
and Smith ended up in fourth. Norina placed
first in the moto.
The second moto was also the main event. In
this race, Norina again grabbed a considerable
lead early in the race, with Kyle Shelton riding
in second and being chased hard by Cobb. Shelton and Cobb were dicing. On the fourth lap,
Cobb was trying to make the pass on Shelton,
going into the ski jump, but Shelton closed the
door on him. Riding through the supercross
doubles, Cobb and Shelton were wheel-to-wheel
as they battled it out. Cobb was trying to make
the pass going into the doubles.
On the fifth lap, Cobb and Shelton were .ideby-side as they raced through the whoops. Cobb
gained the advantage in the supercross doubles
and moved into second position. Competition
heated up as Norina took a spill in the last lap of
the race, but he was up and running before he
lost his position. Norina raced on to take first
place for the overall win. Cobb finished in second place overall, Shelton third overall and
Shultz finished in fourth place overall.
(U~ I. Domd ........ (J(TM), 2. Justin _
(KThO, 3.
Eric Woods (LEM); 4. Matthew Abydin (Yam); S. JonathAn y~
50 (7-8): 1. Michad Akaydin (Cob); 2. Kan Ann Taylor Otj);3Matthew Blake (J(TM).
60: I. James R. Maxam (Kaw); 2. Devon Hednck (Kaw); 3-
Terry 'BlaU Jr. (Kaw); 4. Mx:had Akaychn (Cob); 5. N~ Owbin
80 0: 1. Trevor L. Norina (Hon); 2. Nid. Cobb (Yam); 3. Kyle
SMlIon CSuz); ... Matthew Shultz (Yam); 5. Nicholas Wolfe (Kaw).
80 JR; I. Ben Riddle (Xaw); 2. Kyle Mclntosh (Yam); 3. Ian
Riddle (Kaw); 4.. Drvon Hedrick (J(aw).
80 SR: I. Jeff Gibson (J(aw); 2. Paul K.rle (Kaw); 3. Chns
Mowl!')' (Yam); 4. J.R. Cartft" (Kaw); 5. Anthony Nash CKaw).
S/MINl: I. Jeff Gib50n (Kaw): 2. Ben RJddle (Kaw); 3. Chm
Mowery (Yam); 4. Anthony Nash (Kaw); S. J.R Carter OC3w).
SCHBY: l.:Be.n Riddle (Kaw); 2. Chad Burba (Raw); 3.
Zachary H~ (Suz); 4.J.R. Carter (Kaw).
WMN: I. Jennifer Shultz (Yam); 2. SuMn AI~ (Kaw).
125 0: I. Tf1Im Capps (yam): 2. Ike Neace: (Su%); 3. David
Young (Ron); 4. Jeff COlf (Hon); S. Anthony Locker CKaw).
125 C: 1. Kelly Taylor (Yam); 2. Robert Goldson (Hon); 3.
Michael Burba (Kaw); 4. James Jenkin. (Hon); S. Britton Blair
125 8: I. Jake Morris (Yam); 2. Kurt Simms (Kaw); 3. Nick
Turner (Suz:); 4. Steve Hensley (lion); 5. Eric McHntton (Suz).
125 A: 1. Steven Rickards (Hon).
2SO D: 1. Eddie Pt'lfer (Suz); 2. Jacob R Chambers CHon); 3.
Cary Crav~ CHon); 4. Ahnet Akaydin (Kaw); S. Gary Grammer
2SO C: L DarrdJ Reddix (Hon); 2. Ritchie Fraley (Kaw); 3. Jon
(Yam); •. Eric: Gill (Kaw); 5. RobM Palm'son (Suz).
250 B: 1. Kurt Sims (Kaw); 2. Oanlel Nelson (Suz); 3. Ed
Edwards (Hon).
250 A:. I. Stevm lUc:karda (Sut.).
U!L AM C-D: 1. Robert Go&dtoa CHon>; 2. Jon SIa~ (Y~
3. Scotty Moyen (Kaw); 4. Kath Cottonpm (Hon); 5. David BuiI
U/L AM: I. Nlc.k Turner (Suz); 2. Jake Morri$ (Yam); 3.
Daniel Nel50n (Suz); 4. Adam Vaughn (l(aw); 5. 8riu Bourne
N/C: I. Eddie Peffer (Suz); 2. Jerry Crammer (Yam); 3. TIIIl
PucIt:dt (Yam); 4.. Wayne Moore OCTM>; •
25+: 1. Robert Golcbton (Suz); 2. Oarrdl Reddix (Hon); 3.
Roser Arnold (Yam.); 4. Roba1 Pattf:rMm (Sud; S. Charln Jones
2S+ '" 1. Eric McHa_ISu», 2. ..... .......,. (}lon), 3. RId;
&rr CJ:aw); .... Ed Edwards Qion).
25+ A:. 1. MarkCuy (Yam).
30+- C: 1. Eric Gill (Kaw); 2. Jams Maxam Jr. (Yam); 3. Stew
J~ (Hon);,. AIun;" Jim Krauter (Kaw).
30+ C: I. DarTeU Jand (Hon); 2. Eric GUI (Kaw); 3.1-MnAm Jr. (Yam); 4. RDsw Arnold CYun); 5. Stiew: JaoobI (Hon).
:JO+. 8: L Darid A. Furil (KThI); 2. [)nton 1- Hunt (Hon); 3Rick 811fT (Kaw); 4. Terry I.anham (Hord.
30+ A: I. Mark Guy (Yam); 2. james Drake (kaw).
40+: 1. Gene D. Campbell (Hon).
It's Guy COOper day
at Treaty Motocross
By AuplIl1 F. PeIIeU
The Treaty Oty Motorcycle Cub I1oste!I the first
annual Team F&:S Suzuki day at their Western
Ohio motocross facility, featuring a full lineup oi
F&:S team riden including legendary SUr Guy
..Airtime" Cooper.