Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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·V IC S OE Letters to theeditor America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Volume XXXII Sharon Clayton, President MichaelKlinger, Publisher Editorial Paul Carruthers, Editor Kit Palmer, Associate Editor Donn Maeda, Associatt Editor Scott Rousseau, Associatt Editor Mark Hoyer, Managing Editor Robene Boggs, ProofrtlJder Advertising Terry Pratt, National AccountsManagtr Mark Mitchell, Eastern Aa:ounls Managtr Mark Thome, W".ttrn Salts Managtr Thomas Gonter, Westtrn Sal". Managtr Forrest Hayashi, W".ttrn Salts Managtr Greg Mitchell, Eastern Sal". Managtr RickMatheny, fAsttrn Salts Managtr Rhonda Crawford, western Ad Coordinator Carla Allen, Easltrn Ad Coordinator laurie Snow, Assistant Marketing 8< Promotion Mark Thome, Manager New Media Development Mark Mitchell, Managtr Classified Ads Christine Serrano Graphics and Production Ree Johnson, Production Supervisor Mandy 1..00. Production Managtr Dennis Greene, Lab. Tech. Stacey Guest, Graphic Artist Amy Faught. Graphic Artist Administration Judy Klinger. Coordinator Peggy Rivera. $tertiary to the Publisher AccountinglData Processing Donna Bryan-Diamond, AIR Coordinator Geneva Repass. Assistant Herlane Lewis,Credit Circulation RhebaSmith, Managtr Alma Anguiano. Processing' Coordinator Pam Klein. BillingCoordinator Carol Begovic, DealtrCoordinator Onl y part true In regards to Roy Janson's comments in the "Briefly..." section of the Charlotte Supercross coverage, he states that. .."The tracks are so technical and difficult that guys don't want to be embarrassed .: " As far as my friends and myself are concerned this is part true. I think fear of injury is the real motivating facto r that keeps many riders in the stands. Getting lapped by Jeremy (McGrath) and his peers, while not the highlight of my season, is something I can live with. In fact, I would likely be ab le to learn from it. An injury, on the other hand, is the last thing any rider wants or needs. Technical tracks are a lot of fu n to ride, scary tracks are not. I am confident tha t with a little effort, the talented U.S. Supercross track designers can produce tracks that are multi-lined, challenging and yet forgiving to riders who may no t be able to time everything perfectly every lap. I can guarantee this will increase rider tu rnout, at least by one, because I'll be there. Dustin Heikkinen Calgary, Alberta, Canada Where's Jeff? My son and I attended the 1995 AMA Hangtown MX National and were treated to some of the best racing I've seen in years. One of our favorite riders, Jeff Emig, gave us a show we won' t soon forget with his 1-4 mo to finishes and second overa ll. But we were very disappointed when he was a no-show at the podium. I have not ye t been able to explain to my five-year-o ld son w hy Jeff wasn't there. I feel Tea m Yamaha owes all of us an apology - or at least an explanation. Service and Support Bridgett Bobrof sky, Receptionist Leonard Herring, Serviceand Support National Headquarters _ 2201 Cherry Ave., Long Beach, CA 90806, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-{)498 (310) 427-7433; (213)636-8844. Ton y Gatt Aubum,CA Acco rdi ng to Yam aha, Emig was sign ing autographs at the Yamaha truck and didn' t hear the an noun cement that he was supposed to go to the winner 's rostrum...Edilor. FAJ« 310)427~ Eastern Office 4188 First Ave.•Tucker, GA, 30084; mailing address P.O. Box 805, Tucker, GA 30085-D805. (404) 934-7850 . FAJ( (404) 934-3112 e-ma il Thanks Torrance Honda Recen tly an ai r shipment ofAXO RC3 bo ots was broken into at Los Angeles Interna tio nal A irp o rt and 50 pairs of boots were stolen. Less than one hour after we received notice of the theft, a phone call came in from Torrance Honda explaining that someone was trying to sell them 40 pairs ofAXO RC3 boots at a discounted price. We immediately notified the police department and they reacted quickly enough to catch the thieves and recover 40 pairs of o u r stolen boots. The thieves are spending several nights in jail while they await their arraignment by the district attorney, and the remaining boots are still under investigation by the Los Angeles Police Department. I really want to commend Torrance Honda for their quick thinking, honesty, courage and support of AXO. T hey went out of their way to get involved and stop these criminals. Thank you very much - we greatly appreciate yo ur effort. Nick Hale General Manager, AXO Sport Am erica, Inc. Vale nci a, CA World Mini I recently attended the NMA World Mini in Las Vegas. I would first like to say that once again the racingwas perfect. I feel that something else needs to be said. I am gla d that races like this one still exist. Where else can you watch great racing and still see that the kids are in it for fun? The sight of parents chasing thei r children around the track brings back memories of younger days when racing was fun . Not financial. Sure there is a Pro class that is taken very seriously, but the competition was still incredible. It's too bad that this type of racing isn't covered more. I must give credit to Cycle News for its great coverage of these ty p es of even ts . Please co ntinue the greatest p u b li ca t io n known to th e motorcycle world . My only wish is that Ama teur rac es would ha ve m ore tha n three pages of coverage. Thank yo u for the effort. david ms @enetnet Halcomb thanks I am very fortunate fo r m any th in gs la tely and being abl e to write this letter is one of them . I w as involved in a cras h during the Baja 1000 in November and it has been ov er 160 days since then and I am just now re tu rn in g to work pa r t ti m e. I w as in a co ma fo r awhile and have worked hard to just be able to walk again. The response my family and I have. received from friends and people in the m o to rcycl e ind u stry has been phenomenal. Due to the extent of my injuries and no t bei ng able to work and eve n with the insurance we had, we we re faced wi th unreal expenses. One of our friends, Jack Paul, started a trust fund for US and sent flyers reques ting donations. John Haaker, Ch ris Carter and the Los Altos Dirt Bikers organized a trail ride where over 270 riders signed up, a nd it even stopped raining long enough for all to enjoy the ride. We want to thank everyone who participated. Terry Baisley from Pro-Sport riding apparel, Bob and Gayle Bosserman and the Bo is e Ridge Riders also held a benefit MX race outside of Boise, Id ah o, for us . The race was held in an absolutely beautiful area w here I have been many times while competing in ISDE qualifie rs. I saw a lot of friends I haven't seen in awhile and I tha nk you for the support. Ot hers have also hel ped : Bob Maynard o f Thor Racing assembled a trail ri de sou th of the border with some friends; Bill Berroth 'of Ace rbis turned over o ne of the com pa ny va ns to my wife and mother to use the whole tim e I was in the hospital in Sa n Diego; Terry Knott and Mel Ha rri s of America n Suzuki assis ted us in differen t ways and we apprecia te the effo rt; Scot H arden of KTM has been a frien d for q ui te awhile and he showed his colors as I can' t remember a day in the hospital that he didn't visit; my Baja teamm a te , Chuck Mille r, is a friend I'll respect forever , not o n ly fo r his fr ie n d sh ip but as much as I hate to ad mit it - for his riding ability also. Chuc k d rove my fami ly and I home fro m Sa n Diego due to me no t bein g able to fly comfortably. Thanks to all. Charles Ha lcomb Santa Cruz, CA Letters to the editor should be sent to Voic es, Cycle News, P.O . Box 498, long Beach, CA 90806-0498, faxed to 3101 4276685 or e-m ail. ed it o . Pub li s h ed letters d o not nece ssarily reflect the po sit io n of Cycle New s, Inc. l etters should not exceed 200 words and all letters are subject to ed iting. Anonymous letters will no t be considered for publication. All letters sho uld contain the writer's name, address and daytime phone number .. . Editor. INSID E CycleNews(USPS 141·340 is publishedweekly excep.the ) IasItwo weeks of the cakndar year fer 550.00 pe.- year by Cycle News, Inc. 2201 Chmy Avenue, long Beach. CA 9lIlO6. Sorond cLuspostage paOl•• long Beach. CAand al addition~I mailing office. Canada Post International Publications Mail 1S4661S. Issue 120, May 24, 1995 POSTMASTER.; Send ~ddffts dung" to Cycle- News, r.o. Bo. 4'lll.l.Dng s... h.CA908UI-Gl98. . To dr1rrmine the u piration d.altr of yoursubsai ption. dtrck the four numbton on IIw fint liM of your address label, The first two digits indic.tfo the LuI issue-numba' you11 receive .md th~ 1.151 two (h~l"Kt~n indiatr thfo yur of 1M I.ut issu~. Subscription raIL'S: Rates for the United Stales and its po6St-'S"" sions for one year. (SO issues). $50.00 two ye~rs (100issues), ; $95.00; six months . (25 issues). $26JX trial sub (15 lssUt."S). l; $19.00. Canada and foreign, one year (SO issues). 590.00;two years (100 issues). 5175.00; six months (25 issues), $45.00;trial sub (15 issUl.'sl, $38.00. CycleNews welcomes unsolicited editorial material including stories, cartoons, photos, etc. Such malerial, if pub lished, becomestheexclusiveproperty of Cycle News. Reprinting in whole or part only by permission of the publisher. Advertising rates and circulation information will besent upon request. SeeS.R.OS. W~.8 ~1~~~noN Printed in U.S.A. Cofyrig hr" Cyel. Ntwt, Inc.1995. Tr;ultDWl

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