"I like Dunlops...
they give me a
lot of grip. "
.E E TS.
MdntOlioh (Yam); 4. Brock Port!"!' CKlw) ; 5. SMn.- ObInion (K.w).
SR MINI: 1. ChrU Mowery (Yam); 2. John T. Smith (Hon); 3Al1.ln G.l ines (Yam); 4. B~ I Mayer (JYr,w); S. Scu ll Cnlven (K.tw).
S/MINI: 1. Ben Riddh· (K.1w ); 2. Chris Mowt'J'Y (Yam); 3. jr
Smi th (}ion); 4. Allan Gainn (Ya m); 5.1.ln Ridd le (Ka w ).
Jamie Jam es
/994 AMAlCCS 600cc
Superspon Champion
SCHBY, 1. Bany IIalI (Yom).
125 0: 1. An thony Locker (K.1w); 2. o.nlPI r~ (K.aw); 3.
Brian Ph ippipo (Yam); 4. Ryan Caloies (KIIw); S. Alan C tbec n
lSuzl .
125 C: 1. KeUy Taylor (Yam); 2. Krvin Taylor (Suz); 3. Coby
JmkiN (Hon); 4. MidwaJ Mmin UIon); 5. Jarob C1'wnbrrs CHon).
125 8: 1. Nkk Tutne!' (Suz); 2. Jimmy Bma (Suz); 3. 8.arry
Hall (Yam); 4. jodlu.a Dotm (Suz); 5. Bri.Jn 80unw (Ka w).
250 D: I. Mitton Bridge ; 2. GaryCraW'n (Hon); 3. Coby
Sbggs (Yam); 4. Fra nk R.a.'lf>iga (K.aw); 5. Scutt ~OCaw ).
250 C: 1. Buddy Brooks (Suz); 2. Oiris lnwrton (Han); 3.
D arT el Reddh (Ho n); .. . N athaniel S mith (Su d 5. ChuJ ~
Williamson (Kaw).
250 B: 1. Jeff Flora (Hon); 2. Jimmy Bmob (So ,;); 3. Mjbo
Baker (J(.lw); 4. jf!ff Blair (Suz); 5. Milr.e Oan. in (~) 25; 2. Ron John.'iOn (Hon ) 41;
3. Gerry Upham (G-C) 47.
ADV : I. Greg DavidMin (G-G) 51; 2. Gary Hagl"tNlnn (Fan)
67; 3. John Wellt'M win (G-G) 81.
EX: 1. Jim Altemus (Bt.>t) 61; 2. N ick Wellm5tt"in (c.c) 94; 3.
Ed I'ol heber (Btot) 129.
VlNT: I. Tim Swa in (Bu !) 42.
3rd Annual
Carlsbad Raceway
Sunday, May 21
Cave Run Yamaha Classic
at Bluegrass Park
25-29 Ileg. Nov, In!
rQtur>l T
emin MX
JOt Ileg. Nov, Int. Pro
Classes b-~!
40t Beg. Nov, Int. &pen ~ .nd Support Classes
v,nt>ge. Bomber
... e1i8JbIe .. '"""" .......
Gales Open 8 am,
Entry Fee 125.00
Gale Fee S10.00
By Ray Bailey
c"risbad Raceway is Iocaled 6 miles •.lSI Ii ~5"
llport RDad .ndB
usi_ P", om..
P.1omar A
For inlO Hoo ge a
Hoo ge (}(aw); 4. Devoe Hu nt (Ho n).
25+ A:. 1. Rodnt.>y Carrier (Suz); 2. Sct.1tt Watk in. ; (Ha n); 3. Jeff
Steinrock (K.aw l; 4. Jay Baumert (K.1 w); 5. Willis GrotnruI (Suzl .
30+ C: 1. Jam" Maxam (Ya m) ; 2. Mitton Brid gt'll (Suz); 3. J
Riders ca me from all over Kentucky to set an
attendance record at the fifth rou n d of the
Th orobred series at the Bluegrass Mot ocross
Ni ck Turner blit zed the 125 B cla ss on his
Suz uki. screaming to a first-place finis h. Second
place wa s a wire-t o-~;re fight betwttn Barry
Hall and limmy Brooks. Hall took the first·m oto
win , but was unable 10 hold off Brooks' charge
in the seco nd .
The 250 Semi Pro race was a d emonstration
of flying motocross style by Rodney Carrier,
who won the first mota. The second mota was a
slig htly d ifferent story, as leff Steinrock made
some daring. do-or-d ie moves to hold the lead at
the checkered flag.
Jam es Maxam took first overall on the da y in
the J(}.Plus C class . In the first mot o, Maxam followed leff Mclnlosh for most of the race. but put
on a last -second rush to beat McIntosh by a
fender at the flag.
50 (4-6): I. Eric W ood s (KTM); 2. Trav lll Rt.-odman (Ya m) ; 3 .
Jo n ath an Young ( Ya m); 4. Brandon Dilltrick (Y am); 5. D anid
Maxam (Kl'M) .
SO(7-8) 1. K.1ra Taylor (yitm ); 2. AII"X Ra!lfliKA (Cob); 3. Jo1!1On
Ht.'1U\ing..-r (KTM); 4. Manhew Blake (K1'M); 5. Shdne OOOniOA
60: 1. Jam " Rus..-.el Ma l(ilm (](aw); 2. Brock Pont"!' ( Ka w ); 3.
Shan e Jrnlr..iM (K.aw ); 4. Rick Paynter (Kaw); 5. Shane Obanion
80: 1. Tim Wadswonh (Yam ); 2. N. Wolfe (Kaw); 3. T~ar
Moria (Yam>; 4. Curtis I..llu (Yam); 5. MWo Hill (Yam).
JR MINI: 1. 8fon Riddleo (X.I,w); 2. Ian Riddw OUw); 3. Kylp
Anderson Awesome
at Perris Motocross
By Tony Alessi
Eric Anderson dealt the compe tition a knack-aut
blow in the 12See novice class by fighting his
way 10 a double moto sweep during GH Super
Saturday motocross held a t Perris Raceway .
Mike Todd got the jump al the start of the
firs t 125cc novice m oto while Du stin Ryl ey ,
Anderson, Brian Reichel and Bomber Hernandez took up chase.
Todd wa s on the gas and began to open a
healthy lead but just when it seemed like Todd
wo uld surely continue for the win, he made a
mistake in a techni cal sectio n of the course and
han ded over the lead to Anderson.
With a clear track in front of him and no one
on his tail. And erson sim ply rode away for the
mot o wi n. Todd recovered from his erro r and
crossed th e li ne second, followed by Riley,
Reiche l and Herna nde z.
In the all-important seco nd moto, Todd took
t he hol esh ot , b ut th is ti me A nde rson wa s
pumped full of confidence a nd sailed past Todd,
ta kin g over the lea d by the end of th e seco nd
lap . And erson poured it on the rema inder of the
race and pull ed away for the win. Tod d settled
for seco nd while jason Dubin had a great ride
for th ird in fro nt of Reich er, Ryl ey and Chris
Rogers .
so (4-6) STK: 1. Michael Perry (KTht,).
50 OPEN : 1. '.ired Teb b (Ya m ); 2. Sam Moo re (Yam ); 3.
Oiristopher Dwyvin (Y 1UIl).
60 BEG: 1. Tyler Duncan (Kaw); 2. Chris Thorp (Ka w) ; 3. Je>ff
A lessi (Ka w ); 4. Bryo1nna lWnedi ct ( Ka w); 5. J u.~tin Wi!Mm (Ka w).
tJO NOV: J. Mike ~ ()(a w) .
80 fSTTM R: 1. Shawn Droyouin (Ya m) ; 2. lOP)" Rorie (1C.Iw).
80 BEG: 1. Rod HAmby