(Right) Rider: Pedro Gonzalez. Maneuver: " Offspring."
Obviously, Pedro's " extended vacation" In the States has had
an adverse effect on his reasoning capabilities. What else co uld
exp lain his dec is ion to attempt th is mo ve?
(Beolow) Ride r: Jere my McGrath. Maneuver: " Nac-Nac."
McGrath has been perfecting t he trick that started it all . As you
can see, he is now at the po int where he can turn his body and
head 180 degrees, and face backw ards.
(Above) Ride rs: Jeremy McGrath and
Jimmy Button . Maneuver: " Nac-Can."
A ShowtimelPeriscope concoction, in
which the two fr iends perform a
tandem nac-naclcan-can.
(Right) Rider: Jeremy McGrath.
Maneuver: " Superf etus Air." Okay , so
it's a bit out of focus, but we had to
show it to you anyway. In his more
typical "Superman Air " McGrath
usually has his legs extended straight
out behind him , but here he reverts to
a tuck position - perhaps in fear for his
family jewels.