Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 01 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 22 of 55

(Right) Rider: Pedro Gonzalez. Maneuver: " Offspring." Obviously, Pedro's " extended vacation" In the States has had an adverse effect on his reasoning capabilities. What else co uld . exp lain his dec is ion to attempt th is mo ve? (Beolow) Ride r: Jere my McGrath. Maneuver: " Nac-Nac." McGrath has been perfecting t he trick that started it all . As you can see, he is now at the po int where he can turn his body and head 180 degrees, and face backw ards. (Above) Ride rs: Jeremy McGrath and Jimmy Button . Maneuver: " Nac-Can." A ShowtimelPeriscope concoction, in which the two fr iends perform a tandem nac-naclcan-can. (Right) Rider: Jeremy McGrath. Maneuver: " Superf etus Air." Okay , so it's a bit out of focus, but we had to show it to you anyway. In his more typical "Superman Air " McGrath usually has his legs extended straight out behind him , but here he reverts to a tuck position - perhaps in fear for his family jewels. ยท23

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