Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 01 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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·SU E C O Sicko aerial maneuvers P R R SS Photos by Davey Coombs . h en it com es to s u percross, A IR is somet hin g more than the p romoting . group of the spo rt's most p res tigious se ries . It is also the main th ing tha t m ak es th e s port so exci ting. Th a t' s because the lop su percross stars rou tinely ge t so much air that they make Michael Jord an seem ea rthboun d . Riders like sho wing off, but will ra rely do so duri ng a race, becau se moves like this obv iously rob time and concentration. Most of these sho ts wer e tak en at "ha lf-time" ju m ping contests during overseas su pe rcrosses. Due to the litigiou s nature of the Am erican lega l syste m, s ta tes ide prom oters can 't hold suc h competitions. Still, if a rider has a big eno ugh lead , he'll often try to liven up the show, some times using maneu vers like these. (Above) Rider: Pedro Gonzalez. Maneuver: "Nac-Cros s." Gonzalez performs Jeremy McGrath's patented nac-nae, with a crossup thrown in for good measure. (Above) Rider: Sieve Lamson. Maneuver: "High Pro Glow: ' This is an actual race s hot of Steve Lamson getting horizontal at a European superc ross. (Left) Rider: Pedro Gonzalez. Maneuver: "Mind Riot." Gonzalez s pecializes in perverted variations of othe r riders ' maneuvers. Here he takes Lami's pancake and adds his own garnishing. 22

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