Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 01 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS .Edited byScott Rousseau DeHoop, Yezek hammer Action Sports MX opener By David L. Patton Jr . - - - ---;-- - - COLUMBUS, OH,DEC 24 H on da o f T ro y ' s To d d DeH oo p and F&S Kawasa ki/ Suz uki's Davey Yezek domin a ted the Pro clas ses at Rou nd 1-3 of the 1994 Action Sports Ind oor Mo tocross Series at the Columbus Fairgrounds Coliseu m. Yezek, the 125 and 2SOcc series champion in 1992, scored two main event wi ns and nearly cc had two mor e. Del-loop. the 1993 2SO se ries champion. scored three win s to take the points lead int o ro unds fou r and five in Huntington. wes t V ir gi ni a. Tea m S uz u ki's Greg Rand showed up for round thr ee and scored a win in the 125cc class. . In Amateu r tt (Cob),; 3. Nichulo1!O Carroll (KT M); 4. A nd y O 'Oonn .-l1 (Cub) ; 5. D iIIltl n Rhoad es (Yol ). m 65 (1·1 1;. 1. OAvid WhilCT1!lft (Kol ),; 2. NichoLls Vargo (K.lw); w 3. Cracy k (Kaw): 4. Ky lt' T~I t K. w); 5. Chris Whi tcrAft (K.1W) . 80 (7-11): 1. Ben Rid dle (Kaw); 2. Da vid W hitcraft (Suz); 3. Wi lly Bro w ning (Vdm); 1Ii1 (S uz); 3 . Ry an Hom- (Hon ); 4. BroJdSnydc-r(Hon); 5. Jl"ffWilli~ (Kaw ). 125C! I. (]m~ Kuhn (K..w); 2. Dam -'U Pitsingt>r (H on); J. . id TuTnPr (Stu ); 4. Stt-vl'~"" (I b); 5. Buddy Brooks (Suzo}. 250 B: 1. Charl~ Dunaw.y (; 2. Sonny Morocco (Hom ); 3. Q..Jd. &-r~ lKaw); 4. Molr" Roop (Hon); 5. Gkn H offman (Han). Z50 C: 1. DAVid Pktrillo (y. m ); 2. Da lt' SLabol gh (Suz); 3. u Bren t Ct"llhLmti (Hon ); ... jl'remy ,~ ()(aw); 5. Rich Cltm"toff (K.w). OPEN B: 1. J",,"-In'I otlwe r (K.1w); 2. Jtm). Ba rlo w (Kaw); 3 . .Adam 8o 1.01n (KTM ); 4 , Tim Ctih (Hon); 5 , Trt'f\t B.lrto1otti (Yam ). 2.')+ I. Cay lon Diclu;oo (Yam); 2. Mike H(Jgan{Hun); 3. ~ilIt.e : M0 'Kan (Yam ); 4. Dt.ooUl B.tkt'T (lton); 5 . Mikl' Blolir [Ya rn} 3O-t-: 1. Rkh.ud R.. biWll.lfI (lIo n ),; 2. Scott Citldwt'n (Yam); J . url Vaq,'O (lion); 4 . ' l·1t C..ttno ll (Yam); 5. Phi l Aldt -'rton (Hon). 125 PRO; 1. TodJ De li tlup (Hun); 2. Bank Mora> (Hon); J . O1 ud Rl"t'd (SUZ); 4 Davt')' Yt'l't'k (Su z ): S. Blolne Armbrus lt'r (Han). 2SO PRO; I. o.1Vey Y"zt'1.. (Su1'}; 2. Jun ~l"("'lol-' (Hon); 3. Tod d [A'Houp (Hun ); 4. J.D. Cltl l1l18 (Kaw); 5. O1 uo. Rt't"d (Suz). Sa tu rd av 50: I. Mlch.wl Willa rd (KTM);':' Brne Heplt.>r (Yam); 3. Austin ROO r (Jff Holl!lot')' (lU w ); 4. Ron Wh itolkt'r (Suz); 5. l.o1ntz Northa m (Yam ). OrEN 8: 1. Sha un SwiWr (Hon); 2. B.trry ag.n {Kaw l; 3. Ad.un BoLIn (KTM); "'. Randy Petitt (KTM); 5.lf1T}' Barlow (Kaw). 25+: 1. M.rk M u_ lman {G-G); 2.l)po1l1 8.Jh-r (Hon );3 . Mik.t> Hog.m (Hun); 4 jory Ddt"Un' (l<.oIw); 5. CoIyIon Dicbon (Y;un ). Hoop (Hoo); J. 125 PRO; 1. DoI"'t")' Yark (SuJ' ); 2. Tod d Do! JuoJ1S1m (lion): 4. Janws Eidt'l (Han ); 5. Jim-~ (Suz). 250 PRO: 1. Todd Dt-Hul'p (Hon); 2. [).avE')' Yt'"1't"K (Suz); 3Jow.h St~1 (Hon," 4. Jim Nft'M' (Han); 5. Jim Owst" (Suz ). Sund.y 50: 1. Mid1.w1 Willard (KTM); 2. Nicholas unoll (KTM); 3. Ty lt'rGrubb (LEM ); 4. Bruc Htl'kor (YolIm ); 5. A uMin Rohr (KTM). 65 (7- 11): I. David Whita..h (Kaw); 2. Gavin Gracyk ( ); 3. N ichol4~ V.JTgo (KoI ); 4. Do:rn Sturgdl (K.lw); 5. Qui... Wh it· w . . cra ft (Kol w). 80 (7·11): 1. B4T'l Ridd ll' (K.!w): 2. David Wh iterolh (Suz); 3. ' Nichola ll Va r~o (Hon); 4. W illy Brownin g (Yam); 5 . Brad McCl t'lI.. (Suz) . m 1:10 (12-13): 1. Jt'!frl'Y Rya n (Kaw); 2. Je ff Ci b!&On (Ka w ); 3. J.son McDun .lid ()' .lm); 4. &:ott K uch l~'r (K.lw ); 5. Sh.1un Kuchl er (Ka w). RO (14. 15): 1. O lfi s to p ho.·r P.lnU l-a (Kol ); 2."~ch (Y.m); w 3. Jt.'re Ca u d ill (Hon); 4, AIt. Kova Cs; 5. Ca rnie n Heat e r (Kaw). my "ll 125 B (0 -1 ): 1. Ch.1 dj ~ Du rw woly lKaw); 2. Cr aig at'm~t5 (Ho n); J. An thony And~r.KJl1 Jr. (Hon ); 4 . Brit ton Bui r (Kol ); 5 . w Son ny Mo mcro (Hon). 125 B (0-2): I. Brock $e 1l.rd5 (Su7.) ; 2. Ry.ln Gat" (Suz); 3. Tim Norri'l (H on); 4. Jay C rim...·11 (Suz); 5. Jim m y Wilson ~w~ 125 C (0-1): 1. David PicririDo (Yam ); 2. Nick Turner (Suz); 3. Jod VOllS(Suz ); 4 , Darrt"ll Pils if1!,.'t"f (Hon); 5. Torn Norris (H on). 125 C (0- 1): 1. Scott Cib80n (lCaw); 2. Mik l' (Suz); 4. Jim d-tt.,.(Suz); 5. Josh Stl..-l (Hun) . Hallsted cleans up at the Salem Indoor Trial By Ted Burgler --='--- -,--- - - SALEM. OR. DE Ii C Lonn y Hall sted rode his Sud co / Galfer /Pirellibacked Beta to another Expert class win in the Salem arena . during the seco nd eve nt of the four indoor trials series. The first rider out to a ttem pt the hai r-ra ising sections was Kevin Krahel in the Expert clas s. Krahel went through the first few sections with great integrity and p o ise', but just wh e n the crowd was on the edge of their seat.", it all came apart for the young lad. Krahel pu t h is Gas Gas in fourth gear and went for the long jump wideopen with nothing left to spare because he knew that if he cleared the jump he would be a very tough act to follow . Wit h the anticipa tion of the cro wd Krahel lost the bike eight feet up in the air but managed to hop back onto his still-rolling bike ana wave a sigh of relief to the crowd. Ex-pro mot ocrosser Scott Tyler made the tri p from Washing ton to show everyone that he can not only ride motocross, but he can also ride tri als. Tyler demonstrated excellent skill through the tire section and started to gain confidence as the crowd began to get behind him. It was.. dcfi nitely going to be a dose one between Krahel a nd Tyler . But when it cam e to the long jump, Tyler definitely had thi s one down, as he easily ou td istanced Krahel's mark by a few feet and took the lead . The pressure was then on Dennis Swee ten, beca use he ha d to beat Tyler by 40 points to take the lead . Sweeten dazzled the crowd with ama zing ju mps from the g round to the ca r and o ff again, but beca use of th e p ress ure from the crowd he too k a po int as he jumped off of the h,1Od of the car. Sweeten then got to the tire section and leaped five feet from a log to the tire without any problem, bu t when he landed, he landed so ha rd th a t it p romptly p it ch ed hi m straigh t over the bars. Desp ite the fall. Sweeten still beat the others by a whopping 26 poi nts . It a ll came do w n to Pow erba r·backed Beta rider Lonn y Hallsted to show what he lea rned from a two-mon th s tay in Spa in . He mad e it th rou gh the firs t section without any probl em, then came to the tire section, where SWl.'Cten had just gone ove r the bars. Hall sted revved up his Beta and mad e the five-foot jump look sim ple, and the land ing was spot on. As he danced his way aro un d the rest o f the sect ions, Hallst ed never man aged to even lose a sing le po int as he wen t on to take th e win. Results EX: I . Lonn y Halbkd (Blot); 2. Dt-nnis SWt.'t'tl"n (Bt-t); 3. Scott Tyit>r (C-C); 4. KC'Yin Krahn (CC). ADv: 1. AI Perem ( e-G); 2. BLil.. ' l.o1ndon (C-C); 3 . O.n l Dwyn- (G-Gt 4 , Will s--ctcn (Yam ); 5. Ja"iOfl Tudn- (Bl't ). INT : 1. Dnmis Toliebon (G-G ); 2. D.u... Toll t'bon (Bet ); 3. John Onnt>n&(yAm );:4. MiJuoGivnl!' (Y.m); 5. Mike- Moo rt"(FoUl). NOV : 1. Monty £by (Y. m); 2. Lou tUckrtt (G-C); 3. Bmn P ~ (Y.un );4.)or Ganni."Oft (H on); 5. enw-o.inum (G-G). Boswell, Kollaja, Kasson top "thin" Lakeside Motocross By T.O. Jones BASTROP. "IX. DEC I J The holid a ys, a hare scr a mble at Rockn e a nd o n ly tw o w eeks be tw een ra ces at la keside Mo to s p o rt Ra ce w a y com bine d to p roduce " o n ly" 67 e n tries o n a d a y tha t s a w Mik e Boswell. Philli p Kollaja a nd Will Kasson sco re wins in their respective classes. Hardest hit w as the 125cc Beginner class, which has consis tently had 15 or 16 riders . On ly five riders showed up in December, an d Will Murp hy d rop p ed out a fter winnin g the first mot a, planning to move up to the Novice class. That left Justin Praese l and Bosw ell to fight over first place after PraeseJ fini shed second in the first moto. Boswell had finished th ird, so he had to go for the win in the seco nd mota. He d id it, with Praesel seco n d again, giving th em equ al po ints and allowing BoswelJ to tak e th e win with th e best second- mo ta fin ish. Ryan Fren ch took third . Kollaja missed the November race. won the next weekend at Lak e Wh itn ey, the n took the 80cc Beginner class at Lakes ide Sunday. But it wa sn't a "gi mrnie." He won th~ first mota on his eden 's similar bike, with Yama ha over B. J. Bre Luke Atkinson third on a Kawasaki. The second moto was a dogfight, as Atkinson, KolJaja and Breeden all had a shot a t the ove rall . Kollaja led , but la id the bike down late in m oto a nd let Atkinson get past . Kollaja lost a lot of ground but held on for seco nd over Breede n, who also wc nt down but recovered to get back into th ird over Darin Stubbs. Kolleja took the overall win. with second-m ot e winner Atkinson second and . Breeden third. Will Kasson missed the last few races , as he was working in louisiana, but he came back for cember race and took both motos in the the D e 125cc Open class. Behind him was a pretty good battle a mo ng Rocky French , Kenney Verbeck and Will Murphy. French took second for the day. Results so: 1. J(lf1,ltholn Schrw id.... (y."1m); 2. Robert Y.u.-eh ( H~If1); 3. Johnny Md -it"tlr')' (Yol ); 4. O int Brant.1f (Yam); 5. Wnto n McC ulm loch (y .lm) . bO JR: I. Ch.lnce Davis (KolW) ::!. Jo h n McH l..' I\t}' (KolW) 3. ; ; Kody K~~ (K.'Iw); 4. SlUolrt Mc HMlry ( lGaw). tJOSR: 1. W..vltll1 MlCulinm (K.Jw); 2. z..uW Grt't.'71 (K.IW); 3. Jack H ud 'iOll (kd";'). !lO BEG; I. rhillip KoIla jd (Yam); 2. l uL.>'OOn (J(.lw); 3. B.' . 8f'f"t"dt.'O (Yol l; 4. 5tubblt (Hu n ); 5. 51.·..11 C n"t'l1(KolW m ). !lOo rE."I: 1. Ch t'rvt')' (Suz); 2. MllUip Kol1ol~l (Yol ),; 3. m D olrin Stu bM (Kaw): 4. B. j. Bn.'t"tJ 'ft (Ya m) ; 5. Wol l o n M,-<: u~ .. y l' IUl;h ( , 125 BEC : 1. Mil,; -' HtJ!C>wt'1I (Ho n); 2. JU!'io tln Prao_1 (Hun); 3. ( Ky.," Fn"tlch (K.1 4. D.lrin Stu bbs (; 5. Will M u rph y (Yam ). w); 125 SCH BY: 1. Tr _l y C ho.'fVt"}' (Kaw); 2. JU!ilin Prd\-"!ld(Htm ); e 3. Ryoln Frt.'Och (K.1w). 125 NOV : 1. I'.j. Hd ttun (Kaw); 2. Kt.'Orwy Vt·rbt-.-k (Hun); 3 . ColriOliH' -m.l nd l-' (Hon). z 8. 125 orEN: l. Will Kol -'llm(Ypm); 2. Rocky French (Hun); 3, Kl'lUll'Y Verbo."t'l.. (Ho n); 4. W ill M urphy (Yol );"5. CarlO!; H..m.anm dn . 250 BEG: 1. Ch u rl.. Reyn u ldl>(K.iw); 2. Cody YCJ.l" um (Kaw); 3. Chris A n drews (Ya m); 4. C r a ig Nort hcu tt (Su z); 5 . To m m y Mill•.,. ( ). 250 OPEN: 1. Sammy Rinotto (KIM); 2. Will KaS!llon (Yam) ; 3. )lorry hjkUJI (Hun ). 25+: 1. Jad. 8«kh.m (Hon); 2. Jt"TTJ FAjku (Hon); 3. Billy HOII'l'ilIOn (Hon); 4 , Rubl'Tt TIt.'nWnn (Hon); S. j.mws T.ylor (Y.un ). 30+: I. s.m my Rizzutto (KIM); 2. Tom HudliC'R (K.w ); 3 Rocky FrTnd> (Hon t 4. Sh.a}'1lt" Brightwell (Hon); S. Kevin Kogn (1<.Iw). Nelson nabs LACR Merry Christmas Grand Prix win By Greg Robertson PALMDALE. CA. DEC 1J David "Minu te Man " NeJson ha d his momt..'>flt of glory by topping the 250cc Beginner class during Ca lif o rni a Ra cin g Club ' s Me r ry C hristma s Grand Prix at Los Angeles County Raceway. Migue l Lavarell o blasted th rou gh the first tu m ahead of Sha ne Metter, Cody Metter and J amt.. Self as t h~ 45-m inut e race gol un derw ay . ~ Shane Mett er grabbed the lead as the pack comple ted its first lap thro ugh the high-speed desert porti on of the coucsc. Ne lson was on the gas a nd had come from a seven th-place start to pressure Cody Metter in third. Within a lap, Nelso n shot arou nd Cod y M,'t ter and latch ed on to the rear fender of Sha ne Mett er in an ·atte·m pt to take the lead. The tw o fron t· ru nners qui ckly pu lIed out a two-second advantage on Lavar ello, wh o had pas sed Cody Metler for third . Metl er he ld off Nelso n for a couple of lap s before Nelso n sai led ove r him off a big d oubl e ju m p th at Mell e r d idn ' t a tt emp t. Nel so n appeared to be ha ving a good time, running out front with a red and white Santa Oaus hat on h is helmet a nd w a vi ng to th e cro w d off th e ju mps. Lonny Hallsted was almost"lIawless on his way to winning the Expert class at the Salem Indoor Tria l. 8y the 30-mi n u te m ark in the ra ce Nelso n enjoyed a comfortable 2O-SC\."Ond lead over Mettor, wh o was an equal distance ahead of Lavarcl10in thi rd. With onl y a couple of laps remaining. Metter got his second wind and closed to within striking di stance of Ne ls on but go t hung up in lap ped traffic on the final circui t, allowi ng Nelson to easily pull away for th e 'Yin. Lavarello wa s a wa y back in third . with Cody Metter coming across in fou rth. Shawn Ha ywood put in a flawl ess rid e en 1 ro u te to his - 25cc Beginner class victory. Hay wood got the jump on the pa ck from the dead engine sta rt and ne ver looked back. Haywood held a commanding IO-second lead by only the seco nd la p of the !3-lap ra ce, and when th e checkers fina lly fell. had bui lt that ma rgin to 'COnd-place finisher Dave nearly a minute over St. Pedrow. Resu'~lt-s---- PJ'!A! 8-2 : 1. T (.... IM); 2. Taft" Mi!iiaS1't'k (Yol ); m 3. Trol is B.udl'71 (Yam); 4 Chr+.o ho.·r JdrK'k h (Y..m ); S. T immy v lop M~'D..nid (y i1m). • P JW A: I. Rya n Roybal (Yol ); 2. J.lTl d l"t·b!. (Yam ); 3. J.J. m , N txJO (Itj); 4. Charll'S Ml","i r (Yam); 5. Aron Boy Torn ota (P AX). t.' e r JW MOO: I. Micholl'l Pa rlu' r (y ..m ). f>O BEG: 1. Ry tt U OW (Su z ); 3. l' Sharw Smith (Suz); 4 . Johnn Faulknrr (PAX): 5. Ounnit' Du mor 1 5..4 80 (1 2·1 3): 1. Mich....1 Yo u ng ( H o n) ; 2. Bry . o Ml'G.Ivran (Ya m); 3. J.J. Bonnanc>(y..m ); 4. JU!ltin Komoff (Hon); 5. J.R. Trny (Suz, fKI (14- 1b): l. Dusty Woll .'n (Yam); 2. C.-.y Guuld (Y.amt 3. h Ry.m Dudek (yam) ; 4. Chn'l Th omP-On lSuz,; 5. Byr.n L.1ng (y.m). VTho'T: 1. ~ Cl't"t'I1 (CZ); 2. Dt>nni l Toom.m (Hun); 3 . Bob ! McLain (Yam ); 4. Gary Eghlff (H U&); 5. Stt'\ft'S.J;t.'y (y.m). · l DECADE: 1. Mon tt.' Pnlchrit (Hon). 125 BEG: 1. Sh.1wn HoIYwood (J<.aw 2. Dav t' Pedrow (K. w); ); 3. j.tJJwS N_man (K.w); 4. Kevin Towmomd (H un); 5. Slwwne Ch.:amba (yelm ). rlin .tet=iano (Hon); 125 NOV : J. Cui'l Neitzd (Suz); 2. Kmy Tt"JT 3. Grt'S Andn.-w (Swo); 4. Kt-vin T.rwolh'r (Stu ); 5. De.n Ostrantkr (Suz , 125INT: 1. Loren Jl"Rkins(H un). 125 PRO: 1. Erik Undslrom (Hon); 2. Erik Wick.....(Suz ). 250 BEC : 1. David Nt' l'll1R (H lIn); 2. Sh.J0t' Mt.*ttt'f (X.a.w 3. ); Mi g u ,,1 L.1volrd lo (Yolm);.t . Cody Mt'ltt'r (H on ); 5. j.m" 5t"1f (!lon, 250 NOV : I. OoUl Kin~ (Y.un ); 2. Cok Town.'W'Od (Hon); 3. jdf H.ll1 (Suz); 4 Brian Wa lkn (K.1 ); 5. JOhn O-trk (Su z ). w ); 250 INT : I. Ken Rft"d (Ko1w 2. PAul Gilm.u n n (Hon); J. Nid MaiTO!le (Suz); 4. Lmny TurTlt'r (Kaw); 5. Robbk; Dunh.trn (Yolm). 250 P RO : I. Tim Tdford {Y.lm ); 2. Tony Sult'k (Yam ); 3 . Dolvid Ge nnain (Ho n) . 500 BEC : 1. Res!< BoonSlm (Hun). .500 NOV: 1. C reg RoIx'rtllo n (Hu n ); 2. Jon H.III (H.IO) . 500 INT : 1. Jt'rry Eh l.. rs (Kaw); 2. JOt' Kl'tt~>d (I-I ). on JR VET BEG: 1. Mikt"Juh nSlln (SU:l); 2. C r;liK Wirt h" ()' olm ): 3 . To ny Rt;d rigut"!l(K.1w); 4..Joh n Butll" (Hu n); 5. Th om _ Spc rr azZOl n (Su Z). JR VET NOV : 1. Sco t Pt'mbl'rton (Yam) ; 2. Chris A lvarado (H o n); 3. John Da vies (Hon); 4. J,.ff Finch (Suz ); 5. Ami y PdYRl' (Ka w ). JR VET tNT: 1. Ron Sharp (Suz ); 2. Bmn Nail (Hon); 3. Rido. O'Donnt.oIl (Hun); 4. M f H.. 11 (Suz~ JR VET EX: I. Eddie Davis (Hon ). VET BEG: 1. Eric F1o.'111ing (Yam ); 2. Bub Ul'ff11ol n.lOn (Hon); 3_ ' D. n ny Padilla (H o n); 4. Rem y Parnintu.n (Suz); 5 . Bob Lu colS (J

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