Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 01 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Order from the greatest selection of motorcycle video tapes available FREE SHIPPING! ••• (165A) 1991 1 1 _ dol NatIons Americans Stanton, Bradshaw, and Kieaowski bring home the 11III straight gold medal lor the USA in the deep sand of the Valkenswaard . Holland circuit. 60 minutes from MoIovideo, ll.. (1311E)1994 Do Superaoss Round 112ofl25a: and250cc action Irom Texas Stadium in lIVing, Texas. 47minutes lnlmMo1ovideo. (13 12E)1994 SeI11Ie Supercross Round '13 of 125a: and 250cc action Irom theK01gdome in SeaI1le, Washington. 47minutes Irom MoIovideo. (13 13E)1994 San JoseSupercross (11 48)'91 USGP oIl1X 500ctJG1en Holen Round '14 of 125a:and 25Dcc action from Spartan . ~ete OOIIllragB of the'91 Glen Helen USGP as Bayle. Stadium in SanJose. California. 47minutes Irom JeffWIDU, and the lop American 513rs put ona greal show . MoIovideo. ona demanding course against the Euros in the final roond oftheseries. 60minutes from MoIOvideo. . (13 14E)1994 LasVegas Superaoss Final Round 't5 01125cc and 250cc action Irom Sam Boyd ines (115OE) 1994 Ga ville AlIA Nalio nalill Silver Bowl inLasVegas, Nevada. 47minutes Irom Round .1 of 250cc action !rom the sandy Gator!lacl< Cycle MoIOvideo. Park Iral:k. 47minutes Irom MolOYideo. ('325) Throl1Je lor theGold The story of the 1990 Su percross Se es: racingfuIIlhroltIe, ri (11 51E)1994 Sa cramenlo AMANalionalill crissa1lssing the USA, JenStanlon, J. M. Bayle, Jen Ward Round ' 2 of250cc actonfrom the 26 AnnuaJ Din Diggers i 1ll M.e. Hangtown Motocross Classic. 47 minutes from and the rest ma 18stops on the lourforIlle Supercross ke Motovideo. title.45minutes lrom Motovideo. (1152E) 1994 Budd's Creek AMA Na tional Ml Round '3 01250cc action from Marylands Budd's Creek MX Park. 47minutes from Molovideo. llonal III . ('1 53E)1994 Mt Morris AMA Na Round 14 of 250cc action Irom Ille 181ll annual High P"nt Na lional MX in ML MorTis, Pennsylvania. 47 minutes lrom 1.40_ . (11 54 E)1994 Southwick AliA National MX Round '5 01250cc action Irom Ille sandy Molocross 338 track in Southwick. Ma ssachusetts. 47 minutes Irom 1.40_. (1155E)1994 Buchanan AMA NatIonal III Round .6 of 250cc action lrom thehilly Red Bud Track 'n' Trail insouIhem l.ldugan 47minutes Irom MoIOvideo. . ('1 62)1990 AlIA Na l1l1l Season Review Racing highlights Irom the 1990 season !rom 13 OU1docr MX Nationals on the AMA circuit. 90 minutes ' rom Powerspons Video. an ('I 62 B)'91 AlIA Na loll Season Review l'l Follow the .13 stops on the 1991 MI.A Nalional MXSeries as Mike Kiedrowski duels willl Guy Cooper lor the ' 1 plate liIIehonors; 250cc and500ccaction follow the dominance of J.M. Bayle oyer Stanton, W and Bradshaw. Approx. 2 ild, hours(2-tape package) Irom Pow erspons Video. (I162C) '92 AMA Nal'l III Season Review The defini1ive video reviewof the 1992 MI.A Na tional 125, 250 & 500 Mo tocross Senes. Narrated by Lany Maiers; 90 minutes !rom Powerspons Video. ('I 62D) '93 AliA Na III Se l'l, asonReview Follow the highlights of Ille 1993 outdoor Nalionals in an 3 classes. from Southwick, Gainesv ille, Sacramento. Mt. Morris, UnadiUa. Buchanan, Glen Helen, Troy. Millville, Washougal. De lmont and Bingt,amlon in the chase lor the 125 250 and ias . t-ever 500 MI.A Nationa MX crowns. 90 minutes trom Molovidao. (' 12)Dirt Devils . Roger DaCoster dissects some of the greatest MXballies: Axton '90 w/Cooper YS. Kiedrowski; Budd's Creek '90 wlStantonVB. Ward; Mt. Morris '91 wlStanton VB Bradshaw; l yle Milvilie '91 wlBradshaw VB. Ba : Washougal '92 wlSwink vs. Em AddilionaJ "Ho Shots" locu on techniques lor ig. t s 513ns, passing and some spectacular ctasIles. Narration by LanyMaiers; 60minutes from Powerspons Video. • SUPEIICIlOSS ••• (1301E) 1994 Orlando Superaoss Round '1 01125cc and 250cc action Irom the Citrus Bowl in Orlando, F1onda. 47minutes Irom Motovideo. ('302E) 1994 HouslOn Superaoss Round 12 of 125cc and 250cc action Irom theAstrodome in Houston, Texas. 47minuteslrom MoIOvideo. (1303E) 1994 Anaheim Supercross Round ' 3 of 125cc and250cc action Irom Angels Stadium in Anaheim, CaJifomia. 47minutesIrom MoIOvideo. (1304E) 1994 San DiegoSupercrou Round 14of 125cc and 250cc action Irom JackMurphy Stadium in SanDiego, CaI~omia. 47minutes Irom MoIOvideo. (1305E) 1994 Tampa SUperaoss Round 15 ofl25cc and 250cc action from the Citrus Bowl in 0r1and0, F1onda. 47minutes Irom Mo1OYideo. (1306E) 1994 Allanta SUpetCro.s Ro 16 of 125cc and 250cc action fnlm the Geo~a und Dome in AIIan1a. Geoard cameras on t> and sidecars put ,es youin the hot se For Ihe first lime, we show on-screen at! RPM & speed data lrom ona 01the leading RVF Hondas. 100 minutes from Duke Video USA. (194 E)1994l1le oI l1anrr 'The IIIll Mileslone"-Hundreds of entri

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