Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 01 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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J • .SUPERCROSS' 1995 U.S. Supercross Series Predictions #24 Ezra Lusk Team Suzuki k's e Bainbridge, Geor~ia aJI\ EzraLus firs t tullseri s aooard T~o~~, ~: ~~~ #111 Greg Albertyn . Team SUZUki JO hannesburg, South Africa reg Albertyn is a brt of Afncan's outdOOr talent an unknown entIty. The South don't win thr IS unques~ oned . aft r all e But "Albee" has m:h~~~~ Championships by being ~I~~u ~~al's more, a broken bone onstadIUm tracks. And I e for much of the off,seas ~ wnst kept Albertyn off a oean and Japanese supercr~~' e even missed the Euro. PIcked up some much needed ' ses, W here he could have ablende~ has shown a rema~~~~rbe,xpenence. Still, the lik. ~ar snuallons, and after a few r a IItyto adapt to unfamil. ; uld old hIS own in the U.S. Aft ounds he sho be able to WOrld Champion himself DeCo tutelage of new team boss ~ al" heII be under the expert ~a1r~rtu,,::n his arrival in ffJe Sta~:ra~~s~~geIY responSIble for 9Ui~~~ ~eC~ster • a five-time ertyn should blOS o slO ly and come on stro~g a d h W som und h' e~c man Jean-Michel er , n W enthe National MX S . IS /lectlon. Expect him enes rolls around...Iook out! qua:;e~:: exact!)' a stranger 10 ble clasS at bil es . "Yogr lOde n tle premIer seasons SfNe leadng t tNo fNen em Regonal lOund; over t1epas h badi IJ fAtl. It tle '93 Las Vegas superctOss bel~:: l h :cyn~ bad< 011 and F L k has a weakness, I IS lS s lead n tle latter stages of tle season. or· "us guard' a polfl dr. on how you ,bok at It . aJnate!)' or unfortunate!)' f' ~e~ccg class will plObab!)' pr~ tl e stAter competlt~n 0 e ta e r. ble first vent hll1l f.lOm e;tablishin g a ~:1~;:C~as;em Region al place. Stll/, wev e pegged k'e and as tle lOp Suzuki champ as tle h'9hes~fnlShKlg 100 I • cb ' t thr.k Ezra lOngon ootlthose por.ts, but eltherwiJoj, we n . nder. Ournext Pld< miJoj plOve us w has bitten 011 more than he can chew. G #10 Brian Swink Team Honda of Troy Reddick, Florida ever judge a book by itscover. Going solely fromBrian Swink's "bad boy" appearance, one would naturally assume that this kid is a hellio Butwhile he admitted· n. Iy has ha his fair shar of wild escapades, Swink seems to d e beover tha now- apart from ap arance, that is. Inactuality, t pe the "Swinkster" is one of the nicer riders on the circuit, once you get to knowhim. It can besa sa tha Swink · since his second 125cc fely id t East Coast title in '92 • has notlivedup tothe expectations of his teams. That hasa lot to dowithwhy · after yearsas a tactory Suzuki rider - heis now a member of thepriv ateerHonda of Troy team. But Brian is treating this more as a bles sing than a curse, andjudging bythesuccess of the Ohio squad, he just may be right. At the very least, the change should provide Swink with added Inspiration • something he has seemed tolack lately, #11 Larry W ard Team Noleen/S Aorence SOuth'ZZCa' r~amaha e rO'ma ~~Ck, how old is la rty Ward? per ross and motoc c . BelIeve n or not th After srv t much more experi~~s:e ~ran is just 24 · but'he': Suzuki, ~~% years of mediOCre resu~tr;o.:,t nders that age. NOleeniSizz/er;~pe~s to have found newt~f sUPPOrt from leader. The ma a team · of which h . e aboard the hints at the ;: nder started strong las~ ISthe undisputed ~ t , SUpercross. The .eamed him win at~~ 1~~ ~howed . dO affair, but Wa~~nderdof the season was an u ealtle wn h re5pect fro h' a already ' p·and· to his IOWeri n " . Wa .m ISC?mpe~tors. gamed a newfound and "O utflltinl ~~~~:' BIg Biref is known ~~~rhmg but a typ'cal motocross . g a mule with campingge g a brt eccentnc. His hObb ~der. In add ition arand wanderingaround ' th les m ude huntm cl g 10 e mOuntains. Q .' r: t: N a W\\..0 CARO #19 i "'ichael C~~i01iro~ .chael f\a~ Claig i eam.l'\O c alilornia : I a Wild Cald. !-AI ~aS one 10f the EI caton, r~ the bill 0 . • '94 season \tel ~ealS as an~one I \0 be it Clalgs rd to believe. ;': f\a~' linal\~ h ~ould haVe I<.S ' it ~aS that ~ plivateel , "Stln~ amaha laC' f\iple~'S b~wasal<.i'SUPpo~~1 in thelorm01 aoamon Blad' SS a promiSing I<. he~as lOOl<.lng nse letllement 01elClO ~in In got\he blea \<.S to the sut? hIS IllStsup 'njunes and torj nde • \han nded b~ eaml~gse nes 01 bllalf~ ~rom 'i ama' sna~ · rle lesrelWalds began his "lesignatlOn in an ear\'i' iampa. but a \I~ cu inat dIn s also inV lved o'Neal ~nd lm e O ONFs \ha Ilna but Clalg wa .n sponSOtS t ha. No onl~ ~~;S'/ be\VIeen cI~~ade deals ~~~. to the laC t ' 0: season con~th 01 ~hicn he h~ whO \nanl<.s mal~~ctlc ~ot\<. \0 8J~~~~'--J FIa ' \hrlonda 01 il~ this ~eaf . WIl \he i nce l a . s lou lecluse ~~rmidab\e Squ nd S'Nlnl<. Craig na: " hasbU a ilt ill tel\. n Dl<.eBtia ,'''bad app . les. ? Onl'! lime ~ . s. avo idanCe 0 xplode in \hell lace . ~ 1123 1 Tim Ferry Team SUZuki WestPalmeeach A . ough the " onda year S y ve fOCUS ed hende uzuki has COnti more attentio ~ vateer Hond:~~iring of E:;'~edCoato treatth: t~~e 250ce class tho ,.. nders Wh '1 fast ye Sf hotshot dIVIsion ' IS aband 0 finiS abo ar, Ferty finiS hed hed Tim Ferry R'dsenous~. . ( onedthe veh lm(E thes . I mg a p " be a fon though wOrk series, and Fe s zra l usk and J~nes third Both n· . g shot - despite the f~~'~ht of this i::!o: nsion will :~~ has the ben;;'~f ~utton) hatt: Tih A ~ ~ rz :D:og ::;:;:~~::.::.:a:t~"F:ied :"~h:a~tl:on:,:p~iC:kin~g~a~n~o~Ud~ed yet to W a in 2 #22 Robbie Reynard Team Kawasaki Moore, Oklahoma o say that Robbie Reynard's first full pro season was a disappointment would be an understatement. Due to an assortment of injuries and bad starts, Reynard finished a lOWly sixth in the Eastern Region last year. His talent is undeniab but Robbie has a le, tendencyto try too hard, whichoften results in crashes. Now that he's go some experience under his bel~ he know better what to expect, t 'll and perhaps he'll live upto the potential we all know hehas. T 18 act~ty from w· ne else tothe Cfass thIS Yparts ear) rOund. mthe title W Uld O #43 3 Kevin W indham Te Yamaha am Baton Rouge, Louisiana . evin W indham's posn this s ion . of Robbie Reynard one year eason ISmuch the same as that I careerand respectable private~gg' F~esh off a stellar amateur as, Windham has signed on with th ~'S es ata few select Nation. nard, however, Windham see e amaha factory. Unlike Fie • haps Yamaha doesn't put as m~~h'ess affected by the situation; pe~Kevin will no doubt spend th pressu on their riders re f Onc he feels comtortabl ~opes of the stad C urses ew~~rl~ha~ °h the season I~aming the e ium O e, e should be a COntender. ' IC e has little experience. K

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