Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GR Winter Series (califomia) (10events) 80Beg, 125 Beg, 250 Beg H 80 N , 125 N 250 Nov, 25+ Am, :lOt Am, ov ov, E 40+Am 80 Int, 1251nt, 250 Int, 25+ Master,:lOtMaster, F 30+ Pro, 40+ Master 125 Pro, 250 Pro C GNC Finals Mini Beg 7·11 , Mini Beg 12·15, 125 Beg, (LakeWhitney, TX) 250 Beg Min SIX 7-11, Mini Jr7-11 Mod, 125 St N , i k ov (1event) 125Nov 250 St N , 250 Nov, Over25Nov, , k ov Over 30 Nov, Women Mini Stk 12-13, Mini Sr 12 Mod, ·13 Mini Stk 14-16, MiniSr 14-16 Mod, 125 SIX, 125 Mod,250 SIX,250 M od,25+ Int,25+ M aster 30+ Int, 30+ Master 125 Pro, 250Pro GNC Goodtime National (Lake Whitney, TX) (1 event) Mini Beg 7-11 , Mini Beg 12 , 125 Beg, ·15 H E F NMAWori Mini d Grand Prix (LasVegas, NV) (1 event) G H ~ Mini Stk 7-11, Mini Jr7-11 Mod,125 StkNov, E 125 Mod Nov 2SO Stk Nov, 250 Mod Nov , , 25+Nov, 30+ Nov M i SIX 12·13,Mini Mod 12·13Sr, Mini StI< 14-16, F in Mini M 14-16 Sr, 125 SIX Inl, 125 M Int, od od 250 SIX Int, 250 Mod Int, 25+ Int,30+ In t, 30+ Master 125 Expert, 250 Expert G 'GNC Texas Series Mini Beg 7-11 ,M i Beg 12-15,125 Beg, 250 Beg H in (4events) MiniStk7-" ,MiniJr7·'1 Mod,125StkNov, E 125 Nov, 250 Stk Nov, 250 Nov, 25 Nov, + 30+ Nov, Women Mini StI< 12-13, Mini Mod 12·13 Sr Mini SIX 14-16, F , Mini Stk 14-16 Sr, 125 SIX Int, 125 Mod Int, 250 Stk Int 250 Mod Int 25+ lnt, 25+ Master, , , 30+ In t,:lOtMaster 125 Exp, 250 Exp G KawasakiRace of Champions (English town, NJ ) (1 event) 85 10-11,125Schoolboy, 125 N 250 Nov ov, 8512-13,8514-15, 125Am 2SOAm, , 25+, 30+ 30+Exp, 40+ Exp , 125 Exp, 2SO Exp, 500 Exp 'MAMA Series (VirginiaIMaryiand) (10 events) 807·11 ,80 12-15 C, 125 No v 8012-15 B, 807-11 A, 8012·15A, 125 Support, 125Expert Mammoth Mountain Motocross (M ammoth Lakes, CAl (1 event) 80Jr, 125 Jr, 250 Jr, Vet Jr, Women Exp 80 Int,80 Exp, 125 Int, 250 In Vet Int, t, Vet Exp, 40+ Sr Women Pro , 125 Pro 2SO Pro , NEMA (New England) (10 events) 80 Under 11 N , 80 12·16Nov, 125 Nov ov 80Under 11 Jr, 80Under 11 Adv, 8012-16Jr, 125Jr 80Adv12 -16, 12 5Adv NESC (New England) (20 events) NMA Grand National Championships (Po ncaCity, OK) (1 event) 85C Beg, 12 Y 5 outh C Beg 85B, 125 YouthBJr, 125 CNov, 200 CNov, 30+ BJr, 35+ BJr, 40+ NBlC 85AAdv 125Youth ~Adv, -125B Am, • , 200BAm, :lOtA, 35+AExp 125AExp, 2SO A Exp E F G E F E F L H E F G 80Sik Beg 12-16, 12 k Beg, 125 Mod Beg 5Si 80 Sik th 11, 80 Mod thru 11 , 125SIX N ru ov, 125 Mod Nov, 25 St Nov, 250Mod Nov, 0 k Vet+30 80 SIX 12·13, 80 Mod 12-13, 80 SIX 14-16, 80Mod 14-16, Supermini Mod thru 16, 125 Stk Int, 125 Mod Int 2SO Stk Int, , 250 Mod Int , 125 Stk Pro 125 Mod Pro, 250 Stk Pro , 25 Mod Pro 0 H E G H E G E F G Team Green ring o Sp Nati nal (Mt.Morri , PAl s (1 event) 857·11,125C,25OC 8512·13 ,8514-15, 125 B, 250 B,25+ B, 25+ A,Vet B, Vet A, 40+ Sr 125A,2SOA H E Team Green Fall National (Delmont,PAl (1 event) 857·11 ,125C, 250 C 8512·13,8514·15,125B, 250 B, 25+ B, 25+ A, Vet B, Vet A,40+ Sr 125A,2SO A 'Tucker Rocky MXSeries (NY NJ, PAl , (6events) 857-11 , 125 Nov, 250 Nov ,:lOtNov E 8512·13 ,8514·15, 1251nt, 125 Schoolboy, F 250 Int, 25+A, 25+ B, 30+ A, 30+B 125 A,250 A G F H E F OFF·ROAD ELIGIBLE CLASSES AMAGNCC Series (10 events) 200 B, Vet B, SrB, 250 B, 4 Str B oke 200 A, Vet A, SrA, 250 A, 4 StrokeA, Super SrA ProAA PAYOUT AMA Mid-South Hare Scrambles Series (AL, GA, KY ,MS& TN) (10 events) 200 C (UghtTrail), Open C (Heavy Trail) 200A,2OOB, 2SO B, 125 B 2SO A, 4 Stroke AA 'AMA National Enduro Series (9 events) 250 B, 200 B,4 Siroke A, Vet B, 200A, 4 Stroke B, Vet A 2SOA,M Open B, 125 B, Vet B, N 250 B, 4 Stroke B Open A,125 A, VetA 250 A,4 Stroke A K 0 Vet A, SrA, 4 Stroke B, 200 B, ECEA (Northeastem U .) Vet B, SrB, 4 Stroke C, 250 B .S (10 events) AA 200 A, 250 A, 4 StrokeA , FTR Hare Scrambles (Rorida) (10 events) N Jr Women A, 125C, Women B, 250 C, 200 C , 125 A, Master A, 250 B, Super SrB, SrA,125 B, 4 Str ke B, MasterB, o Super SrA,200 B, SrB AA, 250 A,200 A, 4 StrokeA H 0 N F 80Jr, 125C, 250 C 80Sr 125 B, 250 B , 125 Pro, 250 Pro EVENT AMA National Hare N' Nound (7events) F Nuclear Series (Illinoi ) s (10 ev ents) H E F 80 SIX Beg 12-16, 125 SIX Beg, 125 Mod Beg 80Stkthru 11 ,80 Mod thru 11,125 SIX Nov, 125 Mod Nov, 250 SIX Nov, 250 Mod Nov, V +30 el 80 St 12-1 3, 80 Mod 12- 80 SIX 14-1 6, k 13, 80 Mod 14-16, SupenniniMod thru 16, t25 S Int, 125 Mod In 250 SIX Int, IX t, 250 M Int od 125 StkPro 125 Mod Pro 250 Stk Pro, , , 250 Mod Pro N J K H 0 N J N K ' MissouriHare Scrambles (10 events) H CCIass , A,200 B, Sr Jr (Minij, 250 B, 125 B,Super Sr, 4 Stroke B AA 0 N NETRA Enduro Series (New England) (10 events) BBantam, BVet, AVet, 4 Stroke B, BUght, BSr ASr 4 Stroke C , , ABantam 0-200, AUght 250, 4 Stroke A 'NETRA Hare Scrambles (New England) (10 events) 125 C, 250 C, 4 Stroke C, Mini, 200 C 125A, Ve 200B, Sr B, tA, 200 A, SrA,250 B, 4 Stroke A, 2SO A,125 B, Vet B, 4 Stroke B AA 250 A, 4 Stroke A, 250 B, 200 A, 200 B, Vet A Northwestem MoIorcycIe Association AA (OregonNlashington) (10eve nts) SCORE Off·Road Series (4 events) Class 20, Class 22, Class40, Class 21 , SETRA Enduro Series (Southwestem US.) (10 events) 125 C, 200 C,250 C, Women 125 A,125 B, 250 B, SrB, Vet A,200 B, Vet B, 4 Stroke B, SrA M, 200A, 2SO A, 4 Stroke A 0 N H 0 N 0 N 0 Class 30, Class SO. Overall SERA 200 B, 200 Vet A, Open V etB, 250 B, Sr B, Enduro Series Open Vet A,200 Vet B, SrA, 4 Stroke B (Southeastem Us.) M, 200A, 2SO A, 4 Stroke A (10events) H 0 J 0 J 'Texas Cross Country Series (10events) 4Stroke Am, 250 Am, 30+ Am, 125 Am, 200 Am H 250Int,30+ Exp, 200Exp, 125 Exp, 0 125ln 30+ Int, 4 Stroke Exp t, Pro 250 Exp , N Texas State Championship Enduro Series (10 events) 200 A, 250 B, 4Stroke B, 200 B, 4Stroke A M,250A H 0 • New Series lor1995 offers technical expe rtise at more tha n 300 MX and off-road events per year. Team Green is the same program that helped put Mike Kiedrowski and Larry Roeseler at th e top . And who knows? Ride tough and you could be Kawasaki's next king of th e dirt. Find out how you can use your Kawasaki to win precious metal. Stop by your Kawasaki dealer or contact one of th e organizati ons listed . Kawasaki -.;; Let the good times roll. t lncludes M X, off-road, road racing, and drag racinq events. only, per registered machine, per event. No multiple class payouts on alf KXlKDXiKLX m achines. 13 SCO E. AMA P R rofessional Supercross andNalional winners will be allOWed on one motorcy cle eam G reen paid bycheck. All omer winning riders will receive "T 11 KMC will pay ride r lor their best unisn in one AMA Regional Buck certificates whiCh are redeemableal any author Kawasaki s· ized Qualilier only 12 The Kawasaki logo and original color plastic components must remain dealership natio nwide lor parts andmerchandise. 14 Allpayouts will be paidper overalilinish. 15 In cases 01 dual sanctioned evenIS, rider will be paid for one event on ly . 1 Programdetailssubiect tn change. 6 © 19 Kawasaki MolarsCorp , U.SA For Ihe dealernearast you. calf 94 1-800-661 R IDE. Always w a helmet, eye prolecfion and proper ear appa rel. Never ride under theinlluence of drugs or alcohol. For closed course competition us onfy, Adhere to the rna inlenance e schedulein your owner's manual. Specilicalions subject 1 change. 0 Availabilitym be limited ay

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