Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• Round 12: Oklahoma City Half Mile D); 4. Greg Sims (H- D); 5. Billy Herndon (H a n); 6. l im Sumner (H -D); 7. Ricky Smith (Han); B. Bret Beyer (HD); 10.loe Kopp (H-D ); 11. Brent Armbruster (H-D); 12. Brian An derson (H~D) . Time: 3 minutes, 59.83 seco nds . HEAT 2. (to laps; 12 riders . top 2 trans fer): 1. Scott Par ker (H -D); 2. Bre tt Landes (Hon); 3. Ronni e Jones (H a n); 4. Kenny Cool be th (H-D); 5. Scott Stu mp (Han); 6. Kevin Varnes (H-O ); 7. Jess Roede r (H ~D) ; 8. Dave Hebb (H-O); 9. And y Tresser (Duc); 10. Terry Poovey (Ho n); I l. leff Dietz (H-D); 12. Ty How ard (H-D). Time: 3:57.50. H EAT 3 (t o lap s; 12 riders, top 2 t ra nsfe r): l. Rod ney Parris (H-D); 2. Dave Dmlin (H- O); 3. Tommy Colson (H~D); 4. Dave Du relle (H- D); 5. Mike Hacker (H -D); 6. lames Hart (H-D ); 7. Cha nce Darling (H -D); 8. Bart Schm ulbach (H- D); 9. joey Broc k (H- D); 10. David U oyd (Ho n); 11. Stev e Uberty (H -D); 12. lasonFle tchc r (H-D ). T im e: 4:0052l.ips; 12 rid ers , top 2. transfer): 1. Chris H EAT 4 Carr (H -D); 2. Aaro n Hill (H-D); 3. Stev e Morehead (H· -o D); 4. Kevin Atherto n (H-D); 5. GL Roeder (H -D); 6.lell Eklu nd (H- D); 7. Mar c Gifford (H-D); 8. Kr is Kiser (Ho n); 9. Ben Bostrom (H-D); 10. Mike Varnes (H- D); II. Willie McCoy (H-O); 12 Oint Vahsholtz (Ho n). no (left) Scott Parker also topped the four-lap dash for cash, which was sponsored by RC Cola. Parker won $1000 for winning the five-lap race. Rodney Farris, Rich King and Chris Carr also participated in the dash. (Below)Steve Morehead finished seventh and lost . ground to Parker and Carr in the series point race. someo ne who is running as fas t as Rich was," Carr sa id . "When I did get by, I had him se t u p in t u rn four b ut couldn 't get clea r by un til the start/finish lin e." Carr took over seco nd place on the 11th lap . On th e eighth lap, Morehead bobbled , and it started a downward spiral that took him from fourth to seven th. "This (b ike) just didn't h an d le a ll night ," Morehead said. "It's the Knight frame, the sa me one we won with, b ut we've changed everything at least once . The front end was pushing and trying to tu rn under. It's funny, you get a goo d track then can 't get any thing to wor k." Farris was the first to take advantage of Morehead 's misfortune, holding fourth until lap 16 when he gave in to Jon es' charge. "We put a new tir e on for the chal- · ne'fI . B Time: 3:58.09. SEMll (8 lap s; 13 riders, lop 3 tran sfer): 1. Ronnie Jo nes (Ho n); 2. Kevin Ather to n (H- D); 3. Mike Hacker . (H -D); 4. Greg Sims (H- D); S. Kevin Varnes (H -D ); 6. Marc Gi fford (H-D ); 7. Joe Ko pp (H-D); 8. And y Tresser (Du e); 9. Ricky Smith (Ho n); 10. Mike Varnes (H-D) ; 11. Bart Schm ulbach (H-D); 12. Steve Uberty (H- D); 13. Ty Ho ward (H-D). Ti me: 3:10.83. SEM I 2 (8 laps; 13 riders, to p 3 Iransferl: 1. Steve M o re h e ad (H-D ); 2. Dave Dure lle (H-O); 3. Bill y Herndon (Hon); 4. Kenn y Coclbeth (H-D); S. Bret Beyer (H-D) ; 6. Chance Da rling (H-D); 7. Terry Poovey (Hon); 8. leff Eklu nd (H -D) ; 9. less Roeder (H-D); 10 . Ben Bostrom ( H~D); 11. Brent Armbruster (H-D); 12 David Lloyd (Han); 13. Clint Vahsholtz (H on). lenge and that d idn't work at all," said Farris , who wo uld wind up with a fifthplace finish. "We put the other tire back on for th e National, but I blistered it late. Afte r the last couple of races, just finishing feels pretty good." Landes put in an other very credible ride, staying in contention all night and finishing a solid sixth, Sp rin gste en and Roeder waged a tight race for eighth w ith Roeder coming ou t on top. Springsteen's n inth-p lac e finis h was his be st performance since Pom ona. "I felt really goo d tonight, bu t startin g on th e third row wa s a ki ller," Springsteen said . "I thought I was going to win that semi, but I fell asleep on the line a n d h ad to sc ra mb le to fi n ish third." Rook ie Mike Hacker made a couple of excu rsions nea r th e hay ba les, but Obviously, Scott'Parker was the b ig money ' winner at Oklahoma City, as ' he pocketed . • • ~ . $4500 for the National, 'plus another $1000 - for. the RC' Cola 'race . Chris Carr made . .An experiment with the starting procedure ' . $2850 and $500 with Rich Kingtaking $2100 saw the lime.that the."board" is held up short-> from the National, $~OO from RC Cola and a : ened from ten to five seconds, beforetuming ' . $100 b.onus for. posting the fas!est qualifying it -sideways and .then thastandard one to : heat lIme .KnsArmentrout s cut of t he . three seconds before the green. It seemed to $40,600 purse was $n5. . . help, as there were fewer false starts and ' . : '. the program as a whole ran very smoothly. ' The second halt of the season is now underWith onlythe one red flag delay, the whole . way and .the ~oHarley factory rider~are . ·night's activities concluded well before 10:30 once again easing away·from the pack In the prn. .. . . . .. ' . , . .. points race. Carr holds a narrow, four-point . . ". lead overParker. 157'153. "I picked up four Se~eralof the' reg~lar ride~ were off 'for the Points tonight; but next week it's on to Peo- . weekend road 'racing: Larry' Pegram : Mike .ria,",Parker said. "All I have to do is dethrone Hale and Matt Walt 'were all in Brainerd, ' the Prince of Peoria," said Parker.referring to . Minnesota: for the .AMA National; Also miss-. Carr's domination of the Peoria Motorcycle . ing were Canadian National' Champion , ' Club TT track.. 's 'Steve Beattie and defending' Grand National Champion.Ricky Graham . "I'm done for '. Steve Morehead tost a liftle ground to the the year I was riding my play bike again and leaders but remained a solid third. "I don't .tost the front end. I broke my leg and I'm in a ' know if weare going to Peoria'or not: More- · full cast," said Beattie, .who had' just' recov-. head said. "Althe start 'of the year I had no ered from a brokenankle suffered just aft.tir · intention of riding, but then after climbing into Daytona. "The bike is for sale , real. cheap . ihe points race I was raallyconslderlnq it. I'in jusigoing to regrou'p and come back Now afterthey (Parkerand Carr) ran 1-2, and ' strong next year: Beattle said. "Ricky. had: . I was seventh, 1 don't know. I think.we should ·some personal business he had to take care probably stay with what we're goodat. what ·of this .wee k," said Graham's :Team Undo got us here: . . teammate Brett'Landes, in reponse to the . An innovation for 1994 is 'the 'points funci missing: .' established by. the Team Owners group . A Making his first appearence at a 1994 GNC box is to be placed at all the Nationals where · was Davey Durelle. "Everything is brand new contributions can be made. Af the end of the ' we pial) to ride South Dakota. Indy and year, the money will be spl~ by the -top 20 h , Springfield before we decide on any more," .the points race. The ~nd is totally indepen- . said the popular Donahue H-D/Generar , dent of theAMA's points fund. At tast count '. EngIH-D Inc/AI Muth H-DlHard Head Graph- ' : the fund stood at $31,000 and should contmlcs-spcnsored Durelle. . . . ue to groY{ throughout the rest of the year. ~ . . kept progressing upward in the standings and took 10th from Herndon on the last lap. Atherton s tru ggled home 12th. "We we re go ing pretty good early, but as the ni ght went on; '] got slower a n d s lo wer, " Atherton sa id . "I just couldn't get comfortable. I need to feel like pa rt of the bike, and it jus t never happened ." Da v ey Camlin w a s another rid er who sta r te d well but fa d e d qu ickly w hen h e co u ld n ' t ge t a gras p on th e track. "I tried (rid ing) all over, but nothing worked," Camlin said . Proba bly the h appiest of th e rid ers ou t of th e to p 10 was Davey Durelle, w h o w as making h is fir st rid e of 1994."We' ve got so me thi n gs to work on," Durelle said. "But for the first time out it wasn't bad ." Will Davis was the onl y ride r not to finish as his shock reservoir fell off and became lod ged between his rea r wh eel and frame . Dav is wa s struggling along ~ in 15th when he dropped out. Oklahoma City HalfMile State Fair Speedway, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Results: July 30, 1994 HEAT 1 (10 laps; 12 riders, lop 2 t.nnsf~r): 1. Rich King (H on); 2. Will Davis (Ho n); 3. lay Sp rings teen (H- Time: 3:10.65. SEMI 3 (Slaps: ]4 riders, top 3 transfer): 1. Tommy Colson (H-D); 2. Geo Roed er (H-D); 3. Jay Sp rin gs teen (H ~ D); 4. Sco tt Stu m p (Ho n) ; 5. Kris Kiser (H on); 6. .la mes H art (H - D) ; 7. W ill ie M cC o y (H ·D); 8. li m Sumner (H~D); 9. Jess Roed er (H -D); 10. Ben Bostrom (H-D); 11. Jeff Diet z (H- D); 12. Bri a n A nderso n (H D);13. Joey Broc k (H- D); 14. la5On Fletcher (H -D). Tim e: 3:10.98. RC COLA CHALLENGE ( 4 rid ers, 4 1. Scott Parker (H-D) ; 2. Chri s Ca rr (H· D); 3. Rich King (Hon); 4. Rodney Farris (H·D). Tim e: 1:35.46. NAnONAL (25 I. ps; 17 riders): 1. Sco tt Parker (H· D); 2. Chris Ca rr (H-D); 3. Rich King (Hon); 4. Ro nnie Jo nes (Hon) ; S. Rodney Farri s (H·O); 6. Brett La ndes (Ho n); 7. Steve Morehead (H· D ); 8. Ceo Roed er (H-D); 9. la y Sp ri ngs teen (H- D); 10. Mik e Hacker (H -D) ; 11. Billy H erndon (H on); 12. Kev in Athe rto n (H- D); 13. Da vey Ca ml in (H · D); 14. Da ve y Du relle (H ·O); 15. Aaron Hill (H-O); 16.To m my Co lso n (H-O); 17. Will Davis (Hon). T ime: 9:44.11. AMA GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPIONSH IP SERIES POINT STANDINCS (Aftrr 12 of 22 rounds): I. Ch ris C a rr (157 1 1 w in ); 2. Sco tt Parke r(l 53 / 4); 3. Steve More hea d (1381 3); 4. Will Davis (%) ; 5. Rodney Farris (76); 6. Ronnie jones (70/1); 7. Aar on Hi ll (67); 8. Brett La ndes (59) ; 9 . Larry Pegr am (54 / 1); 10. Jason Fletc h er (53 ); 11. (T ie) Dave y Ca m lin (S2/1 )/ Geo Roeder (52); 13. Kevin At herton (51); 14. Rich King (46); 15. Te rry Poovey (40); 16. Rick y Gra ham (39 /1 ); 17. Ke nny Coo lbeth (38); 18. Billy H erndo n( 23); 19. la y Sp rin gs teen (22); 20. Rus ty Roge.. (20). 600 SUPPORT MAIN (15 riders, 15 laps): 1. Kris Armentrout (Rtx); 2 Mike Reid (Rtx); 3. Paul Mo rgan DI (Rtx); 4. AI Eadie (W·R ); 5. Charlie Orr (Rtx); 6. Vic Me Ana lly (Rtx); 7. Derek Brooks (Rtx); 8. John Fa ul kn er (Yam); 9. lus tin Ownby (Rtx); 10. Philip Lash (KTM) ; 11. John Parker (W-R); 12. Pa ul Bergs tro m (Rtx); 13. John McCle lland (Rtx ); 14. Kurti s Ta ylor (Rtx); 15 . Joey Duvall (W-R). Time: 6:06.27. Upcoming Rounds Rnd. 13 - August 7, Peoria. Illinois Rnd. 14 - August 10, RapidCity, South Dakota

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