Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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: OBSE RVED- TRIALS . ~ : •WorIdChampioilship O bSe(Ved Trials series : F round: Swiss World Round inal (Left) Despite clinching the World Championship Trials title the previous week In Italy, Span iard Jord l Tarres wanted to - and did - end the ser ies on a winning note In Switzerland. (Below) Tomml Ahvala had a better second-loop sco re than winner Tarres but that was IL Ahvala finished second In Switzerland as well as In the se ries final standings. (Below left) Joan Pons wrapped up third place In the se ries final point standings with a flfth-place finish at the Swiss Trials. (Bottom) Tarres (center) racked up seven wins en route to his sixth cha mpionship. By 1 9nasl Bertra n Translation by Mart in Belair BIASCA, SWITZERLAND,)ULY23-24" ordi Tarres already had the World Ch ampionship in his pocket, but that did not stop him from going after th e victory in Sw itzerland. After all, what better way to capoff an alre ad y splendid season? Even though the championship chase was decided the previous week in italy, and Tommi Ahvala stood little chance of losing his sub-title, there was still much to be decided. After being injured in a loop crash at the previous round, Beta's Marc Colomer was a no-show at Switzerland, leav ing the door wide open for Joan Pons to secure third overall in the final championship point standings. And, if Japanese rider Takurni Narita could pull-off a second-place finish at the series finale, he could al so bump the absen t Colomer back a notch and nab fourth overall. J Th er e wo ul d also be a battle for fifth through 10th place between Diego Bosis, Dougie Lamp kin, Donato Miglio, Angel Garcia and Steve Colley. The Swiss round was held in Biasca, ve ry close to the Italian border . The e ve n t see m ed much li ke th e Ita li an ro u nd , but w ith only about half the spec ta tors. it was one of the most pictu resque tri als of the yea r; very well organized with sections of lar ge rocks and good temperatures. Tarres set the pace on Saturday with a blistering lap of only six points, seven les s than Ahvala (13). Bos is was ne xt with 15, while Po ns ' IS -point loop demonstrated that even though Colomer was not in attendance, he wan ted to show that he deserved th ird ov erall. Narita was next with 19, ahead of Amos Bilbao, whose score of 21 included two time penalty points. . With a seven-point lead, Tarres could be conservative and not take an y risks on Sunday. Meanwhile, Ahval a responded by po sting the low score of the day (10), followed by Tarres (13), Lampkin (17), Na rita (19), Basis (20) and Bilbao (22). After two laps, Tarres led th e way with 19, over Ahvala wi th 23, Basis with 35 and Nari ta with 38. In the end, though, it was Tarres who turn ed in a brilliant final loop and en ded th e se ason w ith a resounding win. Ahvala was second overall, barely ahead of a disappointed Narita. As the man wi th the most to gain, Na rita had to finish second on the day to earn fourth for the year. For this reason, the most graceful rider on the cir cuit was letting it all hang out, pulling out saves that left people amazed. His rewa rd was a six-point loop, tying Tarres for the low est loop score of the da y. No other riders were under 10 all da y. Alas, it was not enough, as he came up . five dab s short from second on the da y. The Beta rider would end the year fifth overall. Brit Lampkin was another ride r wit h much to gain, and he did manage to do what he needed to. By finishing ahead of Bosis, he climbed one place in the championship. Lampkin finished fourth in Switzerland, and fifth in his first year of World Championship competitio n. DO Swiss World Round Blasca. Switzerland Results : Ju ly 23-24 OIAMPIONSHIP: I. lordi Tarres 6,13,11=30 (GG); 2. Tommi Ah vala 13+10 +16..39 (Fan ); 3. Takumi N ari ta 19 +19+6 =44 (Bet ); 4. Doug Lampkin 21>17,10=48 (Bet); s. loon Pons 15,25,13=53 (G-C ); 6. Dieg o Ba sis 15+20+22 ';'57 (Be t); 7. Am os Bilba o 19,22>19=62 (Mon ); 8. Donato MigJio 28,24,11 =63 1GG); 9. Steve Colley 23,25,24=72 (Bet); 10. Angel Garda 32, 23,17=72 (G-C); 11. Mar cel Iu stribc 25,22,26=73 (Bet); 12. Piero Sembenini 27, 25,26=73 (Bet); 13. Rob Crawford 30 +30+34 *=94 (Yam) ; 14. Stefa no Dellio 3lff 35, 32=97 (Fan); 15. lord i Picola 35,36, 26=97 (Fan) . < FINA L WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TRIALS SERI ES POINT STANDINGS: 1. lord i Tarres (185/ 7 wins); 2To m mi Ah val a (140 /1); 3. Joa n Pons (119); 4. Ma rc Cal om er (101); 5. Tak um i Narit a (101); 6. Dougie Lampkin (97/1); 7. Diego Bosis (95/ 1); 8. Donato MigJio (88); 9. An g el Garcia (81); 10. Stev e Co lley (81); 11. Bruno Camozzi (67); 12. Amo s Bilbao (46); 13. Pierc Sembenini (29); 14. Graha m Ja rv is (15) ; 15. Rob Crawford (14).

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