Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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P.V.D . Go o rberg (1:38.476 ); 21. G iu sep p e Fio r ill o (1:38 .610 ); 22. Ad i Stad le r (1:38.880); 23 . Ju a n Borja (1:39.030); 24. Chris tian Boudi not (1:39 .438); 25. E. McManus (1:39.785); 26. Jose Luis Cardoso (1:40.U10); 27. A les sandro Gra mi gni (1:40.073); 28. Predic Pr otat (1:40.078); 29. Kristia n Kaa s (1:40.247); 30. Noel Ferro (1;40.265); 31. Rod ne y Fee (1:40.280); 32. Enriq ue de Jua n (1:40.470); 33. Man uel Herna ndez (1:41.616); 34. Do nnie H oug h (1:43.261). SODcc QU ALIFYING : I. Micha el Dooha n (1:33.611/ 95.922 mp h ); 2. Kevi n Schwa n tz (1:33.811); 3. Lu ca Ca dalora (1:33.893); 4. John Kocinski (1:34.075); 5. Dou g Chand ler (1:34.204); 6. Alberto Puig (1:35.038); 7. Alex Barros (1:35.038); 8. Niall Mackenzie (1:35.061); 9. Alex Cr ivill e (1:35.404); 10. Sh inichi Itoh (1:35.438); 11. Carl Foga rty (1:35 .460); 12. John Re yn o ld s (1:36 .309 ); 13. Je re my Mc Will ia m s (1:36.30 9); 14. Be rna r d Ga rcia ( 1:36 .604); 15 . Jay Ha yd on (1:36. 678 ); 16. La u re n t Navea u (1:36 .748); 17. Ne il H o p kins (1:37.405); 18. Bernd Haengg eli (1:37.456); 19. Soan Emmett (1:37.714); 20 . Bru n o Bonh uil (1:37 .966); 21. Lu ci o Ped e rci n i (1:38.081); 22. Kevi n Mi tch e ll (1:38.119); 23. Cristiano Miglioratt (1:38.161); 24. Jean Fo ray (1;38.220); 25. Jea n [e a nda t (1:38.479); 26. Ud o Mark (1:38.504); 27. Cees Doo ra kke rs (1:40.002); 28. Marc Garcia (1:40.050 ); 29. Andreas Leuthe (1:40.35). 125cc GRAND PRI X: 1. Tak eshi Tsu jlm ura .(H a n); 2. Stefano Perugini (Apr); 3. Pet er Oe ttl (Apr); 4. Kaz uto Sak at a (Ap r); 5. H em Torronte gui (Ap r); 6. N ob o ru Ved a (Han); 7. O liver Petru ccia ni (Apr) ; 8. Dirk Raudies (Han); 9. Charlie Gi ro (Ap r); 10. Jo rge Martinez (Ya m); 11. H ldeyuki Nakajyo (H a n ); 12. Masa ki To kud ome (Han); 13. Ha ru chika Aoki (Han); 14. Gabriele Debb ie (Apr); 15. Akira Saito (Ha n); 16. Manfred Geiss ler (Ap r); 17. Ste fan Prein (Yam ); 18. J. Mat u ra na (Yam); 19. T. lgat a (Ha n); 20. Fa usto Cresinl (Han); 21. Ne il H odgson (Ho n); 22. Emili Alzamora (Ho n); 23. Lucio Cecchine llc (Hon); 24. Frederic Peti t (Ya m); 25. Y. Takahashi (Ho n); 26. B. Stey (Ho n ); 27. Vittori o Lope z (Ho n); 28. D. Barton (Ho n). T ime: 44 min ., 22.659 sec . D istance: 26 laps, 65 miles. Avera ge Sp eed: 87.878 m ph . Mugin of Vict ory: 0.267 sec. Fastest u p: 1:41.643 /87.818 mph. 250cc G RA ND PRIX: 1. Loris Ca p irossi (H a n); 2. Tadayuki Okada (H o n); 3. Doriano Romboni (H an); 4. Tets uya Harada (Ya m); 5. Jean -M ichel Bayle (Ap r); 6. J.P. Ruggi a (Ap r); 7. Ralf Wa ldmann (H on); 8. Nobuats u Ao ki (Han); 9. Luis d' An tin (Hon); 10. Eski! Suter (Ap r); 11. Wileo Zee len berg (H on); 12. Ca rles C heca (Ha n); 13. Toshih iko H onma (Yam ); 14. Ad rie n Bosshard (Ha n); 15. Luis Maure l (Han) ; 16. J.V.D. Goorberg (Ap r); 17. P.V.D. Goo rber g (Ap r); 18. Ad i Sta d ler (Hon); 19. Jose Luis Ca rdoso (A pr); 20. E. McM anu s (Ya m) ; 21. C. Boud inot (Ap r); 22. Rod ney Fee (H on); 23. Enriqu e de Ju an (Apr); 24. Donni e Hou g h (Hon). Time: 43 min., 18.624 sec . Distance: 27 laps, 67.5 miles . Av era ge S pee d: 93.507 m ph. M a rgin of Victo ry: 3.233 sec. Fastest Lap : Loris Cepirossi, 1:34.953/ 94.566 mp h. SOOcc G RA ND PRIX: 1. Kev in Schwa ntz (Suz) ; 2. Micha el Doo ha n (Han); 3. Luca Cadalo ra (Ya m); 4. John Kocinski (Cag) ; 5. Dou g Ch and ler (Cag) ; 6. Alex Criville (Ho n); 7. Alberto Puig (Hon); 8. Nia ll Mackenzi e (Yam); 9. Sh inich i Itch (H on); 10. Jere my McWill iams (Ya m); 11. Bernard Ga rcia (Yam) ; 12. Sean Emmett (Yam) ; 13. La urent Neve a u (Yam ); 14. Joh n Reynolds (Yam) ; 15 . Brun o Bonh uil (Ya m); 16. Kevin Mitchell (Yam); 17. Vdo Mark (Yam) ; 18. Lucio Ped ercini (Yam); 19. Jean Foray (Yam); 20. Andreas Leuthe (Yam); 21. CCl.'S Doo rakkers (Yam). T im e: 47 min., 31.632 sec . D istance: 30 laps, 75 miles. Av_erage Sp eed: 94.678 mph. M argin of Victory: 2.366sec . (Left) Max Biaggi (4), Dor iano Romboni (5), .Taday uki Okada (8) and Loris Capirossi (2) lead the way in the 250cc Grand Prix. (Below) Takeshl Tsujlmura (3) won the 125cc British Grand Prix, holding off Stefano Perugini at the fin ish. fastest Lap: Kevin Schwa ntz, 1:34.161/ 95.361 m ph. 12Sec WORLD C'SHIP POINT STA NDI NGS (After 10 of 14 rounds): 1. Kazut o Sakata (183/2 w ins); 2. Nobo ru Ved a (137/ 3 wi ns); 3. Takeshi Tsujim ura (132/ 3 w ins ); 4. Peter Oe td (121 ); 5. Di rk Raudi es (110/ 2 w ins); 6. Jorge Martinez (86); 7. Herri Torro ntegui (73); 8. Masaki To ku d o me (64 ); 9 . Garr y M cC o y (56 ); 10. Stefa no Perugini (54); 11. O liver Petrucciani (53); 12. Akira Sai to (51); 13. Hide y uki Nakaj yo (44); 14. Fausto G resini (40); 15. Loek Bodelier (39). . 250cc WORLD C'SHIP POINT STA NDI NGS (Aft er 10 of 14 round s ): 1. Lo r is C a p irossi (16 8 / 4 wins ); 2. Tadayuk t O ka d a (152/1 w in ); 3. Ma x Bia ggi ( 129 / 3 w ins); 4. Doria no Rombon i (129); 5. Ra lf Wa ldma nn (113); 6. J.P. Ru ggla (110); 7. Jean-Michel Bayle (78); 8. Lu is d ' Anti n (74); 9. Nobuatsu Ao ld (71); 10. Tetsuya Ha rada (66); 11. Wilro Zee lenberg (61); 12. Carles Checa (32); 13. Eski! Su ter (30); 14. P.V.D Goo rberg (23); 15. J.V.D. Goorberg (22). 500cc WO RLD C'SHIP POINT STA NDI NGS (After 10 of 14 rounds): 1. Michael Doo han (231/7 w ins ); 2.. Kev in Schwantz (160/2 w ins ); 3. John Kocinski (120/1 w in); 4. Albe rto Puig (112); 5. Alex Criv ille (109); 6. Alex Barros (100); 7. Lu ca Ca d a lo ra (98); 8. Shin ich i Ito h (95); 9. Do ug Chand ler (59 ); 10. N ia ll Mac ke n z ie (43); 11 . Bern ard Ga rcia (36); 12. John Reynold s (34); 13. Daryl Bea ttie (33); 14. Jerem y McWill iam s {25}; 15. Jua n Lopez Mella (23). Upcoming Rounds Rnd. 11 - Bmo , Czechoslovakia - August 21 Rnd. 12 - Monterey, Califomia - September 11 was Caqiva's withdrawal from 'raCing at the end . setting the ·l 1th fastest time>l'~ not going to ' 'the tum. I thought it was kind of unnecessary . . ride, I'm leading ·the ·World Championship and . and 'a second later tti e back wheel was k.issing . . of the .season. .Because of a tax problem 1hat that's more important. .1 the ' bike was 100% it . the front.· He crashed and the Swiss guy just 1 one of the Cagiva owners is 'said to have with abou t ran into the bike. I think he needed a the' Italian govem ment,:rumors of this sort have ' might be worth it; butit's' not set up lo r me.and T eam owne r and tnree-tirne World Charnp ton . . people cansee I've h ad problems . It's broken ..change of underwear." ' ·b een heard all se aso n: But the Don ing to n . Wayne Rainey said he thought JimniyFilice ':down a couple of times: I banged into Criville . . rumor had the team arinouncing theirwimdrawmight ride the Marlboro ' Rainey Yamaha 250 , today and tnat rniqht have hurt my' hand more-'.· . Sctiwanti joined a long 'Iist of practice crashers . al on Saturday - an eventwhich never hap, at Donington Parka usttnat included his team - .pened: He 'was just cruising 'around not looking and I ." . depending on the progress of Kenny Roberts mate .Alex ·Barros.. Barros crashed on Friday ' : Jr. ' If Jr. 'isn't ready, I'd like to put Jimbo back . was on a fast lap. It knocked my exhaust pipe . injuring his left foot, but found out on Saturday B ritish rider Jainle Robinson wa s b~iefly I-o;,,~ Rainey said at Donington. There is also a off." ' the bigger problem was the .rib injury. he suf-aboard a RobertsYamahaTZ250 at Donington · chance that Norlfuml Abe may be on the 250, . American Donnie Hough, currently ninth in the ' fered in practice at Le Mans the previous week..: Park as a "wildcard".befoft3crashing on Friday though that depends on his' and Daryl Beattie's -recoverytrom injuries, 'I 'don'rlhink Daryl's '· AMA .250cc Grand Prix ·serie s, qualified 34th ' Among the other 500cc ' crashers at Donington and breaking his right collarbone : The 1B-year. old Yorkshlreman had raced a' Roberts Yamagoing to be ready," Rainey said 01 Beattie's ' on the Team Beckett Honda at Donington Park . were Cag iva's Carl Fogarty .. HRC's 'Alex Crivin .his second, and final , GP outing . The Col: ' iIIe: Yamaha Roberts Yamaha's Norifumi Abe. 'h a 'in the Ducados .Open ro und at Calafat, . · chances to return for Czecho, which means oradan finished . 24th ·i n the race and was ' ·Sp a nia rd Jose: Lopez Mella, .B rits John " . replaCing the injured ·Spaniard. Sete Gibemau , · that Abe would fill in on the 500 :' The race . Reynolds and Jeremy McWilliams and Team . but crash ed there' also while 'taking the lead.' would mark ttiedebut of original rider Roberts . lapped twi.ce. Sharl<'s Marc Garcia. After the McWilliams/Ga r' .He'li . now be. out otaction for at least three . Jr ., who ' is still recovering from a pre-season I'd irt bike accident. Because the break in : '. Sport Ride r magaZimi edit~r Nick lenatsch,. . cia crash, which appeared on televised replays .weeks . Roberts 'Jr's. arm is in a sensitive area, and is . who wasjtsted in.the Donington Park program .. to be Garcia's fault; McWilliams went after Garcia and the two had to be separated bycomer 'World Champ ion Kev in 'Schwantz raised 2000 healing slO Wly, there .are no plans 10 rush 'him 'as Nick 'Fenatch ," qua lified 26th on his Nei l BritishPounds (about $3120) for Save the ChilYoung Motorcycles Triumph Speed Triple and ' worl

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