Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Faria on track at Glen Helen Speedway Kimble, who fmis hed second and third, respectively. Bowman out- maneuvered 24 othe r riders in order to take the purse in the ftna l race of the day , the Un lim it ed G P cla ss . Bow ma n , w ho started from the insid e of the fourth row of the grid , sco red the major holeshot to leap into first well b e fo re th e fi rst tu rn at t he e nd of the extreme ly fast straigh t at Morose. Bowman , rid ing on a Ho nd a 900, wou ld ' keep the lead throug hout the race never to be serious ly challenged by any of the rest of the field . Rick Sh aw came fro m the outs ide of the fourth row of the gri d an d im me d iat ely took over the second po sition whi ch he would ho ld ov er Ant on Iriza r for the first two lap s. Irlzar, rid ing a Ducati 888 fell back after the second lap and did not finish in the top 14. Greg Esser, on a Yamaha 250, was third ove rall. Results By Elaine Jones Greg Esser(Yam) ; 4. Perry MelMci uc (Hon); 5. Eddie Dimeg lio . Bill Con way (H on ); 4. How ey Erikson (Suz); 5. Roy rantO;11 i Yam). 125 NOV: 1. David Marti nez (Ka w ); 2. Mike Cinqnul rs (Hon); . MikeCibIlon(Hon); 4. Neil Alonw (Hun); 5. Mark TIlley (Suz). 125 lNl': 1. [Nan Van Riper (Ka w). 12.5 PRO:1. Jimmy LaVorcie (Kaw). 250 BEG: 1. Cameron Cra un (Kaw ); 2. Brad Bailey (Ki w); 3. any Perez (Yam); 4. Robm Coul u (; 5. Jon Reece (K1M). 250 NOV; 1. p~ l.aQuef'h! (Hon); 2. Eddie Legliu (K.Iw); 3. Pete- Roles (Sill); 4. Todd B1ackrNin (K.Iw). 250 INT: 1. Dav id Riordan (Han); 2. Carey Hart (Kaw); 3. Brian Highsm ith (Yam). 250 PRO: 1. Jimmy LaVorcie (Kaw); 2. Ed Redman (Hon). 25+ NOV: 1. r~ LaQuern (Hon). 30+ BEG; 1. Bob Pa lacios (Yam ); 2. I:Nrrick Luedtb (Yain ); 3. Ha rold Heggie (Yam): 4. John StaVl'Ol (Yam); 5. John Ehon (Hon). 30+ NOV : 1. Jon Thomas (Hon) ; 2. T. C. Brinegar (Hon); 3. Ca rlos JOhnsi on (Yam); • . Terry Macr ae ; S. Da n Creed (Hon). 30+ lNl': 1. Tony Feldha Ull(Hon ); 2.1A' nnis IUter (Hon). 40+ NOV; 1. &.y Simmons (Han). . SANBERNARDIN CA, JULY13 O, It was SO' nig ht at Glen Helen Speed way, and, s besides some really nea t old cars, it was a night the veteran rid ers held schoo l as Mike Faria and Mike Dwyer topped the Scra tch and Handicap features, respectively . The four rid ers that earned their w ay in to the richest race of the eveni ng, the Scratch main , were Eddie Cas tro on the po le, Charlie Veneges In two, and Mike Faria and John Aden in th ree and four, respectively. When the gate came up It was Veneges who got the start and won the drag race to the first turn. Close behind was Faria w ith Cas tro and Aden tagging along in third and fourth . On the second lap, Faria went out in the dirt, and as they came across the line for the ftna l lap, the lead was his. Even though the riders we re all running extremely close together, Faria took the win followed by Venegas, Castr o and Ad en. The Handic ap ma in was called after th ree lap s when Dennis Briggs, Ga ry Ack roy d a nd Mike Dwyer tan gled in tum thr ee, ca us ing the red flag to come out . Ven eg es had been charging through traffic coming from the 80 ya rd line and had gotten by the accident to take the over the lead, but with the red flag and the race halfway comple ted, the referee reverted back to the last comp leted lap . At tha t po int, Dwyer was in the lead , and he was credit ed wi th the win. Ackroy d was penalized for causing the red flag, so the second spot went to Briggs with Venegas an d Faria third and fourth. Th e tea m of Ste p he ns an d Step hens w ent wire to wire in a six-team field of Sidecars, posting their bigges t win of the season. The team of Edwa rds and Brown notched their best finish at Glen Helen, taking second . Jerry Cooper snatched the Support main win from Da v e Berry on the last la p . Bill Ew in g rounded out the fteld with third. Step hen Downing sh owed the Glen Helen crowd w hy he carries the nu m ber-one on his back and he d om in at ed the Jun ior Speedway even t by ta king w ins in all thr ee hea ts. Jimmy Fishback Jr. was second with Jeremy Simmo ns third. . Results SCRATCH: 1, Milr.eFaria a "w ); 2. Ch.lrlie Venega s Uaw ); 3 Eddie Cesrrc (We); 4. John Aden Uaw) . I H ocr; 1. Mike Dwyer (Wes) ; 2. Dennis Briggs (We s); 3. Charlie Venegas UolWoI); 4. Mike Folriol (GM); S. Bren t Werner (J.lw). SDCAR M AI N : 1. Stephens /Step nen. (Kaw); 2. Edwards/Brown (BMW). SUP: 1. Jerry Cooper Oaw); 2. o.we Berry UolW); 3. Bill Ew ing UolW); 4. Doug Ubie UilW); S. John DeFries (Wes ). JR; 1. Stepnen Downi rig (Wes); 2. Jimmy Fishback Jr. Oaw ); 3. Jeremy Sim mons (Ya m); 4. Robert Leve ndoek! (H on ); S. Joey Drape'!'(Hea). . Bronson Dominates Middleweights By Brett A. Becker W PALM BEACH, FI.JULYIO . Ja mes Bron son continu ed to a maze th e Sou th Florida crowd with his quickly learn ed prowess o n th e tr ack b y w in n in g the Ama teu r Midd leweight Su persport, w h ile So u th Flo rid a favorite Jami e Bowman added to his list of first place finis hes and took th e b ig money in th e Unli mited GP $1000 shoo tou t class at Moroso Motorspo rts Pa rk. Bronso n, who only started racing this year, a ppeared comp letely at ease on his Honda 600 as he sto mped the ta r out of the competition in the exceptionally large Amateur Midd leweight class . Bronson got the jum p on the crowd and kept it by b rak ing lat e and hard, and getting on the gas sooner ou t of the comers than the compet itio n in only hi s fi rs t yea r on th e tra ck. Despite Bro n son's d om inance, t he rac e did h ave its sha re of excitement. In the ba ttl e for sec ond fo ught b y Ron H oward a nd Graha m U /L GP: 1. Ja mie Bowman (Hon); 2. Rick Shaw (Ya m); 3. (Yam). AM MIW S IS: 1. Ja m es Bron so n (Hon) ; 2. Ron How a rd (Hon); 3. Graha m Kim ble (Hon); 4. Michael Deb raba nt (Hon) ; 5. Jon Schroht (Hon ). . Lorusso lassos Johnson at Bull Run Motocross By Steve Kelley GREEN, ME,JULY 4 NESC poin ts leader To ny Lorusso sh u t down Keith Johnso n' s domina tion of the Bull Run MX Expert motes during the Fourth of July NESC event by grabbing the win in the 12see class. In both th e 12Scc ex pert motes, Johnson ftred into the lead w ith the holesh ots . In the first mo to, he slipped away from the battle for second between points lead er Tony Loru sso on a S uz u k i a n d Ho n da rid er Mike Tr ead w e ll. Treadwell crashed at the sta rt / ftnish line which allowed Dziel a k to s lide by into th ird. In th e final lap s, Scot:! Cart er ca ught fire, shoo ting out of the pack to p'ressure Lorusso for tw o la ps . Carte r then had to back off with a flat rear tire. Lorusso went on to tak e second behind Johnson. In the second rno to, Lorusso cau gh t Johnson in the first lap befo re Johnso n had a chance to get out front and pu ll away. Dzielak also caught Johnson in the first lap and blasted by. Lashway an d Carter, ba ttling for fourth, closed the gap on Johnson until Carter crashed, leaving Lashway alo ne in fourth. Out fron t, Loru sso ad de d to his lead over Dzielak a nd Johnson as they d iced for seco nd position. Joh nson tri ed three t imes to get by Dzielak on a high groove through the berm an d th e in field loo p. Each time Joh nso n began to . pass , Dzie lak shut him down, hitting the berm an d off-camber tu m of the loop very smoo thly to gain back the lead. As the battle for second heated up, Johnson and Dzielak reeled in Lorusso. With Lorusso in sigh t, Johnson hammered the throttle to take second from Dzie lak. By the two-lap warning Johnson was on fire and ha d closed to with in 15 bike lengths of the leader whi le Dzielak was off the pa ce in a distant third . Before the end of the lap, Johnson was all over Lorusso in the berm , but d ropped back sud de nly on the last lap with mechanical troub le. Johnson he ld on to sec ond behind overall winn er Lorusso, and Dzielak grabbed third . Results 85 WMN : 1. Stephanie Perron (Suz); 2. Teresa Szcze paRbId (Han); 3. Bt.othany Smith (Kaw) . 85 C: 1. o.n King (Kaw); 2. Grt'S Dockham (Suz); 3. John Carroll (Yam); 4. Aaron Preb le (Sut); S. DJ.vid Berthiaume (Hon). 85 B: 1. 8m McCa rthy (Suz ); 2. Jeff Bryant (Suz) ; 3. Jeff Cook (Yam); 4. Ryan O'Conneu (Suz);S. Matt Boron (Kaw). . .50: Brian Bagle y (ya m): 2. Kyle French (Yam) : 3. Travis Stew ard (Ya m); 4. Tom MtC.eoe (yam); S. CoreySUva (ttj). 65: 1. ICeman Hibb.ard (Kaw); 2. Jere my Morriso n (iYw); 3. Rick MarHwU (Kaw ): 4. Matt Shogren (; 5. Tyler Merrifiekt (lCaw). 125 C: 1. Shawn Qudglioroli (Kaw); 2. Joe l Clivi (Hon); 3. Jason Lee (Hon ); 4. Jesse Prince (Hon); 5. ROOert Corbett (Hon). 125 YIlt B: 1. Jeremy Pikul (Ya m); 2. Ben McCarthy (Kaw); 3. Vincent Deledda (Ya m); 4. John Buc1d4!y (Sut.); S. Robert o..ledda (Yam). 125 YTH A: 1. Gerry Lashway (J:aw); 2. Shane O'Connor (Su z); 3. Mike Umhoefer (Yam); 4. Dav id Cobb (Suz) ; S. Keith "'bonne (Suz) . 125 Ynt C: 1. Custavis Estolbrook (Su z); 2. Dere k Salsbury (J(aw ); 3. Jl'S8l." Prince (Ho n); 4. Matt Stro ut (yam); 5. Joshua Olson (lCaw). 200 C: 1. Frank McAlpine (Hon); 2. Bob Reyno ld. (Yam ); 3. w); Jeff Tho mas (Hon ); 4. NOnr'Lllnd Bai.llargeon (K.a 5. Ql. riJ P~ (Ya m). OPEN C: 1. Frank McA lpine (H on ); 2. Kev in McGet tig an (Hon) : 3. Chris Pare (Yam); 4. Charles Hathaw. y (Kaw); 5. Mike Thompson (Suz) . 125 B: 1. Dan Cole (Kaw ); 2. Sha ne O'Connor (Suz); 3. Ed Hololob (K.w): 4. Ben Asaff (Suz ); 5. Adrian Co lon (K.lIw) . 200 B: 1. Nat Co le (lCaw); 2. Ben Asaff (Suz); 3. Mark Fmtas (Suz); 4. Ed Hololob (lCaw); 5. Andreas Homllteiner ( ). O PEN B: 1. Mark F~iw (Suz); 2. Jeff Wood (Hon); 3. Jesse Barnes (Suz); 4. Scott Speweek (Hon) ; 5. JOl" French (Hon). 30+ C: 1. Kevin McGettigan (Hon) ; 2. Larry Fortin (Kaw ); 3. Me rle Mon roe (Yam) ; 4. R.ilph Louttit (Suz); S. Cory Ilannilter cx.w). 30+ B: 1. Joe 8edlIrd (K. w); 2. JOl" Dubr (Yam); 3. Bob Woemouth (Kaw); 4. John Becker (Yam); S. Mark Oubel (Yam ). 40+: 1. Joe Ferrini (Yam ); 2. David O emence (Yam) ; 3. John Delgrosso (Kaw); 4. Ga ry Mikaoon (Hon ); 5. Jim Satryb (Yam). 30+ A: 1. Kurt McMillrn (yam) ; 2. Wem~Scott(Yam); 3. J Ol" Mikallion (Hon): 4. John Camelio (Hon) ; 5. Tlm Teves ( . 35+ A: 1. David Rudnicki (Hon) ; 2. Jim Meen an (Suz); 3. John Amdt(YoI m);4. Nick Dup""y (Kaw);S . Tim Thomson (Yam). 35+ B: 1. J ohn Becker (Yam ); 2. BiU Donaghy (Suz); 3. John Bryan l (KTM); 4. Carl Oecotis (Hon ); 5. Joe Machan (Hon). 125 A; I. Tony Lorusso (Suz ); 2. Keith JohNon (yam); 3. BiU DzieLak (Hon ); 4. Larry Lash woIY (Ka w); 5. Mi kr Tread well (Hon). 200 A: 1. Kurt McMill en (Yam) ; 2. Tony Lorusso (Suz): 3. Kei th Johnson (Yam) ; 4. BiD Dzie lak (Ho n); S. Mike Tre adwell (Hon). Hedden, Bast share Auburn Speedway honors By Gen Moore Photo by Karren Gauthreaux AUBURN.CA,JULY S Bobby Hedden used h is us ua l outsid e lin e to take the win in the Hand icap ma in event while Bart Bast captu red go ld in the Scra tch main to da sh Hed de n's hop es for a d oubl e win at the Gold Coun try Fairgrounds. In the Hand icap main, Bast , Sise more a nd Bob Hedden would sta rt from the SO yard line. Kelley Bennett and Harlan Bast we re on the 30 with Van ce Felicio starting by himself on the 20. Felicio we n t into the co mer first , followed closel y by Harlan Bast and Benne tt . Co ming thr ou gh the first comer, Bart Bast and Sisemore stayed d own on the pole whi le Hedden found trac tion on the ou tside. Bennett the n bobbled, and everyone pa ssed him . By the sta rt of lap tw o Hed de n had ma de up ground and wa s in third pla ce behind Harl an Bast. Hedden con tinued to wo rk the ou tside, ge tti ng lo ts of grip, and was ab le to pass Harlan Bast to take second p lace. Hedden was ab le to p ower past Felicio for the lead whi le Sisemore stayed on the pole and moved into th ird place, pushing Felicio to second . Sisemore and Felicia rode side by side down the back stra ight. Sisem ore, getting a be tter drive goi ng into the comer, made the pass for second. Bart Bast was righ t there waiting for a mistake by Felicia, who wen t w ide coming out of the comer. Bast used it to his advantage to make the pass for th ird. As they came across the finish line, Hedden scored the win with Sisemore in second and Bart Bast third. In th e Scra tch ma in, Bart Bast ca me fro m gate four to reach tum one first with Hedden right beside him. Midway thr ough the comer it (Top) Harlan Bast (center) grabbed t he early lead In the Auburn Speedway Handi cap main , but Bobby Hedden (left) worked the outside to perfection tor the victory. Bart Bast (rlght) came back to score the Scretch main win. (Above) Vet Expert Jim Meenan (18) dices Kurt McMillen (52) at Bull Run MX. Meenan won the second mota, but McMillen topped the class overall. ap peared that Hedden hit a ru t, caus ing him to lift. He d den th en d id a lBO-degree turn a nd came down facing the other rid ers. Bob Hicks laid d own his bike to avoid Hed de n, causing a resta rt. On the restart. Hed de n got into the corner firs t w ith Bast on the ou tside . Going in to tu m th ree , Bast p ow ered pas t Hedden for the lead . Coming out of the comer Bast went wid e allow in g Hedden to pull up u ndern ea th h im . But Hed d en must ha ve hit the sa me sp o t as befor e, as he launch ed like a rocke t, fo rci ng Hicks to lay it down again. From that poi nt on the race belonged to Bast. Darrell Busby was all over Bast's tailpi pe the res t of the race bu t was never abl e to make the pa ss. The wi n w ent to Bast with Busby and a remou nted Hicks finishing secon d and th ird , respectively. Results HOCP: 1. Bob Hedden (Gdn ); 2. JimSixmore (Wes); 3. Bart Bast Oaw) ; 4. Vance Felicio(Wes); 5. HoI Wn &sl (Cdn). r SCR ATC H : 1. Bart Basi Uaw); 2. Darrell Bus by (Wes); 3. Bobby Hkks (Gdn); 4. Bobby!led"'" ICd.). [)'2: 1. Joe Teitgm G,Iw). [).3: 1. George Snodgrua. )1 . Ion Ferns. "1 Schwatka aces Cydeland SX By Rex Harris CHICO,CA. JULYS Ho nda Mou n ted Zac h Sch w at ka mad e h is retu rn to Cycleland Supercross after a short layoff to win th e 12scc ma in at ro u nd three of Cycleland 's Summer High Po int Supercross Series. Heat race wi nners Dy la n Blackwell and David Denton led the charg e off the line for the sta rt of the l Q-lap ma in event, but it was Schwatka who eme rged from the snarling pa ck to lead through the whoops and over the ftrst big dou-

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