Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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day tied with Ta rres, bu t lost th e tie
breaker because Tarres had a better Saturday score. Lampkin had to settle for
th ird behind Tarres, but in th e en d, it
was Bosis who nabbed the overall victory. It was the best thin g for the boy from
Bergamo after a two-year dry sp el l.
Everyone was surprised by the clear and
precise wa y in which he rode each section. His last victory was two years ago,
also in Italy. It was his first win aboard a
Beta . His be st result thus far had been
fou rth in Czecho. Bosis climbed fo u r
'p laces in the points race, and sits sixth,
ahead of Lampkin.
. An up and down Pons finished
fourth overall with a score of 30, and
overtook'Colomer for third in the series
point standings.
What is clear is that no one could
match his pace this year, he was simply
brilliant. A great game plan, incisive riding and consistency are what makes
champions, and Tarres possesses all of
those qualities. Tarres knows how to get
out front and stay there, as he has so far
notched six victories and only one nonpodium finish.
"It has been a season where my rivals
failed more than I had expected them
to," said Tarres. "This new world title is
the reward for all of my team and Gas
Gas. I am very happy for the factory, my
sponsors, and for the sport of trials in
Spain. All of my titles have corne by
way of great work and sacrifice."
"[ordi has been strong all season,"
said Ahvala, who now looks to have a
t lock on second in the final standings.
"His rivals - including myself - have all
made stupid mistakes. He has been con·s. sten t all year and capitalized on our
'errors. His career is not over yet, there
(Above) Dougle lampkin and his
father Martin. lampkin finished third
and sits seventh In the World
Championship point stsndlngs.
(Above right) Spaniard Marc
Colomer suffered a DNF.
ma y be a seventh, or even eighth title in
his future. One can only hope to beat ·
h im on a particu la r d a y. I am v e ry
proud to be second , b ecause ahea d of
me is a very strong man."
Though Colomer d idn't fin ish the
trial, and slipped to fourth in the series
point standings, he was still happy for
his fellow countryman.
"[ordi has something I don't ha ve experience. I believe that this title was
greater than last year's, because he has
won with authority, without discussion.
The times that he has lost his title, (to
Thierry Michaud and Tommi Ahvala)
he has known how to react and returned
with a vengeance. That is why he is so
strong now."
Italian World Round
Caredlne, Italy
Resuns: July 16-17
CHAMPIONSHIP: I. Diego Basis 7+12+4=23 (Bet);
2. ]ordi Tarres 5+15+6=26 (c ..c ); 3. Dougie Lampkin
9+IS +2=26 (Be t); 4. Joan Pons 15+1+15=30 (G-G); 5.
Tammi Ah vala 15+9+ 8=32 (Fan); 6. Donato Mig li o
11+5+10+ 7=33 (G-G ); 7. Bruno Camozzi 9+18+5+2=34
(Seo ); 8, Angel Garcia 8+24+14=46 (G·G): 9. Pier o
Semben ini 18+20+10=48 (Bet); 10. Takumi Na r ita
24+1S+14c54 (Bet); 11. Amos Bilb ao 20+29 +13=62
(Mon); 12. Steve CoUey 15+26+33=74 (Bet); 13. jeen-t. uc
Nictou 23+28+24 =75 (Bet) ; 14 . Graham Ja r vis
29+29+18=79 (Sen); 15. Jose Benitez 36+25+17=80 (Bet).
STANDINGS (After 9 01 to round.); 1. [ordi Tarres
(165/6 wins·); 2. Tomm; Mvala (123/1 w;n); 3. Joan
Pons (108); 4. Marc Colomer (101); 5. Talcumi Narita
(96); 6. Diego Bosis (86/ 1 win); 7. Dougie Lampkin
(84/1 win); 8. Donato Mig1io (80); 9. Angel Garcia (75);
10. Steven Colley (74).
"clinched championship.
. 'fl v .":.
.• •
Bria J;:-....,.. '
'---,-:~~ .
avoid time- penalty;.The riders took off full .
"speed, and ' that' is' when .Colomer collided
with ~other ride·r.. . ..
. . .: '" . ' ' . .,
Adm irat ion . for. Jordl,Ta'rres ian f.reely -: MarcColomer was unable til continue and
'amongst his'competitors and other Insiders: : . : . ~as forced . to.ab'In~.on hiS. c~ for.second
. . .. .
' .
. . .. . . In the championship. Hecolhded With last- ·
D~ugleLampkln : ~JorcU iS lncredibli{ f:i~ is': placEid Lucio Bertoldo , ~hen ~as :slammed .
the king otthls year a nd thenext, Heistoo .,:.' a~alnst a .~etalguard rail, which prevented
. . hlrn from gOing over a cliff. He suffered contu·much.·. · .
. '
. '.
" .. '. . his (ace,'asptlalt bums and a severe
· Amos Bilbao: ·Joicil knows howto set the : : bruise bhis .right femur. Hereturned immedi- '
.tableandenjoya goOd .meal. 'He is rioi·the . " ately to BarCelona for medical atiention. . .
·champiQnby hick.·
'. ...' ~aiJ~'c'c~~se .~~ho~e'~o~~~ ~o ~ebU; i~ new .
. Takuml Nariia : ·it is pleasure to ' watch '. prototype; though.i.t was. not ridden in.the .
'~ordi ·win. He' Is In thewond. COli: . . trial. It appeared as though the Fantic.faCtoly'
gratulations to him. He has alwayshelped me : . Is ·recapture its. fOrmer glory;The bike:
and been a good.friend.· . ' . '
. . .. ." .has many new innovations,.including a new '
. ': . ... .. .
. . "249cc 'motor, a new.Buge shock and conven-:
'MIguel 'Clnira (Montesa):..•Jordi's sixth title' ' .tionalMarzocchi forl