Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Belgian Jacky Martens (1), aboard a Husqvama four-stroke chases down Great Brillan's Mervyn Anstle. Martens, the defending 500cc champ, won the first moto. Anstle reco rded 4-7 finis hes. following Sunday's 11th ro u n d, was Everts' downfall. He crashed off the track at a rutted sandy jump and broke a collarbone; after flying bac k to Belgium that evening. the break was pinned the follow ing da y (Th urs day). Ev erts intends to race at Budds Creek. It was at the very same Heinola track Donny Schmit clinched the 250cc Worl d titl e in 199 2, d esp it e a cra s h in t h e whoops during practic e. In th e abs ence of h is a r ch rival, .Albertyn was looking to take maximum advantage of the situati on on race day; but two falls in the opener, one as he moved menacing ly forward to challenge fourth, saw him restricted to fifth. A win in the second moto extended his renewed standings lead to 30 points, but was not quite enough to give him the GP win. That honor went to Frenc hman Yves Demaria for the third time in fo u r races . A first t u r n crash h a d restricted Demaria's scoring in Sweden. Ra ci n g was close in Sweden with plenty of passing. By contrast, both of the Finnish races were runaways, with few positional cha nges, even though the lower leaderboard was closely bunched all the way to the checkered flag. The Americans posted fluctuating results. Do nny Schmit dropped to sixth in the standings, despite being on the pa ce in Swed en, while Tallon Vohland could only pos t one re s u lt each w eekend. Tram pas Parker su ffered at the first tum ' in Sw eden, batt led to sixth overa ll in Finl and, advancing him back to eighth in the points table, on e place ahead of Vohland. a SwedlshGP Uddevalla, Sweden Results: July 10, 1994 (Round 10 of 15) MOTO 1: 1. Stela n Everts (Kaw): 2. Rob Herring (Kaw ); 3. Kurt N koll (Hon); 4. Greg Albertyn (Suz); S. Marnicq Berv oets (Suz); 6. Donny Sch mi t (Ya m); 7. Frede ric Bolley (Yam); 8. Pet er Joh an sson (Ya m);.9. Peter Iven (Kaw); 10. Yves Demaria (Ho n); 11. Tra m pas Par ker (KTIwf) 12. Miche le Fanton (Ka w ); 13. Paul Malin ; (Ya m); 14. Andreas Dygd (Ya m); 15. Collin Dugmore (Suz). MOTO 2; I. Albe rtyn; 2. Everts; 3. Bolley; 4. Nicoll; 5. Bervoets; 6. Tallon Vohland (Han); 7. Herri ng; 8. Schmit; 9. Paul Cooper (Hon); 10. Iven; 11. Johansson; 12. Edwin Evertsen (Hon); 13. Ma lin; 14. Andrea Bartolini (Yam ); 15. Dugmore. Ol k I. Stelan Everts (K.1w); 2. Greg AIbertyn (Suz ); 3. Kurt Nicoll (Hon); 4. Rob Herring (K.1w); 5. Frederic Bolley (Ya m ); 6. Mamicq Berv oets (Su z); 7. Donny Schmit (Yam); 8. Peter Johansson (Ya m ); 9. Peter Iven (K.1 10. Tall on Vohla nd (Hon). w); Finnish GP Helnola, Finland Results: July 17, 1994 (Round 11 of 15) M OT a 1: 1. Marnicq Be rv oet s (Suz ); 2. Yves Dema ria (Ho n); 3. Kurt N icoll (Hon); 4. Ta llon Vohland (Ha n); 5. Greg Alberty n (Suz); 6. Trampas Parker (KTM); 7. Peter Johansson (Yam); 8. Edwin Evertsen (Hon); 9. Andrea Barto lini (Yam); 10. Jai my Scevenels (Kaw); 11. Pete r Iven (Kaw); 12. Werner De Wi t (Suz); 13. Paul Coo pe r (H o n); 14. Miche le Fa nton (](a w); 15. Pa ul Malin (Yam). MO TO 2: 1. Albertyn; 2. De Wit; 3. Demaria; 4. Iven : 5. Joh ans son; 6. Evertsen; 7. Par ker; 8. Mark Eas tw oo d (H on ); 9. Malin; 10. Scevene ls; 11. Co lli n Dugmore (S u z); 12. Willie Van Wes se l (KTM) ; 13. Donny Sch mi t (Ya m); 14. Miska Aaltonen (Hon); 15. Erik Van K1 inken (K.1w) . a l A: 1. Yves Dema ri.. (Han); 2. Gr eg Albertyn (Suz); 3. Werner De Wit (Suz ); 4. Mamicq Berv oets (Suz ); 5. Pete r Joha nsso n (Yam); 6. Trampas Parker (KTM); 7. Peter Iven (Kaw) ; 8. Edwin Evertsen (Hon); 9. Kurt Nicoll (Hon); 10. Tallon Vohland (Hon). WOR LD C H A M P IO N SHI P 250« M X S ERIES POINTS STAN DI NG S (after 11 01 15roundsl : 1. Greg , Albe rtyn (319/2 wins); 2. Stefa n Everts (289/5); 3. Yves Demaria (230 /3); 4. Ma rnicq Berv oets (215) ; 5. Kurt Nicoll (193); 6. Donny Schmit (189/1 ); 7. Werner De Wit (148); 8. Trampas Parker (140); 9. Tallon Vohland (138); 10. Rob Herring (122); I I. Joakim Karlsson (112); 12. Frederic Bolley (99); 13. Andrea Bartolini (83); 14. Pet er Iven (83); 15. Peter Johansson (72); 16. Miche\e Fanton (63); 17. A1 essandro Puzar (49); 18. Paul Cooper (49); 19. Paul Ma1in (48); 20. Jaimy Scevenels (33). Upcoming Rounds: . Round 12 - Budds Creek, Maryland, July 31 Round 13 - Maracay, Venezuela, AugUS17 World Championship 125cc Motocross Series Round 8: San Marino GP Hot Duo BALDASSERONA, SAN MARINO, JULY17 ob Moo re retained his seven'point . a dvan ta ge over Italia n Al e ssi o Ch iodi, a s the du o trad ed 1- 2 moto pl acings in the San Marino GP, run in sizzling tempera tures at the rockhard Baldasserona track. Defendin g cha m p ion Pedro Tragter faded out of contention with three ro un ds re maining after accumulating just 17 points at the track high up in the Italian mountain state overlooking the Adriatic above Rimini; the Dutchman now trails Moore by 55 points. The Californian Yamaha-teamster, Moore, won the opener by six seconds, but trailed Chiodi home by 20 seconds in race two, losing the GP on the second moto decider. Bader Manneh had a troubled day on a track he usually ri d es so well, and scored jus t a single point to drop a place in the sta ndings to seventh. a B sen Marino GP Baldasserona, sen Marino Results: July 17, 1994 (Round 8 of 11) M OTO 1: 1. Bob Moore (Yam); 2. Alessi o Chiodi (H on ); 3. Ma uro Dal 'Lago (Ho n); 4. Massim o Bartolin i (TM); 5, Dave Strijbos (Suz) ; 6. Simone Girolami (Ho n); 7. John Van de n Berk (Suz); 8. Pedro Tragte r (Suz) ; 9. Fabio Bald ucci (Hon); 10. Cris tian 5tevanini (Ho n); 11. Mikael Maschio (Yam); 12. Caudio Federici (Yam); 13. Peter Beirer (Suz ); 14. Jochen Jasinski (K.1w); 15, Bader Manneh (Suz ). MOTO 2: 1. C hiod i; 2. Mo o re; 3. Strijb o s; 4. Bartolini; 5. Balducci; 6. Van den Berk, 7. Tragter; 8. Seifer; 9. Federici; 10. Philippe Dupasqu ier (Yam); 11. Frederic Vialle (Kaw); 12. Maschi o; 13. Ste va nini; 14. Eric Cannelengo (Hon); 15. Jasinski. 01 A : 1. A les s io C hiodi (Hon); 2 . Bob M oo re (Ya m); 3. Dav e Strijbos (Su z); 4. Massimo Bart olin i (TM ); 5. John Van den Berle. (Suz); 6. Fabio Balducci (Ho n); 7. Pedro Tragter (Su z) ; S. Mauro Dal -Lag o (Ho n) ; 9. Peter Beirer (Suz); 10. C laudio Federici (Yam ). WOR LD CHAMPIONSHIP 125« M X S ERIES POINTS STANDINGS (after 8 01 11 rounds >: I. Bob Moo re (247/3 wins); 2. Alessio Chiodi (240/3); 3. Pedro Tragter (192); 4. Mika el Pichon (152/1); 5. Dave Strijbos (148); 6. Ma uro Dal ' Lago (108); 7. Bader Manneh (102); 8 . Fr ed e ric Via ll c (102); 9. Peter Beirer (10 1); 10 . ·lI,;. . f Brle Y. •• Mass imo Bartolini (96); 1t . Mikael Maschio (71); 12. Leon Giesbers (71) ; 13. Fabio Balducci (63); 14. John Van d en Berk (49); 15. Oaudio Federici (33). Upcoming Rounds: Round9 - Goldbach, Germany, July 31 Round 10 - Foxhills, England, August7 flni~hed at the Luxembourg , 500cc MX,GP . Franco Rossi's sponsor . I DavldeDenti explained: 'When we went out .. " for a meal on Friday we found arestaurant A fuel sample taken from tne Honda ridden ' . which is the AC' Milano s upporters club,of by Paul Cooper at the Belgian 250cc GP ' . Luxembourg . We are go ing Ihe re tn ls J une 12 has proved not to be in conformity evenjng .~ , Four hours afte r the MX GP flnwith 1994 FIM rules: As a resutt, the South : 'ished, the Italian soccer team (half of which . Atncan-born Brit will be excluded from the play lor the Milan club in the Italian league), l results 'of the meeting, and have to pay back played Brazi in the, final of the World Cup at his pnzemoney when the International Jury : the Pasade na Rose Bowl. Histo ry now ,of the race 'has reconvened. Cooper is relates that the Italians did not cetebrate suc-. tracted to the same Honda Britain company cess there either, but, being Italian, they were as road race Superbike star Kevin Slight, who undou bte dly ~tiU jovial 'o n the long drive was also excluded for a fuel Infringement at .. home: :. the Donnlngton Park race 'e arlier this year , but the two incidents are ' in no way,related. ,Belgium will once again ignore all of their big' Slighr s exclusion was for excessive octane ' name 500cc GP stars for their M otocross des . rating, while Cooper's sample failed to meet Nations team: Team manager Johnny StrlJ-. .the lead content limits: The sample tested by bas will keep with tradition and not officially FIM testers Inchcape Testing Service sbowed- announce the'learn 'until the afternoon of the 0.93 gramsJIiter Compared wllh a race iegal Namur GP On AUgUS1 7, but it is known that , maximum of 0:56. Unlike the road race team- : he will keep 'faith with the s ame trio who ster, Cooper is responsible for obtaining his almost ended -America's 14 year unbeaten own fuel and was using race fuel from Howell' run last Fall. Werner De Wit will again ride 'a , ,Racing Fuel. This~ was ,nOI 'disputed by their '. 125; but Marnlcq Bervoets, 'now on Suzuki, European represe ntative James Berry "P.aul switches to'25OCC, with Stefan Everts due to . : was Lising fuel he obtained from us last year., race a 500cC for the first time ever; I advised him earlier in the season tnat this ' no longer mel' FIM regulations and offered to Other tea ms ' named to date are Sweden : sell him '94 legal gas as us ed by, Stefan' Marcus Hansson (500cc); Joaklm Karlsson' EvertS, but he (Cooper) declined: , Cooper's (250cc) and Fredr ik Werner (125cc); Gereventual exclusionfrom the results of the Bel- many: Dletfnar Lacher (5OOcc), Bernd Eckgian GP will see him drop 'to 19th In the eribach (250ce) and Peter Belrer (l 25cc): standings with 45 points. Paul Malin lsthe ' and the Swiss hosts : Christian Chanton ' only top-20 ga in a po lntat his '(500cci : Jerome ,Dupont (250cc) ,a nd .expense, moving to 18th, with a new total of . ' Philippe Dupasquie~ (1 2~). 49. There is 'no effect on \tie championship paCe. " ,. ' Georges 'Jobe 'w a~ ·on~e again Injured 'In Luxembourg; the. fIVe times title holder broke' a bone in his foot during qualifICation. . . 'i .wnen rac ing eon-