Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.... . . .,. .. I .... . . th ird a head of Marcelo Sa nchez as Huffman rolled on to the first-m oto win. Huffma n led Willoh and Sanchez to get the se co nd moto und erw a y . Huffman ' s s u persmoo th riding sty le mad e his winning the second moto al mos t loo k easy. WilIoh , who races on the sandy LACR circui t weekl y, was able to keep Hu ffman honest all the way to the checkered flag. Augu sto Freyt es, who is visitin g the United States from Argentina for a year to ga in racing experience here. collected double-mote wins in the 250cc Interm ed ia te class. Joe Haman finished in the runner -up po sition both Urnes ahead of Darren Elliott Results (Above) Damon Huffman (20) clash ed w ith Jeff Wllloh (216) for 250cc Pro ho no rs at the LACR motocro ss. Huff ma n came out on top in both motos for the overall w in. (Left) Kevin Jordan (show n) and t eam mate Eric Anderson roosted t o the ov erall wi n at the Gran Carrera de Tecate In Baja California, Mexico. OPEN B: 1. Dt-nnis Btickles (yam); 2. J"'Y Coll wd l (Kaw); 3. d Shaun 5wi:Jher (Hon). 25+: 1. Mike Morg an (Yam); 2. Keith G wi nn (ya m); 3. Doug las Collins (Kaw); 4. Wayne BayhoJ(Yam); S. Matt ~Witt ( l. 30+ : 1. Tun Ped. (Suz) ; 2. Terry Fout (Y.a m). 125 A: 1. J..mes Esckel (Ho n); 2. Heath Bennett (ya m); 3. Mike Bl.1 (Yam ); 4. Dick Hey (Hon ); S. F.ddy TUnlI;."f {Yam). ir 2SOA: 1. Janu.'S Eickel (Hon ); 2. Tommy Colli e r (Suz ); 3. Keith G winn (Yolm); 4. He a th Benne tt (yol ); S. Mike Morga n (Yam). m Anderson, Jordan maul at Gran Carrera deTecate By Tony Tellier HAOENDA5ANTAVERONICA TECATE, , B MEX, JUNE 18 .C., gate quickly and , after passing Keith Gwinn, led the fiel d . Hea th Ben nett chased Colli er , wh ile Eickel ripped th rough the field on the first lap a fter a bad start . Eickel moved up to third by the end of the first lap and caugh t Collier with less than two lap s to go, then the real race for the win began. Eick.el tried a couple of new lines in an effort to to pass Collier, who held the lead by a bike length wh en the y took the white flag. Collier and Eickel flew over the triple side by side and whe n the y went int o the next left -hander, Collier went wide. Eicke l tried to di ve under Collier without h itt ing him an d wa sh ed out, costing himself tim e. Collier held Eickel off in the grandstand wh oops and wen t on to a hardearned win. In th e second 250cc Pro moto, Eicke l and Collier ran away from the field , with Eickel in control of the lead . Bennett, Gwinn, Mike Mor gan and Rob Sturgell had a great race until crashes and sma ll erro rs moved Gwinn into the third sp ot ahead of Morgan and Bennett . Eickel took the win and overall victory ahead of Co llier, Gwinn, Morgan and Benn ett. Results 50: 1. Micha el Willard (KTM); 2. C h ris to phe r Robert son (Yam); 3. Tyler Gru bb (KTM); 4. Cody Poling (Han); 5. Travis McElfresh (Yam) . 65: 1. David Wh itcraft (Kaw); 2. Andrew WilL.rd (Kaw); 3. Chris Whi tcraft (Kaw); 4. Kyle Teel (Ka w ); S. Cody Ko va ch (Kaw ). MINI JR: l. Corey Arno ld (Kaw); 2. D.JVidWhitcraft (yam); 3. Eric Say lor (Kaw); 4. MfCibson (; S. Kyle Teel ( ). MlNI SR: 1. Ma r k Bu r k hart (Hon) ; 2. C h ri st o ph e r Berry (Ka w ); 3. Jason Ju sue (Ka w) ; 4. eNd RYim (Yilm) ; S. Robert Welch (Yam) . SCH 8Y: l. Scott McMillin (Kaw); 2. Mark Bur khart (Hon); 3. Ch ristop her Be")' (Ka w) ; 4. Jason [u ska e (Suz ); S. C had Ryan lSuz). 40 1 ~24 : 1. C raig Billin pley (Hon ); 2. Todd MoUSt'l' (1C.l w ); 3. Brian Uum (Yam ); 4. Greg tusk (Suz ); S. Terry Co llins (Suz). 125 B: 1. Sco tt McMillin (Ka w ); 2. Todd Mouse r (Ka w ); 3. Scott Shafer (Suz) ; 4. Patri ck McPherson (1C.l w); S. Do ug Co llins (Kaw). 125 C: 1. Esle l Walton (Suz); 2. Chuck Kil kenny (Suz); 3. Lenn Tennant (Kaw); 4. Chris Kuhn (Ka w ); S. ~ Bennington y (Ya m). 2SO B: 1. Jackie We lkrr (Yam ); 2. G~ Lusk (Suz) ; 3. C ra ig Billingsley (H on) ; 4. Ryan Bridles (Y.m); S. Brian Litten (Yam). 250 C: 1. Estel Willian (Suz); 2. A.aron McC.Jin (Yilm); 3. Brian End il (Suz); 4. Chuck Kilkenny (Suz ); S. Kenn y Gambm (Yam). . Eric And erson and Kevin Jordan had to battle the dust from a middle-of-the-pack start to ga in the lead on thei r purple Rocket Rex KXSOO and then hold off the competition for the overall victory at Baj a P ro mo t io n 's Gran C arrera d e Tecate. Within se ven miles of the Los Sahuaros sta rt, . Jordan was on San Felipe Bob Surmon 's rear wheel, but Surmon took a wrong tum and Jordan wa s gone. The winning du o battled with th e scourge of SCOR E, Tim Morton and Steve Mitchell . Morton, riding with Mitchell on the signature gre yand-black TNT/ NCY/ FMF/CPW/ Trick-backed CR250, suffered brake problens while ha vin g to deal with the trucks that m ixed it up with the mot orc ycles and ATVs over th e three- lap race. The team would later finish seco nd. Meanwhile, Jordan, an AM A H ar e an d Hound a ce, su rvived a front-end sw a p while running behind a car and continued on to a five-minute margin of victory . Results 0 / A : 1. Eric Anderson /Kev i n Jorda n (Kaw); 2. Tim Morton / Tex Mitchell (Hon); 3. Osca r Garcia / Arturo Sa.1a. (!Caw); 4. Steve Stevens!John Alexander (X..J w); S. Rusty O arJu./ JCeon Ta pt"l1 (Kaw ). Huffman hauls at LACRMX By Greg Robertson PALMDALE, CA,JUNE 17 Team Suzu ki fac tory rid er Damon Huffman made a vis it to California Racing Club's Friday night motocross at Los Angeles Cou nty Racewa y and picked up so me spe nding mon ey by topping the 250cc Pro class . Jeff Will oh nailed the fir st-m oto hol eshot wit h Hu ffman on his rear fender. Huffman literally rode in Willoh 's shado w un til the third lap when he railed around Willoh to take the lead . Willoh wa sn 't about to let Huffman get awa y as he stayed close enough to show Huffman his front fender a few times during the following lap . Huffman washed out slightly head ing into a tum, and Willoh wa s too close to avoid conta ct and w ent down. Willoh recovered to fini sh r /w 8--2: 1. Amn Tamola; 2. Christopher Janckh (Y,1m). P/ W 8-1: 1. Jared Tcbo (Yam); 2. Charles Mcs.wr (Yam). r /w A: 1. Ryan Roybal (Ya m) . P/ WMO D: 1. Sean Collier (Yam) . 60 BEC : l. ' e rem y Cruse (Kaw ); 2. Broc Ha rm on (Kaw); 3. Brett Mounta in (Kliw) : 4. Aron To mo la (Kaw ); 5. Sle ve n Cisa r (lGtwl· 60 (().8) : 1. Seen Co Wer (K.a w); 2. DLike Marg heim (Kaw ); 3. John,lt han Newma n (Kaw ); 4. An thony &rbacovi (Kaw ); S. Brad Uow e (K.w ). 60 (9-11): 1. ScOtt Howe (Kaw); 2. Ge rard Piltin (K.iw) . 80 BEe : 1. Chaz Smi th (Kaw ); 2. lad Hamon (Yam); 3. James Hanson (Suz l; 4. Je ff Versep ut (Suz). 80 (7-11): 1. Ch ris Tocco ISuz); 2. JOn.l than Shi mp (Suz ); 3. Scott How e (Suz ); 4. Justin Mer ambk (Yam); S. J.R. Terry (Suz ). 80 (12·13): 1. Ito Pceca (Ya m); 2. CakoNobel (Suz ); 3. Micha d Young (Suz) ; " .Louie R..amirez (Ya m );~. Ad am Boha nna n (Kaw). 80 (14. 16): 1. Ceorge La Monte (Su z ); 2. Nick Butte rwort h (Yam ). BG WIlt: 1. Chris Torres (Kaw ). 125 BEG: 1. Brit Ja ckson (K..w) ; 2. Mi ke Werd (Ka w ); 3. Tra vis Smith (yam); 4. Gabi Aba yo u (Hon); 5. W. rren Hopkins (Yam) . 125 NOV: I. Mike Collier (1C.lw); 2. Eric And ersen (Kaw l; 3. Mike Ha rris (Suz) ; 4. Kevin Tarwater (Suz); S. Mich~1 Rowla nd (Kaw ). 125 lNT: I. N ick Mairost" (Suz) . 250 BEG: I. Gary Thom psen (Hon ); 2. Jason Stockto n (Kaw); 3. Owd Davis (Yam); 4. Rick No lte (Suz); S. Dud o., vi5 (Ya m). 250 IfIIT 1. Aug u,to Frey tcll (K.lw); 2. Joe Haman (Hon) ; 3. : Da rren Elliott (Honl. 250 PRO: I. Da mo n H uffman (Su z); 2. Jeff Willoh (Kaw); 3. Ma rcelo Sanch ez (Kaw). sao BEG: 1. ChoJrles Shannon (Ho n). JR VET BEG: I. Edd ie Bureaux (Suz); 2. Phil ip Kuhn (Yam) . J R VET NOV: 1. Mi ke Lucas (Ka w) ; 2. S hau n Langham (Ya m); J. Bryce John son (Hon). J R VET INT: 1. Mik e Crosby (Ka w); 2. Da niel Cle ve la nd (Yam); 3. Dal'Tl'l\Ellio tt (Han); 4. Malcolm Solley (t-Ion) . JR VET EX: 1. Ion b hrt (Yam) ; 2. John POllCo1 (Kaw) . VET BE 1. Dean Lane (Yam); 2. 10 hn Knig ht (; 3. J.J. G: fum!! (Suz) ; 4. Kurt Kliewer (Suz ); 5. Scott Mo untain (Ya m). VET NO V: I. Russ McAfl-e (Ydm ); 2. Tom MiIIl'1'(K.1W). ' VET IfIIT 1. Jot'l Seals (Suz ); 2. Martin Ci!l.ilr (Kaw) . : VET PRQ 1. Rodne y Morrison (Ho n); 2. Mdrk Ho rton (Yaml. SR NOV: 1. Dave Arno ld (Hon ). Schultzstomps Big Boot Enduro By F. H. Leghorn EUREKA, CA JUNE 12 , The 1982 500cc Nationa l Moto cro ss cha mp ion, Darrell Schultz, made a winnin g End uro debut a t the Big Boot Enduro held on Louisiana Pacific property north of Eureka, topping a strong field of AMA District 36 riders to earn a narrow victo-ry over Marty Walden. Schu ltz had the good fortune of riding with Da vid Booth, one of th e top en du ro riders in District 36. Booth wasted no time getting his da y off to a good start, scoring a 1:15 to lead all competitors afte r (em ergency) chec k on e. Wald en closely followed, scoring 1:19 to lead the 1:20 of Schultz . Previous event wi nne r Josh Cha nd ler had his da y get off to another poor start when he scored a 2:05. Booth, Schu ltz and Chandler led all riders at check three. Schultz and Cha nd ler continued at the front af ter chec k four, but the y just missed zero ing the check while pursuers Wald en , Chand ler and Edd ie Diaz did zero it, a llow ing them to close the gap. After the first loop , tho se five riders all had th ree points. A long test section between checks five and six bro u ght the le a d g roup d own to tw o . Sc h u ltz e lec ted to ri s k p as sin g Booth and dropped only three points, matching the scores turned in by Cha nd le r a nd Don Knapp. Th e other leading con te nd ers all dropped fo u r, putting Schul tz alid Chandler back on top . With one last test to run, Wald en need ed to b e at Sch ultz and C hand ler by on e point to se ize the ove ra ll victory - and he nearl y accompli sh ed th at. Comi ng into e me rge ncy chec k se ve n at 4:00 he lea d all rid ers, but wa s one seco nd s ho rt o f th e sin g le point he nee d ed . Knap p closely followed with a 4:10 w h ile Sch ultz once aga in passed Booth to score a 4:29 to Booth's 4:41. Chandler had the misfortune of d am a g ing a hand guard, cau sing h is front brak e to lock on repeatedl y, resulting in a score of 5:37. When th e day's point s were tallied , Schu ltz po sted 10 po ints as a result of his blazing speed for the ove rall victory over th e heartbreakingly close 11.259 of Walden. Knapp's stro ng second , loop pulled h im in t o third overall with an 11.288 to narrowly beat th e 11.296 of Booth. Chand ler was able to sa lva ge fifth w it h an 11.397. Results A Sf"TSMN: t:"Ma rty Waldrn (Hon) ; 2. Don Knapp (Suz); 3. David Booth (Hon); 4. Jos h Chandlcr(Suz); S. RalS Liberty. A VET: 1. Darrell Schultz (Su 7. ; 2. Da ve Froma n (Kaw); 3. ) Ha rry Abbott; 4. Bob ~ (Yam). Garneranother one at Cycleland Supercross By Rex Harris OiICO, CA JUNE 17 , MG M Truc kin g 's Ky le Ga rne r proved on ce again that he is "Kin g of the SO's " as he easil y out-d istanced his compe tition to take' the win a t Cycleland's Frida y night Supercross. The BOcc main got under way with Kawa saki pi lot Mike Howarth grabbing the holesh ot and leadi ng the pa ck through the first turn and into th e whoop section . His lead wa s short-lived, howev er , as b oth Ga rn er a nd Nikki Harris jumped past Howarth when the trio hit the first big double. Garner qu ickly pu shed his Suzuki to th e front with Harris, Howarth. Aaron Burns and Ch ris McA voy giving chase. On lap tw o, Bums powered-past Howarth to take ove r third, whi le Kevin Brown took advantage of a bobble by McAvoy to mov e into the fifth sp ot and set his sights on Howarth. Brown cras hed on a short set of doubles and wa s unable to continu e, while up front Gamer continued to str etch his lead wit h every lap. On lap six, the lead ers beg an to encoun ter tappers and Ga mer bla sted by with no problem. Harris got trapped beh ind some slower riders, allowing Burns to close right up on her rear fend er. With Gam er a ll a lone out front, Harri s had her hands full fending off a charging Bums. Behind them, McAvoy had recovered from his earlier miscu e and steadi ly worked his wa y through the pack to fifth. At the finish, it was Gamer takin g the wi n foll ow ed by Harris, Bums, Howarth and McAvoy. In 12Sec action , Lowe ll Moural Jr. retu rne d afte r a w e ek ' s a bsen ce to show so me o f th e speed that he he 's been exhi biti ng at the 125cc West ern Regi on a l Su pe rcross Ser ies by totall y d om inatin g the race. John Leddy was the runner-up, with Dylan Blackwe ll, Richa rd Felix and Darrell Valase k roundi ng ou t the top five. Results 50: 1. B.' . Powell (Ya m); 2. Bobby Ba m " (Ya m) ; 3. Kyle c.oret.,."ro (y a m); 4. lacob Em ler (Yam); S. Ricky William" (ya m). 60: 1. Eric Ny fO (Kaw ); 2. lack Wood ward (l

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