Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Eisenacher took the win and $250 in first-place purse mon ey, with Gibbs second and Blessed also gelling by Church for third. Results AM l/W CP: 1. o.rrell Ryal s (yam); 2. Jeff l.ongbo"om (Yam); 3. Dustin SprTbu (Y.un ); 4. Williim Gray (Y.un); S. ~ '-an (yam). EX L/W GP: 1. Prrry Mrlnec:iuc (H on); 2.. P.aul NettJtrom (Ya m); 3. Paw Wri&ht (Yam); 4. lad y Rqrnold. (ya m ); 5. St~ Hous&ry (Kaw). AM M/W CP: 1. ChaM Br"nk (Suz); 2.}Of' W.-nn (Han); 3. Do u& Giw-s (Hon ); 4. Timothy Hammitt (Su z); S. seeve Bu"Y (Han~ EX M /W Cr: 1. PftTY Melneciuc (Hon) ; 2. GiovAnni Roj.u (HOf1) 3. Sk>_ RrJr.n (H on ); 4. lA'on Eddins (Ho n); S. Slwron ; E.rthmln (Suz). UN I. Billy Ei!W'Nchr-r (y a m) ; 2. Brian Gi bbs (Hon); 3John BIf'SlM"d (lion); 4. Grant l.opn (Hon); 5. ~ Q\urch (Hon). AM L/W 5$ : 1. D.urTll Ryals (Vol m); 2. Jeff Longbottom (Ya m); 3. Sh awn Redel (Hon l; C. SIl"Ve' Blisa (Hon); S. c.rolyn Th urlow evJlm). EX L/W 55 : 1: r .ul Nene retre m (Yam); 2. Da v id. P.absl (YAm); 3. George ae.avill (; 4. Richie Morris (yolm) . AM M!W 55 : 1. Q"uW5 Br,Jnk (Su r.); 2. JOt Warrm (Hon ); 3. Ron Howard (H on ); 4 . Rob Wil!Of1 (Hoo); S. Jon 5chroht (Hon). EX M/W SS: 1. Brian Gibbs (lion); 2. Giov "nni Roj.ts (Hon ); •3. Gr an t Lopee (H on) ; 4. Mallei Crepeau (Hon); 5. Stev~ Rem cr (Hon). AM H / W S& 1. Owrll"!l 8r~nk (5 uz); 2. Shane Prido (K;iIw); 3. JoeWuttn (Hon ); 4. Doug Gi les (Hon); 5. Jon Schroht (Hon). EX H / W 55 : 1. 8mn Gibbs (Hon); 2. Jack Dupree (Yam); 3. Jeffrey Johnson (Hon ); 4. Jam te BrAdenburg (Hon) ; 5. Kri th floyd (Soz). U/ L 55 ; 1. ~n~ Chu rch (Ho n) ; 2.. Krvi n Hu nt (Hon) ; 3. Dan ny Rob.:rts (Hon); 4. Tod d K«o- (Hon) ; S. Chri, Stft' le (Hon) . AM L/W S/BK; 1. D.ureU Ry.l, (y.m); 2. Ron F..irlry (Hon ); 3. Seb..~I i.l n Didalo (y ..m ); 4. Jef f Longbot to m (y..m ); S. Shiwn Rodd (tl on ). EX L/W 5 / 81(: 1. r..u l Netlerstrom (Vam ); 2. Robert A u h (Hon); 3. Pa ul Wrigh t (Yam); 4. Tad Roma n (yoIm); S. Devid p"btt (yam) . AM M / W S/ BK: 1. Ch.lfl~ , 8ranlt (Su:r;); 2. Jon Sch roM (Hon); 3. Itria O ubb (Hon) ; 4. Michae l (Hon); S. Stev e 8uny (Hon ). EX M /W 5/ 81(: 1. John 8ko$sed (Hon) ; 2. l..ftX'I Edd ins (Han); 3. Sharon F..Irthtn.m (Suz); 4. Skoff Hous ley (Ka w); S. Larry DodlIOII(Hon). AM H /W S/ 8K.:. 1. CNrl" Brolnlt (Su z); 2. Sholf\f' Prieto ( ); 3. TlmOthy H.unmitt (Suz); 4. jdffty Heam (J(.1w); S. Bill _(Honl . EX H/W S/ 8K: 1. John BIr.mrd (lion); 2. J~ Dupme (Yarn); 3. ~th Floyd (Suz) ; 4. kon Edd ins (Hon). AM l /W S/TW, 1. C 't-.oy (Hon); 2. Richa rd AM H/ W SUT'E Lon ad .. lr (Hon) ; 3. Sr-buti. n Did ato (Due); 4. Robv1 Brooks ~w).; S. Alan Robbins (Han). EX H /W S/ lW: l. Ge rald Young (Hon); 2. SIeve Ho usl e y rge Hatnmel (Kaw); 2. Mark Sullivan (Suz); 3. Cnog 8 rydl t' (Y"m); 4. Mike Weining (Hoo) ; 5. Thomas Stuckey (Hon ). 115 INT: 1. Jerem y Giroir (Ya m ); 2. Casey Peck (yam) . 2SO BEG 1. Shawn Dunne (Yam); 2. Kell Karns (Kaw ); 3. Jim y Limp (Ho n); 4. To ny Ci",avlno ( Han); 5. Cord ie Lock wood Im ~(Hon ). O PEN" BEG: 1. Strv~ Gani:son (Iicwl); 2. John BeaYft (lion); 3. Todd Scoggin(Hon); ... Craig Mabr.y (Hon) ; 5. John Nova k.(Hon) . O PEN NOV; 1. Chris Jorda n (Hon); 2. Chns Hernrws(Hon). O r EN L"lT: 1. MiL! Ha lpm (KlM). SR INT : 1. Jeff ~ (Suz); 2. MiU Halpin (KTM); 3. ' im Prov ine (Hon); 4. Creeth (ATK). SR NOV ; 1. Ranel Coli. (K.a w); 2. M.rk Andenon (Hon) ; 3. St.l~y Milu-r (Y. m); -I. 8 r.d layden (lC.Iw); 5. Stn- I" C..,ri~ O lon ). • 40+ : 1. Tom Sh inn (Hon); 2. (Y"m). o 80 TRr UYLSS RDR: 1. Ry. n Oreoln (Su z); 2. To m Ros ner (Han); 3. Abrolh.1mShouR (I-tun). DC BK TRPHYlSS RDR: 1. Ti m Hrlllthcox (Hon); 2. Stc'Ven Ring~ (Y~); 3. J,t.k.e EtchoI t (Han);". Gordon Rolmer (Yam); r 'im S. ~ ~g cY"m ). pulled away for the win. Trent Hansen holeshot the second moto b ut Hun ter and Stone quickly passed the Bud ke Ho nd a rid er. On the four th lap, Hunter took the lead and pulled away from Stone for the overall win. Results Three Pro winners at Outlaw Motocross By Kelly Kisi cki Photo by Rod Pickens ASHLAND, NE, JUNE 12 Chri s Hu nter, Mark Morris and Doug Stone split wins in the th ree Pro classes they compe ted in d uring round seven of the Ou tlaw MXSeries. Stone grabbed the holeshot in the first 12Sec Pro class moto followed by Chris Hu nter and his younger brother, Paul. Stone was on the gas and p ulling away from Chris Hunter, whi le back in the pac k Morri s w as providing all the exci t~ men t in wor king his way up to the front after crashing on the first lap. At the checkered flag it was Stone followed by Chris Hun ter, Morris and Paul Hunter. Before the start of the second 12SeePro dass mo to, a ll of the rid er s were warned tha t the sweeper had been warerro and was very slick. It would prove to be a haza rd throughout the moto . Chris Hu nter grabbed a majo r holeshot and was p ulling away from Morris and Stone. After work ing his way by Morri s, Stone set ou t to catch Hu n ter. At the ha lfway ma rk, Hu n ter slid off the track wh ile nego tiating the watered sweepe r; thi s allowed Ston e to tak e over the lead. Hunter got up and running agai n, bu t had to deal w ith a hard~ a rg ing Morri s, who made a move 10 go unde r a .more-ca u tious Hunter thro ugh the sweeper. It did n't work out, though. as Morris wen t down and had to settle for third overall. Ch ris Hunter grabbed the holeshot on his Pro-Cir cuit Suzuki to take the lead in the first 250cc Pro moto. Hunt er looked flawless, lead ing the pack until the halfway mark wh en Morri s railed all the outsid e bowl turns to pass him and take a comfortable win. Morris was followed by Hunter and Stone. In the second mot o, Morri s grabbed the holeshot and never looked back, tak ing the win . Stone was second and Hunter was third, having worked his way back up after surviving a pile--upon the start. In the Ou tlaw class, Chris Hunter grabbed the first-moto holeshot, but then Stone jumped to the inside of Hunter exiting the whoops and 125 A: 1. Doug Stone (Kaw); 2. Chri s Hunter (Suz); 3. M.rk Morris (YoIm) 4. Pa ul Hun ter (Suz); S. Kyle Shull (lCaw). ; 2SO A: 1. Mol k Morris (Ya m); 2. Doug Stone (K.1w ); 3. Ch ri, r ) Hu nl" (Suz); 4. Stew Bolin (Suz. ; S. Trent H"ru.en (Ha n). OPE N O llTLA W: I. Chris Hu n l~ r (SU%); 2. Do ug S to nl" (Kaw); 3. Tre nt H"n lilt'n (Ho n); 4. 8 ri.J.n Stoot' (K.1w ); 5. Rubert Robey (Hon) . 125 OPEN : 1. Darin Fritzson (lCa 2. w); Smith (l<.I.w). 250 C NOV ; 1. Ktovin Hnm (H an); 2. Loren Kellen (K.Iw ); 3. Billy Pudrv" (Kaw ); 4. Stl'1.'C' Smith (Yam); 5. roll ThorNl5 (Hon). • 250 B INT: I. Lance 8rooks (y . m); 2. WoI m:n Edward (Yam); 3. John Knopp (lCaw ); 4. JrU Hoov~r (Ha n) ; S. Kris Sond~rup '"m ie (Suz~ P / W: 1. Colton Mclain (Yam) ; 2. Alan Pt'tPBOll (YoIm ); 3. Mik Ci gd lNn (Yam); 4. lory CAhoan (Y,am); 5. Krys1yn leiie' (Suz~ 60; 1. Boom...,. JOfIl"5 (; 2. Jared McClain (J:;aw); 4. Zlrp (K.Iw ). Robey (~ w); 3. Brol di n 30+, 1. ... """"r (Hon); '- ).un

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