Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS······· .Edited 1 by Scott Rousseau .. , ',' . , ' . ·'· 1 (Abov e) Greg Yo ung (53) leads Willie Surratt (26) in MX act ion at Perris Raceway. Young sco red the 30+ Pro victory while Surratt was the 500cc Pro winner. (Left) Eric Hess topped the Open Expert class during round nine of the . TCCRA cross country event at the Mos ler Valley MX Park. Results Hoenshell hip at Mosier Valley Cross Country . By Darryl Smith 36 EULESS, TX,jUNE12 Cla y H oen sh ell domin at ed th e Pr o cl ass a t round nin e of th e Texas Cross Country Racing Association (TCCRA) held at the Mosier Valley MXPark. Hoenshell, a regular at the Friday night MX here, w iths tood the hot a nd humid Su nday afternoon conditions to collec t his seventh win of the se ries. The Yamaha-Suzuki of Texas / . MSR/TR/DB5-backed Hoenshell and his main competitor, Dean Lane, gated well. Jeremy Fipps was close behind. Lane moved by to lead the first lap when Hoens hell missed an arrow, then Hoenshell overtook La ne bn the MX po rtion, only to be repassed on a long straight tha t para lleled the railroa d tracks . Hoenshell motored by Lane in the followi ng woods and led the next five lap s, bu ild ing a one-mi nu te lead over th e K1M3OO of Lane. Fipps ended the day in third , two minutes behind Lane. Eri c Hess and Dav id Culpep per p rovid ed the most entertainment today as they both rode th e m orn ing Four-Stroke Expert race and the lat er Open Expert dass. C ul pepper too k th e ear ly glory afte r non-stop pr essu re from Hess. Th e a fternoon rem a tch wa s just like the early race, with Culppe pper getting the holeshot and Hess ho unding at his heels. Cu lpeppe r, on a Thumper Racing-mo dified DR370, and Hess, on a Sunshi ne Racing /FLS Racing / Al La mb's Hus ky 610, hooked up on the hard-packed dirt and left the two-str okes behind. Hess managed to get by at the hal fway po in t, and soo n afte r that Culpep per's bike d ied. H is headli ght wire d iconn ected, shorting ou t the motor. By the time he figured out wha t was wrong, Hess was long gone. Bert Reynolds wo rked up from a terr ible sta rt and ninth after the first lap, to take second. Ray Jennin gs a nd Jim McQueary put their CRSOOs in third and fourth, whi le Cul pepper got rollin g again in time to grab fifth. PRO "t. Clay Hoens hell (502); 2. Deen Lane'(KTM); 3. Jen-my Fipps (Hon ); 4. Donnie McMillon (yilm); 5. O liver Benens (Suz ). 0 / A EX; 1. Tod Myers (yam); 2. Mike Abbott (Yam); 3. Glenn Boyett (Ya m); 4. Eric H~ (H us); 5. Bert Reyn olds (kTM). OPEN EX; 1. Eric Hess (H us ); 2. Bert Reyno lds (KTM); 3. R.:Jy Jen ni ngs ( Ho n ); 4. Jim McQuea ry (Ho n); 5. Oilvid Cu lpeppe r (Suz ). 250 EX: 1. Mike Abbott (Yam); 2. Erik Nielsen (Yam); 3. Jod y Wall (Yam); 4. Adrian Jacobs (Yam); 5. Kev in Lowrim o re (Ha n). 200 EX; I. Tracy Ander,; (Kaw); 2. Edd ie U nn (Kaw); 3. Wilfred Be gea u ll: (Kaw); 4. Timoth y Gillis (K.1w); 5. Larry Zimm e r..... man (Kaw). 125 EX; 1. Tod Myers (y <1 m); 2. Glen Boyett (Ya m); 3. Jose ph Hou ght on (Hon); 4. Ve rnon Dav idson (Han ); 5. Corey Pratt (Suz ). 30-1- EX: 1. Jimmy J~n (Ho n); 2. Bobby Southard (Yam ); 3. Robert Ga llegotl (Kaw) ; 4. Greg Edg e rto n (Hon); 5. David Smith (Kaw ). 3H-I- EX: 1. Sam Baker (Ho n); :t Frank Shadk"l' (Yam ); 3. John K~a wczyk ( KT M). 4. Rick Hillhou se (Ho n); 5. Rand y Ham lin (Yam ). ~ 45-1- EX: 1. Loyd Morgan (y am ); 2. Mike Ead s (Kaw ); 3. Gene Pannell (Ho n); 4. Bill Flem ing (Yam) ; 5. Richard Thome (Ya m). 250 INT: 1. Donn ie Cl uck (Yam ); 2. Ricky Lambe rt (Yam); 3. Don Hen s o n (Yam ); 4. Greg Pip pi n (Suz) ; 5. Dav id Hardman (Ya m). 125 INT : 1. Gary Rami rez (Ha n); 2. Robert She rer (Suz ); 3. Shannon Butler (Hon); 4. Marcus Langford (Suz); 5. Philip Reiter (Yam) . . 30-1- INT : 1. Brian Dora n (Hon); 2. Rick Haley (ya m); 3. Russ Clark (KTM);4.. Don Donal d (Yam); 5. Ronald Hol ma n (Kaw). 38-1- INT: 1. Carl DeJarnt"att (Kaw ); 2. Duane Horto n (Kaw) ; 3. Per ry Ne ttles (y am) ; 4.. Joh n W. Dea ns (Kaw ); 5. Mike Mitche ll {ya m). 45-1- tNT : 1. Alan Da vis (Suz) ; 2. Butch Lawraso n (Yam); 3. Kerry Foste r (Yam); 4. Will Stid d (Yam ); 5. Larry Dodson (Ho n). 4-STRK EX: 1. Da vid C ulpepper (Suz) ; 2. Eric H~ (H us ); 3. Bren t Sellers (Hon); 4. Cou rtney Christi.ln (Ha n); 5. Douglas Ha ll (Yam). 0 / A AM: 1. Dav id Wid ner (Kaw ); 2. Tod d Holdert (Yam ); 3. Ro be rt Sm it h (Ha n ); 4. Jim m y Will ia ms (Ya m); 5. Da vid COil: (Kaw) . 1. Robe rt Sm ith (Hon); 2. David Call: (Kaw ); 3. O PEN A Mike O hlha usen (Hon) ; 4. Tod d Ha mm el (H us ); 5. Sieve Sp rong (A TK ). 250 AM : 1. David Widner (Kaw ); 2. Todd Ho lde r (Ya m); 3. Jimmy Williams (Yam ); 4. Do n Boyett (Ho n); 5. Tod d Hu tson (Ya m). .. 200 AM: 1. David Holybee (Kaw ); 2. Tod d Herndon (!

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