Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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OJ.O race, with Nash pressuring u ntil he made a co u r ageous pass on the fast downhill straightaway and rode on to victo ry . Moto two wa s also w on b y Na sh, followed by Nyblod and thirdoverall rider DougGrant, aboard an AJS Stormer. Nash also took home the winner's plaque in SOOcc Expert competition, defeating Blazek. The +50 Int ermed iat e class was 13 r id ers st ro ng , but th e st ro ngest was Veneta, Oregon's Charle s Standeford, who w altze d to a d o u b le- moto w in ahead of Dick Stidham and Ron Clawson, who traded second- and third-place finishes. Women's Novice action saw the CZS of Janet Borg and Debb ie Poole finish 12, wh ile new en trant Sa ra Ligh tfoot steered her Hond a fou r-stroke-powered Rickman to thir d. Jack's Cu stom Machine' s Jack Callinsky had an easy ride aboa rd his BSA C1S in Prem ier Ligh tweight Intermedia te, win ni ng quite h andily ove r t he Greeves Motocross Special of Dou g Shepherd and the C1S of Rick Sheasby. Reese Dengler brought out hi s banana-framed Jawa 402 and proceeded to win the Premier 500 II Novice division, after spli tting moto victories with Bultaco EI Bandido rider Steve Sprague; Mike Lightfoot's Rickman Triumph was a third. SINCE lliE UNrlED srA1lS ~ PRIX F!lQf CAME10 CAl.lFORNlAS IAGUNA SB:A RACFNK:lIN 1988, AMERICAN !UXX: RIDEQ HAVE lHN UNBEATABLE. ANDRJR '94 LCCAL IOYS KEVIN 9:HWANIZ i) 3. Ken Brynn (CZ); 4. Ken Gerard (H on); S. Jack ; Callinsky (Ma i). +40 EX: I . Doug G ra n t (AJ5); 2. Bill Row (Hon); 3. Rob Poole (BSA). +50 NOV: I. Joe Monger (Hon) ; 2. Ald en Robertson (CZ) ; 3. To m Bro wn (CZ); 4. Lan e Allen (Bul ); 5. Paul Elmore (BSA). +50 INT: 1. C ha r les S ta nd ef o rd ( Ma i) ; 2. Dick Stidha m (Yam): 3. Ron Cla wson (Mai); 4. Steve Hea ne y (Tri); S. Robert N ew (CZ) . +50 EX: 1. Bill McClin ton (BSA); 2. Danny Da vies (BSA). P REM LTWr NO V: 1. Phil Benedict (BSA); 2. Bill Sarnstag (Gre ). PREM LTWr INT: 1. Jack Callinsky (BSA); 2. Do u g She pherd (Gre); 3. Rick Sheasby (BSA ). PREM LTWr II NOV: 1. Verne Elmore (Ossa); 2. John Gulliford (Ossa); 3. Bill Sarnstag (Gre) . P REM LTWr I1INT: 1. Rod ney H enninger (Hus); 2. Keith Lynas (Ossa): 3. Morris Sto umen (Che-BS A). PREM LTWr II EX: I. Rob Poo le (BSA); 2. John Le Fevre (Hus). P REM SOO INT: 1. Jo hn Ford (Vel ); 2 . Pe ter Cruttenden (Tri-BSA ); 3. David Keil (B5A). • PREM 500 EJ(, 1. Ma tt Hilgenberg (Ric-Tri) . PREM SOO II NOV: 1. Reese Dengler Qaw); 2. Steve Sprague (Bu l); 3. Mike Lightfoot (Rie-Tri ); 4. Ed Reedy (Tn ). P REM 500 II EX: 1. John I.e Fevre (Hus). PREM O PEN TWIN INT: 1. Steve Heaney (BSA); 2. Norm Shields (Tri-BSA); 3. Ge rald Rag ers (AJ$). PREM OPEN TWIN EX: I. Danny Davies (Tri ). BREAK OURfIVE.fOR.FIVE WINNINGsrnEAK. =-us:::P WINNm> FOlLOW lHl: GPS ON __ 1988 5::IdleIa= USA 1989 >fuyneR::Jiney USA 1m >fuyne R::Jiney USA 1991 >fuyne R::Jiney USA 1993 Jahn Kcanski USA July 5, Almi:Jn GP6 PM July 12, German GP6 PM July 26. L:\JId) IT6 PM ~ 2. Ilo1i:::n GP6 PM ~ 4. Flench GP 10PM ~ 16 Iilitm GP6PM . (West a::osttro:J::t=t i I - F1JM \1.l:rld ~ r- - - - - - - - - - - ----------- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - ---- - - - - , Attach Label Here ,... For FASTEST service attach mailing label. Please allow 3 weeks for chan ge to take effect. If label is not available print your name and old address in this box. Print your NEW address here. . NAME ADDRESS L CITY _ _ __ _ _ _ STATE _ _ ZIP Mail to: Circulation Dept. Cycle News , Inc. 220 1 Cherry Avenue , Long Beach, CA 90806 ~ 33

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