Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Kawasaki Let the good times roll. Yes, knowthyself.Because the machinegracing these pagesextends the outer limits of anything you've experienced in your motorcycling career. Knowing thyself means knowingone's limits - which is important, because the 1994 Ninja ZX-9R will unveilterritory unknown to youterritory reachableonly on a machinecreated from the sum of Kawasaki's revered engineering and performance-creating abilities. It's territory that demands respect.Andresponsibility. How doesthe Ninja ZX-9R take youinto the uncharted? Witha mindboggling combination that takes the best ofKawasaki's championshipwinning Ninja ZX- 7and the Speed KingNinja ZX-ll. The ZX-9R's exceptional power comes from a liquid-cooled 899ccenginefed by a bank of big, 40mmcarbs and Kawasaki's exclusive TwinRam Airintake system. Everyother K-bike fitted with this system simply annihilates everything in its class: It's up to your imaginationwhat the ZX·9R willdo. It's all harnessed in a ZX-7 based frame, one with geometry and rigiditygood enough to have won ten championships on the national and international level. You don't need an imagination to knowwhat that means-the facts speak loudand clear. And your first ride will punctuate them. If youthink youknow yourself, ride a ZX·9R. You11learn things you never knewwere possible. The Ninja ZX-ll needs nointroduction-the world motorcycling press has taken care ;;r that. Andfor the fourth incredible year in a row, it1l be the sport-touringsuperbikeagainst which the others are judged, Andlike in the past fouryears, they1l probably corne up short, Why? Because the 1994 ZX-ll carries on the tradition ofall ZX-11s that have preceded it: It delivers more performance than any other street-legalproduction motorcycle in the world. If you'reeven a remotely serious motorcycle enthusiast, you probably knowthe Ninja ZX-ll performance formula by heart. For those who don't (and for those who get an adrenaline rush just think ing about what the ZX· 11is capableof), here it is, in order ofhowit all happens:Twin Ram Air induction. 40rnm semi-downdraft carbs, Double overheadcarns. 16valves. 11:1 compression. Digitalignition. High capacity curvedradiator. Six-speed transmission,5.5-inch-wide rear rim with a 180155 ZR17 tire. The chance to owna legend does not corne everyday. Seizethe opportunity: The 1994 Ninja ZX-ll. The Ninja ZX-7 proves that "racing breeds better better street bikes." Go ahead: Swingyour leg over the seat and thumb the starter- you've arrived at SportbikeNirvana. . How doyou get there? with a frame/suspension/tire combo that makes the ZX-7 feel like it's on rails when apexstrafing. Powerful, progressive discbrakes. Andmost importantly, Kaw saski's exclusive Ram Air induction system-technology engineered and perfected in the heat of world-class competit on. i Absolute purists willrevel in the ZX-7R-Scott Russell's World Superbikechallenge is based on this machine. Needwe say more? Ninja ZX-7 and 7R:Their credentials speak forthemselves. See all the Kawasaki Sportbikes at these participating dealers ARIZONA MESA Kellys Kawasaki 817 S. Cou~ Club Drive Mesa, 852 10 (602) 969-96 10 PHOENIX Dirt & S1reet Kawasaki 1030 E. Camelback Road Phoenix, AZ 850 14 (602) 864-1437 VaI~Kawasaki va Creek Road 1625 1 N. Phoenix . AZ 85032 (602) 867-338 1 TUCSON Tucson Kawasaki 522S E. 22nd Street Tucson. AZ 8571 1 (602) 747-462 4 CALIFORNIA PARAMOUNT Mid Cities HondalKawasaldlSea-Doo 15725 Lakewood Blvd . Paramount , CA 90723 (310) 53 1-1225 (714) 828-4080 REDONOO BEACH Del Amo Kawasaki 1512 Aviation Blvd . Redondo Beach . CA 90278 (310) 372-&91 JACKSONVILLE Regency Kawasaki 10290 Alla ntic Blvd. Jacksonville. FL 32225-0735 (904) 641·5320 SAN FRANCISCO california Kawasaki of San Francisco 38S-6th Streel San Francisco , CA 94103 (415) 255-2474 WEST PALM BEACH Cycles of Palm Beach 23S3 N. Military Tr. West Palm Beach. FL 33409 (407) 683- 1642 SAN MONICA Kawasaki Santa Monica 828 Pica Blvd . Santa Mon ica. CA 90405 (310) 450-4643 HARBORClTY california Kawasaki 1517 Pacific Coast H~. Harbor CI~. CA 9071 (310) 39-3366 CONNECTICUT ~ LAKE FOREST Kawasaki Sport Cantar 24417 Rockfield Lake ForestlMission Viejo, CA 92630 (800) 859-CYCLE I (714) 859-3186 HOLLY HILL Daytona Fun Machines 450 Ridgewood Avenue Holly Hill. FL 32117 (904) 238-Oll88 RIVERSIDE Langston's Kawasaki Inc. 4020 Tyler Street Riverside , CA 92S03 (909) 785-1929 BURUNGAME Penlnsul8 Kawasald 783 Califomia Drive BU~lngame , CA 940 10 (415) 348-5448 HOLLYWOOD Kawasaki of Hollywood 6525 Santa Monica Blvd . Hollywood, CA 90038 (800) 37 1·37 18 FT. PIERCE J.B . Kawasaki 4205 Metzge r Rd. Ft. Pierce, FL 34947 (407) 461-7617 ROCKY HILL MId10wn Kawasaki 1864 Silas Deane Hwy . Rocky Hill, CT 06067 (203) 721-0193 GEORGIA GAINESVILLE Kawasaki of Gainesville 712 AUanta Road Gainesville. GA 30501 (404) 532 -7083 MINNESOTA NEW YORK LINCOLN PARK ' Bright Kawasaki 3954 Dix Uncaln Park , '-4148146 (313) 382 -1220 HICKSVILLE Long Island Kawasaki 67 N. Broadway At. 107 Hicksville. NY 1180 1 (516) 935-6969 QUEENS VILLAGE New York Motorcycle lid. 222-02 Jamaica Ave. Queens Village. NY 11428 (800) 527 -2453 NEVADA LAS VEGAS Kawasaki of Las Vegas 3800 N. Rancho Drive Las Vegas , NV 89130 (702) 6Sl?-1955 OHIO DAYTON F & S Kawasaki 7200 N. Dixie Drive . Dayto n. OH 45414 (800) 783-42 45 Red Carpet Kawasaki 4260 Boulder Hwy. Las Vegas , NV 89 121 (702) 45 1-1121 PENNSYLVANIA NEW HAMPSHIRE CONNEAUT LAKE Street Track ' N Trall,lnc. A.D. '3 Rt. 322 Conneaut Lak e Road Conneaut Lake. PA 16316 (814) 382-4821 HUDSON Hudson Cycle Center, Inc. 2 Flagston e Drive Hudson. NH 03051 (603) 882 -1573 TEXAS ELPASO Granprlx Kawasaki 10017 Montan a Ave. EI Paso. TX 79925 (915) 593- 1024 NEW JERSEY ILLINOIS ~LORIDA DES PLAINES illinois Kawasakl 815 Lee Street Des Plaines, IL 600 16 (708) 299-6604 FORT LAUDERDALE Kawasaki of Fort Lauderdale 808 W . Broward Blvd . Fo~ Lauderdale. FL 333 12 (305) 763-7788 LAKE VILLA Nielsen En1erprlses, Inc. 7 Miles West Of Great Ame~ca Lake Villa , IL 60046 . (708) 356-3000 LODI Bargen Kawasaki 30 Rt. 46 E. Lodi, NJ 07644 (201) 641-0100 RAMSEY Kawasaki of Ramsey 995 Rt. 17 South Ramsey , NJ 07446 (20 1) 825-3333 SAFfRIDING'S MORE FUN pro a p~l J:i ngetlI too. Ride rensively. Obey e B8lnCSpeed Law. Never ride under the influence drugwor aleebel. Ridin~. more run on a well-maintained motorcydeJollow instructions in your owner'. manual Remember. riding ia smart. or we ..q< 0\ 0\ ....., ..... ('() Ride rellponsi ly. Kawasaki belie"" safety begin! with b U8 and continues with you.Alwfl:s:ear a helmet.,eye ~rotectioD. and ~ ~ - e-, ;:i ........ 9